Revenging Son-in-law

C257 Great Gift

C257 Great Gift

3Qin Yuan stood up and slowly walked to Tao Yanyan and Chu Yunhao. He stared into their eyes, especially Tao Yanyan.    


After a while, a smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face. He looked at Tao Yanyan as if he was looking at a joke.    


This kind of look made Tao Yanyan feel very uncomfortable, so the woman glared at him and said angrily, "What are you looking at? Weak person, what do you want to do? I said you are a Wretched person, you are not convinced?"    


Qin Yuan said," Tao Yanyan, you keep saying you married into a rich family. I don't think so. "    


Tao Yanyan was stunned. "What do you mean? My husband is a rich man. Chu Family is the second largest family in Jiangbei. I am already engaged to him. Isn't this considered marrying into a wealthy family?"    


"Is that so? It seems like besides your fiancé, no one else from the Chu Family has come." Qin Yuan said.    


Tao Yanyan's expression immediately changed when she heard this. The other guests in the banquet hall were also stunned.    


That's right. When Qin Yuan said this, everyone seemed to remember that today was the engagement banquet between Tao Yanyan and Chu Yunhao. Tao Yanyan's people had all come, but it seemed like none of the people from the Chu Family had arrived.    


Logically speaking, with such a big engagement, both parents and family should be present.    


Tao Yanyan's heart was somewhat unsettled, and she even started to panic. Today was the engagement banquet between her and Chu Yunhao. She wanted to use this opportunity to show off in front of her relatives and friends. But there was only one thing that made her feel very unconfident. That was, Chu Yunhao's family did not agree with their relationship. Especially Chu Yunhao's father.    


And now, Qin Yuan, this good-for-nothing, actually spoke of this matter in front of everyone. Wasn't this making Tao Yanyan lose face?    


In reality, no one was a fool. After Qin Yuan said that, the people below started discussing again.    


"That's right. Yanyan and Chu Yunhao are getting engaged. Why hasn't anyone from Chu Yunhao's side come? Even Chu Yunhao's parents didn't come. This doesn't make sense."    


"What's going on? Could it be that the people of Chu Family don't agree to let Yanyan marry into the Chu Family?"    


Chu Yunhao also felt that his face had turned ugly. He glared at Qin Yuan and said, "My family is too busy, that's why I didn't come today. Wretched person, what do you mean by this?"    


"Hahahaha." Qin Yuan laughed. The reason he laughed was because he found it funny.    


"Are you busy? How busy? So busy that you don't even want to attend your own son's engagement banquet? As far as I know, you are the only son in your family, the only son at your engagement banquet. Your parents didn't show up for such a big matter, and even your relatives and friends didn't show up at all. Doesn't that mean something is wrong?" Qin Yuan said.    


Qin Yuan was a smart man. He had noticed it just now. Only Tao Yanyan and her family were here for the wedding. None of Chu Yunhao's family was present. The Chu Family was considered one of the top families in the entire Jiangbei. With Tao Yanyan's character, how could her family agree to let her marry into Chu Family?    


"You... You shut up." Tao Yanyan felt that her scar had been exposed and her sore spot had been stabbed, so she angrily shouted at Qin Yuan.    


"What? Did I hit the mark?" Qin Yuan looked at her with a smile that was not a smile. Didn't this woman know how to pretend? She had not even married into a rich family yet and she had already said that she was superior to others after marrying into a rich family. Today, he wanted to expose her and embarrass her. Who asked her to embarrass Chu Zijing just now?    


In fact, Qin Yuan really disdained to bicker with someone like Tao Yanyan, but he had no choice. Who asked her to humiliate his wife just now?    


Not only did the relatives and friends present feel that something was not right, even Tao Yanyan's mother, Chu Geng Cui, also felt that something was not right. She stood up and walked quickly to the side of these daughters, then stretched out her hand to pull her and softly asked, "Yanyan, what exactly is going on? Why did not a single one of Yunhao's family members come over? Your engagement is such a big deal. Why didn't they show up? Isn't this looking down on us?"    


"No Mom, listen to me... Yunhao... Yunhao's father doesn't really agree with our relationship." Tao Yanyan said in a low voice.    


"What? You don't agree with the matter between the two of you? Then why are you two still getting married? " Chu Geng Cui became anxious when she heard this. She didn't know that the people of Chu Family didn't agree with this matter. She thought that the people of Chu Family were really busy.    


"Aiya, mom, lower your voice. Don't tell me you want to embarrass me?" Tao Yanyan said anxiously.    


"That won't do. The two of you are getting engaged. The people of Chu Family must show up. Even if they don't get married, they will get it. Otherwise, it will make it seem like our Tao family is worthless and they are looking down on us." Chu Geng Cui said.    


"Mom, don't worry. Yunhao has promised me just now. If their family doesn't come today, they will have to attend the wedding as well. Don't worry."    


