Ancient Ancestral Gods





Dark clouds covered the sky as thunder rumbled. Rays of blazing light flashed through the clouds.    


Not long after, the torrential rain poured down, instantly wetting the entire courtyard.    


Taoist Tian Wu's body of blood was washed clean by the rain, and the puddle of blood on the ground was washed away by the rain.    


The dazed Taoist Tian Wu looked up into the sky, then looked at the Daoist Xuan Qing whose life force was quickly disappearing, and whose oil was running dry.    


In Taoist Tian Wu's eyes, there was unwillingness and helplessness, but also fury.    


"Master, how long can I, a cripple, live if you leave?" Taoist Tian Wu said in despair as he caressed his ashen face.    


His master was about to die, as a cripple without an umbrella, he was probably going to die soon.    


Half a year ago, after he returned from the Immortals, the entire Heavenly Dao Academy changed.    


The Heavenly Dao Academy that originally did not want to compete with the world, pursue the lack of desire and act without acting, and let nature take its course had completely changed.    


Under the pressure and enticement of the Winged Green Serpent Clan, the Principal of the Heavenly Dao Academy led the entire Heavenly Dao Academy to surrender.    


Those who did not surrender were regarded as traitors. They were all imprisoned and punished. Those who did not surrender were forced to surrender, and those who did not surrender were killed without mercy.    


Taoist Tian Wu and Daoist Xuan Qing were no exception. They were not willing to surrender to Winged Green Serpent Clan and were kept in custody for half a year.    


Since a month ago, he would rather die than surrender during a trial, he was originally planning to kill Taoist Tian Wu.    


Because of Daoist Xuan Qing's extremely high status and position in the courtyard, as well as his special relationship with the Principal, he was not executed.    


But the people of Winged Green Serpent Clan did not agree, since they did not want to kill, they had to at least be crippled.    


After all, the Taoist Tian Wu was close to Xiao Fan and the Elder God's Alliance, and their relationship was shallow.    


Today, it was finally the Daoist Xuan Qing's turn to make a miserable end.    


The Winged Green Serpent Clan could no longer tolerate the Heavenly Dao Academy detaining and punishing some of the non-capitulationists, especially those who had a close relationship with the Ancestral God Alliance.    


No matter how high that person's status was in the Heavenly Dao Academy, if he did not surrender, he would die.    


Daoist Xuan Qing persisted on not surrendering, and in the end, his cultivation was personally crippled by the Winged Green Serpent Clan and both his arms were cut off.    


For an old man who had lost his cultivation and his arms had been cut off, death was only a matter of time.    


Daoist Xuan Qing was still alive and breathing.    


When Daoist Xuan Qing dies, he will not be able to escape his doom.    




The door to the courtyard was pushed open, and a few people walked in.    


Taoist Tian Wu raised his head to look at the person who entered. Looking at the familiar faces, he felt that they were all unfamiliar.    


"This is our last trip, senior apprentice-brother Tianxing!" Taoist Tian Wu said as he looked at the Heavenly Star.    


"Sigh!" Heaven's enlightenment, why are all of you so persistent? With the current situation, even the Principal cannot do anything! " Tianxin sighed. "To be honest, the dean didn't want to do that. It wasn't forced!"    


"I understand, I understand. Actually, the Principal is still quite concerned about us master and disciple, just that if one is weak, one would have to be bullied. For the sake of the entire Heavenly Dao Academy's survival, the Principal can only yield!"    


"Senior Brother Tianxing, I'll have to trouble you to go back and tell the Principal that the Winged Green Serpent Clan is treacherous, sinister, and sinister. Walking with the sinister people, there will be no good ending for them, and great mistakes have already been made." Senior Brother Tianxing, I'll have to trouble you to go back and tell the Principal, that the Winged Green Serpent Clan is treacherous, and that walking with the treacherous people, we will not have any good ending. The Taoist Tian Wu said.    


The dean was not a heartless person and did not kill his fellow disciples in the courtyard. He did his best to protect the lives of those in the courtyard.    


