Evil CEO's Favorites

C14 Chapter 14

C14 Chapter 14

0After a moment of silence, Xia Huanhuan took out her cell phone and called Manager Wang. After taking a leave of absence, she looked up again and asked, "Where can we chat?"    


Ye Nanqing took Xia Huanhuan to a restaurant that he used to take her to. Xia Huanhuan liked to drink mandarin duck milk tea so it was a must every time.    


And this time, Ye Nanqing also ordered a cup of Mandarin Duck milk tea for Xia Huanhuan.    


Xia Huanhuan took a sip. The taste of the milk tea was still the same, but the relationship between her and Ye Nanqing was completely different.    


"What do you want to talk about?" Xia Huanhuan went straight to the point.    


Ye Nanqing elegantly sat on the sofa and quietly looked at Xia Huanhuan. He observed her very carefully, as if he could see every expression on her face.    


This woman was someone he would never forget after three years. He had thought that she would be insignificant, but after three years, he finally understood that he actually wanted her that much!    


That was why, like a fool, he kept the ring she had bought at the stall on his finger, even though the silver on its surface had faded, even when too many people were surprised by the cheap ring, but he still wore it.    


Every touch, rub, and twist reminded him of the time she'd put the ring on his finger. Some memories, when remembered over and over again, would be imprinted deeper and deeper into one's mind … Until it was deeply engraved in his heart.    


"I want you." His thin lips slowly opened as he looked at her, "How about returning to my side?"    


She started, wondering if she had misheard. "Are you joking?"    


"Do I look like one?" he asked indifferently.    


She held her breath, then replied, "Impossible."    


"Because of Mei Xinyi?"    


"Not just for her." Xia Huanhuan shook her head and said, "What I want is someone who can only single-mindedly care about me. As for me, I will focus on him alone."    


"So I'm not?" His eyes narrowed slightly.    


"Ye Nanqing, I'm not the person you've always been wanting to find. I thought that when we broke up, we already said it clearly."    


His thin lips pursed. The smile that had always hung at the corner of his lips had now completely disappeared. So the conclusion is — you don't want to? " he said coldly.    


"Yes." Her answer was absolute certainty.    


Xia Huanhuan ended her conversation with Ye Nanqing. Seeing that it wasn't too late, she took a bus to the hospital. The reason why Jun Ziyan was injured this time was mostly because of her. It was reasonable that she should visit him more.    


Thinking of what she had told Ye Nanqing before, that she wanted someone who was single-minded only towards her, Xia Huanhuan couldn't help but recall Jun Ziyan in her mind.    


If there was anyone in this world who was most likely to be single-minded towards her, it would probably be Jun Ziyan.    


But... His excessive paranoia was something she was afraid of.    


Arriving at the hospital, before Xia Huanhuan could enter the ward, she heard the sound of something sweeping across the floor and a woman's voice, "Mr. Jun, it's not appropriate for you to leave the hospital now. If you need anything, you can tell us …"    


Before the woman could finish her words, her voice abruptly stopped.    


Xia Huanhuan pushed the door open and entered. She saw Jun Ziyan holding a nurse's neck coldly. The nurse's face was deathly pale and her whole body was shaking. It was as if the autumn wind had swept leaves away.    


Xia Huanhuan was startled, but just as she wanted to speak, Jun Ziyan already shook off the nurse and walked towards her in big steps. He hugged her and asked depressingly, "Where did you go?"    


The tip of her nose was full of his scent. "It's not going anywhere, what's the matter?" she asked, trying to pull him away from her at the same time with both hands.    


However, their strength was clearly not on the same level. She tried for a while but to no avail.    


The nurse finally recovered from the shock and forced a smile at Xia Huanhuan. "Miss Xia, it's great that you're here. Mr. Jun just insisted on going to find you …" "Well, you can ring anytime if you need anything."    


With that, the nurse almost ran out of the room. She didn't want to go back to that experience of being strangled. If Miss Xia hadn't shown up in time, she might have been strangled to death.    


Xia Huanhuan sighed and said to Jun Ziyan, "Let go first. Otherwise, I won't be able to talk properly anymore."    


He pursed his lips for a moment before releasing his hands.    


"You were looking for me?" she asked.    


"I called you and you turned off your phone. I asked about the clubhouse where you work. The manager said that you were taking a leave of absence today." he said.    


Xia Huanhuan took out her phone and checked. Sure enough, her phone was out of battery. She asked, "Is there something you need me for?"    


