Special Beauty-guarding Master



2After bringing the beauty into the bathroom, Zhang Zihui very naturally let go of his hand.    


This startled the beauty who had originally planned to retract her hand: She really did not think that Zhang Zihui would actually let go of her hand so easily.    


And this made her even more curious about Zhang Zihui.    


"Alright, hurry up and go to the toilet." Otherwise, you won't be in the mood later. "    


Looking at the beauty in front of him, Zhang Zihui savored the warmth and gentleness of his palm.    


It was the first time he had held such a good hand.    


< p > "Thank you."    


The beauty's heart suddenly started beating faster. She didn't notice what Zhang Zihui said as she lowered her head and entered the bathroom.    


Not even half a minute after the beauty had entered, the front door of the bathroom was opened again.    


Two robbers, one tall and one short, walked in!    


When Zhang Zihui saw the two robbers, he was surprised for a moment before he smiled obscenely. "You two brothers, it's convenient for you to come as well.    


< p > "Yeah." Let's relax, too. "    


The short bandit laughed.    


Then he went straight to the women's restroom with the tall robber.    


< p > "Hey!" Two big brothers, the men's restroom is on the other side. This is the female restroom, my girlfriend is here. "    


Zhang Zihui frantically blocked the entrance.    


In his heart, however, he was sneering: It really is a bunch of bastards!    


If I wasn't here today, who knows how badly they would have ruined the beauty.    


< p > "Little brother, we know. But we're talking about relaxation. And this relaxation, of course, has to be a little fun. So, little bro, your girlfriend, just let us play with you. "    


As he said this, the short bandit laughed maliciously.    


Hearing this, Zhang Zihui sneered in his heart: To think that this scum had said it out loud.    


However, Zhang Zihui's face showed a begging expression, "Brothers, I beg of you! Let my girlfriend go. She's just turned eighteen. "    


Zhang Zihui did not say anything, but once he said it, the desire in the two robbers' eyes deepened!    


As for the tall bandit, it was unknown whether he was impatient or not, but he directly raised his gun and faced Zhang Zihui. "Get lost!"    


With the muzzle of his gun, Zhang Zihui obediently stepped aside.    


However, the unwillingness on his face and his slow steps showed his grief.    


It was a pity that the two robbers didn't care about this at all!    


Zhang Zihui had only opened up half a door when two robbers pushed him aside and rushed in impatiently.    


In the women's restroom, the beautiful woman had just finished her washing and was about to leave when she saw two robbers rushing in, looking at her with faces full of desire!    


< p > "What are you doing!"    


He had never met such a beauty before, and his entire body was filled with nervousness!    


As long as they weren't in vain, anyone could guess what the two robbers were up to!    


"Don't be afraid, we got your boyfriend's permission.    


The short bandit chuckled.    


The tall bandit had already taken off his jacket, revealing a thin figure that looked like a matchstick.    


< p > "Don't come over!" Don't come near me! "    


The beautiful woman instinctively retreated, but before she could take a few steps back, her body had already reached the washbasin.    


At the same time, two robbers rushed up from the left and right at the same time. They grabbed the girl's arm with their claws!    


< p > "Let me go!" Help! Help! "    


His heart was filled with waves of helplessness, and his eyes were filled with tears!    


The beauty instinctively shouted for help.    


However, under such circumstances, who could save her?    


The shout of the beautiful woman had no practical meaning. Instead, it made the short bandit even more excited!    


Beautiful woman, just call me!" The louder I shouted, the more excited I became! "Hahaha!    


With that, the short robber burst out laughing, stretched out his hand and attacked the beautiful woman's mouth!    


Watching her dirty hand getting closer and closer to her voluptuous body, the beauty felt her surroundings grow darker and darker!    


However, just as the short bandit was about to succeed, he heard a loud bang.    


A muffled sound was heard. The hand of the short robber, which was about to land on the beautiful moon eagle's mouth, suddenly fell down powerlessly.    


The short robber felt a sharp pain in his neck, and the delicious taste of his hands was instantly replaced by darkness!    


< p > "Boom!    


The short robber fell heavily onto the ground, while the tall robber on the other side had a face full of disbelief at the scene in front of him: the one who put the short robber down was actually the handsome young man outside the door!    


The tall bandit was about to pull out his gun, but Zhang Zihui's reaction was even faster!    


Just as the tall bandit lowered his head, Zhang Zihui's palm strike had also caused him to fall.    


< p > "I'm sorry I frightened you."    


Looking at the beautiful woman who had lost his spirit, Zhang Zihui felt a burst of guilt.    


However, if it weren't for the beautiful woman's shouts, the bandits outside would have suspected what was going on inside!    


This caused Zhang Zihui's plan to fail, and all the passengers on the plane were in danger!    


< p > "I, you"    


The beauty looked at Zhang Zihui and suddenly threw herself into his embrace, tears flowing uncontrollably down her face.    


"Wuu ? wuu ?" "Sob, sob ?"    


< p > "Alright, it's fine now." It's all over. "    


He gently looked at the beautiful woman's waist and felt the softness from her mouth as well as the fragrance of the young girl coming straight at his nose.    


Zhang Zihui didn't have any unnecessary thoughts as he lightly patted the back of the beauty and gently comforted her.    