Those who were killed and executed were all held blades by the Winged Green Serpent Clan.    


It was just that the Winged Green Serpent Clan was not a good race. If they surrendered to this race today, they would have to live a life of fear and trepidation, and could be exterminated at any time.    


If it was destroyed, so be it. At the very least, he would be able to preserve some of his dignity.    


The only thing he was afraid of was that the Winged Green Serpent Clan would let the Heavenly Dao Academy deal with the other powers. At that time, the Heavenly Dao Academy would become his henchmen.    


For countless years, the good image and reputation that the Heavenly Law Palace had built up had been completely destroyed.    


"Perhaps you are right, but there is no other choice. It is very difficult to get off the ship now that it is stolen. The only thing I can do is to minimize the number of crimes I have committed!" Daoist Tian Xing took out three pills, one white and one brown, and said to Taoist Tian Wu, "Swallow one brown pill, and the other white and one brown for Master!"    


"You want me and my disciple to take the poison and commit suicide? No, we don't want to die in such a miserable way. If you want to kill us, then kill us!"    


"It's just that why does Master want to take another white pill? Why, could it be that you, Senior Brother ?!" As Taoist Tian Wu spoke, he suddenly realized something and a shocked expression appeared on his face.    


"Take the pill. The brown pill can let you all enter a death-like state. The white pill can stabilize Martial Uncle's injuries!" Daoist Tian Xing moved closer to Taoist Tian Wu and whispered, "I will have the corpse team transport you away later. When you are in a safe place, I will let you leave.    


"This, what you have done, if the people from Winged Green Serpent Clan find out, you will be executed!" Taoist Tian Wu said, "You should still kill us!"    


Taoist Tian Wu never thought that Heavenly Star was not here to kill him, but to save him.    


In this way, they risked their lives to come here.    


If they let the Winged Green Serpent Clan find out about them, Tian Xing and the rest would definitely die.    


Sky Star and his fellow disciples were willing to risk their lives to leave a path to survival.    


However, they didn't expect that after doing such a thing and dying, Tian Xing was already a cripple. If they continued to live on, they would only continue to suffer for the rest of their lives.    




Suddenly, the tightly-shut door was kicked open by someone with a single kick. It was split into many pieces, and a few men-filled with killing intent walked in from the outside.    


When Tianxin saw the group of people walking in, he quickly put away the pill and felt something was wrong.    


"You guys have big balls! You want to secretly release a death sentence offender?!" One of the hawk-nosed men had gloomy eyes and his face was filled with anger.    


"Yan Tianqi, what nonsense are you spouting?" Tianxin denied.    


"Humph!" Even with your little tricks, you still want to deceive our clan's elders! " Yan Tianke disdainfully said, "To tell you the truth, all the elders of the Heavenly Dao Academy who are overseeing this place will be discovered if there is any movement. Come, search my body!"    


The few clan members behind Yan Tiantang immediately took action. Forcefully searching Daoist Tianxing's body, they finally found the three pills.    


"Look, these three pills are from your body. The brown pill is a type of pill that can fake one's life. It is almost impossible to find after taking this pill, and the white pill is used to heal wounds!" Yan Tianke furiously shouted: "You all truly have big balls! You dare to secretly release our Winged Green Serpent Clan's death row criminals, you are tired of living, you are courting death!"    


"What do you want?" Tianxin's face darkened and he felt extremely uncomfortable, as if he had been bombarded.    


Winged Green Serpent Clan actually detected it, and the pills on his body were found, as if he knew the inside news, the situation was extremely serious.    


Just as he was about to give the pill to the two Taoist Tian Wu s, Yan Tianke brought his men and barged in.    


"We've always suspected that there were people like you guys in the Heavenly Dao Academy who were willing to surrender. However, for a moment, we don't have any proof to randomly arrest and punish them, and that will embarrass and disappoint your Principal!"    