"I want to see you." As he said this, he leaned down, stuck out the tip of his tongue, and gently licked her jaw.    


It was just — like a puppy! Xia Huanhuan hurriedly said, "Don't lick it!"    


"Then kiss me." he said.    


Please! Was there any difference between him licking her and kissing her? She had the urge to roll her eyes. However, when she saw the longing in his eyes, she suddenly thought, this man — even if he was different from ordinary people, he was still wholeheartedly focusing on her.    


Sometimes, though, he behaved like a child and was unreasonably childish.    


She lifted her hand, parted his hair, and kissed him near the wound.    


A soft moan of satisfaction spilled out from his throat. He rubbed his forehead and suddenly asked, "Why are you taking leave of absence today?"    


"There's something wrong with the school." She didn't want to tell him about meeting Ye Nanqing. Last time, he fought like that with Ye Nanqing. If he really did say it, then maybe he would do something.    


Jun Ziyan didn't pursue the matter further, "Don't make it so that I can't find you in the future."    


She was silent. Hadn't she been thinking about how to avoid him? Thinking of the so-called day when the Promise of Ten Years was truly full, how she should not have anything to do with him. But now …    


"You don't want to?" His eyes narrowed, and his expression froze.    


"I... Try your best. " She hesitated.    


"I want your guarantee!" he insisted.    


She pursed her lips and did not say anything, because she could not give such a promise.    


As for him, his expression turned colder and colder. "Why aren't you talking? So... You will make it so that I won't be able to find you again? " Can't find it! Can't find it! When he thought of the day when he might not be able to find him, the blood in his body seemed to solidify.    


He was angry, she could feel it. Perhaps now, as long as he said something against his will, he would be able to easily pacify him. However …    


"Huanhuan, is it only by tying you to me that I won't be unable to find you again?" He coldly asked.    


Her heart skipped a beat, and she took a deep breath. "If you did, I wouldn't forgive you."    


Her lips pursed into a straight line, and his eyes stared at her, his face turning pale.    


His appearance made her heart suddenly soften. "I can't guarantee …" My cell phone will definitely have electricity at all times. " She hesitated.    


Only then did his expression soften, but he still did not speak. His gaze that was like the dead sea was heavy as he stared at her.    


She felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze, so she decided to keep quiet and look at the ward. Several chairs in the ward were lying on the floor in disorder, it was obvious that Jun Ziyan had knocked them out when they were in a fight.    


The floor of the room was littered with food that had been knocked over. The nurse had been running so fast that she hadn't even had time to clean it up.    


"You didn't eat dinner?" she asked suddenly.    


A moment later, he gave a muffled grunt.    


"Next time, don't pinch someone else's neck like that. If you really pinch someone to death, you're also done for." As Xia Huanhuan spoke, she crouched down and started to clean up the mess in the ward.    


With a cold expression, he pulled her back. "Someone will clean up."    


"It won't take much time anyway." She found a broom and dustpan. While she cleaned, she instructed Jun Ziyan to rearrange the chairs on the ground. Finally, she took a wallet and said to him, "I'll go out and buy you some dinner. You stay in the ward and wait for me."    


He took her hand, obviously unwilling.    


Xia Huanhuan had no choice but to ring the bell and ask the nurse to bring another serving of dinner. Thus, in less than a quarter of an hour, the nurse who had run out of the city with a trembling hand came back with another set of dinner.    


"I'm really sorry for what happened just now. Ziyan did that to you on the spur of the moment." Xia Huanhuan said as she took the plate.    


"No …." "Nothing." the nurse said quickly. Who in the hospital didn't know Third Young Master Jun's identity! This master of his could only curry favor with him, he could not afford to offend him.    


Although there were a lot of female doctors and nurses who wanted to climb higher, no one dared to set their sights on Third Young Master Jun.    


It was said that there had once been a woman who had tried to seduce him. In the end, he had flung her away and broke two of her bones.    


These two days, when the nurse saw Third Young Master Jun's face, which was rumored to be filled with love for an ordinary woman, she was stunned for a long time.    


Especially when Jun Ziyan hugged Xia Huanhuan intimately and his originally empty eyes were filled with a strong desire, the nurse even felt like she was struck by lightning.    


Who would have thought that this terrifying man would have such a completely different side?    


Not daring to stay any longer in the ward, the nurse left after a few words.    


Xia Huanhuan placed the dishes on the small table and watched Jun Ziyan eat.    


When he ate, most of the time he was very quiet. His posture was very standard, like a precise machine, with every step as if it had been set beforehand.    


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