Evil CEO's Favorites

C38 Chapter 38

C38 Chapter 38

3De Qing Palace was a famous Chinese restaurant in B City. It was said that there were quite a few dishes and recipes that came from the imperial chefs of the Qing Dynasty. The De Qing Palace's environment was elegant, the dishes exquisite, and naturally the price was not cheap.    


Xia Huanhuan had heard of the name of the De Qing Palace and was curious about what the dishes were like. If it was before, she might still be interested, but now, when she was immersed in eating, she felt Jun Ziyan's gaze always staring at her, to the point where he didn't even care what the taste of the food in his mouth was.    


Xia Huanhuan's scalp was burning. She almost choked on her food when she wasn't paying attention.    


"Cough, cough …" "Cough …" She coughed again and again. Jun Ziyan passed her a glass of water. Xia Huanhuan took it and drank it. Only then did she feel a little better.    


"Does it still hurt?" he asked suddenly.    


"What?" She didn't understand.    


"It's said that women's first time is very painful. Do you feel pain?" He explained to them how to make a contract with a Deity.    


This time, she finally understood and was suddenly speechless. This … How was she supposed to answer? Last night, of course, she'd been in pain, but the thing was, she was too embarrassed to tell him now!    


"Also …" "Not bad." She lowered her head and pretended to eat.    


He frowned slightly and looked at her steadily. She would not know how he looked at the bloody sheets and how he kissed the dried blood when she left.    


"Why aren't you looking at me?" He reached out and pinched her chin, forcing her to raise her head. Her eyes finally looked at his face.    


"What are you doing?" His fingers were so strong that she couldn't move her head an inch.    


"That way, you can look at me." he said.    


Her eyes twinkled. "I'm not looking at you."    


"Huanhuan, you're lying." He exposed her lies.    


She pursed her lips, finally speaking the truth. "I …" It's just that I'm a little embarrassed! "    


He narrowed his eyes. "Apologies?"    


"Right, I'm sorry!" You can let go now. " she said.    


He let go and sat back in his chair. "But why should I be embarrassed?"    


His eyes, his expression, meant that he really did not understand.    


Xia Huanhuan was speechless again. She almost forgot. To Jun Ziyan, he didn't feel embarrassed at all. Naturally, he didn't understand how she felt at this moment!    


Xia Huanhuan didn't know how to explain it to Jun Ziyan, so she said, "I'm going to the bathroom." After saying that, he hurriedly left the seat, leaving Jun Ziyan alone there.    


Her dark eyes were fixed on Xia Huanhuan's back. Jun Ziyan lowered his eyes when she had completely left his sight.    


Was she running away from him? At this moment, he thought.    


Jun Zixiu specifically went to Jun Zichen and went straight to the point, "Did something happen to Ziyan yesterday?"    


Jun Zichen closed the document in his hand and replied, "Who told you this?"    


"There were quite a few people who knew about it yesterday. Do you think it's strange that I would know?" Jun Zixiu said. Unlike Jun Zichen who joined the army, Jun Family, Second Brother Jun Zixiu was in politics. In the Jun Family, there had always been more soldiers and fewer people joining the politics.    


Jun Zixiu works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has a wide network of natural persons. Compared to Jun Zichen's cold and indifferent attitude, Jun Zixiu looked gentle and refined.    


Jun Zichen frowned, "The old man knows?"    


"You think you can hide this from him?" Jun Zixiu asked in amusement.    


Jun Zichen didn't say anything, but Jun Zixiu continued to ask, "Who is the woman you found for Ziyan?"    


"Xia Huanhuan." Jun Zichen answered.    


Of course Jun Zixiu knew about Lili, and besides, Lili and Jun Ziyan had been seeing each other for some time now, so he wasn't surprised. Thinking about it, the only woman Ziyan could accept was Lili.    


"How are you going to put an end to this? and even carried the Moonlight Maze City? " Jun Zixiu asked.    


"What kind of pain did Ziyan suffer this time? The person who did this has to suffer what kind of pain do the mercenaries have?" Using a tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye was the constant rule of Jun Family. Of course, this "also" was to pay it back multiple times.    


When Jun Zixiu heard that, he revealed a playful smile, "I'm really looking forward to it. Remember, count me in as well."    


No one would be able to escape safely after making a move on the Jun's. No one would be an exception!    


Xia Huanhuan didn't expect that when she came back from the washroom, she saw Jun Ziyan reading the pill she bought previously.    


"You bought it?" he asked, looking up at her.    


"I clearly put it in my bag, why are you …"    


"Earlier, when the waiter delivered the dish, he accidentally bumped into the chair that you were carrying your bag with this medicine falling out of it." He seemed to have guessed what she was going to say, and interrupted her.    


