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C28 House's Last Name Is Ye Not Ning

C28 House's Last Name Is Ye Not Ning

4Haosi hotel.    4


Ye Ling parked his car at the entrance and immediately attracted the attention of many people. It was rare to see a luxury car worth tens of millions in Zhonghai. The doorman quickly ran forward and opened the door. Ye Ling and Zhao Yan got out of the car. The appearance of a handsome man and a beautiful woman made many people look at them. Ye Ling threw the key to the doorman and asked the doorman to park the car.    


In a burst of envy, Ye Ling and Zhao Yan walked into the main hall of Haosi hotel and went to the counter to find the receptionist. Unexpectedly, the receptionist still remembered him. When she saw Ye Ling, she asked excitedly.    


"Mr. Ye, what are you doing here?"    


Ye Ling saw that it was the former receptionist and nodded to her with a smile.    


"Can you call your general manager here?"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, the receptionist asked nervously.    


"Is there anything wrong with Mr. Ye?" Ye Ling asked.    


Ye Ling did not go to book a room. Instead, he went to look for the general manager. Could it be that he wanted to complain to the general manager? No wonder the receptionist thought so much. She could not figure out why Ye Ling was looking for the general manager. Only the possibility of complaints was higher.    


"Just call the general manager over. It's good for you. There's no harm." Ye Ling could not help but laugh when he saw her nervous look. Was there a need for her to be so afraid? Only primary school students were so afraid when they saw their form teacher.    


She thought for a moment and the receptionist finally agreed. She nodded. She believed that Ye Ling would not benefit from lying to her, so she said.    


"We don't have a phone call from the general manager at the front desk. I'll call the manager and ask him to talk to you. Mr. Ye, what do you think?"    


"Okay! Call the manager." He did not expect the staff system of the luxury hotel to be so troublesome. They had to pass on the message layer by layer.    


"Okay! Mr. Ye, wait a moment." Finally, she agreed. She grabbed the phone at the front desk and called the manager. After a while, they saw a fat man walking over. The fat man looked at Ye Ling and asked in confusion.    


"Are you looking for the general manager?"    


Seeing the manager come, Ye Ling nodded at him and said.    


"You must be the manager! "Take me to your general manager. I have something to talk to him about."    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, the manager burst into laughter and said disdainfully.    


"Mr. Ye, our general manager is very busy. I'm afraid he won't have time to see you. You can tell me," Ye Ling said.    


Ye Ling shook his head and said.    


"You can't. Your position is too low."    


Ye Ling said. The manager was annoyed. His fat face looked unhappy. He gave Ye Ling a perfunctory answer.    


"Okay, you go back first! Wait for your appointment. I will inform you when the time comes."    


He was definitely perfunctory with Ye Ling. When Ye Ling was thinking about whether he should take out the contract, he heard a scream. He looked up and saw the manager grabbing Zhao Yan's hand and saying coldly.    


"You are pretending to be pure. Zhao Yan, didn't you say you wouldn't be other people's mistress? What's going on now? "You agree to be a rich person's mistress."    


Zhao Yan went to the washroom and returned to Ye Ling's side. The manager grabbed her and sneered at her. She heard Qian Ming's words. Zhao Yan was so angry that her face turned red. She shook off his hand. "Manager Qian, please be careful when you talk. Don't slander me. Didn't you want me to be your mistress last time? I rejected it. Now you're angry and want to take revenge on me? "    


Zhao Yan usually looked soft and weak, but when she got angry, she really had an imposing manner. Ye Ling was stunned when he saw her. However, he liked Zhao Yan's character very much. She would attack when it was time to attack. She was straightforward and would not be like other people who tolerated everything. In fact, there was nothing to be tolerated when such a thing happened.    


Therefore, Ye Ling did not plan to attack. He wanted to see how Zhao Yan would deal with it.    


Zhao Yan's words made many people in the hall hear it. They all looked at Qian Ming. They whispered that he wanted to find someone to be his mistress. This kind of person should not be a manager.    


Qian Ming's reputation had been lost. Not only did he lose his reputation, but he also lost his morality. The word mistress would attract bad gossip on the surface. If the consequences were serious, his wife would divorce him and be expelled from the hotel. These were not what he wanted. Qian Ming was instantly furious. He wanted to raise his hand and slap Zhao Yan and scold her.    




The slap came too fast. Zhao Yan did not realize that the fat slap was right in front of her. She did not have time to dodge. She closed her eyes in fear. When she thought she was going to be hit by the slap, the slap did not come down. She raised her beautiful eyes and saw that the fat hand stopped in midair and did not move.    


In an instant. She opened her eyes in surprise, looking at the man who protected her.    


"You even dared to hit my assistant. Do you want to be hit by me?" Ye Ling grabbed his fat hand with one hand and stared at him coldly.    


"Assistant?" Qian Ming heard a sneer and then said sarcastically, "Assistant is just lying to others, right? In fact, the relationship between the two of you is not ordinary."    


A crisp sound echoed in the hall. The two hundred tons of dead fat man was slapped to the ground on the spot. With Ye Ling's strength, it was easy for him to defeat him.    


