Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C406 Favorite Marriage

C406 Favorite Marriage

1Everyday, all kinds of puppies were taking pictures of the two of them. The villa by the sea, the tropical rain forest, and all kinds of specialty snacks all had the shadow of their love.    


Lee Heetai was completely different from his usual low-key attitude. From the photos, he seemed to be quite addicted to it.    


In fact, he wasn't as intoxicated as he looked. All his intoxication was for Princess Ya Hui to see.    


Xia Yihan was unwilling to believe that Ye Zimo was that unfaithful, and he was also unwilling to believe her. After contact, he felt that Princess Ya Hui was not a woman with a chest but a brain. On the contrary, besides being overly passionate towards men, she had her own unique opinions on many things.    


Lee Heetai always felt that when mentioning the relationship between Ye Zimo and her, she intentionally said many intimate details. This wouldn't make him more convinced that Ye Zimo was cheating. Instead, he felt that the intimacy between Ye Zimo and Princess Ya Hui was only a promise to fool the world.    


He was only guessing and did not find any credible evidence.    


He did not want to wrongly accuse Ye Zimo, nor did he want to let her off the hook. He felt that since he came under Zhao Wenying's orders and made some sacrifices, he must investigate this matter thoroughly.    


Zhong Yunchang and him had been in contact ever since they had arrived at Fenlai City.    


Zhong Yunchang was as indifferent as ever, and no one could tell that she had any objections to his intimacy with Princess Ya Hui.    


"Yunchang, how have you been these past few days?" he asked.    


Zhong Yunchang only smiled gently and teased him, "Not so bad, I don't think I'm as good as you."    


Although they were just dating, there were still a lot of people who knew that they were dating. Lee Heetai still felt a little guilty towards Zhong Yunchang.    


The two of them were always silent on the phone. Perhaps it was because their characters were rather similar, but sometimes they just didn't know what to say.    


"Do you want me to go back as soon as possible?" Lee Heetai finally asked. Zhong Yunchang said, "It seems like your mission hasn't been completed. It seems like it's not suitable for you to come back."    


With such a simple sentence, Lee Heetai felt that Zhong Yunchang was indeed a woman with a heart of glass.    


Perhaps it is because of this, she is unhappy, see too much people do not silly people easy to achieve happiness.    


"Mo, I'm always worried about Brother Heetai and Sister Yunchang. You say they are fake, I think Sister Yunchang is already a little moved. I also saw the news about Brother Heetai and Princess Ya Hui on the internet today. They seem so intimate.    


"Idiot, what news are you watching online if you have nothing better to do?" Ye Zimo frowned. He wasn't worried about Xia Yihan reading the news about Lee Heetai and Princess Ya Hui. He was afraid that she would see the photo of Princess Ya Hui kissing him goodbye. If she saw it with her own eyes, how could she not feel upset?    


"Aiya, I don't want to watch it, but you know it. There are windows everywhere, and I'm just their news. It's too much of a spotlight."    


"Then don't watch it. News is often fake. There are too many things that catch the wind and catch the shadows."    


Xia Yihan sat up, looked at Ye Zimo seriously, and asked in a low voice, "You mean, the news about Princess Ya Hui is fake too, right?"    


She looked at him expectantly. He knew she wouldn't mind at all. Who wouldn't mind if her man was in bed with another woman, unless she didn't care?    


"Silly Girl, you're so sensitive." Ye Zimo ruffled her hair and avoided the question.    


Xia Yihan felt a little depressed, so she leaned close to him and whispered, "Ye Zimo, just the two of us, can you just tell me the truth? I know you won't betray me, and I know you're too smart to fall into her trap. Nothing happened, right? You tell me alone, and I'll never tell anyone else, okay? "    


Ye Zimo looked at her deeply. Her expression changed several times, but she only held her in her arms and said, "Since you trust me, don't ask anything."    


"He really can bully people." Xia Yihan muttered something in a low voice, but Ye Zimo laughed in a clear voice. She raised her chin and pecked her lips, murmuring, "What kind of bullying is this? It's the real bullying that happens in bed."    


