Evil CEO's Favorites

C4 Chapter 4

C4 Chapter 4

1Mei Xinyi, an actor who was originally an unknown actor, had suddenly risen in status because of her relationship with Sihai Group's CEO, Ye Nanqing. After she announced her relationship with Ye Nanqing, she immediately received several large brand advertisements, and even made two movies in a row. Her relationship with Ye Nanqing had always been one of the topics of gossip.    1


However, Ye Nanqing had never admitted or denied that he was dating. This made those gossiping reporters even more curious.    


When Xia Huanhuan walked over, she saw a magazine on the desk. The magazine was filled with gossip and entertainment reports. It was accompanied by several photos of a man and a woman. They were none other than Mei Xinyi and Ye Nanqing.    


In the photo, Mei Xinyi seemed to be talking to Ye Nanqing, but Ye Nanqing seemed to be nonchalant. He merely lowered his head and played with a ring on his left middle finger.    


This ring had all sorts of rumors about it on the Internet because it was said to be a very cheap ring, and it had even lost some color. But as the famous successor of Sihai Group, he always wore this ring, which was enough to arouse other people's curiosity.    


The Ye Nanqing in the photo looked elegant but gave off a strong sense of estrangement, like a prince high above. Others could only look from afar but couldn't get close to him.    


Did this man really love Mei Xinyi? Xia Huanhuan suddenly thought of something and then laughed. It didn't matter if it was true or not, it had nothing to do with her.    


At this moment, her own matters were about to leave the Three Kingdoms in a mess.    


Suddenly, someone said, "Oh right, I heard that Sihai Group is participating in our school's recruitment event. Is that true?"    


Someone immediately replied, "It should be true. A few days ago, when I went to the Dean's office, he mentioned it."    


"Isn't Sihai Group's design company a company that doesn't recruit new students?"    


"Who knows? In any case, if I can enter the Four Seas, I might become famous one day!"    


Everyone was discussing, Xia Huanhuan's specialty was interior design, and Sihai Group was a well-known property group in B City. At the same time, she owned a specialized interior design branch, and would often work with famous foreign companies. Therefore, every year, there would be many designers who would squeeze their way in.    


"Sofia, let's go to the recruitment in a few days. Maybe we'll really get accepted by the Sihai Group." Lili pushed Xia Huanhuan's arm and said with interest.    


"I'm not going." Xia Huanhuan replied.    


"Why?" Lu Xiaorong was puzzled.    


"I don't think it suits me." Xia Huanhuan said indifferently.    


When she went to work at a part-time club in the evening, sure enough, some of her colleagues looked at her strangely. She guessed that everyone might have heard about what happened in the private room yesterday.    


Another female colleague asked her in the locker room, "Xia Huanhuan, I heard that there was a man who beat up a customer half to death for you in the box yesterday. Is that true?"    


Xia Huanhuan sighed in her heart and replied with a calm expression on her face, "No."    


"Then who was the man that pulled you out of the shop yesterday?" The other party was curious.    


"A friend I used to know."    


"You must be rich to be able to come here to spend money. Why didn't you tell me earlier that you knew such a friend?"    


Xia Huanhuan didn't say anything, and the colleague obviously knew that Xia Huanhuan didn't want to answer, so he rubbed his nose and left.    


After changing into her work attire, Xia Huanhuan walked out of the locker room and saw Liu Mei Mei coming to welcome her.    


"The guest who took you away yesterday …" I'll wait for you in room number 7. The manager wants me to let you know. " Liu Mei Mei said.    


Xia Huanhuan was taken aback. She was a bit surprised, but it also seemed to be within her expectations.    


"Alright, I'll be there." Xia Huanhuan replied. She raised her foot to leave, but was stopped by Liu Meimera.    


"Thank you for helping me yesterday, if not for you …" I don't even know what will happen. " Liu Mei Mei said gratefully. When she was drenched in a bottle of red wine yesterday, she finally began to understand that provoking the rich wasn't like in the TV dramas. After all, how many people in this world would be able to get loved by rich people just because they spilled wine?    


"Nothing." Xia Huanhuan shook her head. Or rather, if Jun Ziyan wasn't here yesterday, her fate might have been even worse.    


Thinking about Jun Ziyan, her heart couldn't help but sink again.    


Arriving at room number 7, Xia Huanhuan lightly knocked twice on the door, turned the handle on the door and entered.    


Under the gentle lights in the room, Jun Ziyan was still the same as yesterday. He was wearing a set of white clothes, looking clean and flawless, like a perfect doll, which made people unable to shift their gaze away.    


