Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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When I woke up the next morning, it was Wendy between Rhonda's legs. They were trying to be quiet, and mostly succeeding. Some light filtered through the curtains, dim light, but enough to see the cum on Wendy's face as she lapped at her sister's folds. I felt my cock stirring at the sight.    


"Good morning, Master," Julia whispered, putting her hand on my prick; Wendy and Rhonda ignoring us.    


"How long have you been awake," I whispered.    


"Long enough to become horny," she said.    


"You're horny all the time."    


"More horny, then."    


I smiled at her.    


"Unfortunately, you have to fuck Lisa again, but if you wanted to lick me after, I wouldn't object."    


Rhonda was cumming, though in many ways it seemed like an unsatisfactory orgasm. Not nearly the moaning one heard from her when she climaxed.    


Wendy sat up. "Shit! I don't know what I'm doing. I'm a fucking failure licking cunt. How can I be a lesbian if I don't know what I'm doing?"    


"You made me cum," Rhonda said. "It wasn't all that bad."    


"You made me orgasm five times last night in half the time. I barely got one out of you. You screamed when Julia made you cum."    


"Do you think either one of us was that good the first time we licked pussy?" Rhonda said. "I've been practicing for years and Domina licks pussy three or more times a day and has for a year. She sucks cock better than I do because she's been doing it longer. You'll get better."    


Lisa was sitting up, finally awake after Wendy's loud exclamation. She rubbed her eyes.    


"Show her Julia," Lisa said, yawning.    


"Fine, but you can't dawdle and watch. You have to fuck Master because I'm starving after yesterday and need to eat breakfast."    


"He isn't hard yet," she complained.    


"When has that ever stopped you before," Julia replied. "You know how to get him hard as well as I do. Maybe Wendy would appreciate a little cock sucking instruction as well as lessons on licking pussy."    


"Fine, don't even let a girl wake up. Give me your cock, Master."    


"You want me to hand it to you?" I said, laughing.    


"No, just lie down so I can reach it," Lisa quipped back.    


"Pay attention, Wendy," I said. "If you can suck cock, you can get boys to leave your pussy alone and you need never worry about getting pregnant if you're not on birth control."    


"Are you on birth control?" Rhonda asked.    


"No," she replied.    


"Thank God you're not fucking. Ask Shasta what it's like raising a child by herself."    


Lisa was kneeling over my shaft and taking me into her mouth. She soon had all of it down her throat, even as I grew within her.    


"Slow down, Lisa," Julia said. "A little instruction isn't a bad idea. Wendy, the secret to all oral sex is paying attention to what the other person's body is telling you. Man or woman, you'll start to recognize the signals which tell you you're doing a good job. Their breathing, their movements, the sounds they make, all inform you if you're arousing them. As a general rule, you don't want to use teeth, although when applied gently, it can be very erotic.    


"You can feel their bodies tighten as they get closer to orgasm. You can hear the catch in their breath when you do something that takes their breath away. You need to remember those things with each person and do them again, though never constantly. Nothing about sex should be rote memory. Insert tab A into slot B and lick nipple C may work one time, but not the next and it may be completely different for another person. Learn to read the person you're pleasuring. When Lisa started, she was just trying to get Master hard enough to fuck, but if she were giving him an actual blow job, she would approach everything differently.    


"Lisa, suck Master like you want him to cum in your mouth."    


"Isn't that yucky?" Wendy asked.    


"I used to think so before my slavery started. I rarely sucked Master to completion. Maybe on his birthday or our anniversary. I learned to love the taste of his cum though. For the first week of my slavery, I didn't get to cum unless I swallowed Master's sperm every morning. I didn't even get clothes to wear. If you don't love the taste of cum, man or woman, you don't want to be a sex slave. We'll suck Master's cock after he's fucked us, and suck his cum out of each other's cunt."    


Lisa had completely changed the way she was sucking my cock. It was exquisite and if she kept it up for long, she would drain me. Julia was explaining in detail everything Lisa was doing to my prick.    


"I'm going to cum soon if you keep that up and I'll neglect your pussy," I warned.    


"That's enough, Lisa. We can continue the instruction later, perhaps after Master has cum already and isn't so eager."    


Lisa knelt on the bed so I could fuck her doggy style. She was facing the other trio, so she could watch them. So could I. I plunged inside her slick tunnel. Julia turned back to Wendy.    