"I didn't expect to catch you red-handed. The pills were found on your body. I'll execute you all. Your dean has nothing else to say!" Yan Tianke's face was filled with pride as he viciously said, "Both of you are willing to surrender, and you can still die happily. If you resist, I will make you beg for your lives, beg for death, and live a painful death!"    


"You want to kill us? Do you think we're easy to bully? If you want to kill me, I'm afraid you aren't qualified!" Tianxin looked at Yan Tianqi coldly, his inner heart struggling.    


Before doing this, he had already prepared for the worst and thought of the result.    


He was just a little bit away from success. If Yan Tianke had come a little bit later, he would have been unable to catch him by the time Taoist Tian Wu and Daoist Xuan Qing had consumed the pill.    


Now that he was caught red-handed, even though he was prepared, he was still panicking.    


"You really think too much of yourself. You and I are also Half Immortals, but you, a Half Immortal, are too weak in the eyes of a Half Immortal like me. You can't even take a single blow!"    


"If I were to divide the Half Immortal into ten levels, I would be at least level 5, while you would at most be level 2. Killing you would be as easy as flipping my palm!" Yan Tianqi said arrogantly.    


Daoist Skystar was still too weak; he wasn't a threat at all.    


"All of you are courting death! For the sake of your Principal, this old man on the ground might not die, but now, even if you want to live, you have to!" A person behind Yan Tianqin said.    


"You're all very nice, like you guys are benevolent people with broad hearts. Martial Uncle's cultivation was just crippled by you, and his arms were cut off again. He won't get any treatment, so sooner or later, he'll die!"    


"The reason our Heavenly Dao Academy surrendered, the vast majority of us were not subdued by your Winged Green Serpent Clan, and were even forced, and suppressed!" Daoist Tian Xing angrily said, "You want us to see a highly respected Martial Uncle Xuan Qing dying without saving his life? We aren't as cold-blooded as you snakes!"    


"Good!" Very good, your words have proven that the people from our Winged Green Serpent Clan are right to send people to monitor you! "    


"Your words have also confirmed one point. There aren't many people in the entire Heavenly Dao Academy that have truly surrendered to our Winged Green Serpent Clan, so towards these treacherous and evil villains that pretend to surrender, we can only clean them up, hahaha!" Yan Tianke laughed loudly, "Wait until I kill all of you, then we can go back and ask the elders of the Qing-Yun Realm. Once again, your Heavenly Dao Academy will be thoroughly cleansed!"    


"You damn snakes!" Tianxin gnashed his teeth and roared.    


Yan TianQue wanted to carry on with the matter at hand and make a big fuss, wanting to give the entire Heavenly Dao Academy another purge.    


"Senior Brother Heavenly Star, you see right? This is the true face of the Winged Green Serpent Clan, sinister and treacherous. These stinky snakes are only making use of our Heavenly Dao Academy!"    


"Whether it is the Temple Era or the Ancestral God Alliance's era, our Heavenly Dao Academy is in the second place, enjoying great reputation in the entire universe!"    


"The Ouroboros Clan made our Heavenly Dao Academy surrender because they wanted to use this opportunity to let all the powers know the situation. Even the Heavenly Dao Academy is willing to surrender because those forces have no reason not to surrender. This way, the Ouroboros Clan could pay the smallest price and rule the entire universe!"    


"However, you all can't rule the entire universe. If the Ancestral God Alliance doesn't perish, its founder won't die. Your Winged Green Serpent Clan will perish sooner or later!" The Taoist Tian Wu said.    


Winged Green Serpent Clan had always been sinister and ruthless. In the entire universe, not many people would believe these cold-blooded and ruthless smelly snakes.    


The Heavenly Dao Academy had surrendered, but the Winged Green Serpent Clan did not believe it at all. She had even asked the expert to bring a group of stinky snakes with him to the Heavenly Dao Academy.    


The Heavenly Dao Academy that surrendered was still called the Heavenly Dao Academy, but its nature had changed.    


In name, the Principal of the Heavenly Dao Academy was still the owner. In reality, the Winged Green Serpent Clan was the real owner.    


