My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C122 You've Seen too Many Movies Haven't You

C122 You've Seen too Many Movies Haven't You

1The scene was so cold that it was suffocating. Anyone who saw the scene where their life was hanging by a thread would feel nervous.     2


Qiangwei acted as if she didn't see the spark that could burst out at any time, and calmly said, "What if I don't want to listen to your words, nor do I want you to send me on my way?"    


"Impossible, you have no other choice." Situ Mingze smiled as he bared his teeth. His eyes were like a hawk staring at a rabbit.    


"I have another choice."    


Qiangwei smiled sweetly, like a charming and mischievous princess, or a mischievous girl who had done something bad.    


As soon as he finished his sentence, the bald-headed Zhang Hu, who was standing behind Situ Mingze with a serious expression, suddenly pulled out a Browning pistol from his pocket! Similarly, he pointed the muzzle of the gun at Situ Mingze!    


Situ Mingze felt a chill on the back of his head, the cold touch told him what it was!    


"Zhang Hu!"    


"Tiger, you're courting death!"    


"Bastard, what are you doing!"    




The people from West Union Society could not believe what they saw. Zhang Hu's sudden rebellion caught them off guard!    


This was not the first time Zhang Hu had done this. The first time was when he pointed a gun at the head of his former boss Chen Dehai and desperately fired at him, finally becoming the boss of Chen Dehai's territory. This was the second time, but he was able to directly level up to the level of using a gun against the head of the President of the West Union Society.    


As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, this time when Zhang Hu fired, he was even more reliable. He opened up the safety, and at the same time, he also laughed out loud towards the people around him: "A bunch of idiots, I have always listened to Miss Qiangwei's orders, what do you think I am doing?"    


The surrounding West Union Society people were all flabbergasted, they could not understand how all of this had happened.    


"Tiger, Chen Dehai was actually killed by your betrayal, right?"    


Situ Mingze, who was robbed of his forehead, did not panic. Instead, he sunk his face into the water and asked in an especially calm manner.    


"That's right." Zhang Hu widened his eyes and said, "I've long disliked that bastard father and son. There's nothing wrong with getting rid of them to join Miss Qiangwei."    


"I knew it …" Situ Mingze chuckled, "How could there really be someone who could destroy that fox's nest alone. It would only make sense if there's a traitor."    


It turned out that Situ Mingze had never believed the rumor about a mysterious man destroying Chen Dehai's base alone … Yang Chen, who was quietly watching the situation unfold, rubbed his nose and secretly snickered.    


The pipe man, Xiao Yan, who was one of the big bosses on the side, was already displeased by Zhang Hu's actions, and now scolded him even more harshly, "Motherf * cker, are you even a man or not? You can even betray Master. Just kill that old fox Chen Dehai. If you dare to touch President, I'll cut you into minced meat and feed you to the dogs!"    


"I, Zhang Hu, haven't read for a few years, so I don't have much education. I don't understand any great principles. I don't care about hypocritical masters. In this world where the strong preyed on the weak, I know what I'm doing, there's no need for you to teach me! " Zhang Hu wasn't scared at all. He had already fought with his life on the line before, so it wasn't hard for him to withstand the pressure.    


Another fat old man scolded angrily, "Tiger, you're blind! Open your eyes wide and look! They're full of us brothers! "Even if you hold the president hostage, don't even think about leaving tonight with that bitch Qiangwei!"    


The few elders immediately started to jeer and curse incessantly.    


At the same time, all the other West Union Society users pulled out their pistols and aimed it at Zhang Hu, Yang Chen and Qiangwei. Dozens of pistols were aimed at them, causing the atmosphere in the entire auction hall to become heavy and filled with an invisible and immense pressure. Almost everyone's heart was beating faster, and they were all breathing more carefully.    


There were at least seven or eight guns pointed at Zhang Hu's head, but the baldy did not have much of a reaction. He grinned and said, "Do you think that you guys are the only ones bringing so many people? Think about it carefully, who arranged all twenty or so brothers outside the Elk Garden tonight. "    


The few bosses were shocked, because at this moment, they remembered that the security mission this time was given to Zhang Hu!    


What was even more ironic was that the task assigned to Zhang Hu was still Situ Mingze, who was now being pointed at with a gun by Zhang Hu. It was all for Zhang Hu's recent outstanding performance, and it could be said that it was to make Zhang Hu more loyal and devoted … But now …    


Sure enough, after Zhang Hu whistled, twenty or so black-clothed men with guns and sunglasses poured in from the entrance of the venue. They immediately dispersed to different corners and aimed their guns at the other big shots on the field.    


Situ Mingze pointed his gun at Qiangwei, Zhang Hu aimed at Situ Mingze, and a few other West Union Society leaders and followers aimed at Zhang Hu, Qiangwei, and the rest of the group. Outside, more than twenty well-trained bodyguards aimed their guns at the group of West Union Society people!    


Arrows on a bow!    


"Good move. Looks like the chess piece, Zhang Hu, isn't something that can be taken in a day or two. It seems like the territory that Zhang Hu has taken recently has all been deliberately given to him by you." Situ Mingze asked with a sinister smile.    


Qiangwei nodded calmly. "That's right, your territory is shrinking at twice the speed. And after tonight, you might not have any territory left at all."    