"You're so annoying!" Xia Yihan's face turned red as she threw a fist at Ye Zimo.    


The two of them sat in the pavilion for a while longer. Xia Yihan said she wanted to go and see Du Du.    


"Mo, I actually thought of him when I went to work during the day. Do you believe that I really like him? " Xia Yihan looked up at Ye Zimo and said.    


"Stupid, of course I believe it."    


If she didn't like children, would she wipe their buttocks? For a woman who doesn't have a child, it's not easy to be clean and clean.    


"It's good that you believe me. In the future, I can contact him more." One day he will need me, and I am sure of it. "    


"It's been hard on you." Ye Zimo said sincerely as she rubbed Xia Yihan's hair again.    


The two of them returned to the main house and went upstairs. Soong Wanting had already been arranged to go back to the big bedroom and brought back everything for her.    


Ye Zimo gave the order that Soong Wanting was not allowed to leave the room except to go to the toilet.    


When they entered, Soong Wanting was feeding the baby's milk. The little guy was eating very seriously and quietly, as if he knew that the milk was something he had lost and brought back to his family.    


Xia Yihan looked at the child and felt a little rueful. No matter how good he was, he still needed his mother the most.    


Although she knew that Soong Wanting was unlikely to change, she still secretly prayed for her child, hoping that she would be able to truly restrain herself.    


Soong Wanting was very pleased to see Xia Yihan. Sitting in this room, even if she didn't say anything, it was proof of her victory.    


"Yihan, you're here?" Soong Wanting took the initiative to greet him. Her voice was light, as if the Soong Wanting of the past was already dead. The Soong Wanting of now was a completely different person.    


"Yes." Xia Yihan didn't care whether she was real or fake. As long as she showed a good side of herself, Xia Yihan would rather believe her to be real in front of her children.    


"Du du, it's almost done. Are you going to play with him after we finish eating?" Soong Wanting asked again.    


"Yes." Xia Yihan nodded.    


Ye Zimo was expressionless from start to finish. He would never believe Soong Wanting's transformation.    


Soong Wanting didn't say anything more. She just seriously fed the baby. After feeding the baby, she softly spoke a few words to the child before handing the baby to Xia Yihan.    


"Little Du, you have to grow up quickly. When you grow up, mother and father will be able to take you out to play." Xia Yihann thought the outside air is better, really want to take the child to breathe more fresh air, certainly good for the child's health.    


It was a pity that the child hadn't reached the full moon. It wasn't suitable for him to be out in the wind.    


Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan were playing with Ye Zhengheng while Mo Xiaonong stood outside the door and knocked.    


"Come in, Xiaonong." said Xia Yihan, and Mo Xiaonong came in briskly.    


"Why are you here?" Xia Yihan asked. Mo Xiaonong caressed Ye Zhengheng's face and said, "Look at him, this little guy is getting more and more good-looking. In the future, I want to take care of him with my sister. Just now Weidong sent a message saying that his mother was looking forward to his marriage and would allow us to have children as soon as he gets married. "    


Of course, Mo Xiaonong's words were just an excuse. She wanted to get closer to the child. In the future, she would often have the opportunity to get closer to Soong Wanting while watching the child.    


She was looking forward to taking down Ye Zimo as soon as possible so that she wouldn't have to mess around with that annoying Liao Weidong. Acting was too tiring.    


"Sis, can you give me a hug?" Mo Xiaonong asked.    


Xia Yihan looked at Ye Zimo. The child was his, so she always felt that she should ask for his opinion.    


Ye Zimo could see that Xia Yihan did not object to Mo Xiaonong visiting the child. They were all there, and they were not afraid of what Mo Xiaonong was up to, so he smiled gently and said, "It's rare for someone with Xiaonong's personality to like children, and I think she's a bit new too. Just hug her if you want, but just don't let her get tired."    


Of course, Mo Xiaonong could hear the hidden meaning behind Ye Zimo's words, so she pretended to be confused and said seriously, "Carrying such a small child, what is there to be tired about? Brother-in-law really knows how to exaggerate. "Aiya, this kid is so chubby, he's so cute. I'm even afraid that I'll always want to hug him when I'm addicted to him."    


