Special Beauty-guarding Master



4After leaving the real estate company, it was only around ten-thirty, so Zhang Zihui was in no hurry to return.    


Bai Rongrong didn't call him, she estimated that she was still in bed.    


Zhang Zihui pondered for a moment before deciding to take Meng Ziyi to buy some more things. Afterwards, he would eat lunch before returning.    


Anyway, he came to China to rest.    


To be able to bring a beauty to buy things was in itself a rather casual matter, wasn't it?    


Meng Ziyi held Zhang Zihui's arm like a small bird. Because of her walking, her well-developed Huns would occasionally rub against Zhang Zihui's arm.    


For Zhang Zihui, this was a rare pleasure.    


The two of them first arrived at a mobile phone store.    


With Meng Ziyi's family background, she naturally did not have a phone.    


Of course, without a cell phone, you can avoid a lot of detours.    


However, in this society, mobile phones were still of great use. In addition, with so many people holding mobile phones, not many people would be affected.    


As soon as they entered the store, the customers of the shop all focused their attention on them!    


After all, handsome men and beautiful women attracted attention wherever they went.    


Zhang Zihui walked to the counter and said to a female shop assistant, "Could I trouble you to bring me an apple 4?"    


Zhang Zihui had a certain level of knowledge on mobile phones. In his opinion, the functions of Apple 4 was enough for most people.    


However, what Zhang Zihui himself used was a phone specially made for him in the organization.    


< p > "Ah?" Good... "Alright."    


When the female shop assistant heard Zhang Zihui's words, she finally came back to her senses. Inwardly, she couldn't help but be jealous of Meng Ziyi's beauty, and even found such a rich and handsome boyfriend.    


"Brother Zihui, why did you buy a phone for me? I don't really use it."    


Seeing the price of Apple 4 on the counter, the girl didn't want the boy to spend money on her.    


However, she seemed to have forgotten that not too long ago, the boy had already spent a set of eight digits starting with six for her.    


< p > "You!" You want to save money for me again? "    


Zhang Zihui could easily guess what the girl was thinking.    


This made him feel somewhat amused, but he also felt that the girl was even cuter.    


"Ziyi, if you don't take out your phone, then where can I find you if I miss you in the future? Also, you have a cell phone, when you miss me, just call me. Also, if something happens, can't you notify me immediately? "    


Zhang Zihui said again.    


< p > "Alright."    


After hearing Zhang Zihui's words, Meng Ziyi agreed.    


Actually, as long as Zhang Zihui said it, she would definitely not object.    


< p > "Sir, do you want to swipe the card or pay in cash?"    


The female shop assistant had already taken out an apple 4 and placed it in front of Zhang Zihui.    


"Give me your card.    


Zhang Zihui habitually took out his bank card.    


As far as he was concerned, as long as he could get a card, he would definitely get a card!    


Cash was only used when the card couldn't be swiped.    


After all, if he ran out of cash, wouldn't he have to go and collect more?    




After swiping the card, Zhang Zihui immediately gave Meng Ziyi another card. After stowing the card away, he stored it in his own cell phone number.    


Only then did he give the phone to Meng Ziyi.    


"Thank you, Brother Zihui."    


Meng Ziyi took the phone, looking happy.    


This made a lot of people in the shop jealous. Why not be like Meng Ziyi and find a boyfriend like Zhang Zihui?    


After buying the phone, it was about time for lunch.    


Walking out of the phone shop, Zhang Zihui decided to find a place to eat.    


However, right at this moment, two women walked in front of him side by side, Zhang Zihui realised that one of them was extremely beautiful, and gave him a familiar feeling.    


"Brother Zihui, what should we do next?"    


Meng Ziyi, however, did not notice that Zhang Zihui's gaze was fixated on someone else.    


Let's go eat dinner and send you back.    


Zhang Zihui retracted his gaze, and thought: Maybe I was wrong.    


The two of them found a restaurant in Minnan. After ordering a few dishes, they sat down and began to chat.    


It was almost time for lunch and there were quite a few people in the restaurants.    


< p > "Ah?" It's you? Xue Er, look, it's that boy on the plane! "    


Just as Zhang Zihui was chatting with Meng Ziyi, a clear girl's voice sounded out. Zhang Zihui raised his head and saw that it was none other than the two women who walked in front of him at the entrance of the phone shop.    


The one who spoke was a pretty girl with short hair, good facial features, and a height of over 1.65 meters.    


She wore a clean and simple white blouse with black jeans.    


As for the other girl, she caused Zhang Zihui to uncontrollably look at her a few more times.    


Although he was called a girl, Zhang Zihui felt that she was more like a woman.    


A head of black hair casually scattered and landed on her shoulders. The locks of hair before her forehead slightly covered her bright forehead, and her eyes were bright and focused. However, Zhang Zihui felt that there seemed to be something hidden within them.    


This woman's face was the standard oval face, and her skin had an ivory white taste.    


His nose was rather high, but he looked very good. His lips had not been smeared with lipstick, but it was still so red that it made one want to kiss him!    


This woman was wearing a chiffon dress with a black and white top. Her short sleeves were held up high by the woman's tall peaks, revealing a small piece of the moon's snow-white mouth.    


The skirt was a milky-white knee-length skirt, revealing the snow-white Xiao Yue to retreat.    


