Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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Thank God I woke up the next morning without anyone licking my dick. Julia had Lisa between her legs, moaning softly. Julia's face had cum on it, so suspected this was a tit for tat arrangement.    


"Where are the other two?" I asked.    


Julia answered since Lisa's mouth was otherwise occupied. "Becky woke up early and wanted another self defense lesson, sir, though whether or not she's still getting self defense or something else is unknown. Rhonda got up with her so she could nap later to prepare for work tonight."    


I got up and padded outside. The self defense lesson had deteriorated to sex. I shook my head, went inside to see what we had for breakfast. Without groceries, it looked like waffles or pancakes. I started a grocery list until the others joined me. I was not a pancake maker. Eggs, more milk, more bacon and sausage, hamburger, chicken, more juice, potatoes, vegetables. The entire larder was down.    


My parents arrived and dropped Lucas off. They couldn't stay as they were off to church. His diaper was dry, but I brought him to Julia as he sounded like he was getting hungry. She put him on her breast.    


"I'll get some of his other food prepared, but we need food. All we have enough of is pancake mix and I'm not good making pancakes, so Lisa, if you could start making them, I'm starving."    


She pulled out of Julia's twat and said, "Yes, Master," and got up after giving Julia a brief kiss.    


"Get Rhonda to help if you need it. She's not doing anything important either."    


"If you think sex isn't important, Master, you don't realize how cranky we get without enough."    


I laughed. "Well, I have been gone for two weeks, but I tried to ensure you wouldn't get cranky."    


She kissed me as she walked by, and a fleeting, "Thank you for that, sir."    


"Nobody can say they aren't getting enough sex this weekend," I said to Julia.    


She smiled and said, "No, they can't."    


I went to work on the baby food, warming up the food which required it while Lisa, Rhonda and Becky worked on breakfast. Becky mostly poured juice and set the table. Julia joined us after a few minutes and I put Lucas in his high chair and started feeding him. The pancakes started hitting the table.    


"There isn't any reason Lucas can't have a bite of pancakes with syrup on is there?"    


"None at all, sir, though he shouldn't eat more than a bite as it's not as good for him as his regular food," Lisa said. "He doesn't need teeth to gum a piece of pancake."    


"When does he get his first tooth?" I asked.    


"Should be any time now, sir," Julia said "Around six months and we're close."    


I fed Lucas in between eating my own. He did seem to like the pancake. I'm sure the sweetness appealed to him.    


As I ate, Julia was talking to Becky. "We'll be taking out your plug in an hour or so. You should be stretched out enough Master may fuck your ass. We'll cleanse you first so you can suck his cock afterward and get him ready for your first double penetration. Once you've been fucked anally, a nice double penetration is the next step. You know how nice it was being fucked with the plugs in. This will be even better."    


"What if I don't like being fucked in the ass. I didn't the first two times it happened."    


"Was your partner drunk?"    


"We both probably had too much to drink. The only way I agreed to do it in the first place."    


"That's your first mistake. The second is not being prepared properly. Master is an excellent anal lover. He knows how to do it so you can enjoy it. Essentially, he'll go as fast or slow as you want."    


"He's so big."    


"So's the plug in your ass now. It doesn't go as deep as Master does, but it actually has slightly more girth than he does. It didn't feel that bad going in, did it?"    


"No," Becky agreed. "It almost felt good going in."    


"So, you're worried about nothing, aren't you."    


My cock started swelling listening to their conversation. Becky wasn't an anal virgin, but she hadn't enjoyed it before and I wanted her to enjoy it now. I almost decided to fuck someone now, but yesterday was a killer, so I decided to hold off until later. For my first time with her, she probably didn't want me lasting long anyway.    


I put Lucas to bed while the kitchen was cleaned up, then went outside to swim a few laps and sit in the spa awhile. Rhonda came out and worked the heavy bag, then she did laps.    


About eleven, Julia came out and said, "Becky's ready, Master."    


I dried off and went inside. Becky was on the bed, naked. Getting on the bed with her, I just kissed and made out with her, stroking and touching, preparing her body for sex. She was panting, ripe and ready for picking by the time I stopped. Julia lubed her little asshole thoroughly. Becky lubed my cock.    


"I can't believe this is going to fit inside me. Will it hurt?"    