"If the parents of the child are not against it, then you can carry her." Xia Yihan said with a smile.    


She did like Mo Xiaonong to touch her children. They were so simple, she hoped that Mo Xiaonong could learn from them and become simpler.    


Of course, in her heart, no matter what Mo Xiaonong did, it could change her education. She wouldn't be as hopeless as Soong Wanting.    




That night, Princess Ya Hui had an invitation from another man, so she left Lee Heetai alone at the princess' mansion.    


Lee Heetai was just about to take a shower and get ready to sleep when someone knocked on his door.    


"Come in!" he said in English.    


He thought it was the maid who came to deliver the milk. Usually, at this time of the year, the personal maid of the princess would come to deliver the milk.    


The door opened and an exceptionally enchanting woman walked in with an enchanting smile on her face.    


Lee Heetai knew this woman. She was one of the princess' translators and could be considered Princess Ya Hui's confidante.    


He was just a little confused. It was already so late, and she already knew that the princess wasn't here. Why would she be dressed like this and come to her room to look for Princess Ya Hui's' boyfriend '?    


"Mr. Lee Heetai, why are you sleeping so early?" The translator playfully raised his eyebrows. Lee Heetai was not an unromantic person, so how could he not understand her intentions?    


This woman was really bold. She dared to openly lure Princess Ya Hui's guests when she wasn't around.    


The translator spoke fluent Chinese, so it was easier to communicate with him.    


Lee Heetai smirked and chuckled, "Princess Ya Hui is not here and I'm not sleeping. I don't seem to have anything interesting to do."    


The translator took a few steps towards Lee Heetai. The clothes she wore were too thin, and her fair skin could be vaguely seen.    


"Not only am I good at translation, I'm also good at calming down elegant men." The translator walked in front of Lee Heetai and put his slender white arm on Lee Heetai's shoulder boldly.    


The door was still open. Her behavior was outrageous.    


"I wonder if your princess likes you to help me relieve my boredom?" Lee Heetai asked beside the translator's ear.    


"I like it." The translator was very sure that the answer was even more unexpected to Lee Heetai.    


He had heard of the opening of Fenlai City and that it was a semi-feminist society, but he hadn't thought that it would be open to such an extent.    


"Was it an accident?" Mr. Heetai? " the interpreter asked with a smile, and Lee Heetai nodded frankly.    


"Indeed, it is very surprising. I believe that you are also aware of our country's culture. For our men, encountering something like this would be quite amazing."    


"Of course, I know Chinese men and Chinese women. Hehe, we Princess Ya Hui are completely different from Chinese women. She did not think that her female subordinates were guilty of conquering her man. On the contrary, she did not think that women were ambitious. If they did not want to capture a man, they were unqualified women. The woman she valued and entrusted the most was the woman who could be conquered by any kind of man, and she found that kind of woman attractive. Moreover, women who are used to conquering men do not easily fall into a relationship, are open to matters between men and women, and are not addicted to it. They are able to treat their work more rationally. "    


Princess Ya Hui was really special, Lee Heetai thought silently. She was probably the most special female servant in the world.    


"Mr. Heetai, I've answered your question. Now, do I have the honor to dance with you?" the interpreter asked.    


"OK, no problem." As Lee Heetai said this, he bent down and made a gesture of "please".    


There was no music in Princess Ya Hui's room. The translator hummed a tune and danced with Lee Heetai.    


"So you're saying that all of Princess Ya Hui's men will fight to be conquered?" Lee Heetai asked.    


"That might not necessarily be the case. Only when we have our own feelings will we think of attacking a very outstanding man."    


"Is that so? "Ye Zimo, it looks like you guys aren't going to let her off." Lee Heetai said in a joking tone.    


When Ye Zimo was mentioned, the translator's expression changed slightly. "Let's not talk about him. That person was too unromantic, causing our Princess Ya Hui to be heartbroken."    


