Godly Choice System

C2 Lee Yun Getting Two Beginner's Gift Bags

C2 Lee Yun Getting Two Beginner's Gift Bags

3His mouth hung open in shock and his heart was pounding.    


Lee Yun never imagined that the system was real, and it was bound to him then!    


If it was real, he was certainly on his way to greatness. He would become the CEO of a company, marry the woman of his dreams, provide a luxurious life for his sisters, making everybody envy him.    


"Lee Yun, focus on your paper!" the physics teacher reprimanded him with a grimace. "Is this student half-witted?" he wondered.    


"Yes sir!"    


Lee Yun exclaimed boisterously. His otherwise bored classmates gave him sidelong glances.    


"What's he up to?"    


"He's probably lost his mind."    


"Poverty must have driven him witless. His family is dirt poor."    


Lee Yun paid no attention to the remarks of his classmates. He was not on good terms with them anyway. They had always been condescending towards him. The God Level Selection System had appeared as salvation. He would make sure they look at him in awe and admiration!    


"This answer is A. This one is B!"    


Li Yun jotted down the answers on the exam paper earnestly and made the choices offered by the system.    


"The host has made a choice. Reward (Beginner's Gift Pack x 2) has been issued. Please check and collect your reward."    


Two packages appeared in Lee Yun's mind spontaneously. The two beginner's gift packs had already been stocked in his inventory.    


"Open the beginner's gift bag!" the system notified. Lee Yun decided to open it without hesitation. The contents of the bag would help in determining whether he was hallucinating or not.    


"Gift unpacking successful. Congratulations to the host for acquiring the entire academic knowledge from elementary to high school."    


In an instant, copious amounts of knowledge flooded into Lee Yun's brain.    


From mathematical functions in junior high school to sets, series, and derivations in high school. From producers and consumers in junior high school biology to platelets, hematopoietic stem cells and cloning of high school biology, and so on.    


Including the entire syllabus of high school physics, he had mastered everything in a moment.    


Lee Yun looked at the exam paper in his hand again. In the blink of an eye, he found the answer to fill in the blanks.    


"Oh my God! This system is amazing!"    


Lee Yun was thrilled to test his newfound knowledge. He didn't open the second bag for the time being and became engrossed in solving the questions!    


Questions from the Combined Sciences, including physics, biology, and chemistry, were compiled in one exam paper. Beforehand, Lee Yun would have skipped those questions. Now, with a cursory glance and some computation, he could obtain the answers within a jiffy.    


Only the final question made Lee Yun break a sweat.    


"Gosh. Is this for real?"    


Lee Yun's classmates found him revitalized all of a sudden. Rapidly jotting down answers on the exam sheet, he seemed to be keeping up with the nouveau riche second generation and the bookworms!    


"This is bogus. Lee Yun's family is so steeped in poverty that he has to work nights. When did he have the time to study for the test?"    


"Ha! Anybody can roll the dice."    


"Lee Yun, you rock! Could you shift the answer sheet to the side and let me see it?"    


The whole class buzzed in gossip about Lee Yun's exemplary display. The teacher winced at Lee Yun. "What is the boy up to now?" he thought, and admonished the students for the commotion.    


After the classroom simmered down, the physics teacher approached Lee Yun. There was no way a student who dozed off in the examination hall could crack the tough questions of physics!    


"What the heck?"    


The physics teacher merely scanned his answer sheet and was astonished. Lee Yun had answered all the questions correctly.    


When he had been bored during the rounds, he had roughly solved a question in his mind. He compared his solution with Lee Yun's answer. It was exactly the same as his mental arithmetic.    


"How is that possible?" The physics teacher racked his brain to comprehend the situation. The shock on his face was evident. "Don't tell me this student is a genius, and that is why he was sleeping during the exam?"    


The teacher's tell-tale expression baffled the students. "Did Lee Yun really know how to solve the questions?"    


Some of them who were inclined to cheat, began to stir.    


"Hey, show me the answer sheet!"    


Someone kicked the foot of Lee Yun's chair from behind. He disregarded it and finished answering the questions fluidly and effortlessly. He handed in the exam paper in advance and left the classroom.    


"How dare you ignore me? Do you have a death wish?"    


The menacing student who sat behind Lee Yun followed suit and deposited his papers. The duo walked out of the school one after the other.    


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