My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C1660 Beautiful New World

C1660 Beautiful New World

1Thousand Demon World, Purple Bamboo Forest.    


In the gentle breeze, the swaying purple bamboo rustled, blowing up waves of fragrance.    


The strong aroma of the wine mixed in with the wind, causing one to be intoxicated.    


"General, haha, Brother Song, it looks like this bowl of Bamboo Leaf Green will belong to me again!"    


In the bamboo forest, two men were playing chess beside a stone table. The stakes were the same as the pot of wine beside them.    


These two people were naturally Soong Tianxing and Zi Xiao. They were the God of Wine, Dionysus.    


In the past month or so, the two of them began to use chess instead of Go. Zi Xiao didn't know it at the beginning and relied on Professor Soong Tianxing. But slowly, Zi Xiao's chess skills grew rapidly and in the past two days, she had been competing with Soong Tianxing.    


The two of them had won the wine, but the only thing they could do after losing was stare helplessly at each other.    


For some reason, Soong Tianxing's luck wasn't good today. After losing a few rounds, half of the wine had been drunk by Zi Xiao. Therefore, Soong Tianxing's face was full of pain after losing.    


Seeing that Zi Xiao was about to pick up the wine bowl to drink, Soong Tianxing finally couldn't hold it in and stopped him: "Hey, wait!"    


"Brother Song, if you admit defeat like this, you can't act shamelessly." Zi Xiao nervously placed the wine bowl by his side.    


Soong Tianxing coughed twice and said, "Brother Zi Xiao, this jar of bamboo leaves is a gift that my good granddaughter Lanlan specially gave me last month. If you drink again, you'll lose all your wine. It's fine if I admit my defeat, but if you let me down like this, I'll let you down. How about I change a glass of wine for you? "    


Zi Xiao looked conflicted. "Are you going to give me some wine again? If you want some wine, I can just give you some by myself."    


It's fine if you don't mention it, but once you do, Soong Tianxing said angrily: "You still have the nerve to say it!? You tricked me to the point that I was beaming, but in the end, you yourself are the god of wine! It's fine if you don't know anything, but you've been hiding this from me for so long. No! You are not allowed to drink this goblet of wine! "    


Zi Xiao smiled wryly. "Aiya, Brother Song. It's been ten years, why are you still bringing up the matters of the past …"    


Ten years ago, Meng Xiaoyao came to the Ten Thousand Goblins World and dragged Zi Xiao out to revive Earth. Only then did Soong Tianxing find out that this guy was actually the hidden God of Wine, Dionysus?    


He was obviously very good at making wine, so he pretended that he didn't know a lot. This made Soong Tianxing quite depressed.    


After a year, Zi Xiao used his two divine tools, reviving most of the plants on Earth and returning to the normal operation of the biosphere. She then returned to the Thousand Demon World and had drinks and fun with Soong Tianxing.    


Both of them had the same temper. As long as they had wine, they would ask for anything else!    


Just as the two of them were fighting over the bowl of wine, a shuttle shaped silver grey flying object flew over from the bamboo forest. It looked like a rocket, but it did not shoot out flames. Its speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it arrived at the Purple Bamboo Forest.    


After the spaceship landed in the forest, the transparent cover on top of the spaceship was opened. From within, a twelve to thirteen year old cute girl jumped out.    


The little girl's face was still a little baby fat. She was wearing a pair of short blue sleeves, a pair of denim shorts, and a pair of blue sneakers. She looked very young and lively.    


Seeing this, Soong Tianxing didn't have the time to pay attention to Zi Xiao. He laughed loudly as he stood up and opened his arms.    


"Look, Little Lanlan is here to see grandpa again?"    


This slim and graceful girl who was a future beauty was none other than Yang Li.    


Speaking of Lanlan, she looked exactly like Seventeen back then, but her living conditions were better, so she was especially tender and fair.    


Although it wasn't as cute as the chubby fat chick she was when she was young, it added a bit of the elegance her mother, Lin Ruoxi, brought her.    




Lanlan ran over with a smile and hugged Soong Tianxing tightly.    


"You're betting with Uncle Jiu Jiu again?"    


Lanlan made a face at Zi Xiao, who could roll her eyes even though he was addressed as "Uncle Drunken Wine".    


"Hehe, that's right, your grandpa is so pitiful. I've lost so much today, did Little Lanlan bring wine to my old man again today?" Soong Tianxing asked happily.    


Lanlan wrinkled her nose, "In Grandpa's eyes, Lanlan is about to turn into a wine jar!"    


Although she complained a little, Lanlan still took out a few bottles of wine from her storage ring and placed them on the table.    


"I stole these three bottles of DALMORE from my dad's cellar. I heard from Grandpa Ron that they were very expensive, and they cost hundreds of thousands of pounds a bottle! "Grandpa, you better not leave the bottle behind after drinking to prevent dad from seeing it when he comes here in the future, otherwise dad will beat me up in front of mom again!" Lanlan shook Soong Tianxing's hand and said.    