The beauty who had been crying for half a minute suddenly raised her head and looked at Zhang Zihui.    


And then, it actually quickly bit Zhang Zihui's shoulder!    


Zhang Zihui felt a chill in his shoulders, and then, a slight pain.    


He did not dare to tighten his muscles. With his physical strength, if he tightened his muscles, not only would the beauty be unable to bite him down, she might even be able to damage her teeth!    


After fiercely biting down on her, the beauty finally loosened her bite. Looking at Zhang Zihui, he said rather angrily, "You did it on purpose, right? Is it because I treated you like that before, that you are trying to take revenge on me! "    


< p > "This,"    


Zhang Zihui could not help but sigh at the beauty's imagination: Was he such a lousy man?    


At that moment, Zhang Zihui could only give a brief explanation to the beauty.    


The beautiful woman was also a smart person, so she understood immediately.    


< p > "Thank you."    


The beauty said, and then, she lifted her foot up and kissed Zhang Zihui's lips!    


After kissing her, the beauty lowered her head and shyly said her name, "My name is Bai Rongrong."    


< p > "Okay."    


Zhang Zihui also did not expect that his first kiss would be gone just like that.    


However, losing her first kiss in such a way, and not to mention she was such a beautiful woman, not to mention the two of them hugging each other so intimately!    


It seemed like he had lost his first kiss and was doing quite well.    


However, Zhang Zihui knew that this was not the time to be thinking about such things.    


Withdrawing his hand from Bai Rongrong's waist, he patted her back lightly to indicate her to let him go.    


With this, Bai Rongrong also realized that the posture of the two of them were extremely intimate.    


He quickly let go and stood by the side with his head lowered. His face was red and his heart was beating wildly, but he couldn't deny that this feeling was very good.    


He took out two pills and threw them into the mouths of the two robbers.    


This is a super hypnotic.    


If he ate it, he would lose 48 of his consciousness without the antidote!    


He would also need to sleep for 24 hours if he were to inhale the powder.    


After dealing with the two robbers, Zhang Zihui stood up and looked at Bai Rongrong, spitting and spitting, "Um, Rongrong, could you ? Continue to shout? "    


To be honest, asking him to say such words to a beauty, and to a girl that he had feelings for at that, Zhang Zihui felt a lot of pressure.    


< p > However, the situation was oppressing!    


< p > "Call?"    


Bai Rongrong was startled, but quickly reacted.    


Immediately, his entire face turned as red as an apple.    



"I ? I can't ?"    


Even though he knew in his heart that there was a reason why Zhang Zihui wanted her to do that.    


But as a pure girl, how could she do that?    


Not only that, even if she understood, she would still reject him out of instinct.    


Because no girl would want to be like that in front of the boy she loved.    


It was too ugly!    


< p > "Well, I think so too."    


Zhang Zihui scratched the back of his head awkwardly.    


Somehow, he actually felt nervous facing Bai Rongrong!    


Even though he had been pointed at with a gun, he didn't feel any pressure!    


"If that's the case, then that's the only way."    


Zhang Zihui's mind spun very quickly, and he instantly thought of a plan.    


However, he felt that this method wasn't easy to come up with.    


However, if they didn't make any more noise as soon as possible, the robbers outside would become suspicious!    


After all, he had been silent for almost three minutes!    


Zhang Zihui didn't care anymore as he quickly took out his own phone, unlocked it, selected a certain movie, turned the volume to maximum, and then, played it!    


< p > "Ah..." "AHH!" Help! "AHH!" Don't... Oh! "Wu wu wu!    


Suddenly, a girl's voice, a cry for help, and a cry for help came from the phone along with a few vulgar laughter.    


< p > "Ah!" "You ?"    


Bai Rongrong covered her mouth as she looked at Zhang Zihui in shock!    


She could not believe that a person like Zhang Zihui could actually have children in his phone!    


"About that, I just don't want the robbers outside to suspect me."    


Zhang Zihui felt his face grow hot, and he said this while looking at Bai Rongrong with a slightly unnatural expression.    


< p > "Hee hee."    


Zhang Zihui's performance, had suddenly swept away all of Bai Rongrong's haze!    


She couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh, "Don't worry, I understand. "AHH!" You... "Hm?    


Before Bai Rongrong could finish her words, she realized that she was being hugged by Zhang Zihui, and then, her lips had been assaulted!    


Moreover, there was something warm touching her!    


< p > You    


Staring at Zhang Zihui, Bai Rongrong realised that not only did she not feel any revulsion towards her, she even felt that she was blessed.    


< p > "Do you know?" You really are beautiful. "    


Just as Bai Rongrong was covering her mouth and laughing, with a tear-stained face and the look of the girl making fun of him, Zhang Zihui couldn't help but react.    


However, the phone on the floor was extremely discordant.    


< p > "You hide in there first." I'll come find you after I take care of those robbers. "    


Right now, it wasn't the time to indulge in gentleness and gentleness. There were eight robbers outside!    


< p > "You have to be careful."    


Hearing that the boy who was tempted to go out and fight with the robbers outside, the girl's heart tightened.    


However, just as she finished speaking, the arm by her waist left and the boy quickly walked out of the female restroom.    


< p >    


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