Special Beauty-guarding Master



2"Rongrong, let's go first." That Zhang Zihui probably got hooked up with another beauty. "    


After waiting at the school gate for half an hour, Zhang Zihui still had not appeared.    


It was almost half past five already!    


"Xiaochun, don't be hasty. Zi Hui might be lost, so let's wait a little longer! Furthermore, if we don't have Zi Hui to drive, we'll have to fight. "    


Bai Rongrong said.    


Just as she finished speaking, Zhang Zihui's figure appeared from a corner in the distance.    


"Zi Hui, we're here!"    


A distance away, Bai Rongrong was waving at Zhang Zihui.    


Not long later, Zhang Zihui arrived in front of the two of them.    


"I'm sorry, something was delayed."    


Zhang Zihui was so sorry, but in his heart, he was still savoring the taste of Yang Zhiyan's tongue.    


Originally, Yang Zhiyan wanted him to accompany her for ten more minutes. Unexpectedly, the two of them kissed really hard, it took them twenty minutes before they remembered to check the time.    


"It's fine. We didn't wait long."    


Bai Rongrong said with a smile.    


After Wang Xiaochun, who was at the side, heard these words, she felt a wave of discomfort in her heart and immediately opened her mouth. We've been waiting for him for half an hour! Humph! I've never met a guy who wants to keep girls waiting. "    




Bai Rongrong looked at Wang Xiaochun with a grumbling look. She really didn't want to see her good sister and her beloved boy fall out.    


"Rongrong, Xiaochun is right, I really shouldn't have made you wait so long."    


Even though he knew that Wang Xiaochun was mostly targeting him, Zhang Zihui was still the one who admitted his wrongs.    


< p > "Hmph!" That's more like it. "    


Wang Xiaochun said with her eyes slanted.    


"Rongrong, where are we going to eat?"    


I don't think Bai Ye will be back tonight.    


Therefore, Bai Rongrong was not in a hurry to go home.    


< p > "I want noodles!" "Let's go to a noodle house!"    


Bai Rongrong said.    


Wang Xiaochun, who was at the side, immediately made a suggestion, "Then let's go to the Lanzhou Lamian restaurant on Mintai Street. The taste there is still pretty good. "    


< p > "Sure!" "Let's go!"    


As she said that, Bai Rongrong walked towards the parking area with one arm tied to each of her arms.    


< p > Arrive at the parking lot, get in the car, and set off.    


After another half a day of disappearing, the three of them arrived at their destination.    


It was almost time for dinner, and more people were starting to eat.    


Fortunately, the three of them arrived early and there were still seats available. After ordering the dishes, they were quickly served one by one.    


< p > "En!" "Delicious!"    


Bai Rongrong took a big bite, and praised.    


Seeing her like this, Wang Xiaochun couldn't help but laugh.    


"Rongrong, you only know how to eat!" Aren't you afraid of getting fat? "    


Wang Xiaochun joked.    


< p > "What are you afraid of!" If you don't tell me, I won't get fat. Even if I get fat, Zi Hui will not reject me. "    


Bai Rongrong said proudly.    


< p > "That's hard to say. Who knows, maybe I really won't want you anymore."    


Zhang Zihui said as he ate the noodles.    


< p > "Zhang Zihui! "How dare you!"    


Bai Rongrong pouted her mouth and stared at Zhang Zihui!    


He was a little angry that the other party did not cooperate with him!    


< p > "Hmph!" "As expected, not many guys are good enough!"    


Wang Xiaochun said coldly, then said to Bai Rongrong, "Rongrong, it's okay, he doesn't want you. I want you. "I will definitely raise you to be fat and white.    


< p > "Hm?"    


Zhang Zihui frowned slightly. Wang Xiaochun's words made a bold guess appear in his mind!    


"Xiaochun is still the best for me!" Stinky Hui, I'll ignore you tonight! "    


Bai Rongrong continued to complain.    


In regards to this, Zhang Zihui only gave a light smile, and did not pay any attention to it.    


They ate dinner in harmony.    


By the time he finished eating, it was already 6: 30. It was a good time for shopping.    


However, the two girls unanimously decided to go home to rest.    


The reason for that was because they were tired of wandering around the school.    


Zhang Zihui naturally would not object.    


He led the two girls back to the car and headed home.    


Very quickly, they returned to Bai Rongrong's villa.    


"Zi Hui, I'll be going in first. Take Xiaochun home."    


Bai Rongrong got off the car and said.    


< p > "Okay."    


Zhang Zihui looked at Wang Xiaochun in the rearview mirror. She didn't have any objections.    


< p > "Then I'll go up first!" Xiaochun, farewell! "    


Waving his hand towards Wang Xiaochun, Zhang Zihui then once again stepped on the gas pedal and set off.    


< p > "Stop the car."    


Just as she drove out of the villa complex, Wang Xiaochun suddenly spoke out.    


Zhang Zihui did not ask any further, and directly stepped on the brakes.    


< p > "Dong!"    


Before Zhang Zihui could turn around, Wang Xiaochun had already got off the car. She walked to the front, opened the door to the front, and sat down.    


< p > "Drive."    


Wang Xiaochun said indifferently, she did not have any intention to bother with Zhang Zihui at all.    


Zhang Zihui did not think too much and continued to move.    


