Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



3Chu Mo escaped with Liu Zian, but Baili Erzhen was still there.    


Baili Erzhen, who was already severely injured, had forcefully unleashed his strongest sword strike in order to buy time for Chu Mo and to escape. This undoubtedly caused his injuries to be even worse, and he was already on the verge of death, powerlessly leaning against a tree.    


The flustered and exasperated Bai Xingwen returned to the forest area, looked at Baili Erzhen, and laughed coldly: "I've already abandoned you, but you're still helping me create the opportunity to escape. Miss, I really have to admire you!"    


Baili Erzhen raised his head, looked at Bai Xingwen, and said: "Chu Mo is not you, so he will be back. At that time, you will admire me even more!"    


Seeing Baili Erzhen's confident look, Bai Xingwen became furious and said: "Don't think that just because Chu Mo said that sentence, I won't dare to do anything to you."    


Baili Erzhen smiled lightly and said: "What can you do to me? Even if you ignore Chu Mo's threat, what can you get from me? It's just a Spatial Imprint that belongs to me. It's just that I believe the great Bai Family must not be willing to spend so much effort just to get this imprint! "    


Bai Xingwen's expression grew colder and colder, as if he was being covered by a layer of frost. He threatened sternly: "Don't force me to truly take away your Spatial Imprint, I don't mind sending you out of this space."    


Baili Erzhen shrugged his shoulders indifferently, not bothering to say anything more.    


She was very clear in her heart that as long as she did not have any Spatial Imprint to steal from, Bai Xingwen would not do anything to her casually. Instead, he would sit and wait for Chu Mo's reappearance ? which was also the reason why Baili Erzhen had shot all of the Spatial Imprint that he snatched away into Chu Mo's hands without any hesitation just now.    


She, who had no Spatial Imprint, was actually safe!    


As for whether or not Chu Mo would come back to save her, Baili Erzhen only had a fifty percent chance of doing so. After all, her relationship with Chu Mo was not very deep, and she had only been a teammate for a few days.    


Of course, due to Chu Mo's character, Baili Erzhen still decided to gamble, since she had nothing she could do, she could only trust Chu Mo.    


"Take him away!"    


Seeing Baili Erzhen's calm and composed look, Bai Xingwen became even more depressed, and shouted at his two subordinates.    


The two of them looked at each other helplessly, and could only support Baili Erzhen as they walked out of the forest.    


Everyone in the Star Academy Hall could see this scene clearly through the screen of light. It was a pity that they could not hear the conversation between the two parties, and could only guess based on the situation.    


Seeing that Chu Mo had actually left with Liu Zian, Nanmen Guanyu felt a little ashamed, and said: "This Chu Mo actually gave up on Baili Erzhen just like that, it's just too ?"    


"Too what?"    


At this time, Tang Xiaodao slightly smiled, and continued: "Could it be that Brother Nan Men wants to say that Chu Mo is too useless? Hahahahaha, actually, that's what I think too! No matter what, this lady was a genius of the Northern Wasteland, and she had defeated Helian Liangren just now, how could she give up on her so easily? But, other than giving up, did Chu Mo have any other choice? At that time, Liu Zian was also heavily injured, if Chu Mo did not retreat in time, Liu Zian would have lost everything. At that time, whether Chu Mo himself would still have the chance to run away is unknown. "    


Nanmen Guanyu had to admit that Tang Xiaodao's words were reasonable, but he was still unable to accept the truth, and said: "Even so, he cannot do such a thing! As a trainer, a martial artist, there are some things that you have to do even if you know you can't. Otherwise, where will your principles lie and where will your trust lie? "    


"Brother Nanmen's words are wrong!"    


Tang Xiaodao shook his head, and said: "Morality and trust are indeed very important, but in this situation, the result is the most important. At this time, even though Baili Erzhen had been captured by Bai Xingwen, Bai Xingwen did not do anything to her. This result might look terrible, but at least Baili Erzhen had managed to save the chance to take the Star Academy's test for the time being, and Chu Mo and Liu Zian had escaped safely. Under these circumstances, this is already the best result the three of them can get. "    


After pausing for a moment, Tang Xiaodao continued, "In addition, what does it mean that Baili Erzhen had already handed over all the Spatial Imprint he obtained to Chu Mo? This meant that she believed in Chu Mo, and believed that Chu Mo would definitely not give up on her. From this, it could be seen that whether it was Baili Erzhen, Chu Mo or Liu Zian, they all had their own plans. This matter will not end so easily. "    


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