Divine Magic Doctor

C463 Grandpa and Granddaughter Bureau

C463 Grandpa and Granddaughter Bureau

0Qing looked around in confusion and finally, her gaze landed on Su Ming.    


"Brother Ming, they're talking about you. What do you mean you can't beat them?"    


Su Ming stretched his back comfortably, "They say whatever they want to say. You can win or lose by betting on me later."    


"You win? Brother Ming, you really know kung fu? " Qing was extremely curious.    


Su Ming pulled her to his side and whispered, "Of course I know how, and I'm also very strong."    


"You didn't lie to me? Master Chen really taught you kung fu? " Qing intended to get to the bottom of this.    


Su Ming smiled mysteriously and did not answer.    


More and more people gathered in the stands. When everyone learned that tonight, the ring's trump card was going to participate in the tournament, the entire crowd stirred.    


Looking at the excited looks on everyone's faces, Xu Tian was very proud. Tonight, not only was Su Ming killed, but he was also able to earn a lot. It was like killing two birds with one stone.    


Xue Tiangang's face was livid. He had asked around when he was away and now knew that the big guy was Xu Tian's ace fighter.    


He had once beaten two people to death with a single punch. Ever since Xu Family had intervened in the Dragon Martial Arts School, the big size man had already killed no less than eight people.    


If senior were to compete with such a terrifying existence, wouldn't that be courting death!    


"S-senior brother, you can't fight in this match." Xue Tiangang led Su Ming to a less populated area.    


"Why?" Su Ming asked.    


Xue Tiangang sighed, "Xu Tian obviously targeted you. This is a trap. That big guy was number one here and killed eight people. If you go to the competition and something happens, how can I explain it to master?"    


Su Ming smiled and patted Xue Tiangang's shoulder, "Don't worry Junior Brother, I am confident. Someone who can beat me to death has not yet been born. "    


"Ai!" Xue Tiangang only thinks Su Ming is young and frivolous.    


Since he couldn't persuade Su Ming, he could only think of a way to save Su Ming's life.    


The atmosphere gradually heated up, and all of the spectators started to boil over. Some people even picked up their phones and started to call their friends.    


In just a short ten minutes, there were already many people rushing into the underground boxing ring.    


Seeing that it was almost time, Xu Tian stood up and walked towards Su Ming with his men.    


Qing noticed Xu Tian walking over and nudged Su Ming, "Brother Ming, that grandson is here."    


The little girl's voice wasn't loud, and it was Xu Tian who heard her.    


The other party's face was dark, and his gaze was filled with hostility.    


"Time's up. Let's go!" Xu Tian gestured for Su Ming to enter the cage.    


The tall man walked over and gestured for Su Ming to come over.    


"Mr. Su, please follow me."    


"Wait!" Su Ming turned his head and said, "Since Xu Tian has set up this trap, shouldn't you also put a bit more pressure on your chips?"    


"What do you mean? You want to bet with me alone? " Xu Tian sneered.    


"That's right!" "Why don't we have a bet on ourselves?" Su Ming had this intention.    


"Okay, tell me what you want to bet?" Xu Tian was very confident. No matter what he bet tonight, he would bet with Su Ming to the end.    


Su Ming looked up and down at Xu Tian and said: "You don't have much interest in gambling? "How about this, a bet on face!"    


"Betting on face?!" Xu Tian felt that it was a little interesting.    


"That's right. Do you dare to bet your face in front of so many people?" Su Ming emphasized the last two words.    


If Xu Tian said he didn't dare in front of so many people, wouldn't he lose face right now?    


"You dare!" Xu Tian answered very straightforwardly.    


"Alright, then let's make a bet. If I win, you can call me grandpa in front of everyone today. You must kneel down and shout." For people like Xu Tian, face was more important than life.    


Su Ming was using this point to teach him and Xu Family a lesson.    


"And if I win?" Xu Tian said with a serious expression.    


"If you win, I'll kneel down and call you grandpa!" Su Ming already had an answer in his heart.    


"Good!" "Then it's settled, I will make you regret this!" Xu Tian sneered and turned away.    


"Alright, I'm waiting to regret it!" Su Ming left confidently.    


Xu Tian's gaze was cold as he stared at Su Ming's figure. The corner of his mouth unconsciously curled up into an evil smile.    


If Su Ming dared to compete with his trump card, he probably wouldn't even know how he died.    


After Su Ming entered the iron cage, the customers started to shout loudly.    


All the discussions were belittling Su Ming. In the hearts of the crowd, Su Ming was an untouchable existence.    


"Everyone, quiet down!"    


A megaphone sounded in the arena.    


Everyone knew that it was time to place their bets.    


"The bet begins now!"    


After this news was released, over ten Bunny Girl walked towards the crowd carrying a black bag on their backs.    


