Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C18 Hate of meeting late

C18 Hate of meeting late

1A moment later, a rich smell of meat came from above the cliff. Shen Aojun raised his head and looked up, only to see that not far away, Lei Yang had left a large chunk of pure meat on the corpse of the gigantic Fire Demon Bear, and was currently roasting it until it was sizzling oil.     0


The meat was golden in color, and when the flames landed on it, it released a rich smell of meat that couldn't be dissolved. The fragrance assaulted her senses, especially at this moment, when it entered Shen Aojun's nose which was rumbling with hunger, causing her, who had always been reserved, to be unable to resist swallowing her saliva.    


Lei Yang happened to see all of this at the same time. He looked at Shen Aojun and grinned, causing Shen Aojun to quickly lower his head in embarrassment.    


In order to resolve this awkward atmosphere, Lei Yang took a large piece of roasted bear meat and walked over, extended his hand and gave it to Shen Aojun, and said: "Miss Shen, please!"    


"This... Then we will have to trouble Young Master Yue Yang. " Shen Aojun slightly hesitated, but very quickly, he generously received the barbecue meat from Lei Yang.    


When she was even closer, the golden color of the meat, and the fragrance immediately entered her nose, causing her to feel an intense hunger. Shen Aojun could no longer endure it, she turned her body a little, no longer caring about her elegant appearance, and started to eat.    


Right now, her eyes were filled with roasted meat. How could she have the time to care about her image? She herself was unaware of it, causing Lei Yang to sigh from the bottom of his heart: "So a reserved beauty has such a crazy side to her!"    


Shen Aojun took three pieces of roasted meat in a row from Lei Yang's hands. After he ate all of them, he felt that he was no longer as hungry as before, as if he had just realised that something was wrong with his body. Furthermore, he vaguely saw the shocked expression on Lei Yang's face, and immediately reacted as he immediately covered his mouth with his hands and shyly lowered his head again.    


The atmosphere on the cliff became awkward once again. The two of them fell into a short silence on the cliff under the moon. They were unable to find a suitable topic of conversation for a while.    


"I can see that Lady Shen's cultivation isn't weak. How did she receive such heavy injuries and fall to such a state?" After a while, Lei Yang was the first to break the depressing atmosphere, and asked.    


Shen Aojun looked at the doubtful Lei Yang, smiled, thought for a moment, and straightforwardly told him the whole story.    


It turned out that two years ago, Shen Aojun's father had suffered a serious hidden injury when he broke through, although he had managed to breakthrough successfully, the hidden injury had suddenly appeared half a year ago, and was becoming more and more severe.    


Every time his internal injuries flared up, his father would go crazy. He would kill anyone he saw, and even the elders of the clan would be unable to cure him. In the end, there was nothing he could do but to use a metal cage to imprison his father.    


Not long ago, Shen Aojun had heard from the elders that there was a type of medicinal pellet called the "Hundred Spirit Pellet".    


However, there were more than a hundred types of medicinal herbs required for this pill. Although the Shen Family had his own medicinal field, he had only gathered eighty-seven of the medicinal ingredients needed to refine the "Hundred Spirit Pill".    


Although they were all spiritual medicines, their ranks were not very high, and it was not difficult to find them. The elders ran all over the place, and they even used a lot of connections to buy them at a high price in many large clans. Finally, they gathered all 12 of the remaining 13 types of spiritual medicines, but they could not get the only type of spiritual medicine which was called the Four Leaves Silver Moon Grass.    


Seeing her father's crazed state becoming more and more intense each time, Shen Aojun felt more and more upset. When she thought about how her father had treated her well in the past, she couldn't help but burst into tears.    


She swore to herself that even if she had to search through the entirety of the Falling Dragon Mountain Range and the entire South Vietnam, she would definitely find this final medicinal herb called Silver Moon Grass and refine it into a Hundred Spirit Pill to fight against that last sliver of hope for her father.    


