Peerless War God Returns

C10 Only One Million

C10 Only One Million

3Chu Xihee looked down from above like a god overlooking mortals.    1


After being stepped on by Chu Xihee, Wai Cong's four limbs twisted, but his body seemed rooted to the ground. At this moment, Wai Cong's heart was filled with a wordless fear.    


He did not doubt the truthfulness of Chu Xihee's words. After all, his father was a former example.    


Chu Xihee was simply a fool, he didn't know what to be afraid of.    


No matter how strong his Zhao Family was, it wouldn't be able to save his current self in the end, so he decisively admitted defeat.    


"Let me go! I apologize! Apologize! " Wai Cong yelled as if his four limbs were about to fall apart if he was slightly slower.    


Looking at Wai Cong's miserable state, Wai Dahai, who was behind him, suddenly became anxious. However, he was not stupid and couldn't afford to offend Chu Xihee. He pointed at Su Mei and scolded, "Su Mei! You're not letting him stop! If anything happens to my son, all of you will die with him! "    


Hearing Wai Dahai's cursing, Su Mei finally reacted. Remembering the power of Zhao Family, she crushed them to death like crushing an ant.    


He immediately turned around and shouted at Chu Xihee, "Stop! Do you want to kill us? "    


Perhaps because of her excitement, Su Mei's voice had become somewhat shrill.    


Chu Xihee frowned, but in the end, he didn't say anything and released his foot.    


Wai Cong quickly stood up when he felt the pressure on his body dissipate.    


Wai Dahai also ran over. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with his son, he heaved a sigh of relief.    


He looked at Chu Xihee and Elder Tan, who remained silent.    


A trace of viciousness flashed across Wai Dahai's eyes.    


He turned to look at Su Mei.    


"Cousin, you invited us here today. You saw the situation." Wai Dahai's eyes burned with anger.    


"From now on, our relative is gone. Today's matter is not over!"    


He pulled Wai Cong towards the door.    


It wasn't until they arrived at the door that Wai Dahai turned around, his face full of viciousness.    


"Chu Xihee, I don't know where your guts came from, but just you wait, I will definitely make you pay!"    


Wai Dahai said arrogantly.    


Seeing that Chu Xihee showed signs of turning around, the Wu father and son duo ran out of the door in a flash, as if they were monkeys that touched a tiger's butt.    


There were even some clamoring voices floating in the air.    


"Just you wait!"    


Su Mei was stunned, and in the next moment, she dashed toward the door as if she had gone mad.    


"The sea! "You wait at the sea. Listen to my explanation!"    


Su Mei's voice was laced with tears.    


However, he was grabbed by Elder Tan when he passed by.    


"Why are you chasing them!" They are two scum! Such a relative, it was fine if he didn't want her!    


Elder Tan gritted his teeth and said.    


Just now, Wai Dahai was quite angry with the two of them for insulting him like that.    


In Elder Tan's arms, Su Mei kept patting Elder Tan's chest.    


"You are stubborn! You're being stubborn! But have you thought about how we're going to live in the future? "Woo woo …"    


As she spoke, Su Mei directly hit her head on Elder Tan's chest and cried out.    


"I put so much thought into it, even taking out the money for our rations, that I thought I'd get them to help you find a job.    


Yes! Their character might not be good, but they at least had the ability to do so.    


If we follow behind them, we would be able to eat a hearty meal, so that we won't starve to death! "    


As Su Mei cried, she felt even more wronged.    


She felt that she had toiled so hard for this family for so many years, and had even brought up two vats that were not her flesh and blood.    


He hadn't enjoyed the blessings, but he had suffered quite a bit.    


It hadn't been easy for them to scheme this relationship, but now it was all ruined by this father and son duo.    


"Sigh …" Elder Tan looked at Su Mei crying sorrowfully. Even though he was usually taciturn, he couldn't say anything to comfort her. His expression was a little downcast as he patted Su Mei's back again and again.    


Chu Xihee also felt sad when he saw this scene.    


Guilt filled his heart.    


Because of him and Chu Han, Elder Tan never had another one with Su Mei.    


But he and Chu He had indeed never done anything for their adoptive parents.    


"You should have returned earlier!" Chu Xihee muttered in his heart.    


Looking at his adoptive parents who were hugging each other, he, who had always been hot-blooded, slowed down his voice at this moment. A deep and magnetic voice rang out.    


"Mom …"    


"Don't call me Mom! You don't come out of my stomach, I'm not your mother!    


It's all because of you! What are you doing back here? Can't you just watch the two of us live happily for two days? " Su Mei turned around and interrupted Chu Xihee when he was talking.    


There were still tears on her face, but there was resentment in her expression.    


"You woman! "How can you say that..." Elder Tan's expression changed and said in a blaming tone.    


Chu Xihee waved to indicate that Elder Tan was fine. Chu Xihee looked at Su Mei with a gentle expression and a low and gentle voice.    


"Mom, don't worry! I came back this time to let you all live a good life!    


It was previously Chu He who was wrong, not good! From now on, Chu He will do his best to make it up to you. "    


Chu Xihee said in a deep tone, but Su Mei obviously didn't appreciate his kindness.    


"Make up?" Live a good life? "Hehe." Su Mei sniggered.    


"Do you know the power of Zhao Family? Even though Wai Dahai and the Liu Family are just small fries, if they really want to deal with us, you're just a soldier with a big head.    


As they talked, the resentment on Su Mei's face became heavier and heavier. Elder Tan could not stand watching any longer and said, "Why are you saying all this, Chu He did not do it on purpose. Those two scum Wai Dahai have gone too far, Chu He also could not bear to continue watching …"    


Elder Tan originally wanted to defend Chu Xihee, but when Su Mei gave him a cold glare, Elder Tan was immediately terrified.    


He could only console Chu Xihee: "Xihee, don't be angry at your mother for saying such angry words! After all these years, with all the injuries on my body, It is not easy to be alone.    


Chu Xihee nodded, smiled and said, "I know dad, I'm not mad at mom, not at all!    


Mom is right, this is all my fault! "    


He looked at the unfriendly Su Mei and slowly took out a black card from his pocket. There was a series of letters and numbers on the card.    


Chu Xihee handed over the black card to Su Mei.    


Su Mei looked at the card coldly, glanced at it, and did not accept it.    


"What is this?"    


"This is my salary card. I have saved it all these years in the army, but I have not used it much. Take it first." Chu Xihee answered.    


Su Mei sneered and said, "How much can a soldier like you pay? to get rid of the beggar! "    


"How can you say that! No matter how much, it was all due to the child's heart! Catch! " Elder Tan quickly said.    


Chu Xihee showed a hint of guilt on hearing that.    


"We don't have much money, so if you guys run out, just tell me and I'll still have more. I just don't have it with me right now. "    


Su Mei saw that Elder Tan was about to tear her sleeve apart, so she could only accept the card impatiently.    


"How much is not much?" Su Mei looked at the black card in her hand and casually asked. However, she didn't have any expectations for it.    


Chu Xihee's voice was warm and filled with guilt.    


"Only slightly more than a million."    


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