Seeing her enter, Jun Ziyan's face revealed a trace of a smile. It melted his original indifference, "Huanhuan." He called her name.    


"Have you ordered yet?" Xia Huanhuan asked as she approached.    


Jun Ziyan stood up, stretched out his arms and hugged Xia Huanhuan naturally. However, he didn't answer his question directly and said, "I missed you." More than ever.    


When she really stood in front of him yesterday, talking to him, being held in his arms, the yearning that had been suppressed for ten years suddenly seemed to soak into her limbs and bones.    


"I really want to see you. I want to press you down. I want to kiss your entire body. I want to hear your mouth constantly calling my name." It was clearly extremely ambiguous words, yet the voice was clear and cold. It was as if he was only thinking like this. Thus, he said those words.    


Xia Huanhuan's body trembled slightly. She wanted to pull away from Jun Ziyan, but Jun Ziyan pulled his arm back and hugged her even more tightly.    


His face was buried under her shoulder, and he was almost greedily sniffing her breath. His right hand slid into her clothes, and his slightly cold hand touched her warm skin.    


This warmth was just like how it was back then. Amongst all of them, only her body temperature was warm and comfortable.    


Xia Huanhuan shuddered and suddenly grabbed Jun Ziyan's right hand, "If you continue like this, I will get angry." she said sternly.    


He slowly lifted his head and fixed her with his dark eyes. "Don't you like me touching you?"    


"I don't like this kind of contact." she said sternly.    


The expression on his face grew colder. "Why? Are you trying to break the contract?" His body stiffened, and even his hands became increasingly cold as they pressed against her skin.    


Xia Huanhuan sighed. There were some words that needed to be said, especially to Jun Ziyan.    


"Sit down and listen to me." She pulled his right hand out of her dress, straightened it, and pushed him into a nearby chair.    


Fortunately, he followed her instructions and quietly sat down, slightly tilting his chin to look at her. He looked at her with a heavy concentration.    


Xia Huanhuan said with a stern expression, "Have you ever thought that staying by your side might just be a habit you've developed since you were young? Because we were together from the age of six all the way to high school, but that didn't mean we were indispensable. In these ten years, if you don't have me with you, won't you be fine? "    


His expression did not change as he looked at her without even the slightest ripple.    


She paused, then continued, "To you, I was just your childhood playmate. "Moreover, the current you is no longer like before …" Resisting strangers.    


At that time, she didn't know that it was actually an illness. The name of the illness was — autism.    


If only slightly autistic, it was enough to make him look like he was living in his own world. She was the only person who could truly approach his world at that time and he would be willing to initiate a conversation with her.    


As he grew older, his condition became better and better. Other than being a bit colder, he was actually more or less the same as a normal person.    


"So as long as I'm the same as before, you'll stay by my side?" he said suddenly.    


She stopped herself. "Don't joke with me." What did it mean to be like before? Narcissism like before?    


But he said seriously, "I'm not joking, I want to hug you, I want to kiss you, I want to enter your body. Only I can do this kind of thing to you, no one else can. If my illness was like when I was young, only then would you be willing to stay by my side, I can … "    


"It doesn't matter if you're sick or not like when you were young, you can't do this to me!" Xia Huanhuan hastily interrupted Jun Ziyan, "That's something only people who like each other can do!"    


"I like Huanhuananhuan." He took her right hand and kissed the tips of her fingers. If he could only get her like he had when he was young, sealed away to the extent that only she could exist in the entire world, then he wouldn't mind becoming like that again.    


When he said these words, his eyes were as clear as water.    


But there was a hint of seduction in his actions.    


However, at this moment, the two conflicting auras were strangely harmonious with each other, causing the current him to exude a bewitching beauty.    


In her mind, she couldn't help but recall the day he made the agreement with her. He did the same thing, holding her finger …    


She twisted her wrist, trying to free her fingers, but instead he snapped at her fingers.    




Xia Huanhuan could only feel a sharp pain coming from her finger.    


When she withdrew her finger from Jun Ziyan's mouth, Xia Huanhuan saw that her right index finger was clearly marked with a bite …    


His lips lightly touched the imprint of his teeth. "And you, you have to like me as well."    


Xia Huanhuan felt that her fingers were burning. However … His liking, in the final analysis, was just a childish desire for exclusive use. "When I say 'like', I mean 'love'." she said.    


His eyes slightly lowered and his lips opened and closed, as if he was reciting something, "Only when you truly love someone will you truly feel alive. The deeper you love them, the more you might one day experience what heartache is.    


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