Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C433 Favorite Marriage of Noble Families 365

C433 Favorite Marriage of Noble Families 365

1The bartender was also used to their conversations. They were doing pretty well, and it wasn't the first time they had a fight.    


"Mr Ye, Mr Hai, is it still customary to serve wine?" the waiter asked.    


"Right." Hai Zhixuan said.    


Hai Zhixuan looked to be in high spirits, as if he had completely forgotten about Lin Ling's incident.    


They sat down in their usual places, and Ye Zimo asked him, "What are you doing back here? "How come you didn't die in Riverside? A woman is worth hiding away for so long."    


"Hiding from women and busy with work, unlike all of you who are free and at ease, you can take a rest whenever you want to."    


Ye Zimo snorted through her nose and stopped talking about Lin Ling.    


The wine was served, and the waiter opened it. They never drank from cups, but each took a bottle.    


Hai Zhixuan noticed that Ye Zimo was drinking very hard. He knew him too well. He wasn't usually an alcoholic.    


"Come out and drink with me. Did you inform Yihan? Won't he be kicked out if he drinks too much? " Hai Zhixuan joked without batting an eyelid. Ye Zimo merely snorted, picked up another bottle of wine, and said sarcastically, "Those shameful things that were kicked out by a woman would only happen to a useless man like you."    


Ye Zimo raised her head and downed another bottle of wine.    


Hai Zhixuan remembered that he was rejected by Lin Ling. He glared at Ye Zimo and downed a bottle of wine as well.    


"I came back because someone was having a birthday. It's different this year and every year. If you have a fixed woman, won't the celebration also be different? No matter what, it's impossible to hide from the two of them. "    


"What birthday?" "Nothing good, but." Ye Zimo rejected and picked up the bottle again. This time, Hai Zhixuan held the bottle first.    


"What happened? Is it about her? "    


"Nothing happened, and I won't give you the chance to chase after her." "Drink, don't be so obedient." Ye Zimo forcefully pulled away Hai Zhixuan's hand.    


No matter how Hai Zhixuan asked, he still didn't say anything.    


That night, Ye Zimo drank a lot of alcohol. After drinking too much, Hai Zhixuan asked him what he didn't want to say.    


In the end, he didn't feel reassured and personally sent him back to the villa. After a moment of thought, he drove to Lin Ling's residence.    


By then, it was already 11 PM. Lin Ling had already showered and laid down on the bed. She casually picked up a essay and flipped through it.    


After having that thing with Hai Zhixuan, she would often stare into the empty room blankly.    


Her bed seemed different from before. It always made her feel especially big and cold. She had always turned on the air conditioning in the past summer, and since she had come back from vacation, she didn't have much use for air conditioning. She would rather warm up and only blow the fan than enjoy the bone-chilling cold.    


Hai Zhixuan entered the residential area where Lin Ling lived, parked his car, and went upstairs to knock on her door. He felt a little weird.    


As for Ye Zimo's birthday, and what had happened to him, he could find out in many ways, not knowing why he had come here.    


Since he was already here, he had no intention of leaving. He raised his hand and lightly knocked on the door.    


When there was no response, he rang the doorbell again.    


Lin Ling was curious. At this late hour, no one would come to find her even if it were day time, much less at night.    


This place was basically a place no one knew about, and only one guest had been here … No, it couldn't be him. He had already explained it clearly. Moreover, it had been more than a month since their unexplained contact last time. He should have forgotten about it long ago.    


Although she thought this in her heart, her heart couldn't help but pound wildly.    


Maybe it was just a hallucination, or perhaps he had been lonely for too long. Would he have a special expectation in the dead of night?    


She told herself so, but the doorbell kept insisting that she couldn't continue to deceive herself.    


Because she lived alone, Lin Ling only wore a thin nightgown. She liked the feeling of silky smooth skin, especially the black color.    


She glanced at her clothes and thought that no matter what, she wouldn't let him in. Therefore, she didn't think too much about it and went out in her slippers and opened the security door to look outside.    


It really was Hai Zhixuan. Her heart was in chaos for a while.    


He was still ringing the bell.    


"What's the matter?" Lin Ling frowned as she asked Hai Zhixuan through the door.    


The walkie-talkie in her room was broken, and since no one was looking for her, she never changed. Only then did she feel that the walkie-talkie was a good thing. At least she could talk to him smoothly.    


This house had a good soundproofing effect. Hai Zhixuan couldn't hear her at all, so he continued to ring the doorbell outside.    


He wondered what he was doing, did she ignore him and he was able to hold it all night?    


Lin Ling took two deep breaths, but she couldn't suppress the nervousness in her heart.    