Soong Tianxing and Zi Xiao were immediately attracted by the wine and nodded in agreement, indicating that there was no problem.    


After watching it for a while, the two of them clicked their tongues and praised it for a long time. They remembered that they had not asked Lanlan why she was here today. After all, she had only arrived last month.    


"Little Lanlan, is there anything else?" Soong Tianxing asked.    


Lanlan pouted. "I can still be thought of, hmph …"    


Saying that, Lanlan turned to Zi Xiao and said, "Uncle alcoholic, actually, I came here today to look for you. Ruoxi's mother told me to tell you that Aunt Jane has already finished building the spaceship for you. No matter whether you want to leave Earth or stay on Earth, you need to meet with the other aunties and uncles of God Clan."    


"So fast!?" Zi Xiao was a little stunned, but he immediately waved his hand, "I will definitely not leave Earth, but I have to say goodbye to them. When should we leave?"    


"It's fine now, just ride on my fatty-girl shuttle!" Lanlan pointed at the spaceship behind her.    


This flying shuttle was an anti-gravitational ship designed by Jane seven years ago. Its speed was extremely fast and it was also incomparably sturdy. It was able to freely travel to the outside world and the Ten Thousand Goblins World.    


Moreover, the spirit energy in the Ten Thousand Demonic World was sparse, so it was not suitable for flying. Therefore, the flying shuttle was especially needed as a means of transportation.    


Lanlan's flying shuttle was naturally a limited edition custom-made for her. In fact, ordinary people would not be able to control something so fast without cultivation.    


To commemorate her lost life as a "fat girl", Lanlan named it "fat girl" herself.    


Zi Xiao did not have any objections, Soong Tianxing was just about to go out for a stroll as well, so they got on Lanlan's flying shuttle and headed for the outside world.    


Ever since 10 years ago, when Meng Xiaoyao brought Yu Xuening, who also chose to cross the threshold, and both of them left Earth to explore the unknown world in space, everything on Earth was controlled by Yang Chen.    


The first thing Yang Chen did was, he took the Kui Cow Drum of the Tong Tian Tower and let the demonic elementalists freely enter and leave the Thousand Goblins World.    


The humans outside had already understood the existence of God Clan and demons and ghosts, and also knew that cultivators would not be scared anymore.    


Yang Chen's goal was to let the humans understand that they are not the only rulers in the world. Compared to the demons, they are just weak.    


Only by living in peace can they truly move forward in the long run.    


Under Yang Chen's absolute power, no Demonic Cultivator or Demonic Cultivator dared to carelessly cause trouble for the human world. They all had their own laws set up to restrain these powers.    


The grandmist and Underworld Family within the illusions were also reconstructed.    


The demonic cultivators in the prehistoric era had also entered the mortal world and started to interact with ordinary humans.    


For a time, the human world had become colorful.    


Hong Meng, the Underworld Family, the Demonic cultivators, the Demonic cultivators, and even the Dragon Tribes were all becoming entities of the world.    


Humans could choose to join any power, as long as they were allowed to join, it would be like becoming citizens of a country.    


The United Nations of humanity had also joined in the special seats for the members of these powers. However, the dominance of human civilization still belonged to humanity itself.    


Under Yang Chen's control, this kind of layout had a miraculous effect.    


Humans relied on the help of cultivators and demons to quickly rebuild the world, and many people gained great power.    


Of course, there were very few people who could truly become a cultivator. After all, in order to enter the Deification stage, one's Innate Ability and Intelligence were almost one in a million.    


Overall, because of the revival of the ancient martial arts, schools all over the world began to pay attention to the development of the students' physical fitness, which caused the lifespan of ordinary humans to increase. A small number of them gave fresh blood to the Chinese cultivators, while the other races lived side by side in harmony.    


The Western countries were not completely outclassed by China. Through learning Chinese culture, many young talents gradually emerged.    


"Little girl, your father's decision back then is now more and more reasonable …"    


The flying shuttle had already flown out of Skysplit Tower and into the outside world.    


Soong Tianxing looked at the cultivators that flew by from time to time, many of them were young men and women, and there were even many golden-haired and blue-eyed Western people. He couldn't help but feel gratified.    


The spread of cultivators' culture, the appearance of Demonic cultivators and the calamity that struck the world ten years ago had made the human rulers and citizens realize how small and weak humans were on earth and in the universe.    


This made the humans understand how ridiculous the disputes and wars in the past were.    


Only by united together and constantly increasing the strength of humans can they protect themselves and move towards the future.    


Over the past decade, every country had loved each other, and almost every enemy of peace had been executed without exception.    


Lanlan controlled the flying shuttle using her brain waves as she said with a smile, "Of course, Daddy is a hero! Though Big Head used to say he looked like an idiot! "    


When Soong Tianxing and Zi Xiao heard this, they couldn't help but smile.    


