Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C19 019

C19 019



When we woke the next morning, I had a text from Master. "Nice," is all it said. Sean's cock cage was locked on. We three women took a shower together. I was finally able to wash the cum from my face. Shasta had both of us rub her to a soapy orgasm. We obeyed.    


Sean had to help me make breakfast while Lisa licked Shasta's pussy this morning, almost like Master's morning blow job, except Shasta climaxed more often. Lisa was still wearing her cum when the others arrived. It wasn't as if they hadn't seen us wearing cum in the morning on other occasions so no one was particularly surprised.    


During our cum break, Sean had to service all the women and I know he was fighting to keep from getting an erection. At two-thirty, the doorbell rang and I ran upstairs to answer, expecting it was Sarah and Ron, nor was I disappointed. As soon as they crossed the threshold, Ron stripped. I kissed Sarah. I'd spent many nice hours with her in her bed at the beginning of my slavery.    


I noticed something different about Ron's cock cage.    


"Are those spikes on the inside of his cage, Mistress?" I asked.    


"Oh, yes. He's being punished for cumming without permission. Will I be staying in the same room I had before?"    


"I'm sorry, Mistress. That room belongs to my slave, Rhonda. She works nights and is sleeping now. You'll meet her at supper. You'll be sleeping in the master bedroom, with us. Master has informed us we're to serve both you and Ron in every way we can."    


"Yes, he told me the same. Well, show me your baby. I can't wait to see him. I can't believe you were pregnant when your slavery started."    


I was leading her to the baby's room. "Yes, Mistress. It seemed kind of a now or never type moment. I didn't realize I would still be a slave now."    


"You must like it then?"    


"I love it, Mistress. It completes me."    


Lucas was awake, not crying, not hungry, not wet. He was staring at his feet and the mobile hanging over his crib, moving from the ceiling fan. I picked him up and he gurgled happily. I handed him to Sarah and she cuddled on him. Ron was making faces at the baby and Lucas started laughing.    


"But you still have your own slave?" Sarah asked.    


"I find I like to Dominate submissive women. Not yourself, Mistress, of course. You would never be submissive."    


"I should hope not. My one day as Mistress Dark's submissive was more than enough for me. It taught me a lot, however."    


"Bring Lucas and let me introduce you to the others."    


"What others?" She asked.    


"We haven't kept in touch nearly enough, Mistress. Lisa and I started a bondage furniture business. It's doing great. Over $70,000 gross a month. We get about half of that, out of which we pay wages and benefits, including profit sharing. You'll know Reneé. You met her Memorial Day. She's Jerry's slave now. Anyway, come down to the basement and I'll introduce you to everyone."    


I led her to the basement where everyone was busy working.    


"If I may have your attention, everyone, I'd like to introduce you to some good friends. This is Mistress Sarah and her slave, Ron. Sarah stayed at our house early during my slavery. I practiced licking cunt on her. She acquired Ron as her slave while she was here. Reneé you know. This is her friend, Janet, who I helped train. She's Master Chen's slave now."    


Reneé, Lisa, Janet and Sean all knelt down in honor of a Dominant's presence among us. She acknowledged their homage, then pulled Lisa and Reneé up for a kiss.    


"It's so good to see you again, slaves," Sarah said. "You're looking beautiful. Good enough to eat actually, or eat me."    


They laughed.    


"This is Mistress Shasta, and her slave, Sean," I continued, pointing to them. Sarah and Shasta eyed one another speculatively, two lionesses facing one another when meeting for the first time. "Shasta is our top worker and most experienced wood worker." They nodded to one another.    


"This is Alice, Janet's sister, Charlotte, and Melanie. They're all straights, except Alice will lick a little cunt on occasion as she doesn't find we taste all that bad."    


Sarah laughed. "I learned the same thing when I stayed here." She greeted them all by name, shaking everyone's hand.    


"We've invited Regina to dinner. She won't be coming with Edward and Rob to give Ron and Regina a little time together for whatever purpose Ron needed. Shasta and Sean will also stay for supper. We've been helping them recently at Master's direction, though I'm not sure we have much more to teach her.    


"Feel free to make yourself at home. The weather is great for swimming or even the hot tub after your trip. We're done work at five and Rhonda will get up to start on supper. If you could look after Lucas while he's up, I'd appreciate it, Mistress. Have Ron bring him to me if he starts crying and his diaper isn't wet."    


"No problem," she said, kissing Lisa and I again. She took the baby upstairs with Ron trailing behind her.    


"How you meet Sarah?" Shasta asked.    


"Master was making us walk the Pacific Crest Trail naked. Sarah was one of the hikers we met along the way. Master invited her to our house for a week. She enjoyed the concept of Dominance and acquired Ron from Regina. She didn't want a slave for a husband and he was so subservient and also gay leaning, he couldn't get an erection without being ordered to, frustrating Regina no end. She surrendered Ron to Sarah and they continued hiking up the trail, Ron as Sarah's slave. He looked good, didn't he, Lisa? He was a little soft and plump when he left here, but looks hard and lean now."    


"Ron's gay. Why Sarah want a gay slave?"    


"He was the only one available at the time, and he's maybe a gay leaning bisexual as opposed to actually gay. He was married to Regina, after all. It's not as if Sarah can't fuck him. He'll fuck anything he's told to."    