"Hopefully, the most you feel is mild discomfort. If it hurts, we stop. You should be ready for this, and I'm leaving you in charge. I'm going to lie down on the bed, and I want you to mount me, except instead of going into your pretty pussy, it's going to go in your bottom. You go as slow or fast as you want to move. I won't do anything until you ask me to."    


Becky gave me a quick peck on the cheek. Adorable. She got over me and Lisa helped place my cock at the entrance to her back door. Becky started lowering herself over my prick. I felt the muscular ring give way as the tip entered her. She gave a small grunt as the flange of my crown pierced her. She gave one very long sigh as she slid down to the bottom of my shaft.    


"That wasn't bad at all," Becky whispered wonderingly. "It almost felt good."    


"It will feel better as you grow used to it being in your ass," Julia said, stroking her cheek.    


Becky sat on me for a few moments, then made a hesitant motion upward, maybe two inches, then down. Sat for a few moments, up slightly more then down.    


"Mmm. I'm starting to like this," Becky murmured.    


Up halfway, then down. Up just below the flange, then down.    


"How come this feels so good?" Becky said, up then down.    


"Lots of nerve endings," Lisa said. "Done right, it feels wonderful."    


Becky sped up, making a full cycle up and down every fifteen to twenty seconds or three or four a minute. Then a little faster, then faster yet.    


"Oh, God. I think I'm going to cum soon." She sped up.    


Within a minute, she spasmed, halfway down my cock, locked in place as she squeezed down on me. "Oh, oh, oh. There it is. I'm cumming."    


Now she'd had an anal orgasm, I started rubbing her clit, extending it, strengthening it. She sank down, unable to hold herself up as she spasmed, cumming harder when she hit bottom.    


"Fuck," she exhaled, "it's so good."    


She looked down at me. "I think I'm ready now. You can move if you want."    


I rose up on my elbows and told her to kiss me. She leaned down and parted her mouth for my tongue. Using my hips, I started fucking her, no more than a couple inches thrusting into her each time. She had her next orgasm, panting into my mouth. I laid back down and started hitting her with all of my cock, climaxing with her when she had her third.    


Becky collapsed on my chest and I smoothed her short hair and kissed her as we both breathed hard from our exertions.    


"Not so bad, was it," I whispered in her ear.    


"Pretty damn good," she panted back.    


My prick started to slither out of her bottom and Julia said, "Suck him clean, Becky. Don't leave a mess. I'll do your ass."    


Without hesitation, Becky moved down my body and started sucking my cock clean of cum. I wondered what Julia told them or showed them so a woman would have no hesitation going from ass to mouth. Becky was moaning delightfully as Julia lapped at her bottom. Sure enough, the little slut got me hard again in no time, despite the extent of our activities yesterday.    


Julia invited Rhonda to do the honors this double penetration and as Becky rode me, Rhonda fucked her ass with the strapless vibrator. Becky orgasmed multiple times, whimpering each time, before I sent another surge of cum into her. Julia encouraged her to clean me off once more as Lisa did the honors of extracting my cum from her furry cunt.    


We broke for lunch after which Rhonda took a nap, Lisa went grocery shopping, and Julia fed Lucas again. Since Becky had been fucked in the ass a couple times, I went out to the hot tub with her and urged her to soak to relieve any tenderness she might be feeling.    


She took my advice though she said it wasn't that sore.    


"Have you enjoyed your walk on the wild side?" I asked.    


"I have. I was surprised when Julia asked me to come over, telling me she was the naked person who answered the door the first time I delivered pizza's. I was shocked when she initially opened the door, but intrigued as well. You know, the nudity and the slave jewelry, although I didn't know it was slave jewelry. I was scared to come over the second time because it seemed so weird and I wondered if I'd get kidnapped and sold or something. I was more comfortable when she told me there was a police officer here and gave me all of the names, and had me tell my manager I'd call in an hour to let him know I was okay. I didn't really relax until Rhonda showed me her badge and uniform.    


"I couldn't believe all the sex. No one pushed me into having sex, but made it available if I wanted it. I've never felt so aroused before. I wanted to fuck everyone. I didn't even mind licking all the twats during the cum break."    


"I can't say I haven't enjoyed your sojourn here. You're a very sweet and pliant person..."    


"You mean you could bend me in two?"    


"No, that would be pliable. Pliant is someone who's biddable, eager to please, tractable, yielding. You've been up for whatever anyone wanted to do."    


"Hell, yes! It's so much fun. I've never had so much fun."    


