Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C17 017

C17 017

1"Phil, your orgasm should allow you to last a little longer and not cum in my ass too soon," I said. "But I suggest you give Sharon and I about ten minutes before you start fucking me, and I wouldn't stroke your cock again. It will get enough stimulation soon enough. Now normally, I would ask you to use some lube before you fuck my ass, but I'm very wet right now. Just fuck my cunt six or seven strokes before you put your cock in my ass and I should do just fine.    


"Sharon, Rhonda is going to start filming now that you and I are going to start having sex. She'll keep filming while Phil fucks me. When we're done, we can watch it together before I send it to Master. After it's sent, I'll delete it from my phone. I don't know when he'll have time to watch it, but he'll delete it as soon as he's seen it and decides I don't need to be punished for not being sufficiently pleasing to you both. If after we send it, you would still enjoy a little more, I will suck Phil's cock and Rhonda will lick you again until Phil cums. I expect you'll have three or four more orgasms in the time it takes me to extract his cum as it will be his third time tonight. When we're done, I'll let you try the Slave Trainer. Would you find that satisfactory?"    


They looked at each other. "I think it would be amazing," Sharon said. "It's already more than I ever expected."    


"Once you wear the Slave Trainer, you'll realize why I'm so willing to repay my debt to you tenfold." She nodded. "You need to turn around on the bed, put your head down here," I patted a place on the bed, "so Phil has a little room behind me to fuck me. Don't concern yourself with how well you're pleasing me. It's primarily a show for Phil as I don't expect you to be good at pleasing a woman. However, I'm a slave and cum easily so don't be surprised if a little extra moisture flows into your mouth when I do."    


She nodded again and moved into the spot I indicated. This time her legs were spread, long past any shy feelings she might have felt earlier. I got over her and lowered my dewy folds over her face until I felt her tongue tentatively lick at my slit. I moaned to let her know I appreciated what she was doing and lowered my mouth to her sensitized pussy, still frizzing slightly from her last orgasms. She gasped when my tongue rasped over her clit and down her cleft. I figured she could have three or four more orgasms before Phil started fucking me. Depending on how long he lasted, she might cum seven or eight more times. I hoped she would feel well rewarded for her kindness to a new slave desperate to cum.    


As expected, Sharon climaxed four more times before I felt Phil climbing between my legs. I'd cum twice so I wasn't disappointed. Sharon was doing as well as she could based upon her experience level. I raised up slightly so he could get to my pussy and climaxed a third time as he slid into my cunt. I think he was tempted to finish there, pumping eight or nine times, but realized he might not have another opportunity like this one. He pulled out and I felt the head of his prick against my starred sphincter. He slowly pushed in and when he was all the way inside, with his balls slapping against my pussy, I lowered again to make it easier for Sharon to lick me, maintaining enough upward pressure so I wouldn't smother her in my folds.    


Phil might not have the biggest prick in Fresno but he'd been fucking long enough to develop a little skill and he found a nice rhythm quite pleasing to my bottom. I started to cum as often as Sharon. I'm sure it made Phil proud of himself to hear me moaning as often as his wife. Sometime after perhaps ten minutes, I could tell he was getting close to cumming. He was driving harder into my ass and I'm sure I was slamming harder in Sharon's face as a result, but she didn't seem to care, still licking me fiercely.    


Grunting, Phil throbbed inside my bottom and I felt the increased wetness associated with an orgasm. He continued stroking until he started to shrink, then pulled out. Sharon continued to lick me, despite his cum dribbling out of my ass and down to my pussy. Hell, if she wanted to keep my sheets cleaner, I didn't mind in the slightest. I heard Rhonda in the bathroom getting a wet washcloth for Phil's prick, which she also used gently on me, touching up my bum. Eventually, Sharon stopped licking me and I climbed off of her. Her face was covered with my cum and I asked Rhonda to bring another washcloth, using it to wipe first her face, then mine.    


"I wish to thank you again for taking pity on a new slave, Sharon. It was one of the kindest gestures I've ever heard of; licking the cunt of a woman you barely knew when you'd never done so before because you took pity on her," I said as I swabbed my fluids from her face. I kissed her. "I hope you feel repaid for your kindness."    


"I do," Sharon said. "More than repaid."    


"Phil, did you enjoy the show? Did it meet all the expectations you might have had when you came tonight."    


"Better than I hoped and more than I expected," Phil said. "Thanks for allowing me to fuck your ass."    


"As you could probably tell, I enjoyed it as much as you did. I don't want this affecting your marriage. Are you both good with what happened?"    


They looked at one another. Phil took Sharon's hand and squeezed it. He smiled at her. "I'm good, honey. Are you good?"    


