My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C108 Possibility of Missed Thoughts

C108 Possibility of Missed Thoughts

2"Doubt?" Yang Chen twitched his mouth, "What's there to doubt about my identity? Since you know my address, you must have checked my resume. It's clearly written on there, there's nothing much to say."    


"A straightforward person doesn't need to hide anything. The identity of the Public Security Bureau is not to be trusted at all. You know it, and I know it." Faang Zhongping's gaze was as sharp as a knife. His courage to stay in power for a long time had finally shown itself.    


Yang Chen did not care at all, "Then who does Secretary Fang think I am?"    


Faang Zhongping said, "I have a question. Why do things happen to my daughter every time she is with you? The first time was when she was hit by a car, and the second time was when she was attacked by an unknown person. You were always there."    


The meaning of his words was very clear. He clearly believed that Yang Chen was closely related to the assailants, and Yang Chen was the one who planned all of this. As for the reason, it was because he was close to Tangtang and made a more terrifying attack after gaining his trust.    


Yang Chen did know about Tangtang's matter and had the Dongxing to intervene. After all, Zhou Dongcheng, that 'beautiful' man, had already admitted it. However, Yang Chen was not stupid enough to say it out for no reason. It was better to avoid unnecessary trouble and pretend that he didn't know anything.    


"I didn't do it." Yang Chen shrugged helplessly.    


"I hope you didn't do it, but who can guarantee it?" Faang Zhongping sneered.    


Yang Chen thought about it and said, "For now, I don't have any evidence to prove my innocence, but I'm not interested in finding that evidence either."    


"Don't you want to clear yourself of suspicion, or do you have no way of doing so?" Faang Zhongping pressed on.    


Yang Chen laughed, "Secretary Fang, you seem to have missed out on a possibility."    




"I don't care!"    


Yang Chen smacked the sofa with one hand and said with a smile, "Whether I'm innocent or suspicious, it doesn't matter to me whether you suspect me or believe me! Not to mention that I didn't do anything at all, even if I was the mastermind behind everything, what could you do to me? What do you want? "    


It was the first time in Faang Zhongping's life that someone dared to speak so brazenly in front of him, not putting him in their eyes and looking down on all the wealth he represented! Status! Honor!    


In fact, Faang Zhongping's first thought after hearing this was that his brain was a little muddled.    


After a long silence, Faang Zhongping finally said with a stern expression, "Yang Chen, do you know that arrogance in his youth often breeds evil consequences?"    


"That still depends on who I am arrogant to and whether I am arrogant or not. At the very least, as a small official I don't even know, I'm really not interested in talking about these things with you." Yang Chen specifically dragged out the word "small".    


"You're provoking my bottom line of tolerance …" Faang Zhongping's voice was low and his eyes showed his anger. He couldn't stand such a young nobody looking down on him without any consideration.    


Yang Chen's smile faded as he said in an extremely serious tone, "You were the one who showed off your smelly face first. I never start a dispute for no reason at all."    


"Do you really think I won't dare to touch you? Your suspicions are enough to get you into the police station for a while, and if I do, I can even put you in jail for a few years so that my daughter can live a safer life. " Faang Zhongping said confidently. He believed that Yang Chen would give in to absolute power.    


Unfortunately, he was wrong.    


After stretching his back, he made a provocative gesture with his finger towards Faang Zhongping, "Secretary Fang, your words and actions have made me feel that you're the one who is still a little wet behind the ears. I don't know how you became the secretary of the city council, but I believe that for you to be able to live in such a mansion, your status definitely won't be as simple as the secretary of the city council, because the government cadres don't have that much money."    


"However, no matter what your true identity is, I can tell you clearly that I, Yang Chen, will stand here today and will also be staying in Zhong Hai in the future. Even if you are not here, I will still be here! As for now, I'm going home to enjoy my lunch. I don't want my family to worry, so no matter what you decide, you can just come at me. As for what you can do to me, I'm really looking forward to your performance. "    


After saying that, Yang Chen walked towards the door without looking back. He even thought of calling a taxi.    


Faang Zhongping's face completely collapsed. His chest heaved as he said in a deep voice, "You will know what a foolish decision you have made and what absurd words you have said. Ah Zui, capture him!"    


Dugu Zui, who was always on standby in the corner, had an itch all over his body. Yang Chen's lack of care and confrontation with Faang Zhongping was very hard for him to accept. He wanted to rush forward several times and punch Yang Chen's face, but without Faang Zhongping's word, Dugu Zui did not dare.    


Now that he heard Faang Zhongping's order, Dugu Zui was like a cold-faced mechanical beast that had been injected with stimulants. Like a sharp arrow, he dashed to the front of Yang Chen and blocked his path.    


"Do you want to lose your hand or your leg? I can help you." Dugu Zui laughed sinisterly.    


Yang Chen shook his head with a relaxed smile, "I don't want anything to be wasted, but if you like it, I can make sure everything is wasted."    


"You're courting death!"    


Dugu Zui was enraged. He roared, raised his right foot and swept it towards Yang Chen!    


Dugu Zui's kick was very explosive. The moment his leg shot out, it brought up a strong wind. It whistled as it tore through the air, leaving behind an afterimage!    


When his foot was about to hit Yang Chen's shoulder, Yang Chen slightly moved his body backwards, accurately dodging Dugu Zui's toes.    


Dugu Zui's attacks naturally wouldn't stop there. Before the waves had even calmed down, his legs were already like two strong springs as they continuously flew towards Yang Chen. The explosive sound brought about by his air was like a drumbeat that gave off a sense of craziness!    