"You do realize it can't continue, right? I think four people are enough in one relationship. I don't want to add another."    


"Yes. Julia told me. She said I could work here, which means I'd be seeing her and the others and get to have cum breaks with them, but not to expect another weekend like this. I was hoping if I were nice enough, I could stay overnight sometimes, because I really have enjoyed myself."    


"It has nothing to do with how nice you are. I'm only one guy. You nearly fucked me to exhaustion yesterday. If you were here all the time, I don't think I'd survive without my dick falling off."    


"I know I've been hornier than I usually am. I'm not usually this bad. I know part of it was just trying to make myself useful. I thought I might get invited back occasionally if I were; useful that is. The sex was part of that, but I admit I don't think I've ever wanted it so bad."    


"I'm sorry I can't be more hopeful. If there weren't three already, I'd certainly consider adding you, but I love the others and I'd never give any of them up."    


"I wouldn't expect you to. I'm fond of them all myself and I've only known them four days. I understand, really I do. I don't blame you. I know I'm a handful."    


"I'm sure you can find someone else. Did Julia tell you if you're actually interested in partaking of a submissive lifestyle, we have some friends who might be interested in you? Two Master's who I would recommend to anyone and a Mistress if you think you'd be more interested in a woman Dominant?"    


"She mentioned it. I haven't made up my mind yet. I'm not sure about the punishment thing. It scares me."    


"Of course."    


"If it's the last day I can fuck you, would you mind doing it again? You're much better than my boyfriend was."    


"No, not at all. I've enjoyed sex with you very much. Out here or on the bed?"    


"The bed please."    


I helped dry her off, took her hand and led her into the house. We met Julia coming out and asked her to join us. She took Becky's other hand and we went to the bedroom. Since it was her last time, I asked how she wanted to do it.    


"My boyfriend never let me get on top. I'd like to get on top like I did for the anal, only my pussy this time."    


"Your wish is my command," I replied, "though I'm going to need a little help for this."    


"No problem." "Yes, Master," and both of them immediately proceeded to lick and kiss and suck my cock and balls. In five minutes, you could hang a towel on it. Becky mounted my shaft easily. In ten seconds, she was riding me up and down, moaning.    


"My mouth is available, slave," I said. "Don't let it go to waste."    


"Yes, Master. My pleasure."    


They both rode me, just as they'd done yesterday morning but in reverse. I was tasting my sweet wife, my first slave, while our little fireball of a guest rode my cock. It took a long time to extract my cum. I was actually surprised I had any left since Friday night, but it had been three hours since the last time. My body must have been working overtime to make it. I left a surprising amount in her, which I discovered when I decided to clean her myself. Despite the cream pie, she tasted delightful. Julia cleaned me off.    


We were cuddled together on the bed, basking in the aura and relaxation of completed and wonderful sex, prime fucking, all three of us replete.    


Becky said, "I suppose if I got a girlfriend, I wouldn't have to start birth control again."    


As relaxed as I was, it took about ten seconds for that sentence to impinge on my actual, conscious, wide awake, logical brain.    




"Birth control. I won't need it if I get a girlfriend. You know, no sperm."    


"You're not on birth control now?"    




Julia was starting to catch up. "You told me you were on the pill with your boyfriend?"    


"Yeah, but we broke up like, ten weeks ago. I don't have health insurance and it was too much of an expense to keep it up when I wasn't having sex anymore."    


"You just had unprotected sex with me, multiple times over two days?"    


"But it was only a couple days," Becky said. "I've missed a day of taking a pill, had sex and didn't get pregnant. If I'd kept having sex with you, I would have gone back on the pill. When I came here on Wednesday, I was only expecting to have sex with women. It's not that big of a deal, really."    


"How long since you've had your period, Becky?" Julia asked.    


"A couple weeks."    


"Did you finish out your last pill prescription before you stopped taking them?"    


"Yeah. I had maybe a weeks worth left. At the time, I thought I'd get another boyfriend fairly soon, but then I decided to take a break from sex and the pill. They say you shouldn't stay on it constantly."    


"Did you know, Julia?" I demanded, wondering if this was her attempt to acquire another slave.    


"No, Master. I didn't know. I didn't even know her last name, remember. She told me she'd been on the pill and I thought she still was. It wasn't critical when it was just us having sex with her."    



"What wasn't critical?" Lisa said, standing at the door. "Could I get help putting away the groceries?"    