From then on, she would often enter the mountain by herself and continued to search for the Four Leaves Silver Moon Grass, one of the rarest grade five elixirs in South Vietnam. Perhaps it was because of her persistence that the heavens were moved, or perhaps her father's life was undeserved, and her hard work did not come to fruition.    


It was three days ago when she found a valley in the mountain range 50 kilometers away from the cliff. Coincidentally, there was a spirit spring in the valley, and beside the spirit spring grew a four-leaf Silver Moon Grass.    


At that time, she was so happy that she was about to cry. She was overjoyed and went forward to pick it, but she did not expect that the moment she turned around, she was stopped by a gigantic Fire Demon Bear.    


She was forced to fight with the Spirit Qi at the peak of the sixth floor, but she found out that the Fire Demon Bear's strength was comparable to the peak of the seventh floor.    


In the end, she found an opportunity to turn around and flee, but the Fire Demon Bear continued to chase after her, as if it did not want to give up until it died. It spat fire all the way and nearly burned her several times.    


It was only when they had flown more than five kilometers and saw that the demonic bear was still closely following them did she suddenly realize that the fellow was actually targeting the Silver Moon Grass in her hands.    


So it had been protecting this stalk of spirit medicine all along, when it matured, it would consume it, thus raising its own cultivation. Seeing the spirit medicine that originally belonged to it being taken away by Shen Aojun, it naturally viewed her as its enemy, and made a life or death feud with her.    


But how could Shen Aojun be willing to give a spirit medicine that he painstakingly searched for to a demonic beast? It was not only containing her heartache, but also his father's hope, so how could he give it up? She gritted his teeth and fled all the way until this place.    


Unfortunately, her back was caught by the demonic bear's huge palm, causing her to lose her balance and accidentally fall off the cliff. Fortunately, she managed to grab onto the cypress by the cliff wall, and was lucky enough to escape this calamity!    


"This is what happened. When you saw me, I had already been on the cliff for two days and one night. You already know what happened afterwards." After Shen Aojun finished speaking, he gave Lei Yang a bland smile, as if this kind of life and death experience, to her, was not really anything big.    


"Oh, so that's how it is. No wonder the Fire Demon Bear looked like its enemy the moment it saw you. However, Miss, you have already eaten it, it should be filled with hatred now." Lei Yang looked like he had suddenly realized something, and joked around.    


"Hehe, Young Master sure knows how to joke. I wonder why Young Master Yue Yang is here?" Shen Aojun laughed, and casually asked Lei Yang. She lightly touched her hair in front of her forehead, and a feeling of transcendence rose up within her.    


"Oh, I am a man of the unruly clouds and wild cranes. I have nothing better to do. I was wandering in the mountains when I suddenly heard faint cries for help from the mountains. That's why I came here." Lei Yang replied.    


"The Young Master is also a member of the Wuyuan Town?"    


Lei Yang smiled but did not comment. He really wanted to nod, but when he thought of his reputation as the town's good-for-nothing, he dispelled the thought in his heart.    


In order to change the topic and to liven up the atmosphere, he once again asked teasingly, "Miss Shen gave me your token and told me the truth. Aren't you worried about my character?"    


Shen Aojun pondered for a moment, then sincerely said: "Young Master is so straightforward, how can this little girl have such a petty attitude!"    


"Miss Shen, what do you mean by those words?"    


Shen Aojun laughed and said, "While I was in a daze, I saw that Young Master had risked his life to kill that Fire Demon Bear. You and I have never met each other before.    


Young Master clearly knew about the Silver Moon Grass on me when I was unconscious, but he did not touch it at all.    


With these two points, it has already proven that Young Master is an upright and honorable person. "    


"Hahaha!" Miss Shen is indeed a lady blessed by the heavens. As expected of a talented person with nimble thinking. Her words are well-founded and meticulous. This humble one is impressed! " Lei Yang cupped his hands and smiled, as if he was convinced.    


"Young Master is too kind!" The two of them talked more and more on the cliff where the moon was hanging high in the sky ...    