He had forced her in her home. She thought about Hai Zhixuan's brutality last time and how they … Her heart was even more confused and nervous.    


It was dangerous to let him in, but if she didn't, she wouldn't be able to sleep all night.    


She thought about it, then went back to her bedroom to get her phone. Hai Zhixuan's phone was originally stored there, so she deleted it while she was out hiding.    


It wasn't good for her to find someone to ask about Hai Zhixuan's number in the middle of the night.    


After some thought, she seemed to have finally found a reason to open the door.    


"What's the matter?" She asked Hai Zhixuan as she opened the door a crack.    


Hai Zhixuan saw that Lin Ling's face was a bit red. He then glanced at her clothes and saw that she was wearing a very thin black nightgown with a very low collar.    


It took her so long to open the door, so Hai Zhixuan naturally realized what she was doing.    


For a moment, his blood rushed to his head, and he even forgot for a second what he had come here for.    


"You have a man in your room?" Hai Zhixuan asked in a cold tone, his eyes were filled with anger.    


Lin Ling didn't know what right he had to ask her that. What kind of woman was she in his heart? Could it be that he would find a random man to ask her about it?    


Even if she didn't think that he had anything to do with her, hearing his questioning tone, Lin Ling was still very, very angry.    


She laughed in extreme anger, and said gently: "Yes, what do you want? "If you have something to say, hurry up and say it, the people inside are still waiting."    


Damn it!    


He had never seen such an overbearing woman before. Hai Zhixuan frowned, grabbed the door frame with his hands, stretched out his legs and tried to pry open the door.    


"There's something, something very important that I need to talk about inside!" After he finished speaking, he walked in uninvited.    


"You! "Mr Hai, it's the middle of the night, isn't it better for you to barge into my house like this?" Lin Ling asked coldly. When she heard her voice trembling, she hated herself for not being able to control herself in front of Hai Zhixuan.    


She was obviously moved by him, but Hai Zhixuan didn't notice that she was moved.    


He only thought that her voice was trembling because she was afraid that he would barge into the bedroom in the inner room and beat the damn wild man. After all, he was a man who had been fighting in the official arena for a long time.    


Resisting the urge to go into her bedroom and grab her wild man, he sat down on the sofa in her living room.    


"I came to see you because of Ye Zimo. Sit."    


"This is my home, Mr Hai!"    


"I didn't say it was my house." Hai Zhixuan's expression was still cold as he looked at Lin Ling's collar again.    


Her hair was messy and her face was red. The more he looked, the more he felt that she must have just been with a man …    


This house had memories of their loved ones. He thought of that time with her … He cleared his throat and said, "It's hot, I'm thirsty. Could you get me a glass of ice water?"    


"I don't seem to have that obligation! Please leave! " Lin Ling pointed at the door with a serious expression.    


Was she really that impatient? The person inside was really a man from Europe and America. Was he trying to make her unable to stop herself? Why didn't I know she was so passionate when I was kissing him?    


"I won't leave without a word." Hai Zhixuan leaned against the back of the sofa with his chest crossed and crossed his legs. Lin Ling's heart throbbed unspeakably when she saw him dead.    


Lin Ling's throat was also slightly tight. She didn't dare to look straight at him.    


He thought there was another man in the room, but she knew she was alone. It made him anxious, and he treated her like the last time … She couldn't let him do that anymore.    


It seemed that it was easy for a man to be impulsive when he was hot. Lin Ling thought for a moment, but still said, "I'll get you some water. Once you're done, please finish what you have to say and leave quickly."    


Lin Ling went to the kitchen. Hai Zhixuan was unable to hold himself back so he got up and walked towards her bedroom. When he was about to go in, he heard Lin Ling speaking behind him, "It's not good to see people's privacy, right?"    


Hai Zhixuan looked a bit embarrassed. He had never spied on anyone before. He was always an honorable man, right? Who would've thought that he would be caught red-handed after doing such a shameful thing today.    


"I'm just looking at the wallpaper." Hai Zhixuan said forcefully and immediately took the ice water from Lin Ling.    


It was real ice water, and she had put ice in it to calm him down.    


At this moment, Lin Ling was very close to him. Her body was emitting a very natural fragrance.    


Hai Zhixuan always felt that the smell on her body was familiar, as if she was not the only one that smelled it when he was intimate with her last time.    


He raised his head to drink the entire cup of ice water, and only then was he able to barely suppress the fire.    


"Come here, let me tell you." Hai Zhixuan instructed her in an almost commanding tone. Then, he turned around and walked to the sofa with big steps.    