Many bosses in the stands were even more impatient.    


The odds of this big guy buying on stage were definitely the highest. Everyone knew that if they bought this big guy, they would definitely make a huge profit.    


"Can we bet on Mr. Xu now?"    


someone in the crowd asked.    


"You two hand checks." Mr. Xu instructed the two brothers.    


The two of them walked to the stands and started collecting cheques one by one, then handed the cards in their hands to each other.    


Qing looked at the bosses buying millions one by one. Her heart itched. Thinking of Brother Ming's words, she subconsciously touched her pockets.    


She didn't have much money, so she had already spent most of her money running from Chuan to Nanning. She couldn't even place a bet with the few tens of dollars left in her pocket.    


Qing inadvertently caught sight of Xue Tiangang and thought of a solution.    


"Junior, junior apprentice-brother." Qing leaned over and whispered.    


Xue Tiangang was worried about Su Ming when he heard a voice behind him and turned around hurriedly.    


"Shi, Senior Sister, what happened?" Xue Tiangang said in a low voice.    


Qing blushed and said shyly, "You, can you borrow some money to bet on me?"    


"Betting?" Xue Tiangang was stunned, "You want to bet on that big guy to win?"    


"No, no." Qing quickly waved her hand, "I want to bet on Brother Ming to win."    


Xue Tiangang was stunned again. He looked at Qing in surprise, "You, you, you want to bet with Senior Brother to win?"    


"Mm, can you help me?" Qing pleaded.    


Xue Tiangang almost couldn't believe what he heard, betting on Su Ming sounded like a joke.    


"How much do you want?" Xue Tiangang asked.    


"10,000 yuan. If you feel too much, 5000 yuan is fine too." Qing asked probingly.    


Xue Tiangang took out a card from his pocket, "There's a million here. Take it and use it first."    


Qing widened her eyes in shock. "One, one million?"    


"Right." Xue Tiangang passed the card to Qing and turned around to continue observing the situation on the field.    


Qing's face turned red as she held the million yuan in her hands.    


Ever since she was young, this was the first time she had seen so much money. She eagerly walked over, tossed it to the tall and short brothers, and returned with a card.    


Xu Tian noticed Qing. He asked the tall and short brothers to ask before he found out that the little girl had won for Su Ming.    


He couldn't help but notice that Bai Jianjia had already told him about what had happened.    


Bai Jianjia, who didn't express any opinions, couldn't help but to laugh. She had personally witnessed the power of this big guy. Such a fierce existence could completely crush Su Ming.    


Buying Su Ming as a winner was simply looking for a loser.    


"Su Ming, Su Ming, you have offended the Xu Family, so you will have to pay a terrible price." Bai Jianjia thought to herself, indeed, there was a trace of regret in that instant.    


The audience was in high spirits. Many of them began to shout for the big bloke to come out.    


Someone took the lead and someone responded. Soon, the slogans of the audience continued as they shouted for the big bloke to come out.    


Xu Tian had already prepared everything. It was just to keep the audience in suspense so that the big guy wouldn't appear.    


The tall man saw the boss giving him a look, so he quickly turned around and left. A few minutes later, a sturdy man with a face like an iron tower and eyes like bronze bells appeared in everyone's line of sight.    


The big bloke suddenly appeared and detonated. The shouts at the scene were like the tide, one wave after another.    


Many women screamed excitedly, as though they were seeing their beloved husband.    


Xu Tian proudly sized up the big guy and was extremely excited. Su Ming, who was his existence, was just like an ant.    


The tall man led the big guy and walked towards the cage step by step. Xue Tiangang, who was standing at the front, felt his heart skip a beat.    


Such a tall and sturdy man was like a giant. Compared to him, Su Ming was like a child.    


"How are we going to hit him? His fist is as big as a child's head. Even if he doesn't die, he will be half crippled. What should I do? What should I do?" Xue Tiangang muttered. He was extremely worried.    


Noticing the appearance of the big guy, the corner of Su Ming's mouth curled up into a smile.    


He had once asked his master, Chen, what if he met an opponent stronger than him?    


Master Chen didn't give Su Ming the answer at the time, and many years later, he did.    




Thinking about it now, Su Ming wanted to laugh. In these few years of experiential learning in the society, he had met many troublesome opponents, but none of them were able to hurt Su Ming in the slightest.    


His martial arts already had half of his master's skills. Master Chen once said that if he could learn half of his skills, then no one in this world could take Su Ming's life.    


Now it would seem that the old man wasn't lying to him.    


While his mind was wandering, the big guy had already walked into the iron cage    


It was two meters tall, and its body was like an iron tower. Standing in the cage, it felt like its surroundings were shrinking.    


Su Ming stood in front of the big guy like a child.     0


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