Chu Geng Cui turned to Chu Yunhao.    


Chu Yunhao said hurriedly, "Mom, Yanyan is right. Our family is too busy. But you can rest assured that they will be here before the ceremony. My parents don't agree with the matter between Yanyan and me, but it doesn't matter as long as I like Yanyan. It's fine as long as I agree. The two of us will get married first. Then find an opportunity to steal the household register and get the certificate. When the time comes, even if my parents don't agree, they'll have to agree. "    


When Chu Yunhao said this, Chu Gengcui's anger dissipated a little.    


However, Chu Gengcui looked around and then said, "This engagement banquet has already started for more than half an hour. Where is the gift from your family?"    


"Well..." Chu Yunhao scratched his head and said, "I have told Second Uncle about it. He will definitely send the gift. Wait, wait."    


Tao Yanyan's aunt saw Chu Geng Cui and others talking on the stage. So she stood up from the banquet and walked onto the stage. She said to Chu Gengcui, "Kuang Cui, what is going on? Why didn't the people of Chu Family show up? Are they looking down on our Yanyan? Even if they didn't come, they would still get the gift. Could it be that the Chu Family doesn't agree with Yanyan's marriage? "    


" No, no, of course not. The people of the Chu Family are all big shots. They were all too busy, but they soon sent the gift over. The engagement ceremony must not be missed, and it must be a big gift. " Chu Geng Cui hurriedly said.    


Qin Yuan raised his voice and said, "Eh? Is that so? Would the people of Chu Family send a big gift over? Sure, then the big guy will just wait here. We all want to see what kind of big gift the people of Chu Family will give us."    


After saying that, Qin Yuan sat down calmly. He also called Chu Zijing, Chu Gengnian, and the others to sit down.    


Chu Zijing said, "Qin Yuan, let's go. There's no need to stay here anymore."    


Qin Yuan said, "Wife, we can't leave. If we leave just like that... It would make us feel guilty, just like how you bullied Tao Yanyan when you were young. Since we are already here, why don't we just sit here peacefully? This is only the beginning of the show. "    


Tao Yanyan's face turned pale. She had no idea what to do. What if the people of Chu Family did not send gifts? Chu Zijing and her family were still waiting to see her make a fool of herself, especially that wimp.    


The more Tao Yanyan thought about it, the angrier she got. How could she let the useless family see her make a fool of herself today?    


So Tao Yanyan turned her head and said to Chu Yunhao, "When will your family send the gift over? There are so many people waiting to see me make a fool of myself."    


"Soon, soon. Yanyan, don't worry. I, Second Uncle, promised me. I will definitely deliver the big gift. It must be a big gift. At that time, no one would dare to make fun of you." Chu Yunhao said. In fact, he had no idea what was going on. Logically speaking, he, Second Uncle, should have sent the gift a long time ago. Why hadn't he seen anyone yet?    


"I don't care. It's fine if the people of Chu Family didn't come today. But if the gift isn't delivered, then we can only pay our respects." Tao Yanyan said angrily.    


At this moment, a waiter standing at the entrance of the hotel said loudly, "Mr. Chu, Miss Tao, someone has come to give you gifts."    


When they heard this, Chu Yunhao and Tao Yanyan were immediately delighted.    


Chu Yunhao raised his head and looked towards the entrance of the hotel. He discovered that there was already a luxury car parked at the entrance. It was Second Uncle's car.    


"Coming, coming. I, Second Uncle, have brought the gift here. I knew it. Even if our family doesn't come, this gift will definitely come. Look, isn't it coming? " Chu Yunhao's heart immediately dropped to the ground.    


"Everyone, don't worry about Yanyan. The people of Chu Family like her very much. The reason why no one came today is because everyone is too busy. However, the gift from the Chu Family has arrived."    


Chu Yunhao said as he pulled Tao Yanyan towards the entrance of the hotel.    


When Tao Yanyan passed by Qin Yuan, she glared at him fiercely. "Hmph, loser. Do you want to see me make a fool of myself? Keep dreaming. Later, I will let everyone see how you got slapped in the face."    


The guests at the banquet also stood up and looked at the door.    


"Yo, the Chu Family is here to give gifts. This Chu Family is a wealthy family, so the gifts must be very big."    


"What kind of big gift do you think the people of the Chu Family will give Yanyan? Don't tell me they want to give Yanyan a luxury car?"    


Many curious people also stood up and walked towards the hotel entrance. They all wanted to see what kind of big gift the people of Chu Family would give Tao Yanyan.    


Chu Zijing said, "Qin Yuan, the gift from the people of the Chu Family has arrived. It seems that Tao Yanyan is not far from marrying into a wealthy family. Alright, let's not stand here and watch this joke. Let's go. We don't want to embarrass ourselves."    