The reason why Lee Heetai agreed to dance with her wasn't because he was interested in this woman who delivered herself to his doorstep. He was still thinking about the evidence that he didn't find.    


"Why do you say that? "I saw the news. The two of them are very intimate too. It's about the same level of intimacy as Ya Hui and I are." Lee Heetai brought the translator around in a big circle. He held her tightly and when she stuck to his body, her body and mind rippled. She also felt a little dizzy.    


"Those are all fake." the interpreter said grimly.    


"That's impossible, right? Princess Ya Hui has boundless charm. How could she not have conquered Ye Zimo?" Lee Heetai took the opportunity to ask.    


"I guess you're wrong, pretty girl."    


According to Lee Heetai's observation, this woman thought too highly of herself and wouldn't like others to say that she was wrong. She would do her best to tell him what she knew.    


Lee Heetai was right. The translator was a bit unhappy. No one could question her position beside Princess Ya Hui.    


She stopped dancing and said, "Wait a minute. Let me tell you what I know."    


The translator closed the door and said seriously, "But you can't tell Princess Ya Hui that I'm the one who did this. If you have to swear, I'll tell you the truth."    


Lee Heetai solemnly raised his right hand and swore as she wished, saying that he would never mention it to Princess Ya Hui. The translator nodded in satisfaction and slowly said, "Actually, I've been wanting to say this to someone for a long time. I'm really angry for our princess. She was the most charming woman in the world, and there was no man she could not conquer. Even that Ye Zimo, who was stinky and stubborn to the extreme, remained unmoved despite our princess taking the initiative like never before. Even if Princess Ya Hui had used some of her power to influence his oil deal in our country, he would not give in. "    


"Didn't you give in? You should know the things that Princess Ya Hui likes to collect, right? "Such as this?" Lee Heetai reached to the bedside table and picked up the crystal pendant of Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan for the translator to see.    


The translator sighed and said, "That's why it's fake. We, Princess Ya Hui, love face so much. Everyone knew that she was interested in Ye Zimo, but Ye Zimo refused. She couldn't help but think of a way to coerce him. After the oil agreement failed to coerce him, Princess Ya Hui used a person to coerce him to agree to spend the night at the princess' mansion. "    


One person?     4


Although the translator had yet to say who that person was, Lee Heetai guessed that the person who could coerce Ye Zimo was likely to be Xia Yihan.    


"Who is that person?" Lee Heetai asked.    


"I don't quite understand. I didn't accompany her on this trip to China, but according to the translator who followed the princess to China, that person is Ye Zimo's girlfriend. She's pretty, but I don't know her name."    


It was indeed Xia Yihan.    


"Then, then go on. Since Ye Zimo has already given in, why are you still saying that it's all fake?"    


"Ye Zimo only agreed to spend the night at the princess' mansion and let the media take pictures of him and Princess Ya Hui, but only agreed to take pictures of him kissing her cheek. Actually, nothing happened between them. Back then, he was living in this room, but he was sleeping on the sofa. After the incident, the princess couldn't help feeling wronged and told me this. As for the collections that you mentioned, they are all fake. They were all things that the princess wanted others to feel that she had subdued Ye Zimo and had made her leave them behind on purpose. "    


Lee Heetai was silent for a moment before he smiled and shook his head, "I still feel that something is not right. If she can threaten Ye Zimo, Ye Zimo will worry about her and not listen to her subjugation. How can Princess Ya Hui take this lying down?"    


"You might not know this, but Ye Zimo's population is quite impressive. He successfully persuaded Princess Ya Hui. Furthermore, Princess Ya Hui had promised Ye Zimo to come and spend the night under false pretense in order to seduce him. She was really confident in herself. In the end, she didn't succeed in her seduction, so it wasn't good for her to go back on her words. In the end, she only forced Ye Zimo to swear that she couldn't say that he and Princess Ya Hui were fake in front of anyone. He could only say that he was infatuated with Princess Ya Hui and was completely captivated by her. "She said that if Ye Zimo didn't agree, she would make that woman disappear from the world …"    


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