Revenging Son-in-law

C90 There's Not Much Time Left

C90 There's Not Much Time Left

3"Master Qin?" Captain Han turned to look at Qin Yuan with disdain.     4


"Only those who have made great achievements in a certain field are worthy of being called great masters. How can you call yourself a great master at such a young age?"    


"I would like to hear it. You are a great master in Feng Shui surveying. Or a Master in criminal investigation and solving cases?"    


Chu Zitan could not continue listening. This patrolling officer was obviously looking down on her.    


"What are you talking about? He looks down on her. " Chu Zitan said.    


Captain Han smiled disdainfully. "Did I say something wrong? Nowadays, everyone calls themselves masters. Even those who sell dog skin plaster on the streets call themselves masters."    


"You..." Chu Zitan was angry. She wanted to say something, but Qin Yuan gave her a look, indicating that she should not speak.    


Principal Guo saw that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so he quickly went forward and said, "Captain Han, don't look at how young Brother Qin is. He is really capable. He is really a master."    


Captain Han glanced at Qin Yuan and said in a long voice, "Okay. I would like to hear what your master thinks about this case. Master Qin, what do you think about this case?"    


Qin Yuan frowned. He had thought about this earlier. If there was a patrolling officer involved in this matter, it would be inconvenient for him to come out to avoid giving himself more trouble.    


Now it seemed like it was true. This patrolling officer had high standards and did not put him in his eyes at all.    


Qin Yuan did not stand on ceremony and said straightforwardly, "I don't know about solving the case, but regarding this matter... Indeed, we can't follow the normal procedure of solving the case, because the reason why this girl turned into a dried corpse was not because she was killed. Instead, she was poisoned by someone. It was a rare Fish Venom in the world. In other words, there was no so-called murderer at all. This girl was merely targeted by the person who planted the Gu. "    


"So, you don't have to spend so much effort to solve this case, because you can't catch the person who planted the Gu at all. To be exact, you can't catch the so-called murderer at all."    


Hearing this, Captain Han's expression immediately changed.    


"What a big tone." Han Yuan shouted coldly. He never thought that this young man who called himself a master would be so arrogant and conceited. He just said that these patrolling officers couldn't catch the murderer.    


What a joke. Ever since Han Yuan became a patrolling officer, he had solved a big case in just a few years. He had obtained many honors and had been promoted to the captain of the patrolling team at a young age. It could be said that he had a bright future ahead of him, and he was extremely confident in himself. He even declared that there was no case in the entire Jiangbei that Han Yuan could not solve.    


As a patrolling officer, he had always paid attention to solving cases with science. He did not believe in any superstitious theories at all.    


What curse? What Gu? What supernatural event? That was all nonsense.    


In this world, only science was the true law of solving cases.    


Therefore, when Han Yuan heard Qin Yuan say that this dead girl was hit by some Fish Venom, he couldn't help but fly into a rage.    


"Hmph, I thought you called yourself a master, at least you have some skills. I didn't think that it would be a bunch of nonsense. Enough, we will find out the truth about this girl's death. There's nothing else for you here, you can leave now. " Han Yuan ordered Qin Yuan to leave.    


At this time, a short-haired female patrol officer walked over and said to Han Yuan, "Captain, after the preliminary medical examination, the death of this girl named Zhu Yingying is indeed very strange. It doesn't seem like she was killed, because her belly became very big before she died. Moreover, she gave birth to a fish like she gave birth to a child. After that, she became a dried corpse. "    


"Captain, I think this matter isn't that simple. It can't be judged by common sense. Could it be some supernatural event? Or was someone involved in some evil technique? "    


Before the female patrol could finish speaking, Han Yuan interrupted her. "Xue Lingzhi, don't forget your identity. You are a patrolling officer. How can you open your mouth and say something like a supernatural event? What kind of evil magic is that?"    


Xue Lingzhi suddenly felt wronged and could not help but explain," But there are many things in this world that cannot be explained by science. For example, some supernatural things happen in real life. There are also some unsolved cases that might be related to supernatural events..."    


"Enough." Han Yuan interrupted Xue Lingzhi's words once again.    


"I, Han Yuan, don't believe this. Someone must have used some special method to make Zhu Yingying give birth to a fish and then become a dried corpse."    


Then, Captain Han waved his hand and ordered, "Let's go and survey the scene again. There might be new discoveries."    


Qin Yuan sneered and said, "Captain Han, don't waste your time. According to your investigation, you won't be able to find out who planted the Gu even after a hundred years. You don't have much time left."    


Qin Yuan looked up at the sky and found that the sky above the school was covered with dark clouds and was filled with evil energy.    


He said again, "Captain Han, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. If you can't find the mastermind within three hours, then after three hours, there will be more girls dying in this school."    


"The person who planted the Gu obviously wants to use the young bodies of the girls in the university. To raise a peerless Fish Venom King, he planted the Corpse Fish into my sister-in-law's stomach. But I saw through it and then drilled it into Lau Ying'er's stomach. I also killed that fish. "    


"And now it seems that the person who planted the Gu did not let it go. He chose another girl as his target to raise the Gu. Furthermore, it has already increased the speed, which is why this girl called Zhu Yingying died in a short period of time. Because the time was too short, he had to choose at least five girls. As the medium for his Gu, the girl from the dormitory building was the first. This Zhu Yingying was the second, and there would be a third. The fourth and fifth."    


The female patrol officer called Xue Lingzhi was stunned when she heard this. She could not help but exclaim, "Is it that serious? Will there be people dying after three hours? Besides the girl in the dormitory and Zhu Yingying, there are three more deaths before they are willing to give up?"    


Xue Lingzhi turned her gaze to Han Yuan." Captain, it seems that we really do not have much time left. Three hours? We need to solve this case within three hours and catch the murderer. That's too short a time."    


Han Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked straight at Qin Yuan. "What makes you think that someone will die after three hours? And three more people will die? Do you have any proof?"    


" Intuition. " Qin Yuan faintly said two words.    


Han Yuan laughed in disdain. "Ridiculous. We pay attention to evidence when solving cases. As for your intuition, you should put it away."    


Finally, Captain Han waved his hand impatiently. "Alright, we will start working now. All unrelated people, leave now. Don't interfere with our work."    


Qin Yuan was a little angry in his heart. This captain with the surname Han was too confident. He was so confident that he did not put anyone in his eyes.    


Qin Yuan did not want to care about this matter at first, but after all, it concerned the lives of many people. He really couldn't bear it. After thinking for a while, he said to Han Yuan, "Captain Han, I think I need to remind you that this concerns the lives of people. If you still use your scientific method to solve the case to follow the procedure, it will only be a waste of time. It was still the same saying, within three hours, the mastermind must be caught. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable."    


"And to find out who the mastermind is, with just you? No." Qin Yuan raised his right index finger and shook it, directly denying Han Yuan and the others.    


"Only I, Qin Yuan, can find out the mastermind behind this matter in a short period of time. You all can't."    


"Hahahaha..." Han Yuan burst into laughter. His face was filled with disdain.    


"With just you? Who do you think you are? How dare you talk big in front of me, Han Yuan? I am now ordering you to leave as a patrol officer. Otherwise, I will arrest you for obstructing official business. "    


Qin Yuan shook his head and said, "Alright, I can leave, but don't regret it. If you die three hours later, it will be too late. Captain Han, I'm afraid you can't bear the consequences. "    


Speaking up to this point, Qin Yuan gave Chu Zitan a look and said, "Redwood, let's go."    


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