Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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3Becky scurried off to get Lucas, bringing him out on the patio with some food after changing his diaper. She fed him while Rhonda and Lisa got food for the rest of us.     2


After everyone sated their hunger, Becky handed me Lucas. "Hold your son a little bit," she said.    


While I held him, she started sucking my cock again. When I was hard, she yelled to Rhonda, "He's up again. You want some of this, Rhonda."    


"No thanks, I'm good."    


Becky mounted me with Rhonda's complicity and with my son held between us, she fucked me. I had very little to do with it, contributing only the sperm when I gasped and pumped once to fill her again.    


When my withering root fell out of her cunt, she went to Julia, sunning herself on a lounge and asked her if she wanted any of the cum dripping from her cunt. When Julia smiled and said yes, Becky spread her legs over the lounger and dropped her pussy over Julia's mouth until she orgasmed twice more. She tried to get another rise out of me after Lucas was put back in the nursery.    


"Stop," I ordered as she bobbed up and down my cock, which felt chapped. "Just stop. We've got at least seven or eight more hours left of the day, including a nice dinner tonight. I don't want to keel over of exhaustion by four in the afternoon. One might almost think you'd taken out an insurance policy on me and were trying to fuck me to death."    


Becky grinned up at me from between my legs. "I heard you were in LA without your slaves for a couple weeks. I thought you'd want to catch up on what you missed."    


"You can't catch up on missed fucking. At least I can't. I'm not sure about you."    


For the rest of the afternoon, she left me alone, though she still managed to cajole the three slaves into brief bouts of sexual play.    


Julia and Lisa were sitting with me in the hot tub later in the afternoon. Rhonda appeared to be giving Becky another lesson. At least it wasn't disintegrating into another pussy fest.    


"Are you sure her primary job was pizza delivery and not making five porno films a day?"    


They both laughed. "She's just a young, high energy person with the momentary freedom to do what she wants sexually, sir," Lisa said. "Who knows if she'll ever get the opportunity to be so free again. Boys, girls, she's got it all at the moment and she was going through a dry spell."    


"She's really stepped up and helped out, Master. You've seen how she is with Lucas. She worked for us all afternoon yesterday and did a bang up job. Even Shasta agrees she's a good asset and Janet will be going on maternity leave in a couple months. You know there's a good chance our business will explode as soon as a few eyeballs are on it. She's become an excellent cunt licker in a remarkably short time. Took to cock sucking lessons like a duck to water. She even managed to get all of you down without ever deep throating anyone before yesterday. She's trying to make herself useful and fit in. You can tell how much she wants to please."    


"You've hired her, haven't you?"    


"Yes," Julia said. "She starts a week from Monday. I like her. She's obviously fun."    


"To what purpose?" I asked. "I know what you're thinking. I can see it myself. She's probably sex slave material. I can almost hear the Mistress in her sentence when she talks to you. But we can't have another sex slave. NO. N-O. Four is too many, for me anyway. Maybe Brianna could take more, but I'm only one man, not superman."    


"If you don't think we can accept her, perhaps Jerry, Chen or even Sarah would take her, sir. All she needs is a little training and she'd be perfect for anyone looking for a slave who can handle cock or cunt. Sarah said she's looking into acquiring a woman. Janet can probably use an extra hand when the baby comes and she's obviously good with kids."    


"Then one of them can train her. If you want to hire her for your business, I have no say in that, but I don't want a junior GI slave in training running around every evening and weekend. It's too much."    


"As you wish, Master," Julia replied. "She won't be invited back for play after this weekend. Only work."    


"As long as we understand one another. Lisa, you're in agreement?"    


"Your word is law, sir. I'll do whatever you say."    


She still managed to fuck me one more time before we went out when she was showering with me. Julia was right. Becky was adorable and eager and so damn cute. She was tiny enough that when she got me hard, she climbed up my body and lowered herself over my shaft while the water poured over us. I'd fucked in the shower before, but always with the woman bent over. With her naked soapy tits rubbing against my chest and bouncing up and down. It only took five minutes before I closed my eyes, groaned and felt her take another load of cum. I'd be lucky if I made it out of the weekend alive.    


