Transmigrated Son-in-law

C580 He Won the Battle Just like That

C580 He Won the Battle Just like That

1When it was late at night, he stopped thinking about it and laid down to rest after taking a bath.    4


Outside, the deck was still bustling with noise and excitement. The cafeteria was packed with customers, and the gambling hall was filled with people. In a corner that no one was passing by, a few shadows suddenly appeared out of nowhere.    


After confirming that there was no one around, the shadows sneakily took out a large roll of rope and tied one side to the railing while the other side was thrown into the sea.    


Soon, following a series of loud noises, a fat figure climbed up the rope. Then, there was a second, a third, and a fourth …    


Soon, the place was filled with people who had come up from the sea. They were all very fat and there were about fifty of them.    


"Is there no one else?" the shadow who had placed the rope down whispered in English.    


A bloated black figure replied, "No more."    


"Why are there so few people? Why are things different from what we said?"    


"Fifty-five people. That's not a small number. This is a cruise ship, not a warship. Could it be that the fifty-five armed gangsters are still unable to control this ship?"    


"F * ck, no matter what, you have to follow the plan." F * ck, no matter what, you have to follow the plan.    


"Don't worry, I promise there won't be any problems. Now, let's control the entire ship and enjoy the taste of the spoils of war."    


"Bang bang!"    


Gunfire?! Yang Xuan opened his eyes and listened carefully. After a while, he jumped up and put on a set of well-fitting clothes. He then took out a small knife from the small box and hid it close to his body.    


Then he took out his sunglasses, quietly opened the cabin door and walked out.    


In the cabin, he knew that something was wrong. Normally, there wouldn't be any gunshots on the cruise ship, not to mention the continuous gunshots. His first reaction was that he had run into a pirate.    


"What an insensible pirate! He dares to snatch this cruise? Aren't he afraid that he'll be uprooted afterwards?"    


Doubtful, he quietly moved to a room near the deck of the cruise ship. Opening the window, he saw that more than ten masked soldiers with long spears had taken control of the entire deck.    


All the passengers knelt on the ground and raised their hands, not daring to move.    


A few of the militants were pointing guns at the group, while the rest of them were carrying plastic baskets and collecting mobile cameras and other equipment.    


Yang Xuan felt bad. These people seemed to be very professional. Even if they were pirates, they were very experienced. They had robbed numerous ships before.    


These militants were wrapped in a circle of waterproof oilpaper, making them look very bloated. Judging from their shape, Yang Xuan had a bad feeling about them. They might be powerful explosives.    


F * ck, Yang Xuan cursed in a low voice, he even had explosives, did he meet a navy of some country disguised as a pirate?    


After the militants finished collecting the mobile phones and other equipment, they drove the passengers on the deck towards the bottom of the cruise. Yang Xuan guessed that they were going to be detained at the bottom level.    


Soon, the deck was empty except for a few armed men holding onto guns, guarding several important routes and lookouts.    


Yang Xuan was lurking in silence. During this time, a few of the militants had taken out their guns to search the area, but they were all dodged by Yang Xuan.    


He waited until the scattered gunshots in the distance died down before he sneaked out from his hiding place.    


"What the hell? They actually ran into pirates? This sea is clearly not a place for them. They can even buy lottery tickets with this kind of luck."    


Even though the situation was critical, Yang Xuan wasn't particularly nervous. Don't forget, when Marian ship docked at Haijiang, all the different departments of Haijiang jointly raided the cruise ship.    


He also arrested all the crew members. The hundreds of crew members on the cruise ship were all from the Chinese army.    


No matter how heaven-defying these pirates were, would they be able to defeat the regular soldiers of a powerful country?    


Wouldn't it be better to be a mercenary and fight for the Mi Nation?    


Therefore, Yang Xuan decided to contact the 'crew' first before planning to recapture the cruise ship.    


Even if the pirates hijacked the cruise ship, they only knew how to sail a small boat. They could do nothing but keep the original crew in their positions.    


After a while, the pirates who were standing on high began to slack off. They took out a few bottles of alcohol from somewhere and started to drink them, talking and farting. Only occasionally did they raise their heads to take a look.    


Taking advantage of this opportunity and the cover of the night, Yang Xuan quietly sneaked out of the building, walked to the deck, and followed the stairs to the lower deck. This was where the crew lived and worked.    


After turning a few corners, Yang Xuan could already hear the pirates shouting in a harsh English accent: "Hurry, you idiots, I'm warning you not to have any inappropriate thoughts or I'll kill you right now."    


Another voice asked in confusion, "Strange captain, this cruise isn't from China, why are the crew members from China?"    


"How would I know? Why would I care so much? No matter which country it is from, don't tell me they can still bear the bullets."    


"Hehe, captain, what you said makes sense."    


Yang Xuan listened for a long time, then hid around the corner and imitated their accent and said loudly, "Boss asked you guys how is the situation, are there any disobedient crew members?"    


"Tell boss, everything is under control."    


"Alright, I understand. Two people come out, we found some fine wine and beef on the wall. Boss wants us to move them."    


Hearing that there was meat and wine, the pirates inside immediately became happy. "Hurry up, otherwise those bastards will snatch them away."    


Hurried footsteps could be heard. Yang Xuan held his knife in his hand and held his breath. As soon as a pirate crossed the corner, he immediately dashed out and slashed the pirate in front of him with lightning speed.    


Blood spurted out from the wound, splattering across Yang Xuan's face. There was no time to wipe the blood off his face. He pushed aside the fallen pirates, dove forward, and made another fatal slash.    


Then he stopped the two pirates who had yet to fall and gently put them down.    


There were a few pirates inside the room, and when they heard the noise, they immediately asked, "What happened?"    


Yang Xuan still used the same fake voice, "It's fine, I accidentally slipped a bit."    


"You almost slipped when you were walking. Are you drunk?"    


"Hahaha, that's right."    


Yang Xuan picked up two submachine guns from the ground as he said that.    


He felt around again and found some ammunition and two more shitty grenades.    


Then, he filled a submachine gun with ammunition and sneaked to the door. Suddenly, he kicked the door open and shouted in Chinese, "Get down!"    


The 'crew members' inside were all professional soldiers. Their reactions were very fast and they immediately laid down on the ground. Yang Xuan raised his gun and fired towards the crowd that was still standing up.    


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