Revenging Son-in-law

C435 Ask Me to Leave at the End of My Life

C435 Ask Me to Leave at the End of My Life

1Borrowing longevity was a matter that involved metaphysics. Qin Yuan had never thought that things would be so mysterious, but to Zhang Hongru, this was something he was good at.    


After that, Qin Yuan brought him and left Xiangxi, returning to Linhai City.    


Qin Yuan felt that there was something wrong with these things. In the end, he was still worried about his father.    


This must be the doing of that Godly Doctor Yuan. He pretended to cure the people in the town. In fact, he had his own purpose, but no one knew exactly what it was.    


This person had ulterior motives. Could his father still be friendly after following him to Shennong Valley?    


Although Qin Yuan had seen his father's strength, he knew that there were not many people in the world who could attack his father. But then again, this was a matter of fact. What if someone came to plot against him? Take that Godly Doctor for example, if he were to do something behind your back... If you were unable to guard against him, then your father would have fallen for his trick.    


Therefore, Qin Yuan urgently needed to find out what was going on.    


Wei Ziqing also seemed to have noticed that something was not right, so when she saw Qin Yuan, she immediately asked, "What happened? Why did you suddenly go to Xiangxi? Is the matter over there not over yet?"    


Wei Ziqing wasn't an outsider, so Qin Yuan didn't need to hide it from her. He immediately told her about the matter. Wei Ziqing was shocked when she heard this.    


"Are you saying that my grandfather's life was also borrowed by someone? That's why he suddenly became like this? But my grandfather has never been to Xiangxi, and has never come into contact with that Godly Doctor. How is it possible that my grandfather's lifespan was borrowed?"    


"I was also thinking about this, but I don't know about it yet."    


"Doesn't that mean Uncle Qin is in danger? Grandpa doesn't know that Godly Doctor. He attacked my grandpa, and Uncle Qin followed him to Shennong Valley. Could it be..."    


"That's exactly what I'm worried about. But it's unrealistic to go to Shennong Valley to save people now. First of all, we have to figure out what Yuan Ji wants. What does he want?"    


"Then what should we do now?"    


Qin Yuan scratched his head in distress. "We have not thought of a solution yet."    


Wei Ziqing said, "That's strange. The godly doctor was supposed to cure diseases and save people, but now he suddenly harmed people and even used such a method to harm people. What is he trying to do?"    


Wei Ziqing then said, "I am really worried about my grandfather. I don't know how much my grandfather's lifespan has been borrowed. Uncle Qin, Qin Yuan, why don't we go and kill that Shennong Valley? Can't we just find that Godly Doctor and ask him about it? "    


"Ziqing, you can't be impulsive about this matter. You have also sent people to Shennong Valley before. The situation there is complicated. It is not only useless for us to go there. Instead, it will alert the enemy and even infuriate that fellow. After all, my father is still in his hands. "    


Qin Yuan turned to look at Zhang Hongru, who was standing at the side, and asked, "Zhang Hongru, do you have any good ideas?"    


Zhang Hongru frowned and was deep in thought. When he heard Qin Yuan's words, he hurriedly said, "Master, the magic doctor you mentioned, I think he is a witch doctor. A doctor who could use life to harm others was definitely not a real doctor. But you just said that the name of this doctor is Yuan Ji. He is quite famous. I've heard of him before, and his reputation has always been quite good. Why did he suddenly use such a method to harm people? "    


Just as he said that, a steward of Wei Family suddenly ran up excitedly and said while gasping for breath, "Eldest Miss, it's not good. The old master, he... he..."    


"What happened to my grandfather?" When Wei Ziqing heard that, she rushed forward and grabbed the steward's arm.    


The housekeeper gasped and said, "The old man's condition suddenly became very bad. He was practicing Tai Chi in the backyard of the mansion. I don't know why, but as he practiced, he... fainted."    


"What? My grandfather fainted?" Wei Ziqing trembled and ran outside without saying anything.    


Qin Yuan was also stunned and followed her out. Zhang Hongru also followed after her after a while.    


When the three of them saw the old man, the old man had already been carried to the bedroom.    


However, the old man's eyes were tightly closed and he was lying on the bed. The situation did not look optimistic.    


"Grandfather, Grandfather, what's wrong with you?" Wei Ziqing almost broke down when she saw her grandfather like this. She pounced over and grabbed the old man's arm. She shook it with all her strength and almost cried.    


"Ziqing, calm down first." Qin Yuan hurriedly walked over to check on the old man. He found that the old man's Qi was running low. Did he have a problem? Could it be that the old man was going to...    


Qin Yuan did not dare to think about it anymore. He looked at Zhang Hongru and asked, "Zhang Hongru, will a person die immediately after his life is borrowed?"    


The reason Qin Yuan asked that was because he knew that the sudden appearance of the old man must have something to do with the borrowing of Yang Shuo.    


