Special Beauty-guarding Master



4Ye Xue couldn't help but blush when she thought of the promise she had given her.    


"About that, I came with my girlfriend."    


Zhang Zihui said somewhat embarrassedly.    


However, after he finished speaking, he keenly noticed the disappointed expression that flashed across Ye Xue's face.    


It turned out that he already had a girlfriend.    


Ye Xue was a little disappointed, but after thinking about it carefully, how could such an outstanding boy as Zhang Zihui not have a girlfriend?    


< p > "Zi Hui!" What do you think about me wearing this pink suit? "    


Just as Zhang Zihui was about to say something when he saw his disappointment, Bai Rongrong came out.    


At this moment, she had already changed into the pink pleated skirt.    


"Zi Hui, who is this beautiful big sister?"    


When Bai Rongrong saw Ye Xue, she was stunned for a moment as well. In her heart, she couldn't help but feel a trace of hostility towards him.    


"Rongrong, her name is Ye Xue. She is the flight attendant on the plane we are on. Because she helped me on the plane, so we got to know each other. "    


Zhang Zihui gave a simple introduction of Ye Xue, and did not mention the matter of him meeting with Ye Xue in the morning.    


After all, this involved Meng Ziyi, and Zhang Zihui didn't want him to know about Meng Ziyi's situation.    


"Hello, Big Sister Ye Xue."    


Bai Rongrong greeted Ye Xue very politely. At the same time, when she greeted her, she carefully examined Ye Xue and couldn't help but be attracted by her beauty.    


That kind of gentleness carried along with it a lovely brow, a mature temperament that Bai Rongrong could not compare with!    


But this made her even more vigilant of Ye Xue: even she herself felt that Ye Xue was very beautiful, let alone Zhang Zihui!    


Even though she was still very confident in Zhang Zihui, girls had some things that they don't have any reason for.    


For example, while she felt that Ye Xue made people feel close to him, she also didn't want him to get close to her.    


While Bai Rongrong was sizing up Ye Xue, Ye Xue was also sizing up Bai Rongrong.    


Undeniably, Ye Xue was even more mature and beautiful than Bai Rongrong, and she was even more charming than him.    


But Bai Rongrong's purity was something that Ye Xue did not possess.    


Moreover, Bai Rongrong still had room for growth. No one knew whether she would become more charming than Ye Xue in the future.    


This was his girlfriend, and she was really pretty.    


Ye Xue couldn't help but to envy Bai Rongrong a little, to be able to become her girlfriend.    


"Zi Hui, I'll go and try on some clothes first." We'll talk when we have time next time. "    


Ye Xue also understood that it was not the time to stay here, and immediately walked towards the changing room.    


"Zi Hui, is this Ye Xue trying to get close to you for a reason? "Also, are you interested in her?"    


Bai Rongrong was full of jealousy, pouting her lips to show her dissatisfaction.    


"Ye Xue and I are only normal friends, how could we develop so quickly?"    


As Zhang Zihui said this, he felt a little guilty.    


He was not clear about what Ye Xue thought of him at the moment, but he could feel that Ye Xue did have some thoughts.    


And Zhang Zihui himself, had even more thoughts about Ye Xue!    


They even had the urge to take Ye Xue for their own!    


Of course, Zhang Zihui would not reveal these things, nor tell Bai Rongrong about them.    


< p > "Really?"    


The girl asked uncertainly. She always felt that things weren't that simple.    


Zhang Zihui had to admit that Bai Rongrong's sixth sense was truly very frightening!    


However, no matter how terrified they were, they could hide anything from Zhang Zihui.    


< p > "Hmph!" I always felt that you were hiding something from me. "    


Bai Rongrong complained in dissatisfaction, but her sixth sense was really not at an ordinary level.    


"Forget it. In any case, I'll be depending on you for the rest of my life!" Even if you don't want me, I won't let you run away from me! "    


In the blink of an eye, Bai Rongrong's expression changed yet again, and this made Zhang Zihui feel very touched.    


Who cares if anyone saw it, they would directly hug Bai Rongrong and fiercely kiss him!    


Bai Rongrong's little hand clapped a few times against Zhang Zihui's moon-shaped mouth in protest!    


But in the end it fell.    


Fortunately, Zhang Zihui had only kissed her for over ten seconds before letting his go.    


< p > "Exiles!" Ignore you! I'm going to try another dress. "    


Bai Rongrong rolled her eyes at Zhang Zihui, then turned and walked back into the changing room.    


On the other side, Ye Xue took the skirt and entered the fitting room, but she did not have the intention to try it on.    


When she thought about how Zhang Zihui already had a girlfriend that was not inferior to him, Ye Xue felt an inexplicable sense of disappointment, as well as a trace of defeat.    


< p > "Squeak."    


The fitting room next door was pushed open.    


Ye Xue knew that it was Bai Rongrong.    


After thinking about it, Ye Xue felt that she had to try on some clothes, if not, at that time, Bai Rongrong would guess that she was only trying on some clothes to get closer to Zhang Zihui.    


< p > Although this was the truth, which girl would want this to be known?    


Ye Xue's perfect figure, which had a perfect curve and a golden ratio, was immediately exposed in the air. Her slender arms were like white porcelain.    


