Special Beauty-guarding Master



4Zhang Zihui, who suddenly made a move, separated the two of them. The two of them looked at him at the same time.    


When Wu Kang saw that it was Zhang Zihui, "Tch"    


After saying that, he turned around and left.    


On the other hand, Mitte was curious as to who Zhang Zihui was and his strength was not bad.    


/p p "You guys, don't run around like that. Uncle Jin can't go with you guys without Sister Jier.    


After instructing a few girls, Zhang Zihui quickly walked towards the school gate.    


"Yinyin, who is he?"    


Hearing Zhang Zihui's words, Mitte was even more curious. The boy in front of him was obviously very familiar with the girls. Furthermore, their relationship must be very good!    


He's my boyfriend.    


Su Yinyin smiled with a hint of happiness in her smile.    


However, what Su Yinyin said made Mitte frown.    


"Mitte, we have matters to attend to so we'll have to leave. I'll chat with you next time." I'm really sorry about what happened just now. Wu Kang is just like that, I hope you don't mind. "    


When they had finished their walk, Su Yinyin and the rest were about to leave.    


Moreover, there were a lot of people watching. It would be better for them to leave as soon as possible.    


/p p "It doesn't matter, I'm not that fussy."    


Mitte smiled.    


Then he separated from the girls and headed for the parking lot.    


He had to go back and find out Zhang Zihui's identity and figure out who he really was.    


When they arrived at the parking lot, Mitte quickly found the car he got from Steward Mori.    


However, beside the car stood a person that Mitte didn't want to see, Lincoln.    


/p p "What are you doing here!"    


Mitte looked at Lincoln coldly and spoke with a cold tone.    


"Heh heh, young master Mitte, I think I should ask you about this, right?" I arrived at Hong City University much earlier than you did. "    


Lincoln laughed, his tone carrying a hint of sarcasm.    


/p p "Hmph!"    


Mitte snorted, "Get out of the way, I'm driving back, don't drive in front of me."    


Mitte didn't want to talk too much with Lincoln. Previously, he couldn't win against Lincoln, so he could directly take action.    


Right now, he could only say it out loud.    


Make a move?    


Lincoln knocked him down with one hand.    


/p p "Oh!"    


Lincoln pretended to understand and walked away from the car.    


Seeing Mitte open the car door, he said, "Mitte, I heard that you fought with someone just now because of the school belle Su Yinyin, right?"    


These words made Mitte, who was about to get on the bus, straighten up again. He looked at Lincoln and asked, "What does it have to do with you?    


/p p "None of my business."    


Lincoln answered very straightforwardly, causing Mitte to be stunned.    


However, there was something else that Lincoln didn't say, "I just wanted to remind you out of kindness. If you plan on getting close to the Hong City through Su Yinyin, I advise you to forget about it. "    


/p p "You don't have the right to teach me when I do things."    


Mitte was extremely unhappy with Lincoln's teaching.    


/p p "Up to you. I'm just reminding you." It's your business how you want to see it. "    


Lincoln looked indifferent.    


"Oh right, let me remind you one more time. When chasing a girl, it's best to always maintain your hypocritical gentleman look. Don't think of any tricks you can use." Otherwise, Zhang Zihui is not someone you can offend. "    


"Are you saying that I can't beat him?"    


Mitte narrowed his eyes.    


Lincoln glanced at Mitte and spoke in disdain, "You'll fight with him? Tsk, you don't even have the qualifications. He was the strongest young spy to date, and no one could surpass him. If you want to be beaten up, I'd love for you to go and mess with him. "    


After saying that, Lincoln didn't talk to Mitte anymore. He turned around and walked out, leaving Mitte with a complicated expression on his face.    


On the other side, Wu Kang's stomach was still fuming after he left.    


However, no matter how vile his anger was, he couldn't casually find someone to vent it on. He could only endure.    


Wu Kang couldn't understand why Su Yinyin liked Zhang Zihui, especially since he was no worse than her.    


It's fine if you like him, but what's so good about that foreign kid?    


Why was it that Su Yinyin was willing to talk to him, not to him?    


It had to be said that he was the reason for all this.    


It's just that you don't think it has anything to do with you.    


For example, if it wasn't for Wu Kang's self-righteousness, Su Yinyin wouldn't have ignored him.    


/p p "Buzz." Rumble …    


The cell phone in his pocket vibrated.    


Wu Kang took out his phone and saw that it was his teacher calling.    


He quickly pressed the answer button.    


"Teacher, I wonder why you're looking for me?"    


At this moment, no matter how bad Wu Kang's heart was, his performance would return to his peak.    


/p p "Nothing much." I heard from Old Xiao that something happened to you guys, and I don't have anything to do right now, so I called him to ask. "    


On the other end, the calm old man's voice paused for a moment, "Are you used to going there? Have you learned anything? "    


"Teacher, as a special youth, what can we not get used to?" As for what to learn? I don't really understand. "    


Wu Kang really didn't understand. As the special forces captain, what could he learn at Hong City University?    