Qin Yuan said, "Don't. Wife, I said that the good show has just begun. You said Tao Yanyan is not far from marrying into a wealthy family. I don't think so."    


"The Chu Family has already sent the gift. This means that they have accepted Tao Yanyan. What's there to be uncertain about?" Chu Zijing said.    


"Hehe, do you think that with Tao Yanyan's character, the people of the Chu Family will accept her? Let's go to the entrance and see what kind of good gifts the people of Chu Family have given us."    


Qin Yuan pulled Chu Zijing to the entrance of the hotel.    


At this time, at the entrance of the hotel, an extended Rolls-Royce Phantom was parked there. The door opened and a middle-aged man in his forties got out of the car.    


This middle-aged man was wearing a black suit and looked very charismatic.    


This person was none other than Chu Yunhao's Second Uncle Chu Darlin.    


"Second Uncle, you're finally here." Chu Yunhao quickly went up to him.    


"Second Uncle, I thought you were not coming. If you did not come today, many people would laugh at Yanyan. Luckily, you are here."    


Tao Yanyan also hurried over and called out with a smile, "Second Uncle."    


But Chu Darlin did not even look at Tao Yanyan. He said to Chu Yunhao, "We already agreed that I would come. How can I not come? It was just that the traffic was a little late."    


Hearing this, Chu Yunhao laughed loudly, "Hahaha, so it was a traffic jam. I knew it. Second Uncle, how could you not come? Today is the engagement between Yanyan and me. Such a big thing. Of course, I know you are very busy. Today, you are here to give gifts. Oh right, I wonder what kind of gift our Chu Family prepared for Yanyan and me? "    


Chu Darlin sneered without batting an eyelid, then said, "A gift? Yes, it is indeed a big gift."    


Then, Chu Darlin instructed the driver, "Old Huang, move that big gift down."    


Old Huang responded, then walked to the trunk, opened the trunk door, and took out a big box from inside.    


Everyone's eyes widened when they saw it. Such a big box, and it looked like it was made of red sandalwood. It was expensive, and the packaging was exquisite. What big gift was inside?    


"Could it be some precious gold and silver jewelry?" Someone said in a low voice.    


"How could gold and silver jewelry be stored in such a big box? I think it's something even more expensive than gold and silver jewelry. Chu Family is rich, so the gifts they give must not be bad."    


Tao Yanyan's face turned red when she heard the discussions around her. She was very proud of herself.    


Not to mention anything else, just by looking at this box, one could tell that the things inside must be very expensive.    


Humph. Although the people of Chu Family didn't agree with her and Chu Yunhao, Chu Yunhao was the only son of the Chu Family after all. Even if they didn't agree to it, they still had to send the gift over.    


Tao Yanyan looked at the people around her with a proud look, especially Qin Yuan and Chu Zijing. She snorted coldly in her heart. Humph, you want to see me, Tao Yanyan, make a fool of myself? With just you, a wimp, you deserve it. When the box opens later, I want to see how a useless piece of trash like you got slapped in the face?    


The box was placed under Chu Yunhao's feet by Old Huang. Then, Chu Yunhao's Second Uncle and Chu Darlin said, "I have delivered the gift. I have something else to do, so I will leave first."    


"Second Uncle, you are already here. Let's go in and have a drink first." Chu Yunhao said hastily.    


"No need. Yunhao, this gift represents your parents. Also, the feelings of the people of Chu Family are also their attitude. I hope you understand. " After saying this, Chu Darlin opened the car door and got into the car. Then, the car quickly left.    


Chu Yunhao smiled and said to the crowd, "Oh my, I, Second Uncle am managing a few companies. I am really too busy. It doesn't matter. As long as Second Uncle's feelings are there, it will be fine."    


Then Chu Yunhao looked at the expensive box on the ground. He was also wondering what Second Uncle had given him. He actually used such an expensive box to package it.    


Tao Yanyan coughed lightly and then looked around proudly. She said loudly, "Everyone saw it. Although the people of Chu Family didn't come, they didn't come. That was because they were too busy. After all, they were all wealthy and powerful families. Business is very busy, unlike us ordinary people. He's so free all day. "    


"But no matter how busy they are, the Chu Family still sent gifts over. And it's such a big gift. What does this mean? It means that the people of the Chu Family value me, Tao Yanyan, very much. I'm afraid some of them will be disappointed. You think you deserve to see me, Tao Yanyan, make a fool of myself?" Tao Yanyan's words were obviously meant for Qin Yuan to hear.    


Chu Geng Cui's face was also filled with joy at this moment.    


"Yanyan, quickly open it and take a look. What kind of big gift did the people of Chu Family send over?"    


The surrounding relatives and friends also echoed, "That's right, Yanyan. Quickly open it and take a look. Let us see what kind of big gift did the people of Chu Family give you."    


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