"Now, I'm going to lick my slave's delicious cunt again. I'll try to explain what I'm doing when I'm doing it, but pay attention to Rhonda. What does she seem to like, what does she seem indifferent to? Having your pussy licked all feels good, but some things will feel better than others and if you do it badly, it might even be painful. I know what she likes and doesn't like, but I'll try to pretend I don't know and I'm doing it for the first time.    


"We have some time. I'm not in a rush to make her cum, nor is she desperate. We're doing it for fun and pleasure. I want you to think for a minute. What did you like when Rhonda was licking you?"    


"Well, when she was licking and sucking on my clitoris," Wendy said, shyly.    


"Did she do it right away? The first thing she did was lick your clit?"    


"No. It was a while before she did it."    


"Okay, the clit is important, and you shouldn't neglect it, but everyone is different. Some people don't like having their clit directly stimulated. Sometimes they want the area around it stimulated instead. Their clit might be too sensitive. When you masturbate, do you immediately start rubbing your clit? Describe what you do to yourself?"    


"No, I usually start by rubbing the outside of my mons, than I'll slide my fingers through the wetness building up inside my lips. Usually, I'll stick a finger or two into my vagina next in a fucking motion. Sometimes, that's enough to get me off. Other times, I'll start rubbing alongside my clit at the same time or move my fingers back and forth from my hole to my clit."    


Julia ran her fingernails lightly along Rhonda's thighs from mid thigh to near her sex.    


"This area is very important. A lot of things start going on with a woman's body when someone touches you there. Your nipples will usually get hard." She pointed to Rhonda's nipples, which were pebbling, standing up like tiny spikes on her breasts. "Your vaginal juices will start to flow. Your body is generally preparing for sex, fucking specifically. It knows a touch here means something important is going to happen soon. I like to start by touching someone here, to get the engine revving, so's to speak."    


Julia ran a hand up Rhonda's inner thigh. "I can use a hand, or fingers, or my lips, or my tongue, even take tiny nibbles with my teeth." Rhonda's legs actually parted slightly more, perhaps unconsciously. She also moaned for the first time, though not the last.    


Julia knelt between Rhonda's legs and started kissing up from her knees to her sex. "A lot of times, I'll even ignore her pussy for awhile, let the anticipation build. I'll touch her here," stroking the upper part of her thigh, "here," the lower part of her belly and top of her mons, "here," the sides of her hips, "or here," the lower part of her buttocks.    


"I might even skip back and forth between her breasts and these other areas until her little pussy is almost begging to be touched."    


Julia demonstrated the technique, teasing Rhonda's nipples with her tongue, kissing her way down her belly, then starting again at her knees skipping over her sex when she reached the pubic area. Rhonda was starting to squirm a little, almost trying to thrust her sex in the path of Julia's mouth, but Julia was too adept to be tricked into giving Rhonda what she wanted. Rhonda's cunt was flowering, and even though she was usually slick with wetness, beads of her fluids were starting to form. Her clit had started poking out from her hood.    


I was fucking Lisa harder. We were both entranced by the instruction, even though we'd both been recipients of Julia's seductive skills before.    


"We both know the sex is going to occur, but there's no rush to get to it. When I do decide to touch her sex, I'm not going to gobble her vagina. Light kisses, tiny licks, soft nibbles work much better."    


She demonstrated that, barely touching Rhonda's pouty lips, making Rhonda jump at the light touches, hoping for more pressure, arching her hips, hoping for more. Julia laughed, ignoring Rhonda's silent plea.    


"If I use a finger, I'll usually start with just one. I don't want Rhonda to feel the fullness of a cock or two or three fingers. I'm still teasing."    


Julia slid her long middle finger into Rhonda's molten cavern and she moaned again. It emerged soaked and it went back in accompanied by Rhonda's throaty purr.    


"On the inside of the vaginal canal, on the top, in approximately this location," she pointed to the outside, "is the g-spot. It has the second largest bundle of nerves of the vagina besides the clit. If you crook your finger just a little," and she crooked the finger of her other hand to demonstrate, "you can feel a slightly rougher spot on the sheath. That's the spot. Now I could make your sister cum by stimulating that alone, but it works much better when I do it in concert to continued oral stimulation to the outside. As she gets closer to orgasm, I might also stick one or two more fingers in her to make her feel more filled. I can lick her slit, lick around her clit. I can lick around her asshole or this area between the rectum and vagina known as the perineum or 'taint'."    


Julia demonstrated all of it to Wendy. Rhonda was really wriggling now. Her moans were fairly constant as Julia played her body like an instrument.    