"That might not be the case, under the current circumstances, if I pull the trigger, both you and I will die, and West Region will not belong to you." Situ Mingze said.    


"Then according to what you're saying, should we put down our guns and peacefully split up from here before continuing our battle?"    


Qiangwei laughed. In fact, the ultimate purpose of tonight's plan was to make Situ Mingze helpless, Zhang Hu's exposure was only a matter of time, and the things he needed to do had already been completed. In the future, even if he turned hostile with West Union Society, he would not need to fear it with the positive force of Red Thorn Society. As for the alliance between Situ Mingze and Dongxing, Qiangwei would not be afraid after tonight. Not to mention that the father and son of the Zhou family would not be used as a weapon by others, after the appearance of Zhang Hu, this traitor, the rest of the people in West Union Society would definitely feel threatened. There was a gap between them, and they were even more wary of Situ Mingze. At that time, West Union Society would not be enough to cause fear.    


On Situ Mingze's gloomy face, a relaxed smile suddenly appeared. "Zhang Hu, Qiangwei, do you think I'm stupid?"    


The sudden change in mood stunned Zhang Hu and Qiangwei.    


Situ Mingze continued, "Do you really think that I'm so slow that I'm waiting for you to toy with me and force me to let you go?"    


"What do you mean!?" Zhang Hu felt Situ Mingze's provocation and his pistol trembled slightly. He had a bad premonition and felt uneasy!    


The corner of Situ Mingze's mouth curved into an evil smile. He sighed and said, "Zhang Hu, look at the brothers that you brought. Just who are they pointing their guns at …"    


Zhang Hu was shocked. A drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead and he felt a chill down his spine. He looked around and felt a chill in his heart!    


More than twenty bodyguards moved their guns! They were aiming at Qiangwei, himself and the other three!    


"Be careful!"    


Qiangwei suddenly warned him, but it was too late!    


Situ Mingze took advantage of Zhang Hu looking at the surrounding situation and was momentarily stunned. His body instantly leaned forward, turned around and hit Zhang Hu's lower jaw with his elbow!    


Zhang Hu growled. He wanted to raise his gun under the pain, but he didn't expect Situ Mingze to raise one of his knees and aim it at Zhang Hu's waist!    


The bald man felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His legs felt weak, and Situ Mingze had hit him on the back with his elbow. His entire body fell to the ground!    


The two bodyguards who followed closely behind immediately kicked away Zhang Hu's gun, then fiercely tied up Zhang Hu's hands and stepped on Zhang Hu's body!    


Zhang Hu was forced to the ground in a daze, unable to move!    


Zhang Hu continued to struggle, but no matter how strong he was, he couldn't resist the suppression from the two bodyguards. He could only raise his eyes and stare at Situ Mingze, who was at ease, with a flushed face.    


Once again, such a dramatic scene occurred. The elders of the West Union Society immediately cheered and praised the president for his bravery and such.    


Qiangwei's expression finally turned ugly, because at this moment, all the guns were pointed at the four of them.    


Little Zhao and Chen Rong were already trembling in fear, especially Chen Rong, whose face was pale without a trace of blood. Not fainting was the limit of what this girl could do!    


Yang Chen frowned. He didn't feel any danger because of this situation, but he was a bit worried and helpless. It seemed like he needed to make an exception tonight …    


An exception that hasn't been broken in almost a year...    


Although my kung fu is not that good, but in any case, Qiangwei is my daughter, and as a father, I have some good exercise genes. "Situ Mingze shook his head as if he was preparing for exercise, waved his arms, did breast enlargement exercises, looked at Wu Tie on the ground, sighed and said:" Tiger, are you very unresigned, why would your brothers betray you?    


Zhang Hu didn't answer and just glared at Situ Mingze.    


"Actually, this question is very simple." Situ Mingze answered his own question with a weird smile: "Because they are not your people!"    


Then, Situ Mingze got the 20 bodyguards to take off their sunglasses, and proudly clapped his hands and smiled, "How about it, you don't know any of them, right, because they are all my people, the 20 bodyguards you chose, I know, they are your trusted aides, so I helped you send them to the Road to River Styx a long time ago …"    


When Zhang Hu heard this, tears welled up in his eyes. Even if he had been captured, he would not be in such pain! He didn't expect that the most loyal brothers he brought with him were all killed by Situ Mingze without anyone noticing!    


"Traitor, you must have the result that traitors deserve. From the day you betrayed Chen Dehai, you should have completely betrayed me instead of being some spy on my territory, "Situ Mingze said loudly." Do you think you're very smart, or do you think that I'm really that stupid after being the West Union Society's president for dozens of years!? "    


"I kept you here just to find out more potential traitors. Alright, now that I've achieved my goal, you've honorably completed your mission and made my precious daughter, Qiangwei, obediently come here. She's preparing to eat the bullet that I wanted to give her … You actually thought that I'd play a game of 'Innocence' for you!? Do you think everyone is that old fool Chen Dehai!? You must have watched too many movies! "    


Situ Mingze did his best to kick Zhang Hu's thigh. The kick caused Zhang Hu's veins to pop out, but he could only endure the humiliation.    


Taking a deep breath, Situ Mingze, who was the devil a moment ago, returned to being an elegant gentleman. He revealed a kind smile and turned around to face Qiangwei …    


"Alright, my dear daughter, tell daddy, what is your choice now?"    


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