"Will my grandfather die?" Wei Ziqing's voice carried a sobbing tone, even though she had always been very strong. She was also a mature and steady person, but the old man was her closest relative. He was even closer to her biological parents, so no matter how strong he was, he could not help feeling sad.    


"That depends on how much your lifespan has been borrowed." Zhang Hongru hurriedly replied, "Master, let me tell you this. If the old man's remaining lifespan is still very long, if there are still 20 or 30 years left, then it doesn't matter if he is borrowed for a few years. At most, he can just live a few years less, but if the old man's life was already very little, then... And then it was almost completely borrowed. Then... Then, the old man's situation is really not optimistic?"    


Wei Ziqing's face froze when she heard this. She muttered to herself, "My grandfather is almost 70 years old. His lifespan is definitely not long. Now that his lifespan has been borrowed, he... He... That means my grandfather will really die?"    


Master Zhang replied, "I also saw the old man's condition just now. He doesn't have much lifespan left to begin with. Now that he was almost completely borrowed, this kind of situation occurred. However, he won't die immediately. The worst case scenario is that he'll be able to last for more than ten hours. If he could find the person who lent him his life within these ten hours and break that person's spell... He would be able to recover the old man's borrowed life. Then the old man's life will be saved. "    


"What? Only about ten hours left?" Wei Ziqing almost collapsed to the ground. To a person, ten hours was too short and not worth mentioning.    


In these ten hours, she ran to Shennong Valley to find the Godly Doctor and broke his spell. This was almost impossible, even if she immediately set off for Shennong Valley. It would take him at least five or six hours to get there by plane. The key problem was that after he got there... Shennong Valley could not enter at all because there was a very powerful array there. Unless they broke that array, but Shennong Valley was once the Herb King Shennong's dojo. It had existed for thousands of years. If that array could be broken... It would probably have been broken by someone a long time ago.    


Alright, even if Qin Yuan had the ability to break the formation, it would still take a very long time. A few hours was simply not enough.    


Another thing was that even if the formation was broken and he found Yuan Ji, he wouldn't easily return the life he borrowed. There would inevitably be a huge battle, and the Godly Doctor might even fight to the death.    


Thinking of this, Wei Ziqing almost lost all hope.    


Qin Yuan also felt very unpleasant in his heart. He had never thought that things would suddenly turn out like this. In fact, he was more worried about his father. Speaking of which, his father's situation was even worse than Old Master Wei's.    


At least his father was still in front of him, but his father had not been heard from since he followed the Godly Doctor to Shennong Valley. He didn't know if he was still alive or dead.    


"Damn it..." Qin Yuan had never felt so aggrieved before. He clenched his fists tightly.    


"What should we do, Qin Yuan? My grandfather is going to die." Wei Ziqing grabbed Qin Yuan's arm like a pitiful little girl, as if she was holding onto a life-saving straw.    


The only person who could give her a strong sense of security was her grandfather. So if there was really a person in this world who could save her grandfather, that person must be Qin Yuan.    


"Please save my grandfather. My grandfather can't die. If he dies, I don't know how I can continue living."    


Qin Yuan felt as if his heart was being stabbed by a knife, but he couldn't promise anything to Wei Ziqing, nor could he comfort her.    


At this moment, Old Master Wei, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, suddenly coughed a few times and opened his eyes.    


"Grandfather..." Wei Ziqing did not expect her grandfather to wake up. He shouted excitedly and then rushed to the bed and grabbed her arm.    


"My grandfather is awake. Maybe things are not as bad as we thought." A trace of hope rose in Wei Ziqing's heart, but very quickly this trace of hope was extinguished.    


After Old Master Wei opened his eyes, his face was radiant. He looked haggard and even his eyes were glowing. This gave Wei Ziqing the illusion that her grandpa had suddenly recovered.    


However, when Qin Yuan saw the old man like this, his heart immediately tightened. Because he remembered a saying, When the light comes back, the light comes back.    


The old man was still unconscious just now, but he suddenly looked radiant. Could it really be the light at the end of the day?    


The old man grabbed Wei Ziqing's hand and said, "Ziqing, what are you doing? Why are you crying? Mr. Qin is also here. What happened to me? Why are you lying on the bed? I remember that I was practicing Tai Chi in the garden. "    


Wei Ziqing said," Grandpa, you fainted while practicing Tai Chi. We were all worried about you. "    


"Eh? I actually fainted? Maybe I've been too tired recently, but don't worry. It's normal for such a situation to occur when one is old. Look how you've disturbed Mr. Qin. Hehe, Mr. Qin, I'm really sorry to have troubled you these few days. "    


Qin Yuan's heart was tightly clenched, but he still forced a smile on his face.    


