Evil CEO's Favorites

C290 Chapter 290

C290 Chapter 290

4However, he didn't know how long he could hold her for … Jun Haixin silently thought in her heart. It was a year, two years … Or five years?! And the answer, she didn't know.     3


After they had enough, Jun Haixin took a deep breath and released her hands. "I'll go back to my room first." As he spoke, he turned around and walked towards the stairs.    


"Haixin!" Soong Yi called out, "Tomorrow night …"    


"I won't be back tomorrow night. I'll be sleeping outside." Jun Haixin answered. It was because he didn't want the people close to him to see him in pain. Even if she locked her room door, her sister-in-law would probably be worried outside for the night.    


Jun Haixin walked up the stairs. Soong Yi watched Jun Haixin's back worriedly, but her heart was full of worry.    


Although her eldest son finding the Predestine made her feel relieved, her heart lifted when she thought about how her aunt still hadn't found any news about the Predestine. Especially since Little Aunt is now forty years old. After the new year, she would be forty-one, yet she doesn't even have a shadow of a Predestine.    


Sometimes, Soong Yi could only console herself. Perhaps after a few days, my aunt's Predestine would also suddenly appear, just like how Zichen did when he met Xiaorong.    


Thinking about it this way, Soong Yi's mood became slightly better.    


Jun Haixin walked into the room and lay on the bed, exhausted. She took out the white bottle from her pocket, glanced at it, and then threw it on the floor.    


Tomorrow, this medicine would have no effect at all, and tomorrow … How much pain would it hurt?    


Each time, she felt more intense pain. Each time, she thought it was already the utmost of pain. But she didn't expect that the next full moon would only be more painful than this one.    


When the moon was full and Jun Haixin was alone in the presidential suite at the Jun residence by herself once again, she found that the pain she was enduring this time was indeed worse than the last time. Pain was flowing not only in her blood, but also in an invisible hand that twisted the bones and muscles of her body.    


The pain this time was not only slightly more than the pain from the last full moon. It seemed to have increased by a fifth. Of course, this fifth was only a rough estimate.    


Before she was forty, the pain of every full moon had increased, but only slowly, so slowly that it was sometimes undetectable. But after the age of forty, the pain had grown much faster.    


It was precisely because of this that many people with Jun Family could not hold on and committed suicide!    


Jun Haixin smiled miserably. The room was filled with the resounding sound of music, using it to cover her painful wails. Even though she knew that the soundproofing in the hotel room was very good, and even if she shouted until her throat hurt, no one would hear her, she still turned on the loudest music in the room.    


She thought it was because she didn't want to hear her own wails. The more she listened, the more painful, struggling, and resentful she felt. The more she lost the courage to continue living …    


Although she would often think that death was a form of release for the current her, she still thought that she might have the chance to meet the Predestine and gain satisfaction that she had never had before. She thought … If she was really dead, it would be a deep blow to the family that had always loved her.    


As for Bai Zhuyun, what would he do if she died? Was he going to die with her? Or send a bouquet of flowers to her grave every year? Or dig her ashes out of the grave and burn them to ashes?    


She believed that Bai Zhuyun would be able to do such a thing.    


But no matter what he might do, it had nothing to do with her.    


She had never found someone who loved more than her life, but she was madly loved by someone. Every time someone on TV said that being loved was better than being loved, she felt an indescribable sadness in her heart.    


He felt sad for himself, but he also felt sad for Bai Zhuyun.    


When you can't make love to someone in any way, that kind of love will only cause you to become entangled with each other.    


In the luxurious presidential suite, Jun Haixin was in pain, and on the other side, in the almost closed room, there was only one light burning. In the luxurious presidential suite, Jun Haixin was in pain, and on the other side, in the almost closed room, there was only light.    


His face was covered in sweat, and his white hair was slightly wet from the sweat, sticking to his forehead and cheeks. Because of the blood loss, his face was ashen.    


At this moment, there were already seven to eight wounds on his body. Every wound was bleeding. Dark red blood dripped off his body, dripping onto his pants, and onto the floor of the room. It was extremely shocking.    


However, he didn't seem to feel any pain at all. A kind of gentle smile blossomed on his face, and as the wounds on his body increased, the smile on his face became increasingly wider.    


"Haixin, are you in pain now? If you hate me so much now and don't want to see me, I can avoid seeing you, but I can accompany you in pain. " Bai Zhuyun murmured softly, as if Lili was right in front of him and he was talking to her.    


Before he was twenty-five, he bled only for himself. After he was twenty-five, he bled only for her.    


This body had countless scars of various sizes. Other than some scars from when he was young, every other scar was carved for her because he wanted to share the pain with her. He wanted to use this method to fantasize that she was with him.    


One slash, one slash …    


More and more blood gushed from his body, and the gray on his face became more and more obvious.    


"Haixin, Haixin!" Can your Predestine give you the love that I, Bai Zhuyun, can give? " He suddenly stabbed himself in the arm, "Why aren't you looking at me? Why aren't you even giving me a lie?" "Even if you're lying, even if you're lying to me, once you tell me the truth, I'll do everything I can for you!"    


As long as she said that one day she would fall in love with him, he would be willing to live in this false fantasy, and then hope that one day, in the future, she would really fall in love with him, even if that fantasy was only a dream at the moment of his death.    


As long as she was willing to say...    


As long as she was willing to say something …    


In the quiet room, there was only the sound of him breathing heavily. No one came to answer his question. Would there be such a day? Would she lie to him one day? Or could it be that he would never see this day again?    


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