"I say, you really deserve to be slapped!" Ye Ling stepped on Qian Ming's big belly and said coldly.    


Qian Ming laid on the ground and covered his burning face. He looked down at Ye Ling and felt very humiliated. He hurriedly shouted in the direction of the hall.    


"Security! Quickly chase this person away!"    


Soon, a leader and two security guards rushed in. When he saw Qian Ming lying on the ground, he was shocked. He pointed his baton at Ye Ling and shouted.    


"Let go of the manager and apologize to him. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."    


Hearing the security guard's words, Ye Ling smiled and said coldly.    


"Are the Haosi hotel's security guards capturing people so indiscriminately?"    


"It's none of your business. If you want to live, hurry up and let him go." The security captain looked at Ye Ling with disdain and ordered again.    


After the security guard came in, Qian Ming became even more unrestrained and threatened Ye Ling.    


"Haha, let me tell you, you are finished. Haosi hotel is Young Master Ning's property. If you dare to touch me, you will offend Young Master Ning. You are going to die."    


"You have a bad mouth. You deserve a beating." Ye Ling kicked him in the stomach. The two hundred kilograms fat man slid toward the three security guards. Qian Ming came too fast, and the security guards could not avoid him. They were knocked down by Qian Ming, and they all fell to the ground, moaning.    


Because of the commotion in the hall, the general manager was finally alerted. They saw a man in a black suit walking over. He had steady steps and an imposing manner. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he was definitely a successful person.    


He was indeed worthy of being the General Manager of a billion yuan hotel. His bearing, temperament, and walking demeanor were all a level higher than the others.    


Qian Ming's eyes lit up when he saw the person who came. He got up from the ground and pointed at Ye Ling.    


"General Manager, it's this kid who dares to cause trouble in Haosi hotel. He really wants to die!"    


When Qian Ming said this, the guests in Haosi hotel all realized that Ye Ling was in big trouble. Offending the four young masters of Zhonghai was no different than seeking death.    


The man in the black suit ignored Qian Ming's words. Under everyone's gaze, he slowly walked towards Ye Ling and stopped in front of him.    


"Boss, you're here. I'm the general manager of Haosi hotel, Shen Teng. Please follow me to the chairman's office." Shen Teng bowed respectfully to Ye Ling and then turned half his body away. He respectfully gestured for Ye Ling to go to the office.    


"Okay." Ye Ling nodded at him. As the general manager, Ye Ling knew that the boss of Haosi hotel would not change, so he did not show any surprise. If he didn't even know about this, he could withdraw from his position as the general manager.    


Ye Ling called Zhao Yan to follow him and prepared to go to the top floor. As for Qian Ming and the others, Ye Ling did not want to care about these small characters because they were not qualified.    


After Ye Ling and Shen Teng disappeared into the hall, the entire hall was in a mess. The girls at the front desk were even more shocked. They didn't expect Mr. Ye to be their boss.    


Qian Ming was shocked, and the three security guards were trembling. They all realized it.    


They were going to die!    


On the way to the top floor of the exclusive elevator, Ye Ling turned to Shen Teng and asked, "How many people in the hotel know that Haosi hotel has changed bosses?"    


"Boss, I was the only one who knew in advance." Shen Teng looked at Ye Ling awkwardly and said.    


In this case, things would be a little tricky. Ye Ling had learned about Haosi hotel before. Many of the staff in the hotel were Ning Feng's trusted aides, and they also had a small portion of the shares. If they knew that haosi's boss had changed, they would definitely go against Ye Ling.    


"We don't need to go to the office. Let's go straight to the meeting room. The higher-ups are all there, right?" Ye Ling asked Shen Teng to bring him to the meeting room directly to avoid wasting time in the office.    


"Yes, boss. I will take you there now." Shen Teng said respectfully.    


Ye Ling observed Shen Teng. He was very capable. More importantly, he was the first person to seek refuge with Ye Ling. It meant that he had already chosen a side. He was a smart person. The first person to seek refuge with Shen Teng would naturally be valued, and the position of general manager would naturally be preserved.    


With a clang, the door to the meeting room was pushed open.    


Ye Ling and the others walked in. At the same time, the dozen or so people in the meeting room also looked towards Ye Ling. They were all surprised to find the general manager respectfully following behind him.    


Ye Ling came to the main seat while Zhao Yan stood behind him. Shen Teng sat on the first chair on the right. Ye Ling looked at the dozen or so people. Their faces were full of doubt, surprise, and disdain. Ye Ling knew that they were all waiting for an explanation. He smiled calmly and suddenly, a bang was heard. He slammed his hands on the conference table, startling everyone below. He said in a clear voice.    


"Everyone! From today onwards, Haosi hotel will no longer have the surname Ning, but Ye. If you have any objections, please speak."    


As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd was thrown into chaos. They looked at Ye Ling with disbelief in their eyes. There was actually someone who could snatch the Haosi hotel away from Young Master Ning? Unless this person wanted to die.    


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