A few minutes later, the shuttle descended on an airport on Mediterranean Sea.    


Yang Chen had been waiting at the airport for a long time. He was wearing a white shirt, linen checked pants, and a pair of cold leather slippers. He looked just like he did ten years ago.    


"Uncle, you came with Old Xiao." Yang Chen walked up and hooked his arm over Soong Tianxing's shoulder.    


"Not at all." Soong Tianxing glanced at him helplessly, "No wonder your son said you're an idiot."    


Yang Chen was embarrassed. He twitched his mouth and looked at Yang Lanlan, who pretended not to hear anything.    


"Little fat chick, it's you speaking ill of your father behind your back again?"    


Although Lanlan was no longer fat, Yang Chen had never thought of changing his name. This was his personal way of addressing his eldest daughter.    


Lanlan pouted and said, "Bighead Bro called him that. Daddy can't blame me for what."    


"Heh …" Yang Chen released Soong Tianxing, put his hands on his hips and said to his daughter, "Looks like it's really like what your mother Ruoxi said. Am I spoiling you too much every day? Well, don't think I don't know. Your mother gave you the Windmill a few days ago, didn't she? Hand it over quickly! Can children play with fire? "    


When Lanlan heard that, she immediately shook her head like a rattle drum, "No, no! Seventeen's mother said that if Lanlan wanted to play, she could always keep it with her! If you dare to take it back, I'll complain to Seventeen's mother next time! "    


The corner of Yang Chen's mouth twitched. He thought of Seventeen's bitter eyes and immediately softened. He turned to Soong Tianxing and said, "Uncle, I can manage the other children. I really have no other choice with this little thing."    


From behind, Lanlan happily laughed and took out the Blue Luan Fire Phoenix Bracelet from her spatial ring. With a move of the genuine essence, she transformed into two Wind Fire Wheels and soared into the sky.    


Lanlan leaped onto the Wind Fire Wheel and happily flew off to god knows where.    


Zi Xiao watched Lanlanfei walk away with an emotional expression and said, "You are already at the early stage of the Taiqing at such a young age. As expected of your abnormal daughter, tsk tsk …"    


Hearing this, Yang Chen also felt proud, but he pretended to be indifferent, and waved his hand: "Aiya, it's too far off. Among my children, this is the only one that's not too bad, my family's shredded meat is not too bad, a few days ago we entered the Deification realm".    


"That meat thread brat also has Deification? He's only seven years old this year, right? " Soong Tianxing was very clear about Yang Chen's children. After all, they all called him grandpa.    


Yang Chen was elated and unable to hide his joy. This was even more worthy of showing off than his own breakthrough back then.    


"Yang Meat Silk, is it the son of you and Miss Qiangwei?" Zi Xiao asked.    


Yang Chen nodded, "Yes, that kid is a martial arts fanatic. Although his perception is weaker than that chubby chick's, he is still pretty good. Sigh, if Lanlan is as hardworking as the meat, forgetting to eat while practising, she should be able to go a step further."    


"Alright, you!" Soong Tianxing slapped Yang Chen's forehead, "Lead the way! I can't stand listening to your bullshit anymore! "    


Yang Chen immediately smiled leisurely and gestured, "Uncle, please, hehe …"    


In these ten years, even though Yang Chen's cultivation had reached an unprecedented level, but with his incomparably "hard work", he finally managed to have a relationship with Lin Ruoxi, Rose, and Jane.    


The most gratifying thing was that Lin Ruoxi had even given him a pair of dragon and phoenix births!    


When a boy and a girl were born, they made Yang Chen jump into the sky in joy. He almost crashed into the moon and pierced a hole in it!    


Rose gave birth to a son seven years ago, and Jane also gave birth to a mixed blood little beauty.    


Yang Chen suddenly had two sons and three daughters!    


Although the other women were envious, cultivation was the most realistic way, so everyone worked hard.    


Yang Chen was not in a hurry. Take it slowly, he and the women all had a long lifespan.    



As they walked and chatted, the three of them arrived at the northwest bay.    


There, there was already a seaside party. Yang Chen's family, friends, women, and a bunch of Sovereigns were happily chatting with each other.    


Seeing Yang Chen bringing the two of them over, everyone greeted him amicably.    


And on the sea, there was already a huge black monster, just like a huge ship on the sea that looked like a UFO.    


"Uncle Song, Zi Xiao, you're finally here." Wearing a white silk dress, Lin Ruoxi walked over and welcomed Soong Tianxing with a smile.    


After giving birth to her child, Lin Ruoxi's fairy-like face had gained a maternal charm and her figure had become more mature and plentiful. Even a man like Yang Chen, who spent most of his time together, would be a little absent-minded if he glanced at her occasionally.    


"Hur hur, Ruoxi. Why is everyone here today? It's as though we were seeing each other out." Soong Tianxing said happily.    


You know, usually the women have their own things to do, they stay all over the world, only on weekends they gather on the island, but today they seem to come.    


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