Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



3"You all don't need to take someone else's will and extinguish your own might. Although Brother Shen cannot compete in physical strength, his cultivation is higher than Chu Mo's. He should be able to handle it."    


Amidst the discussions, Shen Chengye tried multiple times, but he was still unable to pull his fist out of Chu Mo's palm with just his physical strength.    


At this time, Shen Chengye could no longer care about face, the Spiritual Energy in his body erupted, an endless gold light shot out from the center of his palm, going through the outer ring of Chu Mo's palm and fingers, shining onto the entire forest, bringing forth a powerful force.    


Under the struggling of this power, Chu Mo's palm was finally forced away. He loosened his grip on Shen Chengye's fist and took a step back.    


As for Shen Chengye, he was pushed back by the force from the palm of Chu Mo's hand, and slid more than three meters away.    


When the two competed, the winner would be revealed!    


Even with Spiritual Energy, Shen Chengye's technique was still inferior.    




A sonic boom could be heard as an afterimage appeared!    


Chu Mo suddenly rushed out, like a cloud passing through a gap, he instantly appeared in front of Shen Chengye.    


With his heavy fist, he advanced forward and directly punched towards Shen Chengye's chest.    


In the face of Chu Mo's sudden attack, Shen Chengye's pupils contracted, his arms suddenly crossing into a cross in front of his chest.    


Chu Mo's speed did not change, his fist suddenly changed, turning into a palm, aimed straight at Shen Chengye's right arm, and deflected the attack.    


Then, his left hand clenched into a fist, Chu Mo's fist swung out with a powerful force that roared loudly and ruthlessly, striking Shen Chengye's left arm.    




The fist collided with the forearm, creating a deafening sound.    


Immediately after, there was a "Kacha" sound, and the bones in Shen Chengye's left arm were broken.    


At the same time, Shen Chengye's body also slid backwards from the impact of Chu Mo's powerful fist strength, like a Sharp Arrow.    




Chu Mo sprung up, unwilling to let it go, and once again walked towards Shen Chengye.    


Shen Chengye was finally angered and his entire body shot out an endless amount of golden light. His right fist was like the blazing sun as it whistled through the air and annihilated the air along the way.    


"Come at me!"    


Chu Mo roared as the Fire Spiritual Energy surged out from his body and hovered between his palms.    


Both of his palms danced like the wind, and Chu Mo, who was in the air, brought forth waves of palm images. Layers after layers of palm images, like a raging wave, palm images, enveloped towards Shen Chengye.    


His palm was like a raging flame that seemed to burn the sky. It was domineering and peerless.    


In the blink of an eye, Chu Mo and Shen Chengye met on the spot.    




As their fists and palms clashed, the tyrannical fluctuations of the Spiritual Energy collided with each other, immediately resulting in a violent explosion, which caused the sound of thunder from the Ninth Heaven to ring out.    


Instantly, a peerlessly tyrannical power exploded out with it, sweeping out in all directions with a force that could topple the mountains and overturn the seas. It caused the sand and rocks to wildly dance about, and the green trees to collapse, causing smoke and dust to billow out.    


The violent shock waves were like sharp blades that shot out, slicing through the ground and leaving deep trenches in the grass and mud. They were like spider webs that spread through the entire forest.    


Under the powerful impact, the spectators had no choice but to make their move, deflecting the energy shockwaves as they involuntarily retreated a few steps.    




A figure shot out from the smoke and dust.    


Everyone looked over in shock, and realised it was Shen Chengye!    


In this clash of Martial Skills, Shen Chengye, who had an even higher cultivation level and concentrated Spiritual Energy, was actually at a disadvantage.    


Behind Shen Chengye, Chu Mo moved as fast as a shadow and in the blink of an eye, she had already arrived in front of Shen Chengfeng.    


Without the slightest hesitation, Chu Mo punched out with his fist once more, his target still being Shen Chengye's chest.    


Dense flames jumped about at the fingertips on the back of Chu Mo's fist, evaporating the mist along the way.    


Shen Chengye's reaction was not slow, he quickly shook his fist and surged with a bright and resplendent gold light, welcoming Chu Mo.    


With regards to this, Chu Mo's expression did not change, his heavy fist had suddenly changed, and he actually increased his speed in an instant, and with lightning speed, he dodged Shen Chengye's fist and smashed into his opponent's chest.    


And exactly because of this, Chu Mo did not block the opponent's fist, which also led to him opening his center of influence, allowing Shen Chengye to take advantage of this opportunity.    


Thus, when Chu Mo's fist struck Shen Chengye, his opponent's attack would also land on Chu Mo's body.    




Seeing this scene, everyone was extremely puzzled.    


Liu Zian was a little doubtful, and he muttered to himself: "Why would Chu Mo do this? Exchange wounds for wounds? There was no need at all! With his strength, he can easily contend against this attack. There's no need to exchange blows at all! "    


Hong Zichen also nodded and said, "That's right! Chu Mo suddenly changed his move this time, completely giving the middle ground to the other party, which was not worth it. There was no need for him to get hurt, so why did he do it? "    


Let alone Liu Zian and the others, even the opposing Wu Zeyang was stunned. He was extremely confused as he muttered: "What the hell is this Kid trying to do? Why did he suddenly change his move? Did he have a better way to deal with it? Perhaps this was just an empty trick? "But, that's impossible, this move was clearly practical ?"    


Actually, Wu Zeyang's insight was not bad, and his judgement was extremely accurate ? Chu Mo had indeed used this move realistically.    


In other words, he wanted to exchange injuries with Shen Chengye.    


As for the reason, it was very simple!    


He wanted to break a few of Shen Chengye's breastbone!    


Because when he was examining Cheng Zhiyi's injuries before, Chu Mo discovered that he had lost two or three of his breastbones.    


And now, Chu Mo wanted to exchange his injuries!    


Using Shen Chengye's injuries in exchange for Cheng Zhiyi's injuries!    


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