We had to get all the baby things together to take to my parents. They were looking after Lucas tonight and agreed to drop him off tomorrow before they went to church. Becky was surprised when the others dressed and they didn't wear underwear especially given what they were wearing, which was all pretty tarty. Clothes only long enough to cover their vaginal slave jewelry and barely covering their breasts. They either had deep plunges, high slits, low backs or some other form of hinting at the bareness and beauty underneath. She decided to copy their example and her breasts bounced freely under her frock.    


The last time the girls had been to Luigi's had been with Bill and Regina and more than the usual antics had taken place, smoothed over with some of Bill's money. I'd heard all about it and found it enjoyable to listen to the tales as poor Regina had been quite a slut, even licking our favorite waitress, Sharon, at the table. The long table cloths kept other dining guests from specifically seeing the sex under the table, but not long enough they hadn't known there was sex occurring under the table.    


After dropping off Lucas at the parents with his food and everything else they needed, we drove to the restaurant. While still in the car, I personally inserted the Silhouette in each of the women with the exception of Julia, who got the Impulse.    


"Have you ever cum in front of a room full of people?" I asked Becky.    




"You will tonight," I said. "You might want to learn to control your reactions to being pleasured a little or everyone in the restaurant will know what a horny slut you are."    


I turned each of them on long enough to test them. Becky jumped when I turned hers on.    


"That's what you need to learn to control," I whispered to her, then led them into the restaurant.    


The hostess seated us in Sharon's section. When Sharon saw us, she approached, leaned forward and in a low voice said, "How are my favorite pervs? Who's wearing the Slave Trainer tonight? The new girl? Is she a new slave?"    


"No Slave Trainers tonight, Sharon, though you might want to bring us an extra eight to ten napkins tonight. The new girl is Becky and she's not a slave, just a guest for the weekend. She apparently was interested in seeing what sex with women was like." Becky blushed prettily. "The napkins might help with clean up after. The girls will be cumming often tonight."    


"The new girl's cute. You always have the best looking women."    


"I'm not sure I can claim credit for that. Julia picked her out."    


"Let me get this straight, so I can reassure my manager. I won't have to agree to lick a slave so she can cum. No one is going to do any licking or sucking under the table, but you think your slaves will cum so much they might get their seats messy?"    


"That sums it up fairly well."    


"Why will they be cumming?"    


I pulled a remote out of my breast pocket and turned one on. It happened to be the white one, Rhonda's. You could hear a low buzz, but nothing beyond the extent of the table since it was buried in her pussy. Rhonda was used to the games and barely made any indication it was now buzzing merrily away in her cunt.    


"Can I see?"    


She looked over the edge of the table and Rhonda raised the hem of her dress so Sharon could see the little white tail sticking out, wriggling like something living was trying to crawl inside her.    


Sharon laughed and waved her hand telling Rhonda she could lower the dress. Rhonda smiled and did.    


"I'll get the napkins right away."    


"Would you like to wear one tonight, Sharon? The remote has a range of fifty to sixty feet."    


"Oh, no. Don't involve me in your games, Scott. I'd probably drop a couple platters of spaghetti all over some guest when you turned it on. Besides, my husband probably wouldn't appreciate other people giving me orgasms unless he was there to watch. I'll be back with your napkins and menus."    


"Why was she asking about Slave Trainers and licking and sucking under the table?" Becky asked.    


I turned Becky's on and she jumped. Julia explained all. Before Julia had finished, Sharon had stopped by with the extra napkins and menus. Becky looked at Sharon.    


"You did that for Julia?"    


Sharon nodded and blushed.    


"You're my new heroine," Becky said.    


