Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



1However, not everyone had trust!    0


Baili Erzhen's hand was already holding onto the Fire Phoenix Nirvana Bow, his eyes staring straight at the continuously compressing wind ball and Tang Xiaodao who was inside it!    




Once again, Tang Xiaodao spat out a large mouthful of fresh blood, which dyed the front of the Clothes red.    


Baili Erzhen reached towards the quiver with his right hand and gently picked out a feather arrow.    


Chu Mo calmly looked at Tang Xiaodao, her eyes unperturbed, and in her heart she thought: Tang San, you can do it!    


At this time, the wind balls surrounding Tang Xiaodao had already been compressed to an extremely small size, and were almost sticking to his body. They were tightly wrapped around him, pressing down on him until he was trembling, and fresh blood continued to seep out from the corners of his mouth, making him look like he was in extreme pain.    


Seeing this scene, Baili Erzhen's pupils shrank slightly. The arrow in his right hand was slowly nocked onto the bow, and then he pulled the longbow into a full moon, about to let go.    


"Trust him!"    


Chu Mo reached out his hand, suppressed Baili Erzhen's bow and arrow, and said seriously.    


Baili Erzhen said: "He is not you, his body has not been tempered to that extent!"    


Chu Mo smiled slightly and said: "He is indeed not me, but he is him! When did you see him trying to be brave? Since he has chosen this method, it means that he has already calculated the risks involved and naturally has a way to deal with it! "    


Hearing that, Baili Erzhen hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he still decided to listen to Chu Mo, and slowly put down his bow and arrow.    


"Ah ?"    


Just then, Tang Xiaodao suddenly roared out, it was obvious that he could not endure the torture any longer.    


However, there was no depression or dejection on Tang Xiaodao's face. Instead, one could see a hint of light in his eyes.    


"I knew you had a way!"    


Chu Mo understood Tang Xiaodao the best, until he was forced to a corner.    


In the next moment, a small blade appeared between Tang Xiaodao's fingers. It was Tang Xiaodao's most proficient weapon.    


With a flick of his finger, the small knife swiftly flew out and ruthlessly poked the top of the wind ball. It actually directly cut a small hole in it.    


Tang Xiaodao's reaction was extremely fast, his head was lifted, and directly squeezed out from the thin mouth.    


The most miraculous thing was that the wind ball did not completely break apart like this, and that thin hole actually perfectly merged with Tang Xiaodao.    


At this time, Tang Xiaodao's entire head was stuck out from the wind ball, and his neck was caught on the air ball, making him look like a fitting set of clothes.    


Tang Xiaodao finally breathed in the outside world's air and laughed: "Hehe, this young grandpa has finally come out!"    


Suddenly, Yuezheng Hanrui, who was sitting on the altar, could not listen anymore.    


"Ah?" Oh, sorry, I got carried away! "    


Tang Xiaodao immediately continued to struggle, and slowly struggled free from the ball of wind.    


And after Tang Xiaodao came out, the ball of wind returned to its round body, it became even rounder, and gradually became smaller.    


Tang Xiaodao did not let go just like that. Instead, he continued to cooperate with Yuezheng Hanrui and compress the wind ball.    


As the ball of wind continued to shrink, the Wind Attribute within became more and more condensed, and the color became more and more rich in color. In the end, it condensed into a green ball the size of a baby's fist, and floated indeterminately in the air.    


"This is ?"    


Looking at the small round cyan ball floating in midair, the corners of Yuezheng Hanrui's eyes shrank and there was a faint expression of disbelief in his eyes.    


Tang Xiaodao smiled faintly and said: "You saw through it?"    


Yuezheng Hanrui nodded and said, "Could this be the legendary essence of wind?"    


Tang Xiaodao confirmed: "Yes!"    


"Who would've thought ?" Yuezheng Hanrui still could not believe his eyes, and said: "I never thought that this would actually be the legendary essence of wind, it's too unbelievable ?"    


As he spoke, Yuezheng Hanrui couldn't help but walk towards the small green ball, his eyes filled with burning passion.    


However, halfway through, Yuezheng Hanrui suddenly stopped. She was a little embarrassed, ashamed of her greed just now.    


Actually, this couldn't be blamed on Yuezheng Hanrui.    


The reason was because the essence of wind was too precious, and could even be considered a rare treasure. Even Shape-forming State could not maintain their indifference in front of it, let alone Yuezheng Hanrui.    


However, there were some people who were extremely indifferent, such as Tang Xiaodao.    


At this time, Tang Xiaodao stood there as if it was none of his business, he magnanimously waved his hand, and said to Yuezheng Hanrui: "Go, this is yours!"    


If it was any other time and place, Yuezheng Hanrui would have definitely followed Tang Xiaodao's instructions and taken the essence of wind for himself.    


But now, no!    


This was because there was still a who needed a treasure like the essence of wind here, and this Tang Xiaodao was even Chu Mo's brother.    


Yuezheng Hanrui could openly take advantage of Chu Mo, but she could not take advantage of the Chu Mo brothers!    


As a woman, that was the basic principle!    


Therefore, Yuezheng Hanrui shook his head, and refused: "No, this essence of wind should be yours!"    


Tang Xiaodao said: "You saved me, so it should be yours!"    


Yuezheng Hanrui still shook his head, and said: "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have tried this method, and wouldn't have discovered that it was essence of wind. So, after all, this thing should still belong to you!"    


At this time, Chu Mo could no longer bear to watch, and said: "Since you all do not want it, why don't you all give it to me, take it and sell it!"    


Tang Xiaodao and Yuezheng Hanrui shouted at the same time, "Scram!"    


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