Revenging Son-in-law

C115 Xue Lingzhi

C115 Xue Lingzhi

0Qin Yuan's move made Han Ying so angry that her whole body trembled. Han Ying did not dare to attack again because she found that her useless son-in-law wanted to rebel a little.    


If Qin Yuan really rebelled, then she really could not do it. So she was so angry that she took a breath. She raised her hand and pointed at the door and shouted loudly, "Get lost, get out of here."    


Qin Yuan said, "Get lost, but remember, I will come back."    


After that, Qin Yuan slammed the door and left.    


Actually, he just wanted to take a breather. After he knew that something like this had happened, Chu Zijing must be very depressed in her heart. It would be better to let her be alone for a while.    


Qin Yuan had just walked to the basement of the community when a person suddenly stopped in front of him, giving him a scare.    


"Hey, it's me. What's wrong? Don't you know him?" A woman stood in front of him. She was wearing a white sportswear, and her short hair made her look energetic.    


Qin Yuan took a closer look and recognized her. Wasn't this the female patrol officer from before? She seemed to be called Xue Lingzhi.    


Qin Yuan frowned slightly and sized Xue Lingzhi up and down. The last time he saw her, she was wearing a police uniform. She looked valiant and valiant, but today she was wearing casual clothes. She looked a little cute. Qin Yuan almost did not recognize her.    


"Inspector Xue? Why is it you?" Qin Yuan was very surprised.    


"It's late at night. What are you doing here?"    


"I'm looking for you." Xue Lingzhi said.    


"Looking for me? We don't seem to know each other. Why are you looking for me? Besides, how did you know that my house is here? "    


" Don't forget what I do. I'm a patrolling officer. If I want to find out where you live, it's just a piece of cake. "    


Qin Yuan was a little confused.    


"No, why are you looking for me? I didn't do anything wrong."    


"Haha, if you really did do something wrong, I wouldn't have waited for you here. I directly went to handcuff you and took you away. Alright, alright. Relax, I'm not here to look for you in the name of patrolling today. I'm here to look for you in the name of a friend. "    


"Friend? Cough cough, we've only met once, so we can't be considered friends."    


Xue Lingzhi said, "Why not? Anyway, I have already treated you as a friend. Who asked you to be so capable? He solved the Fish Venom incident in Linhai University and slapped our captain's face. Haha! Awesome! "    


"No, I just slapped your captain's face. You seem to be very happy about it."    


"That's not it either." Xue Lingzhi said seriously, "We, Han Yuan and Captain Han, are good at everything. We are especially good at work. But we are too arrogant and don't care about anyone. This is called pride for meritorious service. Even our director can't do anything to him. Well, now that you've slapped him in the face, there's nothing to say. In the future, this arrogant attitude will be much more restrained. Furthermore, we, Captain Han, are very stubborn. Although I admit that he has solved many major cases, but there are some cases that can't be explained by science. They are related to supernatural events. But he just doesn't believe it. He is a standard theist."    


"Stop, stop..." Qin Yuan interrupted her and said, "You didn't come to find me today to complain about your Captain Han in front of me, did you?"    


"Of course not. I have something important to talk to you about."    


"What can I do for you?" Qin Yuan asked.    


Xue Lingzhi looked around and lowered her voice. She said mysteriously, "We, Captain Han, don't believe in supernatural events, but I do. I used to join a paranormal detective agency. Recently... Something strange happened in the Dragon Bay of Linhai City. There was a large piece of land there. It used to be a graveyard for an urban village. After the demolition of the urban village, some developers bought the graveyard and asked them to move it away. Prepare to build tall buildings there. "    


"After all, it would be a pity to use such a large piece of land as a cemetery, but unfortunately... Basically, all the graves have been moved away, only one grave... No one has claimed it, and no family members have been found. So when the developer started work, he decided to dig up the grave, but strange things happened all the time. A few people even died. "    


"In the end, the developer was scared and didn't dare to touch that grave again, so that piece of land could only be abandoned there, because that grave was right in the middle, so there was no way to start construction."    


"Later on, some developers didn't believe it and went to look for some Feng Shui Masters. In the end, every Feng Shui master came, and one died. Whoever touched that grave would die. Later on, they invited Master Zhang, the Zhang Hongru who appeared in the Linhai University last time. Master Zhang did have some ability. He dug the grave open. Guess what? He dug out a transparent coffin."    


" This coffin is old and sinister, and there is even a line of words carved on it. After seeing the line of words, Master Zhang was so scared that he turned around and left. He even shouted that he had caused a huge disaster. Everyone else was scared. Hurry up and fill up the dug grave."    


"Now, no one dares to touch that piece of land in Dragon Bay anymore. It was abandoned there just like that. That place is now filled with dense Yin energy. Let alone at night, no one would even dare to go there during the day. It's such a pity that such a good piece of land has been abandoned just like that. "    


"As for me, Inspector Xue Xue Lingzhi, I have made a decision. I want to investigate what exactly is going on with that grave. That's why I came to find you."    


Qin Yuan said, "If you want to investigate, then go ahead. Why are you looking for me?"    


" Because you're an expert in this area. With you around, I'm more confident. "    


Actually, Xue Lingzhi originally wanted him to secretly investigate. This involved supernatural events. Her captain, Han Yuan, did not support her at all. He even said that she was messing around. So she could only secretly investigate by herself, but she was a girl after all. If she went to the gloomy Dragon Bay alone in the middle of the night, it was inevitable that she would be a little afraid.    


Last time, when she witnessed Qin Yuan's strength in the Linhai University, she had decided to let Qin Yuan go with her. Furthermore, she felt that with Qin Yuan's means, he should be able to solve the problem there.    


Qin Yuan shook his head and said, "You are the Patrol Officer. It's natural for you to investigate this matter. But what does this have to do with me? I have no interest in it."    


"Don't be in a hurry to reject it. Now, because of this piece of land, it has been put aside. It has affected the development of the city. Even the mayor is very anxious. If you can solve this problem, then you have made a great contribution. And if you solve this problem, your reputation will be completely spread. At that time, everyone in Lin Hai will know that you are a true master. Your reputation will be able to surpass Zhang Hongru's, and you will gain both fame and fortune. Why not? "    


Qin Yuan smiled and said, "Fame and fortune? It's not that important to me. Alright, I have a lot of things to do recently, but I don't have time to deal with any supernatural incidents. You should go and find someone else. "    


After saying that, Qin Yuan lifted his foot and walked out of the neighborhood.    


Xue Lingzhi chased after him unwillingly, "Hey, think about it carefully. Perhaps only you can solve this problem."    


"I have said it before. I am not interested."    


At that moment, Qin Yuan's phone rang. He took out his phone and saw that it was his mother-in-law calling. He did not want to answer, but the phone rang again and again, which annoyed him.    


He could only press the answer button. His mother-in-law's tiger-like voice immediately came from the other side. "Qin Yuan, where did you die? Come back quickly."    


Qin Yuan said, "Didn't you tell me to get lost just now? Why did you ask me to go back now? "    


"Do you think I'm willing to let a useless person like you come back? Someone is looking for you. Cut the crap and come back quickly. "    


After saying that, her mother-in-law hung up the phone.    


Qin Yuan frowned. Someone is looking for me? Looking for me? Who would be looking for me at such a late hour?    


He still decided to go home to take a look. Xue Lingzhi looked at his back as he left and anxiously shouted, " Hey, think about it carefully. I will wait for your news."    


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