Ancient Ancestral Gods



2"These people are really bold. To openly utter such words at the ancient courtyard's home ground is simply courting death!"    


"They are indeed reckless. However, ordinary people would not dare to say such words. Most of these people who have made a mockery of us are probably here to pick a fight with the ancient courtyard!"    


"Let's see how Jiang Jingyuan is going to handle this. Could it be that their new Young Master really went missing!"    


The sounds of ridicule rang out, and it also attracted the ridicule of many guests towards this group of people.    


After all, today was a happy day in the Ancient Court. Even though there were rumors that Xiao Fan had gone missing yesterday, they could not mock the Ancient Court in such a public place with all kinds of important figures gathering.    


What's more, this place was the home ground of the ancient courtyard. It had the intention of seeking its own misfortune to say such outrageous words to humiliate the ancient courtyard.    


Normally, no one would dare to say such words. Most of those who dared to mock the ancient courtyard were either people from the Divine Sect or those who had enmity with the ancient courtyard.    


After all, if the Celestial Sect was rejected by the ancient courtyard and their representative was killed in the ancient courtyard, they would be furious.    


It was normal to find some people to mess up the engagement banquet. Now that the new young master of the ancient courtyard had gone missing, he should make use of this opportunity to ridicule.    


Jiang Jingyuan and the group of elders from the ancient courtyard were all very calm. They didn't directly respond or get angry. Instead, they swept their eyes across the crowd and locked onto the person who spoke those words to humiliate them.    


With regards to the fact that Jiang Jingyuan or any other ancient court mastermind didn't immediately react in anger, all of the guests present were extremely puzzled.    


Could it be that the rumors were true? The new son-in-law of the ancient court had really disappeared. Jiang Jingyuan and the old court were speechless after being humiliated by someone else. Silence was the tacit acknowledgement of the truth.    


However, for the representatives of the Situ Family, Demon Race, Immortal Martial School, and the Heavenly Dao God Academy, from the perspective of their ruling class, the silence of Jiang Jingyuan and the ancient courtyard was a clear indication of this.    


Perhaps Jiang Jingyuan and the ancient court were not at a loss for words, nor did they silently admit the truth. Instead, they were looking for a target.    


It was because they could feel the spiritual sense of the group of doyens in the ancient courtyard sweeping past the guests' seats. Clearly, they were locking onto the people who spoke to humiliate them.    


Today should be a joyous day for us in the Ancient Court, but some people don't like our reputation. How dare they insult us in a gathering of experts?! That would be a reckless act!" Jiang Jingyuan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly flew into a rage as he gave the order: "Men, capture those madmen!    


"Yes sir!"    


The people of the ancient courtyard immediately moved out. Those who were already locked on had nowhere to run. In a short while, all of them were captured.    


Even if there were people trying to quibble, they had already been locked down by Jiang JinYuan and the other experts of the ancient court. There was no point in doing so.    


Even if some of the transcendent powers tried to stop the ancient courtyard from capturing someone, they would be forcefully suppressed in order to protect their own people.    


All of the guests were shocked. Jiang Jingyuan was really quick to grab him. He didn't care about any sect's reputation. He would capture anyone who made a sound, regardless of which faction they were from.    


"Jiang Jingyuan, you've gone too far! Even my Huangfu family wants to arrest you!" A Huangfu family representative stood up, his face was filled with anger as he protested.    


"Yeah, why are you capturing people!"    


"Hurry up and let go of our people. Don't tell me you're so overbearing in the ancient courtyard!"    


Those powers who had their own people captured by the ancient courtyard all let out angry roars.    


Gu Ting had used a strong opponent, regardless of the consequences, he had captured the target of his suspicions. If he dared to obstruct Gu Ting from capturing the culprit, then he would be forcefully suppressed.    


In such a grand occasion, when all of the big figures in the Great Immortal Domain were gathered together, it was truly unjustifiable for them to be suppressed without making a single sound. How could they continue to muddle through the world in the future?    


"It's not that we're overbearing in the ancient courtyard, but that some of you have ill intentions and want to harm the ancient courtyard!"    


"On the ground of my ancient courtyard, you dare to openly slander and humiliate my ancient courtyard? You sure are bold, treating my ancient courtyard like it's nothing. Just a few random cats and dogs dared to challenge my ancient courtyard's dignity, who gave you the courage and courage!"    


The upper echelons of the ancient courtyard angrily shouted and fiercely condemned.    


In the Ancient Court's territory, openly opposing the Ancient Court and trampling on and humiliating it was equivalent to courting death. No one would give him face!    


"Today is supposed to be my daughter's wedding day, but you guys actually dared to curse and turned this happy occasion into a funeral. I haven't gotten angry yet, when will you crazy bastards get angry!"    


"You want justice? You want me to capture someone? Let me find out who the people who spoke were and which family they sent to specifically order them. I, Jiang Jingyuan, will certainly bring people to flatten them!" Jiang Jingyuan angrily said, "In my ancient courtyard, you must abide by my ancient courtyard's rules. If you disobey my ancient courtyard's rules and provoke and humiliate my ancient courtyard, you are courting death!"    