Lei Yang had been isolated by the young generation of his family, and was a pair that was rarely mentioned. At this moment, when the two people started chatting, it unknowingly caused a lot of resonance in the hearts of the two people.    


The moonlight was hazy and the night was as cold as water, but it did not affect the passion that was gradually rising in their hearts. Unknowingly, the more they chatted, the more they felt like they were on good terms with each other. In their hearts, they had a feeling that they were meeting each other too late.    


As the two became more familiar with each other, their topics increased. They chatted about beautiful scenery, local customs, strange things, and finally, they talked about life and the future ...    


Lei Yang felt that no matter what they talked about, Shen Aojun would have his own unique insight.    


Happy times always passed quickly. While the two of them chatted happily, a faint morning light had unknowingly appeared in the east.    


The first glimmer of dawn shone, and a morning breeze blew. Three bird cries came from the dense forest beneath the cliff, bringing the two's thoughts back to reality. At this time, Lei Yang finally saw Shen Aojun's true appearance under the weak morning light.    


It was an extremely beautiful face. It was exquisite and exquisite, with a carved, pink face. Her skin was creamy, and her temperament was refined. She gave off an impression of being carved into a statue.    


Her slender jade fingers, her curvy and curvy figure, and her black hair that was as black as a waterfall, all of these gave Lei Yang an illusion that she was not real.    


At this moment, her face appeared pale and exhausted. However, this didn't affect her beauty at all. On the contrary, it gave her a unique charm that would cause any man to feel pity for her.    


With the light of day, she entered Lei Yang's eyes, immediately causing Lei Yang's eyes to glaze over for a moment. He had been staring straight at Shen Aojun, and had actually forgotten about his own discomposure for a moment.    


Until he realized that Shen Aojun's cheeks were flushed red and he was coughing softly, Lei Yang realized that he had lost control of himself. He felt his face turn hot as he quickly turned around and forcefully retracted his sight.    


Shen Aojun wanted to stand up, but suddenly discovered that his tattered clothes could no longer cover her full body, and could only sit back down.    


However, she did not expect that at this moment, Shen Aojun's clothes had actually been stretched to the brim with a pu sound, due to the excessive force she used to get up from the ground. This exposed a large area of her chest's fair skin and bright red apron to Lei Yang's eyes.    


Lei Yang's face became even hotter, and he anxiously turned around again. His heartbeat suddenly quickened, and all the blood in his body boiled, but he forcefully maintained his rationality. He clasped his hands together, and muttered in his heart: "Don't look unless you are courteous! "Don't pay any attention to him unless you are being courteous!"    


Shen Aojun's face was flushed red, he sat on the ground at a loss, at a loss of what to do. The atmosphere on the cliff suddenly became strange. Compared to yesterday's awkward atmosphere, it was several times more awkward.    


After a while, it was Lei Yang who reacted first. He quickly took off his outer garment and passed it over to Shen Aojun with his back. Shen Aojun quickly took the robe over his body and stood up with a cupped fist: "Thank you, Young Master!" Only then did the entire atmosphere on the cliff relax a little.    


Shen Aojun paused for a moment before continuing, "At this point of time, the sky is already bright. Thank you for saving my life, Young Master, we will part ways here. After she finished speaking, before Lei Yang could say anything, he dove into the dense forest and ran far away.    


Lei Yang opened his mouth, but he did not know what to say. Looking at Shen Aojun's silhouette that was getting further and further away, an indescribable feeling surfaced in his heart.    


It was like he was at a loss, or perhaps it was a reluctance to part. At this moment, even he was unclear about what it was.    


Lei Yang stood on top of the cliff and shook his head with all his might, trying to wake himself up. However, he didn't think that the more awake he became, the more obvious that feeling would be.    


Lei Yang could only let out a helpless chuckle, as all kinds of complicated feelings finally melted into a soft sigh from the bottom of his heart.    


After all, the difference between her and him was too great!    


However, if Lei Yang knew that Shen Aojun, who was currently running extremely fast in the forest, was feeling the same way, who knew what kind of situation he would be in.    




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