Godly Choice System

C4 Cash Rewards for Helping Others!

C4 Cash Rewards for Helping Others!

0The 100 Strength points boost had brought about a drastic change in him!     0


Lee Yun looked at the attribute panel on his dashboard.    


Host: Lee Yun.    


Strength: 130 points.    


Power: 50 points    


Spirit: 80 points.    


Wisdom: 70 points.    


Dexterity: 50 points.    


Charm: 10 points.    


Item Inventory: Empty.    


The stats on his dashboard made Lee Yun ecstatic. An ordinary person would carry 50 attribute points. If one were to undergo intensive physical training, one could level up to 200 points or more. A professional boxer or a special forces soldier would possess a staggering 1000 attribute points.    


Lee Yun figured that he'd take full advantage of the God Level System and maximize his physical attributes. Perhaps he'd enhance them to a thousand points or even tens of thousands points. Lee Yun determined to attain a level of strength exceeeding everyone.    


More significantly his wish was to provide his family a smooth-sailing life.    


"Zhang Dong."    


Although the turn of events had Lee Yun in high spirits, he did not give the slightest inkling. His expression remained glacial. The boy clenched his fist and approached his defeated adversary. Lee Yun brandished his knuckles in front of Zhang Dong's face. The latter cringed and shuddered in fear.    


"Burn this into your memory. Don't come after me again!"    


Lee Yun added a steely warning, "Otherwise, hell will break lose!"    


Lee Yun turned around and left the area.    


Zhang Dong was petrified. He could not comprehend how and when Lee Yun had become so exceedingly strong.    


'I won't let someone like you bully me!' he thought .    


Hatred welled up in Zhang Dong's eyes. For several years now, he had been a juvenile delinquent- the big cat of Zhicai High School. He terrified the students with the exception of a few wealthy kids. There was no way he'd let a green boy like Lee Yun push him around!    


Zhang Dong recalled that he was acquainted with some local goons. "Lee Yun, just wait and watch. I will even the score one day!" he said bitterly.    


Lee Yun, on the other hand, had already gotten over the incident with Zhang Dong. After becoming a host of the God Level System, he was thrilled to trigger more Choice events.    


He rushed to the marketplace. Lee Feng also went to Zhicai High School, which was not far from the family's home. Their two younger sisters attended a middle school in close proximity to where they lived. Therefore, to cut down expenses, at noon, the entire family would return home for lunch.    


The routine was that everyday Lee Yun and Lee Feng made their way back from school together and purchased groceries. However, on that day, due to his mock exams, Lee Yun had to return by himself.    


He had almost reached his destination, when he heard a scream.    


Lee Yun dashed to the entrance of the marketplace. He found that a lady carrying cherries on a yoke had accidentally lost her footing. The cherries meant for sale in the market were scattered on the ground.    


People passed her by, but no one offered to help. The lady was almost hysterical and on the verge of tears.    


Before Lee Yun could react, a System notification popped up.    


"Ding! Choice event triggered for Host. Please select:    


Choice 1: Go to the aid of the lady in distress. Reward: Several thousand Yuan.    


Choice 2: Blame and shame the lady in distress. Reward: Bonus Skill- Sharp teeth and a sharp mouth.    


Choice 3: Leave the area without taking any action. No Reward. "    


Lee Yun pouted. The System was offering him some intriguing choices. Even helping others entitled him to rewards.    


Was it for real?    


Lee Yun and his sister had urgent need of money to purchase reference books. But then, he had no idea of the exact monetary reward he would get for assisting the lady.    


Choosing the second option would be going against his moral values.    


"Madam, let me pick them up for you!"    


Lee Yun approached the lady, squatted on the ground and began to collect every scattered cherry. He carefully wiped the dust off the recovered ones.    


"I am in your debt. young man!"    


The lady thanked Lee Yun and insisted on giving him a dozen cherries to express her gratitude.    


Lee Yun refused to accept her gift outright. He knew that, for ordinary fruit sellers, a dozen cherries meant a fortune. Coming from a poverty-stricken family, he could empathize with her condition. But then, it had been over six months since he had any fruit.    


"Just take them!" the lady said, cramming her gift into Lee Yun's hands. "These are dust-covered and it would be unseemly to sell them to anyone. You can take the lot home and wash them before having them. Don't hate me for giving you a few cherries, son."    


"Okay! Fine! I will take them, madam. Thank you."    


Lee Yun gave in to her persuasion.    


" Ding! Host has made a selection. Reward received: 3435 Yuan!"    


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