Jiang Jingyuan was already untouchable due to his anger. With this, all the people who were making trouble could be released to their heart's content and make an example for others to kill.    


When he knew that the Celestial Sect of Wonders was going to attack today, Jiang Jingyuan knew that someone was going to make use of this opportunity to cause trouble.    


These people were definitely either members of the Divine Sect or were on the side of the Divine Sect.    


He absolutely could not show mercy to these enemies.    


"So mighty, so domineering. The ancient courtyard is indeed extraordinary!" A man wearing a black cloak stood up from the crowd and coldly said, "What he said is the truth. Humiliating and slandering others is just a fallacy, even speaking the truth is sinful!"    


"What guts! Who exactly is this person? He actually dares to stand up and provoke the ancient courtyard at this critical moment!"    


"Looks like something big is going to happen today!"    


The appearance of the cloaked man once again stirred up a heated discussion among the crowd.    


Gu Ting had just captured the culprit and had already issued a warning. In the ancient courtyard's territory, it was best to be careful with every word and action.    


However, this person was brazenly supporting the words of the troublemakers while brazenly taking the risk of going against the ancient courtyard.    


It had to be said that this person was extremely daring. He must be intentionally causing trouble for his identity.    


He still dared to come out and cause trouble at a time like this. It could only be said that an invisible event was brewing. Many people had a premonition that something big was going to happen in the ancient courtyard today.    


This black-cloaked man definitely had the help of someone pushing him from behind.    


"Who are you, wearing that cloak and not daring to meet anyone?" Ji Chengliang angrily pointed at the man in the black cloak and said, "Show us your true face. You dare to come to the ancient courtyard to cause trouble on such a joyous day, I'm sure you're not some shady rat!"    


"Scoundrel!" Ji Chengliang, you actually called me a scoundrel, hahaha! "    


Hearing Ji Chengliang's words, the black cloaked man immediately threw his head back and laughed wildly, finding Ji Chengliang's words laughable.    


"Since you know that I'm called Ji Chengliang, it seems that your identity isn't as simple as I thought. Looks like you've come prepared to create trouble today!" Ji Chengliang frowned and appeared exceptionally cautious.    


As a senior figure in the ancient court, he had always been hiding behind the scenes and would not come out to meet anyone easily unless it was something major. Thus, the people who knew his real name were all people with great power and influence.    


For the black-cloaked man to know that his name was Ji Chengliang, it meant that the identity of the other party wasn't simple either.    


The faces of Jiang Jingyuan, Liu Cangyi, Martial Uncle Liu and the others all changed subtly. It seemed that the main character was going to appear.    


The black cloaked man knew Ji Chengliang's real name, so his status must be very high.    


Furthermore, this person had come out of the ancient courtyard to make trouble in the face of the fury of the ancient courtyard, and was also mocking Ji Chengfeng for being a complete scoundrel. He must have come from the Divine Sect.    


"What's so funny? If you're a hero, then just reveal your true colors. We, the ancient court, do not deal with petty people!" Jiang Jingyuan said coldly.    


"I'm afraid that if you see my true face, you will be scared to death!" The black cloaked man replied with disdain. He took off his cloak once again, revealing a middle-aged man with an aquiline nose and a gloomy smile.    




The moment the true face of the cloaked man was revealed, the representatives of the various powers cried out in alarm at the same time. Their expressions were filled with disbelief.    


He Shen, one of the four Vice Sect Masters of the Divine Sect, a half-step Deity Realm Warriors who was rumored to be half a step into the pericelestial stage, possessed frightening strength.    


No one would have thought that the black cloaked man was He Heshen, and one of the core members of the Divine Sect.    


The Divine Sect did not receive an invitation for this banquet.    


But when Heshen appeared among the guests in disguise, he even said something unfriendly to the ancient courtyard. He was definitely here to cause trouble, and the person who came was not friendly.    


"Heshen, why would you appear here? I don't recall inviting your Divine Sect, but you were even sneaking around. This doesn't seem like the style of your Divine Sect!" Jiang Jingyuan had a very surprised expression on his face as he looked at He Shen.    


Jiang Jingyuan had never thought that the man from the Divine Sect would actually be He Heshen. He Heshen held an extremely high position in the Divine Sect with great power and terrifying strength.    


It seemed that the Divine Sect had put in a lot of effort to eradicate the ancient courtyard. They had even sent out He Heshen.    


"Hahaha, you're saying that I'm a scoundrel, but why do I see that you're all looking so surprised? I'm a scoundrel that scared you all!" He Heshen laughed out loud. The meaning behind his words seemed to be mocking him, but in reality, it was mocking the ancient court.    


If you can frighten a rat, then your Ancient Court is really not going to do anything.    


The representatives of the various factions all cried out in alarm. After that, they all quieted down and stopped interrupting.    


He Shen's appearance represented that the Divine Sect was coming to the ancient courtyard to collect its debts.    