"Did you know Becky wasn't on birth control?" I asked.    


"She isn't? I thought she was," Lisa said, looking worried. Maybe as worried as I looked right now.    


"Apparently not for nine weeks," I said, "since she wasn't having sex with men; before now anyway."    


"Really guys," Becky said. "I don't think it's that big a deal. Don't you have to have sex during a particular time of the month to get pregnant?"    


"Yeah," Julia said, "the five days right before ovulation, roughly two weeks from your last period."    


Maybe Becky started to get a little worried. "I heard it wasn't that easy to get pregnant after you go off the pill," Becky said.    


"If you're my age and have been on it for years," Lisa said. "I'm not sure it applies to twenty-four year olds in the prime of their child bearing years who haven't been on it that long."    


"I'm sorry. I didn't even think it would be a problem. Didn't seem to be that big of a deal to me."    


"If you are pregnant, at your age and without a partner, would you want to keep it?" I asked.    


"I've never thought about it. I think I'd have a hard time killing a baby."    


Christ. What the fuck were we going to do if she was pregnant.    


"Becky," I said, "please do me a favor, pack up your things and leave. I really can't look at you right now and I need to think about the pickle we might be in."    


"I'm sorry. I didn't want to cause any trouble. Honest. I just didn't think."    


Julia kissed her. "Go on Becky. It would have been nice if you said something, but we should have asked too. We won't blame you without also blaming ourselves, but you really should go."    


It only took her about ten minutes to gather her few things together and leave. She was crying as she left. I almost felt sorry for her, but how irresponsible she'd been not to say something. Julia was right though. We should have asked. We'd asked Wendy and Rhonda before having sex with them, but Wendy was a virgin and Rhonda a gold star lesbian. I hadn't expected them to be on birth control. Becky had been young and foolish thinking precautions weren't necessary because she was only hooking up for a couple days.    


As we put groceries away, we talked. We talked some more when Rhonda woke up, and she said she was clueless also. We talked for hours on end for the rest of the week I was home. I think we all hoped Becky was right and we were blowing it all out of proportion. Becky called the day after she left and and asked if she still had a job. Julia assured her one thing had nothing to do with the other and she should have health insurance if she was pregnant. She was sobbing the whole time she was on the phone. I could hear her even though she was on the phone with Julia.    


When Julia hung up, I asked, "How soon can a home pregnancy test determine pregnancy?"    


"Fairly early, sir. The one I took to determine I was pregnant figured it out at about three weeks time. I think it can be as early as the first missed period."    


"So if Becky had a period two weeks ago approximately, her next one would be in two weeks and she could take the test then? One week after she starts working with you?"    


"Correct, sir."    


"Am I correct in thinking she was in her fertile period when she was here."    


Julia looked down. "Yes, Master, if she was right about the date of her period. Perhaps we should have tried for more details, but most women are fairly certain of their periods," she said softly. "I'm sorry, sir. I should have asked. It might have explained why she was so eager for sex. I'm always aroused near my ovulation."    


"I should have asked, too. What can I say," I said ruefully. "I saw her in your video and thought, 'I have to have her.' I quit thinking afterward except with my dick. Not the first man to ever do so and likely, not the last either." I shook my head. "Whatever it is, we'll figure it out."    


"I know you'll do the right thing, Master."    


The week dragged on forever, nor was the one following in LA any shorter. It felt like I was watching the timer on a bomb, waiting for it to explode. I kind of skipped any opportunities for fucking while I was there. Thought my dick had gotten me into enough trouble recently. We talked every day I was gone. Julia told me Becky was doing well. Working very hard, perhaps trying to make up for not telling us she might be fertile. She hadn't even participated in any of the cum breaks, neither giving nor receiving, grabbing a quick bite and getting back to work as fast as she could.    


The thing of it was, she was a very sweet girl. I liked her a lot when she was at the house. Eager to please, enthusiastic, energetic, laughing, teasing. She had a lot of very nice qualities. On Thursday night, Julia told me she'd purchased a pregnancy test and they'd use it tomorrow and let me know how it went. She said she was inviting Becky to stay for dinner if she was positive. We could talk when I got home. I canceled my participation in poker night. I was either going to be busy doing something which needed to be done, or so relieved I was going to get drunk.    


Friday morning, at 7:50 AM, I received a text from Julia. It was short.    


Becky's pregnant, Master.    


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