"Sometimes, I might use another finger to play with her asshole a little, especially if she's leaking like now and her fluids are lubricating the area."    


Julia used the little finger of the same hand to slip between the muscular ring. "It's fragile tissue inside so you want to be careful with your fingernails."    


Rhonda arched her hips, trying to drive it deeper in her bottom.    


"Rhonda is very stimulated and wishes to cum very much right now, don't you slave?"    


"Yes, Domina. I need to cum very badly."    


"Wendy, have you noticed how her body's been moving as I've played with her; her moans, the hips arching, the fluttering of her abdominal muscles, the tensing of her leg muscles. See how the tendons are standing out on her legs, almost as if she's flexing. Her body is tightening up, almost begging for release."    


"Yes. She looks ready to explode."    


I was exploding. I grunted and arched into Lisa, groaning myself as I loosed a flood of cum deep in her cunt. Lisa had cum several times herself, and orgasmed with me this time.    


"Many times," Julia continued, "I won't touch her clit until I'm ready for her to cum. It will be like a trigger. Sometimes I'll tell her to cum when I touch it like I did last night, because she has to have my permission to cum. Other times I'll tell her she can't cum and then I'll do everything in my power to make her cum as she strains to obey my commands. If she cums, she has to be punished, for disobeying me. I like to punish her sometimes for being disobedient even though she can't help herself when she cums, can you slave?"    


"Yes, Domina. You make me cum even though I try not to."    


"This usually makes her orgasm better because she's tried so hard not to, that when she does, she cums even harder and longer than she would have if I let her cum. Am I right, slave?"    


"Yes, Domina. Please let me cum," Rhonda whimpered. "I'm begging you."    


Wendy was watching in amazement as her tough, older, police officer sister begged to cum. I was used to it from seeing it many times before, but I was seeing it through Wendy's eyes at the moment and enjoying it.    


"Maybe you can cum. Perhaps I'll leave it up to Wendy. I'm going to suck on your clit now and if Wendy gives you permission to cum, you can cum. If she doesn't, too bad."    


"Wait," Wendy said. "Will she be punished if she cums and I don't give her permission?"    


"Of course," Julia said. "Slaves are punished for disobedience."    


"What will happen to her?"    


"A spanking on her bare ass. I'll probably do it in front of other slaves so they see what happens if a slave is disobedient."    


Julia bent down and started nibbling on her pouting labia, licking up her slit and then sucking on her nubbin while sawing two fingers in and out of her leaking pussy.    


Rhonda was gasping, straining, knowing she was fighting a losing battle.    


"Please let me cum, Wendy. I'm begging you, let me cum. I'll lick your cunt to six orgasms, please."    


I don't know if it was the first time Rhonda had begged her younger sister for anything, but Wendy was feeling a rush of power and control over her older sister she'd never felt before. She took on a slight grin and watched as Rhonda squirmed under Julia's talented tongue and fingers. Rhonda was doomed. She actually lasted longer than I thought she would. Maybe a couple more minutes but no longer. Her body was as tight as a spring, nearly every muscle straining to hold her orgasm back. When the spring broke, it was monumental.    


"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I'm cumming," her hips humping up against Julia's mouth, utterly surrendering to her pleasure. "Oh! Oh! God! I'm cumming. Fuck!"    


Wendy was watching in amazement. She'd seen my slaves cumming during the ceremony, Evelyn cumming from her triple fucking last night, watched Lisa and I fuck twice and Rhonda and Julia cumming during a sixty-nine last night, but maybe never seen something so explosive, so closely. Her sister had been turned into a big puddle of pudding, a complete and total slave right in front of her eyes.    


Rhonda's eyes were closed and she was gasping, breathless, wrung out from the intensity of her orgasm. Julia sat up, pulling her fingers from Rhonda's pussy, drenched, and her face a mask of cum.    


"This can be done to anyone, Wendy. It takes practice and skill, but you can learn it if you want. Of course, now Rhonda has orgasmed, more orgasms are easier. She's been primed for more pleasure. Why don't you be a dear and lick her cunt now, clean up some of the mess and give her another one? Practice what you just saw and it should be a little easier than it was earlier. I need to clean Master's cock and Lisa's cunt."    


Julia smiled at me and started sucking my cock, cleaning me after I'd fucked her sister slave. When she was done with me, she started on Lisa. Before Lisa was tidy, Rhonda was cumming again, this time on the tongue of her sister. Apparently, Wendy was a fast learner.    


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