Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



4Chu Mo asked: "Why must I gather all of the Friend s together?"    2


Tang Xiaodao said: "Because this is your best chance to build your own force, you will need it in the future!"    


Chu Mo said: "Whether or not I need it in the future, I will not advise any of my powers, and even more so, will not use my Friend s to establish my own power. You know, I'm not that kind of person! "    


Tang Xiaodao said: "You know that you want to help you right?!"    


Chu Mo nodded, and said: "I know, but I really do not wish to establish this so-called power. That kind of thing is more suitable for you. "    


Tang Xiaodao thought for a while, then said: "How about this, I will establish my power, you just need to support me!"    


Hearing that, Chu Mo finally laughed, and said: "This is good! It's been happily decided! "    


Tang Xiaodao continued: "However, even though they are my forces in name, you know that they are mostly here for you."    


Of course, Chu Mo understood this, and said: "This is not important, as long as the Friend s and I can maintain an equal level of relationship, that is enough."    


"Of course!"    


Tang Xiaodao laughed, then walked out and said: "Since you have agreed, then let's go. As the host, we should first go to the brothel to reserve a seat."    


Chu Mo had no choice but to follow Tang Xiaodao out of Star Academy.    


By the time the two of them arrived at brothel from the outskirts of Star Academy, the sun had already set.    


Chu Mo and Tang Xiaodao had booked an elegant attic, and was waiting for everyone to come.    


Time slowly passed by, and very quickly, someone came over. It was actually Nanmen Guanyu.    


To be honest, Chu Mo had thought that Nanmen Guanyu would come, but didn't expect that he would be the first person to arrive. He couldn't help but be a little surprised, and said: "Brother Nan Men came really early!"    


Nanmen Guanyu laughed: "It seems a bit too early, why don't I take a stroll? After all, we're not really familiar with each other! "    


Tang Xiaodao replied: "It's okay if you don't know it, you'll get used to it after drinking it."    


After he sat down, he clinked his cup with both of them, and said: "Actually, I don't want to come so early either, it's a pity that I have nothing else to do, and no one to accompany me."    


These words were actually somewhat sad.    


As a genius, Nanmen Guanyu should have been beaten up by the stars, but he came from the Northern Wasteland, so he really didn't know anyone in the Star Academy.    


Although he had blended into Chu Mo and Tang Xiaodao's circle, he did not have the time to greet anyone, let alone establish a relationship with them. Thus, he was currently alone.    


Of course, there was one person he knew, and that was Baili Erzhen.    


Unfortunately, the current Baili Erzhen already had his own circle, and was extremely familiar with Liu Zian, Hong Zichen and the others. As a result, they could do many things together, and naturally couldn't care less about Nanmen Guanyu.    


Thus, the pitiful Nanmen Guanyu found out that he had nothing to do and had nowhere to go. He could only head straight to brothel and become the first person to attend the banquet.    


After a while, the others gradually arrived. Tang Xialan, Mo Mingxuan, Baili Erzhen, Baili Erzhen, Liu Zian, etc.    


Everyone was gathered in the hall, and they were all chatting merrily. As they drank and drank, the smell of alcohol gradually spread throughout the room and their eyes were hazy with drunkenness.    


At this time, Tang Xiaodao suddenly stood up and said: "Today, since everyone is gathered together and it's all related to the Friend, I am thinking that maybe we can do something together."    


Everyone involuntarily put down their wine cups when they heard this.    


Some of them were very interested in Liu Zian, for example, he was Tang Xiaodao's Follower after all; some were listening attentively, for example Yu Yongfeng, he was after all an ambitious person; some were surprised, for example Cheng Zhiyi, he had not become familiar with this group of people after all; some were cold, for example Baili Erzhen, she was a person like this after all; some were frowning slightly, for example Tang Xialan, her hostility towards Tang Xiaodao had not completely disappeared yet ?    


Seeing everyone's expression, Tang Xiaodao said: "Alright, I can see that. Everyone is very interested!"    


Tang Xialan curled his lips, and said: "Don't keep me in suspense, speak frankly if you have something to say!"    


Tang Xiaodao smiled slightly and said: "Everyone has already entered the Star Academy, so I believe that you should be able to guess, in a academy like the Star Academy, there will definitely be many types of powers, and only then will we be able to guarantee that our studies will not be disturbed. Then, since we are all from Friend, I think, what if we create our own force? "In that case, firstly, we can take care of each other and avoid being bullied by others. Secondly, we can learn and improve together. This will be of unlimited help to future martial arts."    


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