Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



3Chu Mo understood and said: "Are you saying that Little Martial Arts Mountain is doing this for the sake of sealing the Dragoncry Sword, and that the Stellar Martial Mountain is doing this for some other goal that has nothing to do with the Dragoncry Sword?"    


Xiao Hong said, "Eyah, yes!"    


"That way, I can feel at ease!"    


Chu Mo calmed down and touched the Dragoncry Sword on his back, preparing to start climbing the mountain.    


At this time, the Elder Xu walked over and said, "Little fellow, you seem to be very confident in climbing this Stellar Martial Mountain!"    


Chu Mo quickly cupped his fists and bowed, then said: "I just have experience in the past, that's all."    


The Elder Xu's eyes revealed a look of interest, and said: "Earlier, I heard you talk about a Little Martial Arts Mountain, is it the same as this Stellar Martial Mountain?"    


Chu Mo answered honestly: "It can't be said to be the same, but it's very similar. Or rather, the Little Martial Arts Mountain is like a mini version of the Stellar Martial Mountain, only two hundred and ninety-nine level nine Stone Steps."    


Hearing that, the Elder Xu's eyes showed some surprise, and said: "Rank 299?"    


Chu Mo nodded and said, "Yes, two hundred ninety-ninth step! Elder Xu, is there a problem? "    


The Elder Xu said, "In an ancient book in the Star Academy, there was a record about the Stellar Martial Mountain. Inside, there was once mention of a Little Martial Arts Mountain with a rank 299 Stone Steps. "    


"So that's how it is!"    


Chu Mo nodded, he finally understood why Elder Xu was surprised, and the doubt in his heart grew. "Elder Xu, did the ancient book mention another mountain?"    


Hearing this, Elder Xu's eyes were as shocked as tides. He asked in disbelief: "You know of another mountain?"    


Chu Mo said: "I have heard of another mountain, but I don't know if it is the same mountain from the ancient scriptures."    


Elder Xu asked: "What did you hear about the other mountain?"    


Chu Mo said: "That mountain is called Martial Arts Mountain. As for the Stone Steps ?"    


Just then, the Elder Xu suddenly spoke out, interrupting Chu Mo's words, "Are there 999 Stone Steps?"    


Chu Mo was shocked, and said: "It is indeed a level 999 Stone Steps. Did the ancient scripture say the same thing?"    


Elder Xu solemnly nodded his head, and then asked in an extremely serious manner: "This Martial Arts Mountain, where did you hear about it?"    


Of course, Chu Mo would not reveal the secret of the Pills and Martial Space, so he made a small lie and said: "In the Little Martial Arts Mountain, there was once a shadow of a Senior that told this to students."    


"So that's how it is!"    


Elder Xu accepted the explanation and said, "The mysterious man that you spoke of should be the legendary expert."    


Chu Mo's interest was piqued, and he asked: "Elder Xu, which peerless expert is he?"    


Elder Xu slowly opened his mouth and said, "According to the rumors, Stellar Martial Mountain was created based on Martial Arts Mountain. As for the Little Martial Arts Mountain you mentioned just now, it should be something that the elderly Fire Emperor did on a whim. Therefore, the illusion that you mentioned just now should be a copy of the information that Fire Emperor left behind. "    


"So it's Fire Emperor!"    


Chu Mo finally found out the identity of the supreme expert.    


He never thought that the previous Master of the mysterious Little Animal would actually be a Martial Emperor.    


In order to understand the mysterious Little Animal, in order to understand the Dragoncry Sword, in order to understand the Pills and Martial Space, Chu Mo felt that it was necessary to learn more about them.    


Thinking about this, he looked at Elder Xu and asked: "This student wishes to borrow the ancient book that you mentioned earlier, is it possible?"    


The Elder Xu nodded his head and said, "That ancient book is in Starbook Pavilion, it's just a wild history book. You can read it as you wish."    


Chu Mo bowed and expressed his gratitude: "Thank you, Elder Xu!"    


The Elder Xu waved his hand and pointed to the Stellar Martial Mountain, saying, "Go, it's time for you to climb the mountain."    


Chu Mo bowed again before stepping out, following the gray colored Stone Steps, he slowly walked up the mountain.    


"This little guy is quite interesting!"    


Looking at Chu Mo's back, the Elder Xu smiled slightly, and then muttered to himself: "Looks like Martial Arts Mountain really does exist, and regarding the Fire Emperor, those few old fellows probably would be very interested in hearing this news."    


After saying that, Elder Xu's body suddenly turned illusory, and gradually disappeared.    


Far away from Star Academy, in a round table hall, Elder Xu's body suddenly appeared in front of all the elders.    


Seeing the sudden appearance of Elder Xu, the elders could not help but be startled, and asked: "Old Xu, weren't you the one in charge of the mountain climbing in Stellar Martial Mountain?"    


"Yes, but I have some news for you. You will be very interested!"    


As he said that, Elder Xu repeated what Chu Mo had said to the elders in the hall once again.    


After they finished listening, the entire hall fell into silence. The seniors all sank into deep thought.    


After a moment, someone slowly spoke out, "Does this mean that the Martial Arts Mountain really exists?"    


Elder Xu nodded seriously, and said: "Since that little fellow Chu Mo heard about Martial Arts Mountain from the mouth of the old man and the 999 Stone Steps s that fit the description written in the ancient books, then Martial Arts Mountain should be a real existence!"    


Another person opened his mouth and said: "Does everyone know the relationship between the Stellar Martial Mountain and them?"    


"Yes, the Star Academy was built on the Stellar Martial Mountain's foundation, which means to say, the Stellar Martial Mountain is the cornerstone of the Star Academy's foundation."    


"That's right, without Stellar Martial Mountain, there would be no Star Academy."    


"Now that everyone knows that Stellar Martial Mountain was born from the Martial Arts Mountain, if Star Academy wants to advance one step, he will need a true Martial Arts Mountain."    


"Indeed, if there is a real Martial Arts Mountain, then he will shine throughout the entire continent."    


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