Winged Green Serpent Clan could do whatever she wanted in the Heavenly Dao Academy, just like her own backyard.    


"Hahaha!" You probably don't know yet, but today, Tai Yi Immortal School and I will launch our final battle against the Elder God Alliance of Immortals. After today, the people of Immortals will be completely annihilated! " Yan Tianliang laughed excitedly, "As for the legendary Xiao Fan that you all spoke of, he will die sooner or later. Our Brother Tian Qing will enter the Immortal World sooner or later and kill him!"    


The war had lasted for over a year, and the Elder God Alliance had expended a lot of energy. The Sky Wing Clan and the Tai Yi Immortal School were becoming stronger and stronger.    


The two powers had launched their final battle against the Elder God Alliance. After today, there would no longer be an Elder God Alliance in this world.    


Yan Tianqing was one of the most talented geniuses of the Winged Green Serpent Clan in the past few decades. His talent was outstanding and he was extremely strong. He was a genius amongst geniuses.    


Compared to Xiao Fan, he was much better.    


The entire Winged Green Serpent Clan believed in Yan Tianqing's potential. Sooner or later, he would enter the Immortal Realm and become even stronger. He would definitely kill this evil enemy, Xiao Fan.    


It had to be known that Xiao Fan's hands were stained with the Winged Green Serpent Clan's blood, and was Winged Green Serpent Clan's most hated enemy.    


"You really think that Yan Tianqing has the ability to kill me!" Xiao Fan's voice suddenly came out from the courtyard.    


"Of course!" Yan TianQue did not react and continued in a pleased tone.    


But in the next moment, Yan Tianqing realized that something was wrong. Why did it sound like Xiao Fan was talking to him?    


Yan Tianqin suddenly came to his senses, wanting to find the speaker.    


The moment Taoist Tian Wu heard Xiao Fan's voice, he was so excited that tears fell.    


He knew that the person who could not possibly appear had returned.    


"I'm on your head!" In the sky, a golden light flashed as Xiao Fan stood in mid air and used his foot to stomp down on Yan Tianqi.    


As soon as he raised his head, he saw a big foot, which was like a mountain, falling down on top of his head.    




Ka-cha! *    


As if being pressed down by a heavenly pillar, Yan Tianqie fell to his knees with a loud thud, a huge crater appearing on the ground below him.     1


All the bones in Yan Tianliang's body cracked under the force of Xiao Fan's kick, and his entire body's skin was torn apart. The blood that flowed out was washed away by the rain, and the ground became bloody red.    


"There's an enemy!"    


"Enemy attack!"    


Seeing that Yan Tian Que's body had exploded from Xiao Fan's stomp, the other few Winged Green Serpent Clan's people became alarmed. Their faces were filled with fear, and anxiously gave out a warning!    


"All of you, shut up!"    


Xiao Fan waved his hand, and a few rays of light shot out, instantly piercing through the foreheads of the group, causing their bodies to shatter and die.    


Then, Xiao Fan grabbed Yan Tianke with one hand, checking if there were any marks left on his body like Yan Tianqing's.    


"Unfortunately, you are not as good as Yan Tianqing. The Zhi Zun behind you did not leave an imprint on your body, so you are useless. Die!"    


With a palm strike from Xiao Fan, the unparalleled palm force had shattered Yan Tian Que, turning him into nothing.    


At the same time, Xiao Fan made a big hand gesture, causing two Divine Generals to appear, and entered the bodies of the Taoist Tian Wu and the Taoist Tian Wu.    


In a split-second, the two crippled men released a huge amount of energy from their bodies and instantly returned to their peak state. To the side, Tianxin and the others were dumbstruck by the scene before them. They didn't move an inch and had expressions of disbelief on their faces.    


Taoist Tian Wu, who had been crippled, instantly returned to its peak state, the Half Immortal Stage.    


The oil lamp dried up Daoist Xuan Qing was also revived, and his arms that had been cut off had regrow back to their original state, returning back to their peak!    


Xiao Fan is really back, a heaven defying Xiao Fan is back.    


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