Super Asura System

C205 Spank My Ass

C205 Spank My Ass

3Zhou Xiyao took out a dagger from her pocket and smiled like a crescent moon. She kept looking at Zhao Yiming's crotch with malicious intentions.     2


Zhao Yiming's face turned pale and said, "You little girl, what do you want to do?"    


Zhou Xiyao said with a smile, "Didn't you say earlier that you are willing to be with me forever? Then I will give you this chance. But to prevent others from saying that we are unclear, how about I make you a eunuch?"    


Zhao Yiming shouted loudly, "Don't play too much. This is not a joke. I was wrong, okay?"    


Zhou Xiyao lightly shook her head and walked step by step to his side and said, "I admit defeat just like that. But I haven't played enough. Don't worry, my hands are very fast. It will definitely not hurt."    


As she said that, she waved the dagger in her hand and Zhao Yiming screamed. His hands suddenly struggled and he suddenly felt some changes in the chain. It seemed to have loosened a little.    


Zhou Xiyao continued to smile and said, "What are you shouting for? I haven't even made a move yet. Just now, it was just a comparison. Now I really came back."    


As she spoke, she waved the dagger again and Zhao Yiming felt a chill down his spine. This time he really thought that he was finished. But why didn't it hurt? He quickly opened his eyes to take a look.    


Zhou Xiyao's face was red. She threw the dagger on the ground and pointed at Zhao Yiming, saying, "You damn hooligan. Watch how I deal with you in the future." Then she ran out again.    


Zhao Yiming struggled to straighten his neck. He looked down and saw that there was a cut on the side of his pants near his thigh. But from Zhou Xiyao's performance just now, it seemed that she did not do it on purpose. It seemed that this girl was not a bad person. She was just teasing him.    


He put his heart into his stomach and began to ponder about the chain just now. He secretly circulated the Vital Spirit and struggled. This chain was indeed loosening a little.    


He immediately gathered all the remaining Vital Spirit and gathered them all on the chain in his right hand. With a cracking sound, the iron ring in the afternoon shattered.    


He immediately took out two bags of Origin Returning Powder from his bag and opened his mouth to swallow them. The medicinal strength quickly took effect. The nine cyclone circulated crazily and soon filled up the Vital Spirit.    


The rest of the matters were naturally much easier. Very quickly, the other three chains were broken by him. He jumped up from the bed, and moved his body a little. All of his joints were producing cracking sounds.    


He looked at the two sets of inner armor that had been destroyed and recalled the scene at that time. That girl had obviously recovered her strength and was able to beat him up to such an extent. Her cultivation was truly shocking.    


Moreover, judging from the speed that this girl ran out just now, even if he ran, he might not be able to outrun her. It seemed that he could only use his wits and not be a match for her.    


He heard footsteps again and immediately put the four steel hoops back on. He lay on the bed and groaned. He deliberately used the Vital Spirit to turn his face into a waxy yellow.    


Zhou Xiyao felt that she had met Zhao Yiming. It was simply like she had met a nemesis. She had been fooled by him everywhere. She had even seen something so embarrassing just now. However, she didn't know why, but she had a strange feeling in her heart.    


Zheng Honglian looked into his eyes from afar and whispered, "I told City Lord before that I can't nurture Eldest Miss too deeply. City Lord just won't listen to me. It looks like Eldest Miss won't be able to escape."    


Du Lei twitched his mouth and said, "You are already so old. How can you still know the thoughts of young people?"    


Zheng Honglian said emotionally, "After all, I am still young and have a good life! I also came from that innocent little girl. That year, he was always in my heart."    


She suddenly became fierce and said, "Explain clearly to me what you mean by I'm already so old. Then why are you walking behind me every day?"    


Not to mention the noisy place, Zhou Xiyao stood outside Zhao Yiming's room and took two deep breaths. She once again put on an angry look, but no matter how she looked at it, it was cute.    


She pushed the door open and saw Zhao Yiming humming there. His face was sallow with sweat dripping down. This time, she was also slightly shocked and quickly said, "What happened to you?"    


Zhao Yiming panted and said, "My injuries just acted up. I think I'm going to die. I have no regrets dying in the hands of a beautiful and cute girl like you!"    


Zhou Xiyao shook her head and said, "How could it be like this? I clearly gave you the Heavenly Flower Jade Dew Pill. As long as you still have a breath left, I should be able to help you come back. Could it be that Medicine Old Man lied to me?"    


She took out another pill from her bosom and came to Zhao Yiming's side. She said, "Then try another one. I think this time it should be fine."    


Zhao Yiming ate the pill and indeed felt a medicinal strength circulating in his body. It was indeed a good pill and he thought that he had profited this time.    


Zhou Xiyao said with a smile, "You want to trick me with this little trick of yours? Are you trying to trick me to open the chain for you? Save it. You won't play this trick when I was ten years old."    


Zhao Yiming's expression changed and he said, "Then what did you give me just now?"    


Zhou Xiyao laughed and said, "That is a good thing. It is called Heaven-shaking Chaos Thunderbolt Powder, commonly known as laxative. I will find something to cover it up for you later, in case you pull it all over the place and stink to death."    


Zhao Yiming took advantage of the time when Zhou Xiyao was laughing and laughing. His hands suddenly struggled out of the chains. He raised his hand and pointed at the three major acupuncture points on her body. He quickly injected the Vital Spirit into them. For a moment, the circulation of her Vital Spirit was cut off.    


This was also because Zhou Xiyao was completely unprepared. At such a close distance, she was ambushed by Zhao Yiming and succeeded. However, her cultivation was deep after all. At most, it would take half an incense stick of time for her to recover to her original state.    


The few people outside were also shocked. They were all prepared to attack. If Zhao Yiming dared to plot against them, they would immediately kill him.    


Zhao Yiming said with a mischievous smile, "Brother, I know how to show mercy to women, but you actually dared to cut my pants. This capital offense can be exempted from. Let's see how I'm going to deal with you."    


Zhou Xiyao gritted her teeth and said, "How can you break the cold iron chains? If you have the ability, then kill me. Otherwise, I will definitely teach you a lesson."    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "How can I bear to kill your big brother? But you look like you have been lacking discipline since young. Big brother, I will discipline you today. If you don't listen to me, you will have to spank your butt."    


As he spoke, he placed Zhou Xiyao on his lap. He swung his palm and slapped her butt five or six times. However, after these few slaps, the two of them had a different feeling in their hearts.    


Zhao Yiming looked at Zhou Xiyao who was gasping for breath and kissed her on the cheek. Then he said with a cheeky smile, "Don't be so disobedient in the future. Big Brother will leave first." After saying that, he ran out in a row.    


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