System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1700 Jin Zhenhuan's Request(2)

C1700 Jin Zhenhuan's Request(2)

4When Fann Binn heard this, he seemed to understand something and said in surprise, "Marshal Jin... Don't tell me you want to..."    


"You are a smart person. I think you should understand something." Jin Zhenhuan sighed and said, "Among my descendants, only Minying is the most capable. She is smart and loves to learn. She can also infer three things from others. Learning from experience and lessons, she has always been the junior that I value the most. It is a pity that she is a girl. If I let her inherit my power... I'm afraid there will be many officials who will not accept it, and at that time, the state affairs of C will be unstable. If I'm not careful, there might be a big problem! "    


"Father!!" Jin Minying shook her head in shock. "No, I will never inherit your power. I will never become the leader of C Country. I am just a weak woman. I only hope that I can live happily with the man I love for the rest of my life. I really don't want to have too many extravagant hopes."    


"That's right... You only wish to have a happy home and have a man you love. But have you ever thought about your father? Have you thought about the people of C Country? The reforms that his father worked hard to implement were flourishing during his father's term of office, and the lives of the people had just started to rise. However, he changed into a useless fellow to be the leader. Do you think C Nation can continue to develop? Do you think C Nation will not become unstable?"    


Jin Zhenhuan took a long breath and said," There is an old saying in H Country. It is said that the worries of the world in the past will be worrying, and the joy of the world in the future will be happy. To always put the country and the people first is the responsibility of being a princess of C Country. Do you understand?"    


"But..." Jin Minying frowned and looked at Fann Binn worriedly. She knew very well. If she really took over the responsibility of her father, how heavy would it be? How difficult it was! Furthermore, if that was the case, she was afraid that she wouldn't have the chance to live happily with Fann Binn anymore! This kind of cruel reality was something Jin Minying had to face.    


"Minying... Don't blame father. Originally, father had always thought that it was absurd for a woman to be the leader. But in the car, you and I will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the H Country's reform. One hit to the nail on the head, this was enough to prove your ability. I should also consider that if there is really no other way, I will let you become the first female leader of C Country. Why not?"    


Jin Zhenhuan said bitterly, "I only want you to become the female leader because of the pressure from all sides. You have to overcome it. Sigh... Actually, I had originally thought of Fann Binn as well, thinking that if he and you become a pair, that would be considered half a C Nation. But after thinking about it, I felt that if he becomes the leader of C Nation, the political situation will only become more chaotic."    


" After all, he doesn't have a drop of blood from C Nation flowing through his body, allowing an outsider to rule this country. That's not realistic. So, my request to Fann Binn is if you want to be with Jin Minying. We must let her hold the power of C Nation and assist her in becoming the new leader of C Nation!"    


Fann Binn opened his mouth but did not know what to say. What kind of joke is this, letting Jin Minying become the leader of C Nation? Wouldn't that make her change from a princess to a queen? Such a gorgeous transformation was too dramatic, right? He could not help saying helplessly, "Marshal Jin, you really worry too much, right? Not to mention how difficult it is for Jin Minying to become the female leader of C Nation, no matter what, this is not something that can be discussed right now, right?"    


"I know. Do you think that I am not considered old yet? Can I work as the leader for a few decades?" Jin Zhenhuan looked at Fann Binn and said seriously, "To tell you the truth, I did not say anything. Only my personal doctor knows. At most. But in two years, I have to step down from the position of leader. I need to rest. Because I am suffering from a very serious uremia, if I don't rest well... There's always a possibility of being critically ill."    


"That's why I have to make plans early. I can't let C Nation's great situation go to waste. Do you understand!? Minying, perhaps it was very difficult for you to get promoted in the past, but now, there is an opportunity in front of you. You have snatched back the Imperial Ruler's Seal from the hands of the people of H Country. You are the female hero in the eyes of the people of C Country. As long as we create more momentum, you will become a figure that everyone in C Country knows about. Only by expanding your influence will you be able to become a goddess in the hearts of the people when power is handed over. Only then will you be able to receive less resistance. The Imperial Ruler's Seal is a good opportunity for you to win over the hearts of the people! If that's the case..."    


" Uremia? Father, you, why didn't you tell me earlier!" Jin Minying finally could not help but speak, interrupting Jin Zhenhuan's words. She said somewhat agitatedly, "Have you already chosen the path I want to walk in the future for me? But have you ever thought about whether I am willing or not? Yes, the future of C Country is very important. Everyone wants the country to be strong and prosperous. So if my brothers fail to live up to their expectations, then they will not be able to inherit your power. But why do you have to create a hereditary system? "    


"You also obtained power through a coup, why can't you transfer it to someone else to control!? I desire freedom, I hope that my future will be decided by myself, and not be forced by you! I have no interest in being a female leader, and I am also very disgusted with dirty politics. I, I can't be the leader, sorry, I just want to live a safe and happy life with Fann Binn, and give birth to children for him. This is the life I want! "    


"Minying... Are you really willing to watch C Nation die? All the officials of the original Jin family were feudal and conservative. It is very difficult to change their thinking, so we have to take it slow. Do you understand! If you can't inherit my leadership, then there will definitely be chaos in C Country. If it were anyone from any power that came to power, it would definitely cause a new storm of blood!"    