One after another, afterimages of legs constantly attacked the surroundings of Yang Chen. However, every minute movement of Yang Chen's footsteps allowed him to avoid Dugu Zui's ruthless kicks perfectly!    


When Dugu Zui kicked 40 to 50 times consecutively, he finally stopped, gasping for breath. He looked at Yang Chen in disbelief. He couldn't accept that his swift and fierce kick failed to touch Yang Chen's clothes!    


Yang Chen was still standing at the small area near the door. From beginning to end, he only moved around two square meters, avoiding all of the lightning attacks. Not only that, he was even smiling calmly as he looked at Dugu Zui with interest.    


"Your leg techniques should have been inherited from some ancient martial art's leg flicking technique. The technique is very fierce and straightforward, but unfortunately, your speed and strength are too weak, probably around the same as some elite commandos. But at your age, it's amazing. " Yang Chen commented.    


Not only was Dugu Zui shocked, even Faang Zhongping, who was standing far away watching the fight, had cold sweat dripping down his forehead. Naturally, he clearly saw the difference between Yang Chen and his personal bodyguard Dugu Zui. Dugu Zui was a young Special Forces elite that came down when he was involved in a miscarriage of justice, and had followed him loyally to repay his gratitude. In these past few years, anyone that came by his side and caused trouble could be easily cured!    


He originally thought that although Yang Chen had heard about his martial arts skills, there was still a huge gap between him and Dugu Zui. However, he never expected that the one with a gap was Dugu Zui!    


However, at such a critical juncture, if he did not suppress Yang Chen, Faang Zhongping would not be able to hold back his pride. Therefore, he angrily said, "Everyone outside, come in. Let's deal with this arrogant brat!"    


As soon as he gave the order, more than ten bodyguards, who were already standing outside the room, rushed in and surrounded Yang Chen like tigers eyeing their prey. This included the few people who did something to Yang Chen last time.    


Dugu Zui felt ashamed for not being able to catch Yang Chen, but he did not believe Yang Chen could really beat him. He thought that Yang Chen should only be fast, but it was not good to go against Faang Zhongping, so he took the lead to surround Yang Chen!    


In an instant, the living room was in chaos. The bodyguards' group led by Dugu Zui started to attack Yang Chen together with all their firepower. All kinds of punches and kicks were sent out, and they didn't hold back at all.    


Yang Chen didn't want to hurt these people because of Tangtang, but when these people attacked him, not only did they not show any mercy, they even viciously attacked his weak points, which made Yang Chen angry.    


Yang Chen, who was just dodging a moment ago, suddenly waved his hand and fanned like a bolt of lightning!    


"Pa Pa Pa …"    


After a series of slapping sounds, several bodyguards fainted from the slaps!    


Yang Chen's footsteps were strange and fast beyond words. After bypassing Dugu Zui's roundhouse kick, he went to the other side to slap his face!    


The bodyguards were dizzy from the slap, their faces quickly turned red and swollen!    


Dugu Zui's hundreds of consecutive attacks failed to hit him. He had already entered the beast like state of madness long ago, roaring and kicking towards Wu Tie's waist with a kick that was as powerful as a thousand kilograms!    


This time, Yang Chen did not dodge. Instead, he reached out his hand to block the majestic kick!    




With a dull thud, under Dugu Zui's panic-stricken gaze, Yang Chen's hand pinched Dugu Zui's kick that was going all out!    


"I told you, don't be too weak, why wouldn't you believe me? You've already come knocking, so I'll cripple your legs …"    


Yang Chen seemed to be muttering to himself. After he finished speaking, he squeezed Dugu Zui's foot …    




Dugu Zui screamed as the bones in his legs twisted!    


Yang Chen released his hand and Dugu Zui fell to the ground. He held onto his foot, which was more painful than if it had been broken, and complained.    


Yang Chen had been enduring this guy's arrogant attitude from the beginning, but in the end, he still decided to teach him a lesson.    


The room instantly became silent. Except for the painful groans of the bodyguards on the floor, the room was terrifyingly quiet!    


Faang Zhongping's forehead was covered in cold sweat. He swallowed his saliva as he looked at the scene in front of him. He unrealistically hoped that he was having a nightmare!    


Just who was this young man!? His team of bodyguards were all elites born of special forces, but once they combined their powers, they couldn't even take it all and fell!?    


Yang Chen looked at Faang Zhongping mockingly. He said, "Secretary Fang, I advise you to use your brain a lot. If I want to touch you, I can go up and strangle you right now. There is no need to borrow your daughter to do any boring things. "Of course, don't think that I'm afraid of you. I'll explain it to you, but if you really have to think that way, I don't mind making you look like your bodyguard."    


After warning Faang Zhongping, Yang Chen slowly walked out of the room, leaving Faang Zhongping standing there in a daze.    


He walked along the cobblestone trail and came to a road not far behind the house.    


The warm wind was blowing gently and the sunlight was shining brightly. Yang Chen breathed in the fresh air contentedly and threw the headache that just happened to him to the back of his mind.    


There weren't many cars on the road. Occasionally, there would be girls in revealing bikinis walking towards the direction of the beach. It was pleasing to the eye, but the taxi Yang Chen wanted to hail didn't arrive yet.    


Suddenly, from a corner not far away, a sapphire blue BMW MINICOPER emerged. On the empty and bright beach, this patch of blue became a beautiful scenery.    


The car slowly pulled up in front of Yang Chen and stopped. The window of the car also fell down.    


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