System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C58 Secretly

C58 Secretly

4It's a street full of hotels like the Elson Hotel, and even though Fann Binn hasn't lived here before, however, it did not mean that he was not familiar with the layout of this place. Because his aunt used to be the receptionist of a hotel on this road, he had clearly understood the layout of the hotel lobby and the restaurant a few years ago.    


The entire first floor of the hotel was a spacious and bright lobby paved with marble flooring. There were three or four spacious sofas and a front desk inside. On the side was the restaurant that provided guests to rest and drink tea. Most of the guests would eat and chat there. With Fann Binn's current position at the front desk, he could see a corner of the restaurant.    


Fann Binn quietly walked to the front desk. There were two waiters at the front desk. When he saw Fann Binn, he immediately stood up and asked if he wanted to book a room. Fann Binn hurriedly smiled and shook his head, saying that he was just waiting for someone. As he spoke, he kept glancing at the restaurant from the corner of his eye.    


Coincidentally, Fann Binn could barely see Zheng Lilong's seat. What made him nervous was that the seat opposite Zheng Lilong was... It was obviously a woman! Although he could only see the woman's side from afar, he was already sure that she was very beautiful. She was definitely very beautiful, and very young!    


What? How could he tell? F * ck, that woman's professional suit was enough to show off her perfect figure. Fann Binn could come to this conclusion just by looking at the delicate contours of her face! Damn it! No matter what, he was a veteran beauty who had seen many beautiful women, alright?    


This time, Fann Binn was really happy. He really didn't expect that he would encounter Zheng Lilong's secret date under such circumstances. This was really like looking for something with no effort at all.    


This time, Fann Binn didn't dare to use the golden needle. There were too many people here. He did not know that even though the golden needles were sent out at an incredible speed, they would still be seen by others. Secondly, even if he used the golden needles to eavesdrop, he couldn't use them as evidence. Furthermore, he might not be able to understand them.    


What he needed to do now was wait for the conversation between the two of them to end. When Zheng Lilong returned, he would follow that mistress of his! As long as he knew the background of that woman, Zheng Lilong wouldn't be able to escape even if he wanted to!    


Therefore, Fann Binn decided to chat with the two waiters at the front desk. He would ask about the price of the hotel, and then ask if there were any other services. Of course, it wasn't a private service. When he heard the waiter's reply, he kept staring at Zheng Lilong from the corner of his eye. He watched their conversation.    


After fifteen minutes, Fann Binn saw the woman smile three times. After drinking a cup of coffee, he took out two thick documents from his bag and handed them to Zheng Lilong. Zheng Lilong quickly put them into his bag.    


Fann Binn thought as he looked at the smiling Fann Binn. Hehe, if you still don't die now, then I, Fann Binn, will write it backwards! Damn it, I can finally vent my anger for the middle school exams. If I come out and mingle around, I will have to pay you back sooner or later!    


After waiting for another five or six minutes, Zheng Lilong's phone rang. He got up and walked to the other side of the restaurant to pick up the phone. At this moment, Fann Binn quickly turned his head. He picked up a travel magazine and casually looked at it. He was afraid that Zheng Lilong would discover him.    


At this moment, Fann Binn seemed to have thought of something. He turned his head and whispered to the waiter. " Sister Hui, do you know that the woman in the restaurant is staying in your hotel?" He already knew that one of the waiters was called Xiao Hui and the other was Xin Xin. The one who liked to talk was Hui and she was Fann Binn's investigation point.    


Xiao Hui followed the direction Fann Binn was pointing at and looked at it for a while. She nodded and said with some doubt, "She lives in our hotel, is she your friend?"    


"Oh, no. I just think she is very pretty." Fann Binn smiled and replied casually.    


"Oh, I didn't know you were so young. Your eyes are quite sharp." Xiao Hui teased Fann Binn with a smile. Because Fann Binn had chatted with them too much just now, these two waiters had obviously gotten rid of their unfamiliarity with Fann Binn.    


"Uh, haha, everyone loves beauty. Actually, I think both of your sisters are pretty." Fann Binn did not forget to flatter them with gratitude.    


"Come on, we are not as pretty as her. I am not afraid to tell you that we were all shocked when the young lady came in. I've never seen such a beautiful woman before. " Xiao Hui turned to Xin Xin and said, "Xinxin, right? That young lady is really the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. "    


"The most beautiful woman? So exaggerated?" Fann Binn saw the silent Xin Xin nod her head in a serious manner. Only then did he sigh. It seemed like Zheng Lilong had harmed the most beautiful flower in the motherland.    


"It's not exaggerated at all. You'll know when she comes over." The waiter said, "This lady isn't a local. Her ID card seems to be from Jiangde. She said she came here for a vacation."    


She was not a local but from Jiangde. She was very beautiful. These were all information about Zheng Lilong's mistress. He had to take note of them. Fann Binn twitched his mouth in disdain after hearing this. Coming here for a vacation? Hmph, it was more like meeting his lover.    


"Oh right, Xiao Hui, I forgot about that girl. She was looking for a tour guide just now, did you help her contact the travel agency?" Xin Xin suddenly thought of something and turned to Xiao Hui. "She wants a single tour guide. Don't forget to help her contact her."    


Xiao Hui slapped her forehead and said, "Oh my, I forgot about everything I did just now. This is great. It's already past eight o'clock at the tour guide office. What should we do?"    