"Very good," she replied. "Our biggest and best sexual adventure ever."    


"Good," I said. "Now let's take a look at the material Rhonda shot for Master. Get comfortable."    


We went through the photos and the video, sending a collection of pictures and three videos to Master. One of the videos was Sharon and I alone, one was Phil fucking my ass as we pleasured each other, the last of Sharon licking the cum dripping from my ass.    


By the time we'd watched and sent them, Phil was hard again and Sharon said. "I can't believe I'm horny and wet again. Oh, the look on my face when you made me cum."    


"Now you know how I feel all the time," I teased. "I want sex all the time. If I didn't have responsibilities, I'd be fucking constantly. Being a slave has turned me into a horny slut, but I have an antidote to both your problems. More sex. I want you to watch me delete this from my phone so you know I'm not keeping it."    


I proceeded to do exactly that, then set the phone aside. "Phil, I'm going to suck your prick until you cum again. Rhonda will pleasure Sharon until you cum, at which time we'll need to stop. All right?"    


"I can't believe you're going to let me cum some more," Sharon said, "but I love it." She leaned back and spread her legs for Rhonda.    


I took Phil's cock in my mouth and gave him a full fledged blow job, sucking him down to the root. Apparently, he didn't realize I could do so as he exclaimed. "Christ, you're deep throating me. Fuck! How do you do that?"    


It was easy. Compared to Marcus or Jerry, his cock was a piece of cake. Even Master and his father had an inch or so on him. The only comparable cock to his was Chen's. I made him give up his third load within fifteen minutes. Sharon had already cum four times.    


I sat up after cleaning Phil. "Except for Sharon trying the Slave Trainer, we're done," I declared. "Phil if you step out of the room with Rhonda, she'll give you some refreshment; something non-alcoholic, coffee, tea or soda. I'll join you shortly. You may want to bring your clothes with you so you can dress."    


"Sure." He grabbed his clothes and followed Rhonda out of the room. Rhonda closed the door after they left. I got the Slave Trainer from it's storage drawer and showed her how it worked and how to put it on. She put it on and I adjusted to straps so it was snug, tight against her clit, still on the excited side, peeking shyly from its hood. I turned it on with my phone and was about to leave the room.    


"Wait," she said. "Why did my husband have to leave the room for me to test this?"    


"Lie down on the bed and relax again," I replied. "Give it about ten minutes and I'll tell you."    


She got on the bed and lay down and I sat beside her, holding her hand. After a couple minutes, she started moaning, "Oh, God. I'm going to cum again."    


"No you won't," I smilingly said. "Wait."    


In seconds it shut itself off.    


"It just quit," she said. "The battery must have died."    


"Nope. Wait."    


A couple minutes later, she startled when it began buzzing again. "Oops, there it goes again."    


It didn't take long. Sharon was already in a high state of arousal due to our night of sex. It stopped again.    


"No fair," she complained. "I was just about to cum again."    


"That's the purpose of this blasted device. To keep you on the edge of cumming, but never letting you cum. It will keep this up for two and a half hours before the battery dies for real. I'll get an alert on my phone that the battery has died and I can remove this one and replace it with a fresh one."    


"That's diabolical!" Sharon exclaimed.    


"Now you know why I needed your help so much that night and I was so relieved you were willing to lick my cunt. Except for two brief orgasms for sucking Master's cock under the table, I would have suffered all night long just like this.    


It started again and she was soon moaning, hoping to cum, but her hopes were quickly dashed.    


"How does it know to shut itself off?" Sharon asked.    


"I'm unsure myself. Master might know, but he wouldn't tell me. I've wondered if it could detect fluid build up, temperature changes, detect contractions beginning to form in my cunt, electric potentialities. Obviously designed by someone who understood a woman's orgasms, but not a woman unless she was the cruelest bitch in history. It just works."    


"So you still haven't told me why Phil couldn't stay in here."    


I laughed. "I was protecting you. Imagine Phil seeing you squirm in that device for awhile and what he might be able to do with it."    


"Like what?"    


I tried to mimic Phil's voice. "Sharon, I'm not going to take your Slave Trainer off until you agree I can fuck your ass. Or Sharon, I'll turn it off after you manage to get all of my cock down your throat. Believe me, you'll agree to almost anything to get it to stop, including letting some stranger lick your cunt in a restaurant bathroom. It's how I learned to deep throat, swallow cum, and lick cunt."    


"Oh, hell. You're right. Take it off. Take it off now. I can never let him know about this."    


I laughed and turned it off and helped her remove it. I put the phallic piece in my mouth and licked it clean. "Your fluids taste delicious," I said.    


"Now I need to fuck again," Sharon said.    


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