Sharon squeezed her shoulder and left. Everyone stuffed a couple napkins under their bottoms and Julia continued telling about the other times we'd been here and what happened then. By the time Julia finished explaining, Becky was starting to slide down her seat with an unmistakeable expression on her face. I turned her Silhouette off. She glared at me.    


"Just when I was about to cum," she whispered. "Why not let it run?"    


"How loud would you have been when you climaxed?"    


"I don't know. Guess we won't find out."    


I turned it back on and she gasped, "Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck." And started squirming. Then she moaned loud enough people at the two closest tables turned to look. Becky's face was scrunched up in ecstasy. She gripped the edge of the table, shivering. It reminded me of the scene in 'When Harry Met Sally' and Meg Ryan was pretending to have an orgasm at her lunch table, everyone looking at her, only Becky wasn't pretending. The only thing missing was the "Oh, Yeahs." I let it flow through her, then turned it off.    


For the rest of the evening, I was turning two or three of them on at random intervals, leaving them on for five to ten minutes at a time. Usually, the slaves were getting at least two orgasms out of it, maybe more. Becky always got at least one. The slaves were relatively good at hiding them, though they didn't always bother. They didn't scream out they were cumming, but short of that, it was relatively easy to tell if you were watching. The people at the surrounding table were usually watching. Becky hid it the least well. Everyone could tell when she orgasmed.    


Rhonda, perhaps due to her employment was always the best at concealing her orgasms. Her dark skin helped too, as you couldn't see her flushing. Mostly, I could tell because she'd be gritting her teeth sitting perfectly still, save for perhaps the tiniest of hip thrusts, then she'd flow back into her normal movement when it was over.    


Of course Sharon had noticed their orgasms from close range as she took our orders, brought our food, refilled our water glasses.    


"You pervs have the greatest time," Sharon said, bringing us the dessert menu. "Becky's a total sweetheart the way she cums. I'd love to have her face between my legs."    


"Sharon!" I said, sounding shocked. I wasn't shocked since I'd seen and heard how much she and Phil had enjoyed coming over. "One might almost think you liked women licking your pussy?"    


"Get over it," she punched me in the shoulder. "You saw the photos and videos they took. You know how much I enjoyed your wife and Rhonda nibbling my lady bits. Not enough to want to risk messing up my marriage, but I had fun."    


"So what is it about Becky that makes you want her between your legs?"    


"She's just so gol darn cute, like a little puppy. Like a baby you want to smother with kisses or something. I don't know what it is exactly. She's not beautiful in the way the others are, but there's something about her. She's adorable. I don't know how to describe it."    


"Everyone says adorable and I see it too. I don't know why either. What time do you get off tonight?"    


"No. I'm not going to do that. Phil and I didn't have to smooth over too many bumps playing around at your house and going to your bonding, but he was pretty upset I let that slave lick me when Mr. Thornhill was there. Only reason he didn't pop a gasket is the tip I made that night and I didn't do anything but sit there getting licked. I don't want to do any of this on a regular basis. Maybe something like an anniversary every five years, but not regular. Too many things can go wrong. I'm settled in my ways."    


"Not even ten minutes in the back of a car with Becky between your legs?"    


"God, that's tempting, but no. If I did that without Phil there, it would be cheating on him. I didn't cum when I helped out your wife, so it wasn't as bad. This would be worse."    


"Okay. Understood. I'll quit tempting you."    


We finished up and in the car, I turned on the vibrators all the way home. Since they no longer had to hide what was happening, the car was filled with the sounds of climaxing women and the scent of sex permeated the air. After parking, I left the windows down so it could air out. Inside the house, I fucked Lisa while Becky was underneath her licking. Becky managed to get me hard enough to fuck again, but Julia said since Becky was going home after this weekend, to go ahead and enjoy her. I fucked her doggy style while she licked Julia. It took me twenty-five minutes to cum I'd fucked so much today. As I was going to sleep, I heard Julia telling Becky they had to change her anal plug again, so she could prepare her ass to be fucked by me tomorrow. I groaned, turned over and went to sleep.    


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