"You see how she eye Sean. You don't think she want him for herself, do you?"    


"She probably did appreciate Sean. We all appreciate Sean. Whether she likes him or not, she would never do anything to take him away from you. One does not attempt to take another Dominant's slaves. It was a very painful lesson for me and Lisa."    


Ron came back an hour later, holding Lucas. "I changed his diaper, but he's still crying so I think he's hungry," he said, holding the baby out. I took him and put him to my breast, and he latched on and started sucking immediately, so hungry he was.    


"Very well. I'll bring him back when he's finished. Go attend to your Mistress."    


"Yes, of course."    


I fed Lucas until he was full. I went upstairs with him and found Sarah naked in the hot tub, relaxing, her eyes closed. Ron was with her, doing the same. I cleared my throat and Sarah opened her eyes.    


"He's done eating now, almost ready to sleep, but he continues sucking lightly even though he's not taking milk. Would you like to put him on your breast for awhile, see what it's like, Mistress?"    


Sarah sat up and held out her hands. I handed her Lucas and she laid him against her breast and he start suckling her nipple.    


"How did you meet Shasta?" She asked, curious about another Mistress in the house.    


Since it was close to quitting time, I stopped to talk to her.    


"She used to work for Master in his construction business, Mistress. She was injured in a car accident and she was on light duty. Master couldn't use anyone on light duty and we needed the help so he referred her to us. We hired her."    


"Bad driver?"    


"Run off the road by a gang banger who wanted her child, Mistress. He died, she didn't, but she had a lot of injuries and she was badly scarred, both externally and internally."    


"I'm sorry. Was she a Mistress at the time?"    


"No. It's a long story and not mine to tell. She acquired Sean around Christmas, Mistress."    


"What have you been helping her with?"    


I smiled at her. "Touching again on a story not mine to tell. I suppose you'll have to make friends with her if you want to know the details, Mistress."    


"I could always ask her slave," Sarah said.    


"I doubt he'd say, but I wouldn't do that anyway. She's suspicious of you anyway, since you have a gay leaning slave and seemed so interested in Sean. Might raise more trouble than you want, Mistress. She was raised on some mean streets and the fact she survived and the gang banger didn't, should tell you all you need to know about her."    


Sarah laughed. "I wouldn't take her slave unless she offered him to me."    


"Shasta doesn't understand that, being even newer to the Dominance business than you."    


"She's not scarred now. Looks quite lovely in fact."    


"That's a story I can tell. William Thornhill paid for her plastic surgery, Mistress."    


"Thornhill, the multi-billionaire ,Thornhill."    


"The very same, Mistress."    


"Oh, I will have to hear this story. Could I make a news story out of this?"    


"I doubt either Thornhill or Shasta would welcome it. Too traumatizing for her and he likes to keep his good deeds on the down low, particularly those not involving a public charity, Mistress. He bought her a house here in Fresno as well, for her, her mother, Bernice, and child, Cedric."    


"Now I definitely want to hear the story."    


"She'll probably tell you if you don't make a big deal out of it or pity her in any way, Mistress. She's touchy about receiving anyone's pity."    


"Even more intriguing. Would she feel any better about my intentions if I told her I was more interested in her than in her slave?"    


I laughed. "You want to lick her cunt, Mistress?" I said, somewhat incredulously.    


"Well, it's been awhile and like I said, I have learned to appreciate a nice tasting cunt."    


"She might enjoy that, though I warn you. Even though we've gotten her to loosen up a little and accept sexual favors from females, she's shown no inclination to lick cunt in return, Mistress."    


"Well, I always have you for that, don't I?"    


"Yes, Mistress, you do. Lisa, Rhonda and I. Rhonda is a lesbian and the best cunt licker here. She has to get ready for work at 10:30, but until then, she's yours."    


"That's another story I need to hear. How you acquired a lesbian slave."    


"We definitely have a lot to discuss, Mistress, and the whole evening to discuss it. I can even tell you while Rhonda licks your cunt, if you can pay sufficient attention, or while you're licking Shasta if you're inclined to listen while buried in pussy."    


"I can probably do either," Sarah laughed.    


"Nice to know, Mistress. I'd better help Rhonda with dinner. It's time. Feel free to come in whenever you want or we'll call you when supper is on."    


Lucas had fallen asleep on Sarah's breast.    


"Do you want me to take him, Mistress?" I asked.    


"No, he's good right where he is. He's not bothering me at all."    


I gave a slight bow. "I'll talk to you later then."    


For dinner, we decided to reheat the chili from Sunday. We still had a lot left. We put more beer on ice; everyone seemed to enjoy beer with their chili. Most of the workers left, Shasta and Sean joining us. Regina arrived around six and I sent Rhonda outside to get Ron and Sarah. Lucas was sleeping in Sarah's arms and Rhonda took him to his crib while we dished up a bowl for everyone else. Ron gave his ex-wife a peck on the cheek, Sarah and Regina nodding politely with one another. We all sat down at the dinner table.    


"Julia tells me you have an amazing story, Shasta. Would you mind telling me?" Sarah asked.    


"Ain't none of your business," Shasta said, glaring at me.    


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