"Old man, what are you talking about? I am not an outsider, am I right? What do you mean by 'don't disturb me'? "    


The old man was very happy to hear this. "Yes, yes, Mr. Qin, of course you are not an outsider."    


Then the old man slowly sat up from the bed.    


"Look, I am fine. Don't cry, Ziqing."    


Only then did Wei Ziqing's mood become a little better.    


"Ziqing, you guys should leave first. I have something to say to Mr. Qin alone."    


Wei Ziqing slowly stood up and left with the housekeeper and Zhang Hongru.    


Only Old Master Wei and Qin Yuan were left in the bedroom.    


"Mr. Qin, come and sit."    


Qin Yuan sat down beside the old man's bed.    


The smile on the old man's face disappeared immediately. Instead, it became very serious. He looked at Qin Yuan and suddenly said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Qin, you should have seen it too. My life is going to be taken away soon."    


"I didn't want to show too much sadness in front of my granddaughter just now. But I know my own body. Although I feel that my breath is steady, my face is radiant, but this is probably just the last ray of light before my death. "    


It turned out that the old man knew everything. Qin Yuan's heart suddenly felt a little sour.    


" Mr. Qin, you must know why I became like this. I just want to die a little clearer. "    


Wei Ziqing had never told him about the old man's lifespan being borrowed, but the old man was a smart person and had vaguely felt something.    


Qin Yuan also felt that there was no need to hide it, so he paused for a moment and said, "Old man, I won't hide it from you. Actually, you were borrowed to live, so your body suddenly became like this."    


The old man was deep in thought.    


"So it was borrowed to live. I knew it. Ever since I took the pill that Mr. Qin gave me, my body has been very good. How did it suddenly become like this?"    


"It's a Godly Doctor of Shennong Valley, Yuan Ji."    


"Eh? He was the one who attacked me. I have heard of this Godly Doctor's famous name. It's just that our Wei Family has never offended him. He shouldn't have attacked me so heavily, right?"    


"Old man, we have yet to fully understand the current situation. In fact, not only did the Godly Doctor do this to you, he even took my father away. In addition, the people in the few towns in Xiangxi have probably been borrowed by him for their longevity. "    


"Eh? Does that mean I'm not his only target? What exactly does this person want to do to borrow someone's lifespan? It's very wicked."    


" We don't know now, but don't worry too much, old man. I just let Zhang Hongru take a look. Although your life has been borrowed, you can still hold on for a few more days. "    


Qin Yuan lied. He really couldn't bear to tell this old man that he could only hold on for more than ten hours.    


"In these few days, we will definitely find a way to get your life back. Nothing will happen to you, old man."    


Old Master Wei shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Qin, don't hide it from me. I know my own body. Not to mention a few days, I don't think I can last even a day. "    


Qin Yuan finally sighed. "I really can't hide anything from you. Well, in fact, you only have more than ten hours left to live."    


Although he was prepared, after hearing this, the old man couldn't help but feel sad.    


"Hehe, there are only ten more hours left. I really didn't expect this. However, it was quite a lot to count ten more hours per minute. After all, he was a human. There has to be a day like this sooner or later. Fortunately, in these ten plus hours... I can also make arrangements for my funeral."    


" Old man, don't think that way. You have to believe that Ziqing and I will definitely save you. You won't die. "    


The old man shook his head. For the first time, a dejected and sorrowful expression appeared on his face.    


"Mr. Qin, I am satisfied with what you said. But I don't think anyone will be able to save me this time. I don't want to lie to myself anymore. Actually, I have lived up to my age. It's no big deal. Now that the Wei Family is flourishing with branches and leaves, I can leave without worry with Mr. Qin's protection. It's just that... it's a pity that I can't see a good home for my granddaughter before I close my eyes. "    


A trace of helplessness appeared on Old Master Wei's face.    


"Ziqing is my favorite granddaughter. It's not an exaggeration to say that other than my old companion who died, she is the one closest to me. Although this girl was born in a rich family, actually, her life was not good. Her mother loved her, but she died too early. As for her father and her half-brother... Sigh... They really don't look like a family."    


" Alright, let's not talk about them anymore. Mr. Qin, this old man had a request before he died. I wonder if Mr. Qin can agree to it? "    


"Old man, let me say one more thing. Don't think that way. You won't die."    


Old Master Wei waved his hand. "Don't comfort me anymore. Since I don't have much time, let's talk about serious matters. Mr. Qin, although Ziqing was very capable and mature, she was still mature and steady. But she is a girl after all. A girl must find someone to rely on. I have been looking for a good home for Ziqing and have found a few similar targets. It was a pity that after meeting you, Mr. Qin, I found out that the targets I found were comparable to him. That's a long way to go."    


"I don't think highly of my granddaughter. I feel that only a man like Mr. Qin, who can support the heavens and support the earth, is worthy of my granddaughter."    


"Alas, it's a pity that Mr. Qin already has a family."    


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