The way she was dressed perfectly revealed her figure!    


The so called protruding front and back was only so-so!    


The woman's expression was very plain, giving off a feeling of serenity.    


However, when everything on her body was combined together, it gave off a mature feeling.    


Zhang Zihui's gaze swept back and forth several times over the girl's body. Somehow, he felt that the woman in front of him was not at all calm and composed!    



> Suddenly, the woman's gaze fell on Zhang Zihui, and their gazes clashed!    


After they looked at each other for a good five seconds, they seemed to realize that they had lost their composure. At the same time, they retracted their gazes.    


"Hello, my name is Ye Xue. You asked me to help you out on the plane, remember?"    


The woman said her name, and reminded Zhang Zihui at the same time.    


< p > So it was her!    


Once Ye Xue said this, Zhang Zihui immediately remembered who she was.    


It was the air stewardess that Zhang Zihui had found to pacify the passengers on the plane.    


It was just that at that time, Zhang Zihui had yet to come into contact with any danger so he did not pay special attention to Ye Xue.    


"Hello, my name is Zhang Zihui."    


Zhang Zihui replied very politely.    


"Handsome, my name is Pan Ting!" "It's Pan Ting from the shampoo."    


Another girl also introduced herself, and the way she introduced herself showed that she was a lively girl.    


< p > "You guys came to eat, right?"    


Zhang Zihui looked around the shop again, and realised that there were no longer empty seats, "If you don't mind, why not come with us?"    


< p > "This,"    


Ye Xue also discovered that there were no extra seats, but she felt that it was inappropriate for her to sit at Zhang Zihui's table just like that, as Zhang Zihui had a beauty beside him.    


Even though in her heart, she actually really hoped to be able to sit together with Zhang Zihui.    


Sister, please come with us.    


Meng Ziyi spoke up at this moment.    


Although it was her first time seeing Ye Xue, she felt that she made her feel very close to him.    


Perhaps this was the attraction between beauties.    


"Xue Er, there's no more seats for you, so let's just go with them. I really want to eat the salted prawns in this restaurant! "    


Pan Ting spoke to Ye Xue with a slightly sullen tone.    


< p > "Alright, then."    


Pan Ting hesitated for a moment before agreeing.    


After all, as an air stewardess, there weren't many holidays left.    


Moreover, he wouldn't be able to return to the country every time.    


< p > "Yeah!"     4


Pan Ting happily gestured in victory and sat on the other side of Zhang Zihui, while Ye Xue sat opposite of him.    


When Ye Xue sat down, Zhang Zihui was able to see some of the snow-white patch at the end of Ye Xueyue's mouth.    


His gaze could not help but linger for a few more seconds!    


Unexpectedly, Ye Xue actually felt his gaze, and met eye to eye with Zhang Zihui again.    


And this time, Zhang Zihui was slightly embarrassed, but Ye Xue blushed slightly, and rolled his eyes at Zhang Zihui, which was indiscernible.    


< p > "Well, what do you want to eat?" It's rare for us to meet together, so just let me treat you. "    


Feeling Ye Xue's supercilious look, Zhang Zihui's heart involuntarily jumped a few more times: A gaze filled with gentleness and charm, he really couldn't take it anymore.    


< p > "Yeah!" I want to eat ice crabs! And Kung Bao Chicken! And beef with iron plates! "    


Pan Ting did not hold back, picking up the menu and ordering a few dishes.    


However, the dishes she ordered were also ordinary and not too expensive.    


< p > "Little Ting!"    


Ye Xue frowned and shouted.    


This colleague of hers was only 20 years old, two years younger than her. She was very lively, so she always acted very casually.    


< p > "Okay."    


Pan Ting seemed to have realized something and stuck her tongue out at Ye Xue.    


"Don't worry about it, just order whatever you want to eat. It's just a meal, eating happily is the best."    


Zhang Zihui handed the menu over to Ye Xue.    


Ye Xue hesitated for a moment, but still extended his hand to receive it.    


Flipping open the menu, Ye Xue slightly tilted her head and watched as her snow-white fingers slowly moved across the menu.    


"I'd like a serving of chicken willow with sauce," < < http > > p > "Let me try it." < http ://www.wuxiaworld.com/w-index/w-index/w-index/w-index/w-index/w-index/wuxiaworld >    


As Ye Xue said that, she noticed Zhang Zihui staring at her again.    


To be honest, Ye Xue did not like being stared at like that, because many people only wanted to see her figure and figure.    


To be practical, he wanted to go to bed with her.    


However, when faced with Zhang Zihui's gaze a few times, Ye Xue did not feel the slightest bit of disgust.    


On the contrary, it made her feel a little nervous, as if she was afraid that she would show him something bad.    


This confused Ye Xue. This wasn't her first time in love, why would she feel nervous?    


However, Ye Xue had to admit that Zhang Zihui was indeed very attractive to her.    


From the moment they arrived on the plane, she had been attracted by Zhang Zihui's performance.    


But now, she realised that Zhang Zihui was even more attractive to her!    


The few times they looked at each other, she felt like she wanted to sink into them.    


Ye Xue didn't know, but this was actually caused by Zhang Zihui starting to cultivate.    


Simply put, it was cultivation that increased Zhang Zihui's charisma.    


< p >    


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