So it was like this! She stepped forward, trying to get the pill back from him.    


However, he had no intention of returning it to her. He only glanced at the description on the package and asked, "Why would you want to buy it?"    


Buying contraceptives, of course. Just in case. " Xia Huanhuan replied.    


"Functional treatment: It is used in emergency contraception for women, that is, when there are no protective measures or other methods of contraception that may accidentally be used." he said abruptly.    


She was stunned for a moment before she realized that he had said the words on the pill.    


At this moment, Jun Ziyan's expression was indifferent, a little cold, and a little unfathomable.    


"So, you don't want to have children with me?" he asked.    


She nodded hesitantly. She bought the pill because she didn't want to cause any deaths.    




"I never thought of having a child in an accident, much less of having a child as an illegitimate child!"    


When she said the word "accident", his eyes became even colder. "Then, as long as we're married, then it's fine. Once we're married, then the child will no longer be an illegitimate child!"    


She looked startled, almost suspecting that she had heard wrongly. What was he talking about? Marry?!    


"No!" Words of rejection, blurted out.    


His expression froze, he stood up, and he moved closer to her.    


Her heart couldn't help but constrict. His expression made her feel uneasy. Instinctively, she backed away until her back was against the wall of the dining room.    


"Huanhuan!" He pressed his hands against the walls on either side of her, trapping her in his arms. "You don't want to marry me?"    


She pursed her lips. He gave her a dangerous feeling now, as if he might explode and do something unusual if she admitted it.    


She was silent, and he continued to ask, "Then who do you want to marry? "Ye Nanqing?"    


She looked at him in surprise and immediately said, "No, I told you, there's nothing between Ye Nanqing and me!"    


"Is that so?" He looked into her eyes as if he were drowning. Then, in front of her, he opened the box of pills, crushing the pills one by one.    


White powder constantly fell from his thumb and index finger to the floor, until a box of pills was no longer complete.    


Only then did he snap his fingers and press his hands against her shoulders, pulling her toward him.    


"Huanhuan, don't even think about it between you and Ye Nanqing!"    


Xia Huanhuan looked at Jun Ziyan with a face full of shock. The pressure on her shoulders made her almost need to use all of her strength to stand firmly, "So, you still don't believe me?"    


"No." He shook his head. "I still believe it, but I don't know how long I can believe it."    


"What do you mean?" She didn't understand.    


He didn't answer her, but only slowly lowered his right hand and placed his palm on her abdomen. "You just have to know, whether you're pregnant or not, that I'm the only one who can marry you. I'll have someone close to you in seventy-two hours, so don't think about taking any contraceptives. "    


Xia Huanhuan bit her lips and glared at Jun Ziyan. Even through the material on her abdomen, she could still feel the warmth of his palm. By doing so, he had undoubtedly stopped her from buying the pill again.    


If they really had children, what would they do? Right now, she wasn't ready for marriage at all! He wasn't even prepared to be a mother!    


Jun Ziyan really did what he said he would. It didn't take long before he found a female bodyguard, one of the personal guards, and even brought her to his residence.    


"Jun Ziyan, I want to go back to school!" At this moment, it was almost 10 o'clock in the evening.    


"As for your school, you can apply for leave, or I can apply for leave. You can stay here for the next three days." Jun Ziyan said plainly.    


"And if I don't?" she asked.    


He looked at her silently for a moment, then turned to his bodyguard and said, "Take care of her, don't let her take any medicine, and don't let her leave this room either."    


"Yes." The bodyguard respectfully nodded his head.    


Jun Ziyan turned around and left the apartment. Only Xia Huanhuan and the bodyguard were left in the room staring at each other.    


The bodyguard was a young woman in her twenties. She was beautiful and tall. If Xia Huanhuan had seen such a woman in normal times, she would have never thought of him as a bodyguard.    


"If I were to go out, would you stop me?" Xia Huanhuan looked at him and asked.    


"Yes." The bodyguard replied, "Please, Miss Xia, don't make things difficult for me."    


"If you imprison someone for their personal freedom, you can report it to the police!" At least, Jun Ziyan didn't take her phone away since it was still by his side.    


"Miss Xia can call the police and give it a try." The other party replied with a smile.    


Xia Huanhuan naturally understood that even if she did call the police, it was unknown whether the police would even dare to accept her. Furthermore, Jun Family were sufficient to rationalize everything.    


She sat down on the sofa like a deflated balloon.    


Seeing that, the bodyguard hesitated and comforted, "Three days will actually pass very quickly."    


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