When Fann Binn heard Xiao Hui say this, he immediately had a plan in mind. Since this mistress wanted to go out and play, then wouldn't he be able to use this opportunity to get close to her? Thinking about this, he immediately smiled and said, "Sister Hui, don't worry, I am the tour guide... Ah, it's just a tour guide."    


"A tour guide? No, no, she wants a formal travel company. If she knew that we found a wild director for her, she would definitely be angry and complain. " When Xiao Hui heard Fann Binn boast that he was a tour guide, she immediately shook her head and refused.    


Fann Binn was still unwilling to give up and continued, "How can you think like that, Sister Xiao Hui? My tour guide is very professional. Furthermore, the Ping'an County tour is mainly to look at the mountains and water, and to go into the forest to breathe fresh air. It's not like there is anything that needs to be explained about the historical site, so don't worry. I definitely won't have a problem. Furthermore, I'm much cheaper than a regular travel agency. Don't you often find wild guides to earn money? How about we split the money by 46%?"    


Fann Binn often went to his aunt's hotel as a waitress during the summer vacation, so he often took on the job of a tour guide. Not only could he earn extra income, but he also did not need to show a formal tour guide license. Summer work often earned a lot of money. Therefore, he was already familiar with this kind of thing. Naturally, he knew that the hotel's waitress would look for a tour guide exceptionally quickly.    


When she heard that it was 46 points, Xiao Hui looked at Xin Xin with some interest. She started to size up Fann Binn's figure from head to toe. It didn't matter if he didn't have any qualifications or a tour guide in Ping'an County. However, he had to be strong and suffer. This was because the trip to Ping'an County was to experience the wilderness. There were outdoor camping and outdoor survival activities. If the tour guide was not strong, how could he protect the safety of the tourists?    


Fortunately, Fann Binn had experienced being a tour guide since the first day. He was 1.73 meters tall and skinny, but he had a good figure because he often fought and trained. This was why Xin Xin agreed.    


This way, Fann Binn knew that he had an excellent opportunity to interact with Zheng Lilong's mistress. As long as he could slowly get acquainted with her, he believed that he would be able to find something valuable from her!    


After conversing with Xiao Hui and Xin Xin for a while longer, he decided to tell them what tour guide company he was from, what serial number, and so on. At this moment, Fann Binn saw from the corner of his eye that Zheng Lilong was about to leave. It was obvious that Xiao Hui had already told him that the beautiful mistress had booked a room here tonight. Therefore, he didn't have to worry about the housewife meeting and leaving.    


Sure enough, after shaking hands with his mistress, Zheng Lilong turned around and walked towards the hall with a smile. The mistress sat down again and opened a magazine to read. Fann Binn quickly said goodbye to the two front desk waitresses and rushed into the washroom. He didn't want Zheng Lilong to see him here.    


After waiting for a few minutes, he carefully walked out of the bathroom. When he saw that there was no one in the lobby, he quickly tidied up his casual suit, got up, and walked into the restaurant.    


When Zheng Lilong was there, he wanted to hide like a thief. But now, he had become the best tour guide for a single person tour.    


Zheng Lilong's mistress's eyes were still fixed on the magazine, and Fann Binn was getting closer and closer to her. As he got closer, he could see more and more clearly. Although he could only see half of the lady's body, he was more and more certain. Just now, the receptionist was not joking with him. This mistress was really beautiful.    


However, when he walked in front of this mistress, Fann Binn was still completely shocked by her reading the newspaper with her head lowered. If Faang Yixuan was said to be a pure Narcissus, Liu Ting was a rose with thorns. Hwa Xinxin had a delicate fragrance of purple cloves, and Jiang Xue was a lotus that was untainted by mud. If Cui Lin was a youthful sunflower, there was probably only one flower that could represent her. That was the noblest and rarest sleeping fire lotus.    


The sleeping fire lotus was also called the Purple Lotus, and it was Grandia's most precious flower. This kind of flower only bloomed for seven days a year, and outside the fire lotus were purple petals. There were only many golden antennae in the middle, and there was a budding stamen inside. It would only bloom at the moment before it wilted. Some people said that the antennae of the fire lotus were to protect the stamen from sleeping quietly, so it was called the Sleeping Fire Lotus.    


And this person in front of him, with a slight frown, had delicate and beautiful facial features. There was not a trace of impurity on her pink and tender skin. She was so pure and perfect that it could not be measured. It was just like the sleeping fire lotus that made people think that she was so delicate and beautiful. That kind of beauty made people want to take care of her! Oh my god, this was not what the waiter said just now that she was very beautiful. It was super, super, super to the point that words could not describe how beautiful it was!    


Fann Binn only took one look and he was completely stunned on the spot. In his life, he had never seen a woman more beautiful than this beauty in front of him. Whether it was Jiang Xue, Faang Yixuan or Hwa Xinxin, in front of her. They were all defeated.    


However, at this moment, when Fann Binn recalled that she had actually become Zheng Lilong's mistress, the shock and admiration in his body suddenly disappeared completely, and what replaced it was endless regret. Was there a mistake? Such a beautiful woman... was willing to be reduced to a toy in the hands of an old man in his forties? She was willing to be the mistress of an old man whose son was almost the same age as her!    


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