"Has anything happened between Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan recently?" he asked.    


"I don't know."    


"Don't know?" You're his special assistant, why are you telling me you don't know anything about his personal affairs? "    


Lin Ling took a deep breath. She really wanted to beat him up and ask him if he was full in the middle of the night and wanted to ask her this. Could it be that he couldn't ask Ye Zimo about all these? Also, he was very familiar with Xia Yihan, and she was a hardcore fan of the other party. Why would he ask an outsider like her?    


"I don't know. After I came back, I helped Mr Ye prepare the marriage proposal."    


"Are you still preparing? He hasn't asked you to stop recently?"    


So it turned out that he really did know Ye Zimo. Perhaps it was because he wanted to pursue Xia Yihan that he paid so much attention to the emotional situation of the two of them.    


Lin Ling's heart suddenly felt slightly bitter, but also faintly sour.    


"Yes, he told me not to do this for the time being. "That's all I know. Mr Hai, if there's nothing else, please go back."    


"Looks like there's really something wrong with them." Hai Zhixuan frowned. He had just mentioned that it was Ye Zimo's birthday recently. He wanted to prepare a birthday party for Ye Zimo together with Lin Ling to see if he could help the two of them when he heard a sound from Lin Ling's bedroom.    


It turned out that Lin Ling came out in a hurry, so the book was casually placed on the bedside table, where the fan kept blowing on it, blowing on it until the book fell off.    


Hai Zhixuan glanced at Lin Ling's bedroom from time to time. This time, he finally found a reason to go in openly.    


"Do you know who people are and just take them home? Do you know how many thieves have their eyes on brainless women like you? I'll go take a look! " Hai Zhixuan said a few words to pave the way. He completely ignored Lin Ling's objections and rushed to the door of her bedroom, pushing it open.    


There was no one in the room, only a book on the floor.    


"Did you see that?" Lin Ling asked coldly. She hoped that Hai Zhixuan thought that there was someone inside, but unfortunately, he found out that she was lying.    


"I didn't see him. He's probably hiding somewhere. I already said that this person's motive is not simple." As Hai Zhixuan said this, he walked around the room and reached for Lin Ling's closet.    


Unable to bear it any longer, Lin Ling rushed after him and pressed against the door of the wardrobe.    


"Stop looking, there's no one here!"    


"What are you nervous about? This kind of person cannot be covered up! " Hai Zhixuan pulled open the door of the wardrobe and swept his hand across all of her clothes. Only then did he confirm that there was no one inside.    


Lin Ling glared at him angrily and hurriedly closed the door to the closet. At that moment, Hai Zhixuan happened to see the underwear that made men's fantasies inside her closet.    


"What are you looking at?" Lin Ling scolded, but Hai Zhixuan caught a glimpse of the view on the side of her nightgown when she closed the door.    


His mind instantly collapsed. His blood boiled as he pulled her over and fiercely kissed her lips.     3


Hai Zhixuan kissed with great force. The moment he was kissed, Lin Ling's heart tightened and her mind went blank.    


He felt her body tremble slightly in his arms, which meant she didn't hate him to kiss her.    


Hai Zhixuan pressed forward, but she was stuck to the wardrobe.    


Lin Ling's body trembled violently for a moment before she pushed him away as if she woke up immediately.    


"Pah!" Lin Ling slapped Hai Zhixuan's face.    


She used a lot of strength, and a clear finger mark immediately appeared on Hai Zhixuan's face.    


"Bastard!" Lin Ling scolded Hai Zhixuan in a trembling voice, while Hai Zhixuan seemed to wake up from his stupor.    


Originally, he definitely wouldn't allow women to hit him, but last time, he forced her to do it. If she really did sue, then wouldn't he have to admit it as well? If it wasn't for Lin Ling slapping him, he would have lost control again like last time.    


Even he himself didn't know what was wrong with him. He would never indulge in lust, so why would he not know which direction was which when he meets this iceberg like woman?    


It wasn't like he had never seen a woman before, but she wasn't wearing any underwear, so how could he not know who he was?    


"Get out!" Lin Ling growled again. Hai Zhixuan saw that her hair was ruffled even more by him, and her lips were also kissed by him.    


Even though he was already awake, he couldn't suppress his burning desire no matter what.    


It was as if a voice inside of him was saying, It doesn't matter who she's having sex with anyway. Once again, he took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Lin Ling's waist. The boiling hot lip immediately pressed down on her pink neck. Once again he pressed her against the cold closet door.    


"Let me go, let me go, I beg you …" "I don't want to …" Lin Ling choked with sobs. Her heart was filled with fear.    


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