"C Country can't afford to be tormented anymore. The suffering of the people is what we need to resolve. We are not busy with internal strife! " Jin Zhenhuan earnestly said, "For the future of C Nation, you must inherit the great cause. Even for the people of C Nation, you must do so! "    


The meeting room was very quiet. After Jin Zhenhuan finished speaking, Jin Minying did not know how to reply. She sat on the sofa in a daze, looking very disappointed. Fann Binn, who was standing beside her, also did not recover from his disbelief. He did not think that... Originally, having a princess wife was already inconceivable, but he did not expect that the princess wife would become the president's wife at this time. Ah, no, she became the marshal's wife! Having a king as his wife, the pressure was really not ordinary...    


"What's going on..." Fann Binn did not know whether to laugh or cry. He looked at Jin Minying and said, "Why did I hear so much from your father? Do you think you will be finished if you don't become the leader of C Nation? Is it that exaggerated? "    


Jin Minying looked at the man she loved beside her and lowered her head without saying anything. But her expression had already told Fann Binn that if she did not inherit her father's leadership position, could there really be internal strife in C Country and it would be completely destroyed?    


After all, Fann Binn was not a C Nation, so he naturally did not know the complexity of the political factions in C Nation. However, the only thing he knew in his heart was that C Nation had always been inflexible and inflexible. Although it was said to be a communist, in reality, it was a half-feudal, half-closed country. Many of the feudal ideologies had been passed down. This included the leader's hereditary system. In fact, Fann Binn had also thought about it at this time. If Jin Zhenhuan's sons were really like what he had said, each and every one of them would not be able to support Ah Dou. In that case, Jin Minying could only be Jin Zhenhuan's only choice.    


"Minying! Father knew that he had never allowed you to live a happy life since you were young, and now he wanted you to shoulder a heavy responsibility that you could not bear. It was his father who had let you down by destroying your happiness and beautiful future. But you really have to think for the sake of this country, this country, this country... Think about the poor people!"    


"I believe that with Fann Binn's help, you will definitely become the first female leader of C Country. If I didn't have a son-in-law like Fann Binn, I wouldn't dare to try. But since you two are in love and are together, I have at least 80% confidence. You will be able to safely inherit my power and become the new leader of C Nation!"    


Jin Zhenhuan solemnly said to his daughter Jin Minying, "Just treat it as father begging you, as long as you promise me. If you inherit my power and become the new leader of C Nation, I will agree to your marriage with Fann Binn. I will let you become a happy couple and fight side by side. The more we build C Nation, the better! "    


Jin Minying looked at her father's serious and serious expression and could not help but reveal a bitter smile. At this time, she seemed to have understood a lot of things and lightly said. "Father... Let me ask you, did you already have this thought in your heart? It was precisely because of this that you took the initiative to bring me to H Country. You brought me to contact Fann Binn on your own accord, and intentionally brought me and Fann Binn together. You also agreed to let me study abroad in H Country? All of this was carefully planned by you. Am I right?"    


When he heard Jin Minying's words, even Fann Binn was shocked! If all of this was true, that meant that Fann Binn had already been schemed against by Jin Zhenhuan a long time ago!    


Jin Zhenhuan looked at the two of them and sighed, "Father is not as powerful as you say. He is able to prepare for a rainy day. At that time, I only wanted to train you as a leader to see if you are really this material. Coincidentally, I wanted to get closer to Fann Binn, so I had the urge to recruit him as my son-in-law. I will let you have more contact with Fann Binn. I didn't think that it would actually work... Sometimes, there's a will of heaven in the underworld. Minying, it's useless to run away even if you want to. The timing, location, and people are right. You are destined to be the new leader of C Country!"    


Jin Minying did not know what to do for a moment. She looked at Fann Binn as if asking for his opinion.    


Fann Binn smiled helplessly and said, "Minying, I think what your father said is right. It is the right time, the right place, and the right people. It is the right time for your father to take control of the political situation. Moreover, the new policies and reforms have already begun to be implemented. You don't need to put in a lot of effort to promote the reforms. You just need to maintain your father's basic policies. "    


"The geographical advantage is that you have your father's pure bloodline, and your father already controls most of the military power in C Country. So, if we really fight, you will definitely have an incomparable military power."    


"Humanity, you have seized the Imperial Ruler's Seal. Naturally, you will become a hero in the hearts of the people of C Country. You will increase your reputation and image and become a figure that everyone knows. This way, you will be able to better consolidate the people's sentiment when you get on the stage."    


"You have taken up all three of them, and my Dragonthorn Legion and my financial support are also there. Your father is too conservative. If you want me to say... As long as you are willing, you have at least 95% chance of successfully becoming the new leader of C Country. "    


" However, there are some things that will depend on your final decision If you want to live happily with me, you will have to abandon your own country. Your own people will cause your people to sink into an abyss of misery. This is a choice you must make. "    


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