One month ago, the Celestial Sect came to propose in person, but was rejected by the ancient court, making the Celestial Sect lose a lot of face. This was one of the reasons why the Celestial Sect was so angry at the ancient court for seeking debts.    


The second reason was that one of the representatives of the Divine Sect had been killed in the Ancient Court or by the new son-in-law of the Ancient Court.    


Thirdly, the Ancient Court's new son-in-law already had a grudge with the Divine Sect, the Divine Sect would not let Xiao Fan's engagement proceed smoothly.    


With the three of them added together, the Celestial Sect of Wonders had sufficient reasons to seek repayment.    


However, it was hard for the crowd to imagine that the Divine Sect would directly send He Shen over.    


"Heshen, today is the wedding day for my daughter. What are you doing here? Don't tell me your actions are under the orders of your Sect Leader!" Jiang Jingyuan suppressed his shocked expression and reprimanded He Shen with a hint of anger.    


"So what if I say it? So what if I say it's not the case? Don't tell me you can still get people to capture me!" He Heshen was also angry. With a haughty attitude, he said, "Jiang Jingyuan, you can't do anything to me today. You can't do anything to me!"    


"Humph!" He hen, don't think that just because you're the vice head of the Divine Sect that I don't dare to do anything to you. Leave before I get angry. Jiang Jingyuan's powerful aura exploded as he warned He Shen.    


"I already said that you can't do anything to me today. However, if your Ancient Court obediently kneels down and kowtows in front of the big figures of the great powers of the Great Immortal Domain to apologize, perhaps your Ancient Court will be able to avoid committing crimes against the Divine Sect!" He Shen said with a smirk on his face, as if he was extremely confident and proud of himself.    


The tit for tat, the smell of gunpowder was very strong, and there was bound to be an earth-shattering event in the future. Everyone was once again certain of this.    


For He Heshen to dare to ask Jiang Jingyuan and everyone in the ancient court to kneel and apologize in front of so many people, even saying such words, it could only prove that He Heshen was well-prepared and had enough men to fight the ancient court.    


"What a joke. In my ancient courtyard, you, a vice sect master of the Divine Sect, actually had the nerve to make my master kneel down and apologize to you. You're so bold, are you courting death?" Jiang Jingyuan was infuriated, and killing intent appeared on his body.    


"You are courting death, your Ancient Court should be saying this to me. You shouldn't have refused our marriage proposal, shouldn't have let your new son-in-law kill our person, and shouldn't have chosen a person who is an enemy of my Divine Sect to be his son-in-law!"    


"Therefore, your Ancient Court is courting death. Since you want to go against my Divine Sect, there is no need for your Ancient Court to exist!" He Heshen said with a fierce look on his face.    


The moment He Heshen's words came out, the guests were once again shaken. It was like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky, causing mountains to collapse and the ground to crack.    


Heshen was looking for trouble, and it was a big matter.    


From the meaning of He Heshen's words, the Divine Sect was going to destroy the ancient courtyard.    


The current He Heshen was so high-profile. If the Divine Sect really wanted to destroy the ancient courtyard, then that would be the current situation.    


If they let everyone know that the Celestial Sect was going to destroy the ancient courtyard, the Celestial Sect would definitely not give it the chance to prepare.    


Today, they suddenly announced that they were going to destroy the ancient courtyard. After that, they immediately launched a surprise attack. The Celestial Sect could use the smallest casualties to destroy the ancient courtyard.    


At this moment, all the guests became cautious. They searched around to see if anyone from the Divine Sect could come in from any corner at any time.    


"Annihilate my Ancient Court! Your Divine Sect has such a big appetite!" Jiang Jingyuan stared at him with eyes filled with killing intent as he said, "You want to destroy my ancient courtyard? Even if your Celestial Sect attacks together, they might not be able to destroy my ancient courtyard!"    


"Hahaha!" Ignorant person, today I will show you the strength of the Celestial Sect. If I say I can destroy your Ancient Court, I can destroy your Ancient Court! " He Xing laughed out wildly as a weak five-colored light bloomed out of his hands, shooting towards the sky.    




In that instant, the skies above the Heavenly Palace exploded with a sound. Dozens of shimmering gates appeared in the skies, as an overwhelming aura gushed out from within.    


Dong, dong, dong!    


The sky shook with a loud sound, and from the numerous void doors, numerous figures rushed out and lined up neatly in the sky. A powerful battle intent roared in the sky, as if it was able to shatter a mountain.    


"This!" The Divine Sect is going all out to destroy the ancient courtyard! "    


"The Celestial Sect's move is too terrifying. We didn't even hear a sound from such a huge move!"    


All the guests were already restless. There was a trace of fear in their shock.    


The Divine Sect was enraged. They mobilized their huge legions and had already reached the ancient courtyard's head in order to destroy it.    



The Divine Sect's operation this time was too sudden and did not leak any information.    


With the sudden arrival of the powerful Celestial Sect's army, Gu Ting was in danger...    


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