CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



3Besides the bone marrow, Mu Qianqian had already lost all feeling for Mu Hongwen's family. They weren't her family, she only had Mu Shen. Mu Qianqian didn't give a clear answer to Ruan Xianglan's question. Indeed, she needed to think it over carefully since she had a terrible headache right now.    


Her faltering footsteps were completely different from her previous resolute attitude. It was as if Mu Qianqian had been drained of all her energy. She staggered towards the dormitory. Seeing that Mu Qianqian had left, Ruan Xianglan curled her lips in disdain.    


"What are you tugging at? So what if you have the guts? Aren't you still selling like usual! "    


Ruan Xianglan turned around and mumbled to herself excitedly. As long as Mu Hongwen was alright, she would be safe for the rest of her life and her daughter would be back soon!    


"Stupid girl, let's see how long you can stay out there!" "Come back and take care of you!"    


Ruan Xianglan nagged as she walked. Behind the fake mountain, a pair of sinister eyes stared sharply at Mu Qianqian's leaving figure. The resentful eyes revealed the anger in her heart.    


Li Xinran gritted her teeth. Mu Qianqian, so you're Rong Heting's woman. You're not his relative at all. Everyone was tricked by you yesterday! It made me so ugly that I became the joke of the whole school, I definitely won't let you off!    


When Mu Qianqian returned to the dormitory in a daze, she immediately fell asleep. The soreness and pain in her body were even more obvious, and her head was also feeling worse and worse. Mu Qianqian slept the whole afternoon since she hadn't eaten lunch. At five in the evening, Ting Ye finished her day of classes and pushed open the dormitory door. She saw Mu Qianqian curled up like a kitten in bed, sleeping soundly.    


Ting Ye was so envious. Qianqian had a heaven-defying brain. All of her subjects were physical education, which she had failed after two to four semesters. As long as she could get through physical education, she could graduate a long time ago. It was a pity that she, Ting Ye, still had more than 10 subjects to finish this semester. Although she was also a specially recruited student, the difference between her IQ 130 and IQ 300 was too huge! Ting Ye was speechless!    


Lifting up Mu Qianqian who deserved a beating, Ting Ye rubbed Mu Qianqian's small head with great force and with jealousy and envy.    


"Qianqian, wake up, what time is it? You're still sleeping? You're not going to sleep tonight? "    


"So annoying …" "Go away..."    


Ting Ye's soft mumbling drove Ting Ye mad. She flipped over the quilt, and the sudden cool air made Mu Qianqian shudder and wake up completely.    


"Idiot!" Medical Association has things to notify us at night. As a software major, I've also been transferred by the Principal to help maintain the program. You should hurry and pack up, we'll go out for midnight snacks after we're done! "    


Midnight snack! Yeah! Mu Qianqian had been dispirited just a moment ago, but when she heard about food, she immediately became high-spirited. As long as there was food to eat, she would willingly bow down and be an ox!    


All the entanglement and sleepiness had completely vanished like smoke in thin air. If he didn't want to think about it, then he didn't want to think about it for the time being. He would fill up his stomach before doing anything else.    


After listening to the Headmaster's speech, it was already nine in the evening when they left the Medical Association. Mu Qianqian, who was already too tired to eat dinner at night, held Ting Ye's hand and walked towards the street outside the school, hungry to the point where her chest was pressed against her back.    


"Ye-zi, what are you always looking back for?"    


Mu Qianqian looked curiously at Ting Ye as she turned her head, but there was nothing there!    


"I keep having the feeling that something is following us!" Ting Ye didn't notice anything amiss as she pulled Mu Qianqian along and continued walking. "Forget it, I might have overthought things. Let's go!"    


Hearing Ting Ye's words, Mu Qianqian nodded obediently. She had always listened to Ye Ci's words from the outside. She was afraid of floating things at night, so she hastened her pace after Ting Ye.    


At the corner, two voices were conversing. One was sharp, while the other was frivolous.    


"Zhang Meng, I'm not wrong, right? That little girl looks like she's making sure you're satisfied. She's timid and tender, so go and enjoy yourself!"    


"How could you be so kind? I've fished for you for so long yet you ignore me. This time, you're actively sending me an adult to make me happy, don't tell me that this girl has some sort of background? "    


The man took a drag from his cigarette and looked suspiciously at Li Xinran. He had to ask her about the good news that was delivered to his doorstep. However, the two girls did indeed look like good stuff, especially the one that didn't seem mature yet.    


Zhang Meng smiled evilly as he thought about it. Li Xinran looked at Zhang Meng's hesitant appearance and became angry. He even called himself the Heavenly Hawk Gang. He was just a rogue in this field, and was so timid.    


"I say, you can't be! No matter what, you're still a man.    


Li Xinran reprimanded Zhang Meng with her words. She was afraid that he would cower and teach her kindly.    


"Don't worry. That little girl has been played around with by others for a long time. She won't cause any big trouble. Go ahead and play with her. I guarantee you that you'll feel great about it!"    


Zhang Meng's eyes lit up when he heard this and patted his chest in excitement.    


"Alright, then I am relieved. I promise that I will treat her well!" Zhang Meng smiled obscenely, "I know that girl has offended you, so I will focus on it and let you feel satisfied! "Hehehe."    




Li Xinran felt like throwing up when she heard Zhang Meng's vulgar words. She wasn't happy with him, so she stopped talking nonsense. Li Xinran turned around and left, just waiting to watch the show. Mu Qianqian, what I, Li Xinran, have lost, will definitely be paid back in double!    


Unlike downtown, there were very few people at the roadside stall. Mu Qianqian and Ting Ye found a table near the side and sat down. After making some small talk, they waited for the feast to come. Mu Qianqian looked pitifully at the entrance to the dining room, where the skewers of meat were soon going into her stomach!    


Ting Ye looked at Mu Qianqian's greedy look and covered her face with her hands. She really didn't want to get to know this shameful guy!    


"Hey idiot, can you wipe your saliva? There are so many people watching!"    


"Yes, yes, yes!" Mu Qianqian's best quality was to be obedient. She hurriedly nodded and swallowed her saliva, but her eyes never left the grill.    


Ting Ye was completely speechless and no longer paid any attention to this guy who didn't have any meat on him.    


The small charcoal stove was placed on the table, and the two of them were flushed from the fire. Roasting it was a specialty of this stall, as the marinated meat would be swallowed after being placed on top of the stove for a short while.    


Mu Qianqian and Ting Ye were about to start, when a few youths with gaudy clothes and colorful hair walked over to their table. They jokingly picked up the meat skewers Mu Qianqian had just roasted and started eating.    


Ting Ye slammed the table and stood up immediately. Damn it, where did this hoodlum come from? But before Ting Ye could say anything, the strange situation made her hold her forehead and sigh.    


"I'll say it!" What are you doing eating my freshly baked meat? There's so much meat here that needs to be roasted! "    


Mu Qianqian looked at the meat that was snatched away angrily, gritting her teeth as she stared at Zhang Meng's constantly moving mouth. She was so angry, she was still hungry!    


Ting Ye swore to never go out with a fool again. Big Sis, the meat on the table is all theirs, alright? He couldn't give any of the skewers to others to eat! What's more, these hoodlums were clearly here to cause trouble!    


When Zhang Meng and the others heard Mu Qianqian's words, they were stunned for a moment before they suddenly broke into laughter. A mouthful of vulgar yellow teeth immediately leaked out, causing Mu Qianqian to immediately lose all appetite.    


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