The car moved on under the illumination of the street lights. The two people in the car didn't speak to each other, so the atmosphere inside was very quiet.    


Suddenly, Wang Xiaochun opened her mouth.    


< p > "I know you're a playboy!" You already have a fiancee, and you still need to get Rongrong. You even have other girls outside, right? "    


Wang Xiaochun's topic immediately caused the atmosphere to become stifling.    


This topic was already related to Zhang Zihui's privacy.    


< p > "That's right." I do have other girls I like. However, this does not mean that I am not sincere towards Rongrong. "    


Zhang Zihui replied indifferently.    


< p > "Hmph!" Who would admit that their flowers are not sincere! "    


Although she was slightly surprised that Zhang Zihui would so straightforwardly admit it, Wang Xiaochun still coldly mocked him.    


< p > "That's true." "However, you don't seem to be the one to interfere in the matter between me and Rongrong!"    


Since Wang Xiaochun wasn't being courteous, Zhang Zihui had started to become more unyielding as well.    


< p > "Who says it's not my turn to speak!?" I'm Rongrong's good sister! When we were together, you didn't even know where you were playing with mud! "    


Wang Xiaochun was like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on, as she jumped up.    


< p > "And then?"    


Zhang Zihui did not deny what Wang Xiaochun said. After all, the two of them had been together since kindergarten.    


And Zhang Zihui at that time was indeed playing with mud.    


Zhang Zihui's answer made Wang Xiaochun feel extremely stifled!    



I want you to leave Rongrong! "Stop pestering her!"    


< p > "Oh!" Do you know how sad Rongrong would be if I leave? "    


Zhang Zihui asked.    


< p > "You don't have to worry about that!" Rongrong is sad, I will comfort her! Furthermore, I will take care of her! "She won't be harmed in the slightest!"    


Wang Xiaochun said seriously.    


Zhang Zihui's words stunned Wang Xiaochun, and he quickly tried to explain, "What lily!? I don't understand. I am just a good sister of Rongrong, I just don't want her to be hurt by someone like Young Master Hua! "    


Although this reason was reasonable, Wang Xiaochun's anxious Shen Qing had actually betrayed her.    


With regards to her being a lily, Wang Xiaochun had never mentioned it to anyone, not even her parents.    


The only person who knew about it was Bai Rongrong alone.    


And it was because Wang Xiaochun had confessed to her that she knew.    


Therefore, being a lily could be said to be the biggest secret in Wang Xiaochun's heart!    


It was almost time for dinner, and more people were starting to eat.    


And it was even said by Zhang Zihui, who she viewed as an enemy!    


Wang Xiaochun was naturally nervous.    


"Rongrong should know about this as well, right?" You must have confessed to her. "    


Zhang Zihui continued.    


< p > "What nonsense are you talking about!" Rongrong and I are not what you think! "    


Wang Xiaochun said a little loudly!    


But who knew that right after she finished speaking, Zhang Zihui actually smiled at her and said, "What do I think it's like?"    


< p > You    


Wang Xiaochun finally understood, she had been tricked by Zhang Zihui!    


After taking a deep breath, Wang Xiaochun eased the nervousness in her heart, "That's right, I am Baihe, I love Rongrong. But so what? Compared to you, young master Hua, I'm only one person towards Rongrong! "    


Zhang Zihui was a little surprised.    


He did not expect Wang Xiaochun to admit it so quickly.    


However, Wang Xiaochun's words made him feel uncomfortable again.    


You've always said I was a flower, so I'm asking you. How do you know I've been through it?" Furthermore, even if I did, how would you judge that I'm not sincere towards Rongrong?    


Honestly speaking, Zhang Zihui was still a little flowery.    


But which man can't spend it?    


Those people who specialize in flowers are just concealing their flowers in their hearts.    


Furthermore, even though Zhang Zihui was flowery, he still treated everyone with sincerity.    


< p > "You don't want to spend it?" If you don't, would you still be with Rongrong under the beautiful circumstances of having a fianc?e? "    


Wang Xiaochun disdained it.    


"How do you know I'm going to be with Rongrong when I have a fiancee?" To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for the two of them coming here, I wouldn't even know I had a fiancee. The two of them and I have decided on a baby marriage and we have never even met. "    


Zhang Zihui said.    


< p > "Hmph!"    


Wang Xiaochun scoffed, "Which young master Hua would admit to spending it?"    


Zhang Zihui frowned. It was clear that no matter how hard he tried to explain things to Wang Xiaochun, she would definitely assume that he was the young master Hua.    


Of course, Zhang Zihui did indeed have some flowers.    


"In short, I won't give up on Rongrong!" and won't let you hurt Rongrong the slightest bit! "    


Wang Xiaochun said firmly!    


< p > "Up to you."    


Zhang Zihui was unconcerned about that. He started the car and drove back to Wang Xiaochun's residence.    


To him, Wang Xiaochun was just a minor problem.    


As for him, he didn't have the mind to deal with this problem.    


In other words, he was too lazy to deal with it.    


Because, in his opinion, even though Wang Xiaochun was Bai Rongrong's good sister, it did not affect his feelings towards Bai Rongrong.    


There was one more point that Zhang Zihui did not have the spare time to waste on this issue.    


< p >    


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