Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life

C32 Pay to Speak

C32 Pay to Speak

4But now, the common people are trying to capture a home phone as the hard indicator of a face project. Whoever has a home phone is a matter of honor, and they can't wait to announce it to the world, so that their name can be printed on the yellow pages. To the people who have a home phone, it would be a medal of honor.      0


Therefore, not only would no one denounce the company that printed the Yellow Pages, the person concerned might be happy to see his name and phone number printed on it. He might even think that the company was so stupid as to print his home number on it for free and name for itself.    


Kang Ying found that the yellow pages she bought for 15 yuan were definitely worth more than her money. The yellow pages of the phone was definitely a great tool for her to recognize the full structure of the government department and various corporate structures.    


It seems that General Chamber of Commerce has been a structure from now all the way until the future, so Friendship Mall must be the state-owned enterprise of the commercial headquarters.    


Kang Ying took down the number for General Chamber of Commerce Office and went to a private booth in the county city that held public telephones. She paid a deposit of five yuan and called General Chamber of Commerce Office.    


The call connected. It was only after several rings that someone picked up. It was a rather calm woman's voice. "Hello, who are you looking for?"    


"Is Manager Lee here?" Kang Ying said in a sweet and not coquettish tone.    


Kang Ying's voice was quite sweet, especially after she had slowed down. One could not see her through the phone, but her voice showed off her name card.    


Sure enough, even though they were both women, the voice on the phone was too pleasant to listen to. It was also very cultured and polite, so the other person didn't have any aversion to her and replied:    


"He's here. Who are you? Shall I ask him to answer the phone? "    


"Oh, no, thank you. I'll call on him later."    


After confirming that there was such an organization, Kang Ying thanked the person in charge and put down the phone.    


To be able to call at such a high price was extremely painful, but it was also extremely honorable. The thought of having to calculate money every second, even if it was a normal person, their voice would become distorted. Being able to communicate so politely on the phone was also a pleasure for the person who answered the phone.    


Kang Ying put down the phone. The boss looked at the timer and said, "It hasn't been more than a minute. It's two dollars for you."    


Kang Ying thought, a minute of telecom, you want to charge me a dollar? What a lucrative business.    


The other party had given her three yuan back for the deposit.    


Of course, although it was a lucrative business, there weren't many people who called all the time. Other than a lover who was in love with someone from another world, who would be willing to spend money to talk to them?    


Kang Ying got on her bicycle, and following the address written on the yellow page of the phone for the main business company, she went to visit the person in charge of General Chamber of Commerce, Manager Lee. At this moment, she was completely blind and no one could help her make the connection. She also didn't know what kind of person Manager Lee was.    


Under these circumstances, Kang Ying could only show her courage as a salesman in her previous life: a stranger!    


Kang Ying came here empty-handed. It wouldn't be convenient for her to buy a present even if she wanted to. Since she met Manager Lee for the first time, Manager Lee wouldn't dare to accept any gift.    


The location of the Merchant Shop was located at No. 182 South Street, just one street away from Friendship Merchant City. Although it was not the golden area at the center of the county, its location was not too far away.    


Currently, the government departments and departments of the county city would find a good place to build their office buildings. Therefore, it was not strange for good offices like the Bureau of Commerce and the General Chamber of Commerce to gather in a few bustling areas of the county.    


This was the first time Kang Ying had held a business negotiation since she was reborn. She was really excited. She didn't know if she could use the negotiation skills from her previous life here.    


Kang Ying was full of fighting spirit. Her bicycle was pedaling like a wind and fire wheel. Soon, she arrived at 182 South Street.    


The entire street on the south side of the city was planted with mango trees that were used as landscape trees, giving it a tropical air.    


It was summer, and the mango the size of a palm hung heavily on the branches of the trees. From time to time there were thirteen or fourteen year old children on the streets, poking at the mangoes with bamboo poles, and even younger children below, pulling the tails of their T-shirts out to form a net, to catch the mangoes that had fallen from the trees.    


After catching the mango, the children let out cries of excitement. Some of the mangoes fell to the ground and were replaced with a series of pitiful cries.    


However, the children didn't mind. As long as they weren't smashed into a pulp, they would pick up the mangoes that fell to the ground and place them in a small basket at the side.    


The children's situation of half playing, half working was already extinct in the time when Kang Ying was still alive. During the summer holidays, the children in the city were sent to all kinds of supplementary classes and special classes without relaxing. The adults and children were always rushing to and fro among the supplementary classes, so how could they have the time to play around freely?    


Seeing the happy faces of the children under the tree, Kang Ying couldn't help but feel affected.    


She put her bicycle at the General Chamber of Commerce entrance. The General Chamber of Commerce was very famous, but the office was very simple, it was hidden in the low-key shops on the South City Street, the gray brick buildings did not seem to stand out.    


On the first floor, there was a reception room. An old man wearing reading glasses glanced at Kang Ying. Kang Ying was worried that he would investigate and intercept her. However, the old man only glanced at it once before he lowered his head to read the newspaper.    


She was probably wearing a sky-blue knee-length dress with the appearance of a female mechanical official. Without even asking, he let her in.    


Kang Ying came to the public office to do some work. She specially sculpted her image, imitating the dressing and dressing that female cadres like today. She meticulously changed herself, appearing dignified and generous. It seemed that she really had played a role.    


Kang Ying successfully made her way up to the second floor. Seeing that the door with the office sign was open, she walked up and knocked on it before going in.    


There were four or five people in the office. The one closest to the door was a woman in her thirties. She looked up at her and asked, "Who are you looking for?"    


Kang Ying said politely, "I'm here to look for Manager Lee. Is he in?"    


When the person heard her voice, he felt it was familiar, so he asked, "Just now, you called to ask if Manager Lee was there?"    


Kang Ying also recognized her voice. It was the girl who answered the phone. She put on a smile and said, "Yes, it's me. It was you who answered the phone, right? "    


"Mm, it's me. Manager Lee is here, but there's a guest right now, wait a moment. "    


Seeing that Kang Ying was so natural and unrestrained, that her temperament was outstanding, and that she didn't show any signs of cowardice, the woman couldn't help but look down on her, and thus treated her courteously.    


Kang Ying thanked her and was hesitating to wait for Manager Lee. The girl looked around and said:    


"Come in and take a seat. The guests won't be able to leave anytime soon. You'll have to wait for a while longer!"    


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