Or perhaps, who could teach him anything?    


"Hehe, Wu Kang, it seems like you still don't understand the real reason why I asked you to go over there."    


The old man smiled.    


/p p "The real reason?"    


Wu Kang became even more confused.    


Wasn't he here to protect Su Yinyin and Xiao Qingying?    


"You're still not mature enough."    


After the old man said this, he did not continue any further, "Oh right, how is your relationship with that girl Yinyin? Didn't you always like her? "    


The old man changed the subject.    


/p p "I,"    


The old man's question made Wu Kang's heart bitter, "Teacher, Yinyin and I. There's going to be trouble. "    


Wu Kang felt too embarrassed to tell them the details.    


After all, he was the special youth captain, yet he couldn't defeat others. This was too embarrassing.    


However, Wu Kang never thought about what he did wrong in the whole thing.    


/p p "You should also have conflicts."    


The old man said indifferently.    


These words made Wu Kang astonished: what do you mean he should have a conflict with Su Yinyin?    


The old man continued, "Wu Kang, your ability is not bad. As a special class captain, you should be proud of yourself. But that doesn't mean you're good. On the contrary, if you cannot see yourself clearly, you will instead become very bad. "    


"Teacher, what do you mean?" Am I really not outstanding? "    


Wu Kang refused to answer it.    


"Hehe, Wu Kang, you have to walk the path of a young person." However, I hope that the path that you have taken will be the right one in the end. "    


The old man said earnestly.    


"Teacher, I will."    


Wu Kang answered seriously.    


/p p "Mmm, that's good."    


The old man was satisfied, "Oh yes, how did you get along with that Zhang Zihui? His ability is pretty good, so why don't you hang out with him more? It should be very helpful to you. "    


The old man suggested.    


/p p "I, I understand."    


Wu Kang hesitated for a moment and finally opened his mouth.    


However, there was something different about his tone.    


Furthermore, the hatred in his heart for Zhang Zihui became even stronger!    


/p p Zhang Zihui, just you wait!    


On the other side, Zhang Zihui had already arrived at the military region with Ji Er.    


This was the third time he had been here. The soldier at the door was already familiar with him, so he did not go through the formalities and just let him in.    


Soon, he and Jill arrived at the institute.    


The officer who received him was still at the door.    


Moreover, all the doors were open this time. It could be seen that Xiao Tianmu was in a hurry and did not want to waste any more time.    



"Zi Hui, quickly tell the people you brought to attack!" I'm almost at the end of my tether! The other party has suddenly sped up, and is about to come into contact with the core parts of the formation! "    


The moment Zhang Zihui walked into the research room, a group of researchers kept walking back and forth inside. Xiao Tianmu even rushed in front of Zhang Zihui with a worried look on his face to hurry him up!    


Originally, his underlings could have held him back for a long time.    


However, he never expected the other party to suddenly erupt!    


Up till now, they could probably only invade their core data section in ten minutes!    


/p p "Hungry."    


Zhang Zihui looked at Xiao Tianmu's expression and felt that he was indeed in a hurry.    


However, Zhang Zihui also understood his feelings. For a military research institute, its information was definitely not limited to just one Nuclear Aircraft.    


If they really were to be invaded, their losses could not be estimated by money!    


In today's society, technology was more important than money!    


"Sister Jier, sorry to trouble you."    


Zhang Zihui didn't waste any more time, and directly signaled to Ji Er that she could make her move.    


Looking at the silver-haired beauty beside Zhang Zihui, Xiao Tianmu was more or less surprised.    


He had some understanding about the number of girls around Zhang Zihui.    


However, he didn't expect Zhang Zihui to have foreign beauties with him.    


However, this was not the time to be thinking about such things.    


Since Zhang Zihui told Ji Er to make a move, then Ji'er's ability must be possible!    


The most important thing was to hurry up and get her to take action!    


At that moment, Xiao Tianmu quickly got the researchers in front of the computer to make room for Ji'er.    


/p /p Jill took out her notebook, took out a data cable, and connected it to her computer.    


Then she took out her glasses and put them on. Only when Jill was serious did she put them on.    


/p Ji'er started several programs and transmitted a set of data onto the computer.    


Suddenly, the originally chaotic computer screen became quiet.    


/p p "I'll first use the Interference Software that I developed myself to stop the other party's speed. It should be enough for them to waste half an hour."    


"How much of the information have you transferred?"    


In this situation, the researchers will certainly transfer the most important information.    


He couldn't wait for someone to take it away, right?    


/p p "It has already been transferred to another 65%."    


The middle-aged man that Zhang Zihui met last time said.    


When they were invaded, he immediately sent people to transfer information.    


However, it had been two and a half hours and only sixty-five percent of it had been moved.    


He would need at least an hour and a half to finish transferring all the information!    


These words made Mitte, who was about to get on the bus, straighten up again. He looked at Lincoln and asked, "What does it have to do with you?    


/p p     


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