Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C9 009

C9 009

3Jerry was watching the game nude. He pointed to his appendage, currently lying loose between his thighs. Sandra knelt on the chair in front of him and held him up so she could wrap her lips about the large helmeted head of his shaft. Lisa and I watched him grow in her mouth. Before long, she was bobbing up and down on his stiff black trouser snake, taking every inch down her throat each time, her lips reaching his balls on each downstroke. It was arousing to watch Master's mother engulfing his lengthy shaft, blonde head tinged with a few gray hairs, taking every inch of him while cupping his heavy sack in her hand. I felt like rubbing myself.    


He rested his hand on her head, not holding her down, but merely to follow the rhythmic motion of her head while caressing her hair.    


"Damn! You're so good at that, Sandra. Your husband a lucky man to own a slave so talented with her mouth," he groaned.    


Sandra couldn't speak, but patted his muscular thigh in acknowledgment of his praise. Jerry started thrusting up as he reached his crest, moaning as he filled her mouth with his cum. She cleaned his cock, making sure it was pristine after his orgasm.    


"Will there be anything else, sir? I can get you hard enough to fuck me."    


"No, thank you, Mrs. Rivers. I intend to fuck all three of your daughter-in-laws holes tonight. I feel I need to save some of my energy for later. You go back to your Master and suck him as good as you just sucked me."    


"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."    


While Sandra dressed again, I asked if there was anything I could do for him. Jerry smiled at me. "Yeah. You could get me a cold beer and some chips."    


"Yes, Master."    


Lisa said she should head over to Chen's place and see if they required her services. I removed my clothes first as slaves should almost always serve a Master naked. I asked if Lime flavored Doritos was satisfactory, or would he like potato chips. He said the Doritos were fine and I got him a cold bottle of beer and a bowl of chips. He pulled me into his lap when I gave him the chips.    


"Are you horny, slave? You like watching Sandra suck my cock?"    


"Always, sir," I replied. "I enjoyed it a lot."    


He ran a finger through my slit to check himself. Of course, I was wet. He held me in his lap and between chips, and quaffing some of his beer, he would finger me, never letting me cum; always stopping when I got close. As a result, I was wriggling quite boldly upon his lap, hoping to get a rise out of him so he'd fuck me. I could feel his cock under my bottom, stirring as he played with me, but he never entered me.    


I was getting desperate. "Please, Master, fuck me. I want to feel your big cock in my cunt pumping me full of cum." I reached beneath me to grasp him in my hand.    


"No, slave. Sit still," he orders, pulling my hand off his prick. "I'm in charge. You aren't. You don't get the fucking you want until someone here to take pictures for your husband. Scott want to know I'm fucking you good. When Reneé get home or Rhonda wake up, I'll think about fucking you then. Until then, you wait."    


"Master, what about finger fucking me to an orgasm. Please. I'm desperate. I need to cum so much."    


"I like desperate slaves. Want you to beg for my cock before I give it to you. Don't want you masturbating or letting any other slaves make you cum. I'll let you know when I'm ready."    


"What do you want for supper, sir?"    


"You don't have to make supper. I'm ordering Thai food. Scott said you like one of the delivery drivers, a fellow named Marcus. He said you give him a special tip when he delivers. I already checked. He's making the deliveries tonight."    


Damn! So Master had me fucking another man from my past. Marcus was a stud, and I had to admit I enjoyed tipping him before, but again, I'm wondering why Master is so insistent in making me fuck other men. And worse, recording me doing it, so he could could see what had happened. It almost felt as if he was gathering evidence for a divorce. He'd have pictures of me fucking every person we knew who recognized me as a slave.    


So no matter how much I wanted it, Jerry ignored me, keeping me on edge, but never relieving me. After another half hour of torment. He told me I could get him another beer and then find myself something to do to keep myself occupied. I think he was afraid I might cum despite his restraint. I'd left quite the puddle on his thighs as I squirmed on his stroking fingers.    


Giving him another cold beer, I went outside and swam laps, burning off excess energy, then sat in the hot tub, upset and confused. It wouldn't even be a question of who would tip Marcus. Lisa was at Chen's tonight. I sent her a text informing her Master still had different plans for us other than what we were used to. Jerry was ordering Thai food. It was a half hour before I received a response from her saying Chen was ordering from Boston Market, so I knew Master's handiwork was present there as well. I texted Master to call me when he had an opportunity.    


Before he contacted me back, I received a call from Sharon, our usual waitress at Luigi's.    


"Good afternoon, Sharon. How can I help you?"    


"Does your offer to return the favor of giving you an orgasm still stand?"    


"Of course. Why do you ask?"    


"My husband, Phil, wanted to know why we were being invited to your ceremony next weekend. He wondered how I even knew you and he didn't. I finally told him what I did and explained what the bonding ceremony was about. He was shocked. 'You licked another woman's pussy?' he asked. I told him it was just the once and I'd never done it before or since. I just felt sorry for you because you weren't being allowed to orgasm and once I did it, your Master would let you climax as much as you needed to. He asked if you'd licked mine too and I told him no, I didn't have time for it, though you've offered to do it for me as recompense. He was silent for the longest time and I didn't know if he was angry or sad, or if we were going to have a huge fight. Finally, he asked if I'd accept your offer and he could watch.    


"I was astonished. 'You want to watch a woman lick my pussy?' I asked. 'Why?' 'Two naked women licking each other. What's not to like.' I told him I didn't have to lick you anymore. I'd already done what I needed to. This would only be payback. He asked if I'd do it again, just for him. So I told him I'd ask to see if you would repay me and if I could lick you again. He's listening to our conversation now."    


"Well, I definitely owe you, Sharon, and am perfectly willing to pay my debts. Whether or not you could lick me again is up to my Master. However, my slave, Rhonda has expressed an interest in rewarding you for your generosity. I could give you permission to lick her without any problem. Did you want to do it when you come to the ceremony next weekend?"    


"There will be so many people there and I don't want to do this in front of anyone else but you and your family. I'm off Monday. Would it be possible for us to come to your house on Monday night?"    


"I believe that's a possibility, but I will have to ask Master first. I'll call you when I've spoken to him."    


"Where is he now?"    


"He's building a mansion in Los Angeles, working through the weekend due to the extra time we're taking next week. He should call me when he's finished for the day."    


"Thank you. We're looking forward to hearing from you."    


After she hung up, I thought to myself, could my week get any stranger? I doubted it.    


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