The arrogance of the mountain filled the Wen Yue Ying's body. A deep crevice appeared, and even a patch of snow-white was revealed.    


The smooth Xiao Yue did not have a single extra strand of flesh.    


And a pair of moons leaving, that was just a sliver more, just a sliver less, that was perfect!    


A pure white Yiyi, coupled with her snow-white skin, seemed to have completely fused together.    


However, for such a perfect Ye Xue, there were imperfections as well.    


And that imperfection was something she created herself.    


Picking up the green colored skirt, Ye Xue put it on.    


The dress itself had a zipper on the back, so Ye Xue could only pull it up on her own.    


However, what she didn't expect was that halfway through, she heard a "chi!"    


A loud sound rang out!    


The chain was stuck!    


He couldn't pull, nor could he pull!    


What was even more coincidentally the position where the zipper was stuck was exactly where the skirt could not be removed directly!    


Ye Xue tugged a few more times!    


However, the girl did not have much strength to begin with. Furthermore, her movements were behind her back and were very inconvenient. Thus, not only did the zipper not work well, it even became tighter!    


Ye Xue was getting a little anxious: staying in the changing room was not a solution at all.    


Ye Xue thought of calling Pan Ting to come over.    


But Ye Xue had come up by herself, so who knew where Pan Ting would go to eat.    


He tried a few more times, but to no avail.    


At this time, Ye Xue suddenly thought of a person.    


The man was out there, and he would help her.    


However, Ye Xue was a little hesitant: "If I do this, will I make him think that I'm luring him in?"    


After hesitating for a long time, Ye Xue finally decided to ask for his help.    


Although doing so would probably make him feel like he was seducing him, it would also be a test for him.    


It was just that, whether or not Ye Xue had other thoughts in her mind, only she herself knew.    


Zhang Zihui, who was sitting outside, stopped playing on his phone because of Ye Xue's appearance.    


He sat there waiting for the two beauties to come out.    


Not long later, the fitting room that Ye Xue was in opened!    


Zhang Zihui was looking forward to Ye Xue's appearance after she changed into the green skirt.    


However, what Zhang Zihui did not understand was that Ye Xue had only revealed her head from the inside, and looked at him with a face of hesitation.    


After a long while, she actually extended her hand out and waved towards Zhang Zihui, signalling him to go over!    


Ye Xue's performance made Zhang Zihui even more puzzled.    


After looking around to make sure that no one was paying attention to him, he stood up and walked over.    


When Zhang Zihui walked to the changing room, he wanted to ask what was wrong with Ye Xue.    


But before he even spoke, Ye Xue had already made a booing gesture and pulled Zhang Zihui in!    


As Ye Xue pulled him closer to the changing room, Zhang Zihui looked at Ye Xue with a face of astonishment.    


In the small fitting room, the distance between the two was less than 20 cm!    


At this distance, Zhang Zihui could even hear Ye Xue's breathing!    


When Zhang Zihui really stood in front of herhise Xue's heartbeat suddenly sped up!    


< p > "Well, can you do me a favor?" My zipper is stuck... I can't pull it up myself. "    


Ye Xue said in a low voice. After all, Bai Rongrong was right next to her!    


If Bai Rongrong knew that she had pulled Zhang Zihui into her dressing room, what would she think?    


< p > "Zipper?"    


Zhang Zihui repeated himself in a low voice.    


Before she could understand what was going on, Ye Xue had already turned her back on him.    


That partially revealed snow-white back and the straps on Wen Yue's back immediately made Zhang Zihui widen his eyes.    


It was a good thing that Zhang Zihui quickly reacted and shifted his attention to the zipper: The zipper was stuck at a place, and the zipper was stuck on a little bit of the dress, so it died.    


Zhang Zihui could easily solve such a small problem.    


It's just that when you're dealing with this problem and you're dealing with a very beautiful woman, she hands you her back and you can see her back with its own muslin band.    


Such a small problem will test your mental fortitude!    


Zhang Zihui is a normal boy!    


Moreover, his temperament was that of a mature man!    


Facing such an attractive scene, he would also have a reaction!    


At the same time, their breathing became heavier!    


His heartbeat accelerated!    


Furthermore, what was even more outrageous was that Zhang Zihui actually had an urge to pull down his zipper, and then tightly hold Ye Xue in place without being calm!    


Ye Xue, who had turned her back to Zhang Zihui, was very nervous!    


Various thoughts uncontrollably appeared in his mind.    


Like what was Zhang Zihui thinking?    


What would he think of her actions?    


What kind of face could he be?    


It was due to this that Zhang Zihui was unable to zip her up even though she had so many random thoughts. This made her heart rise to his throat once again!    


His body inexplicably tensed up slightly.    


He planned to turn around and see what had happened to Zhang Zihui.    


However, before Ye Xue could even turn her head around, a pair of warm palms pressed against her back!    


Instantly, Ye Xue's body tensed up!    


His body felt even hotter!    


When Zhang Zihui brought his hands behind Ye Xue's back, Ye Xue's tense body was naturally noticed by him!    


And what made his breathing worsen, was that Ye Xue's body suddenly felt hot, causing her to turn pink!    


This made Zhang Zihui gulp down his saliva with difficulty!    


< p >    


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