Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



3"This is ?"     1


After a moment of surprise, Ye Xiu's eyes revealed a look of shock, because at this time, the root of the grass was completely exposed in front of him.    




Seeing that this plant looked extremely similar to some kind of medicinal ingredient, Ye Xiu's eyes revealed a sense of curiosity.    


However, if he were to use this medicinal herb to concoct some soup medicine, it would definitely be beneficial to his cultivation.    


In addition, if this kind of medicinal herb was used to make soup, it would have much fewer side effects compared to taking Profound Pill s, and there might not even be one.    


Of course, if he wanted to test if this was the medicinal herb that Ye Xiu wanted, he would have to capture and test it first.    


"Ha ha!"    


After laughing twice, Ye Xiu waved the Heaven Sword around crazily.    


"Swoosh swoosh swoosh!"    


Following gusts of wind, the Heaven Sword in Ye Xiu's hands continued to cut off the roots of the plants.    


"Ye Tian, don't let them run, capture them all." Ye Xiu ordered.    


"It's master!"    


Receiving Ye Xiu's order, Ye Tian Xie did not hesitate to transform into his original form as he ran towards the fleeing plants.    


Although these plants looked very large, they were still quite small compared to adults. Because of this, to Ye Tian, they were even smaller.    


So, Ye Tian's two claws quickly grabbed back all the escaping plants.    




With Ye Xiu's loud voice, the plants in Ye Tian Xie's claws all disappeared in the next second.    


"All of you, follow me in!"    


Ye Xiu told Qin Rouer and the rest, and in the next second, everyone disappeared. Whoosh!    


"Ye Xiu, what are you doing collecting all these plants? Why aren't you destroying them all?" When a group of people entered the Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda, Leng Yue asked first.    


"Yeah, all of these are useless. Why are you capturing them?" Qin Rouer revealed a look of curiosity as well.    


"Ye Xiu, these things seem to be edible. You can't be wanting to eat them, right?" Ouyang Qianxue said at this time.    


"Sister Xue, I did not expect you to be right, but before eating them, I have to verify if they are the thing I thought of. If they look similar, then this thing is naturally not edible." Ye Xiu replied.    


After he finished speaking, Ye Xiu unhesitatingly grabbed onto a plant that was as thick as an arm. Immediately afterwards, he first observed the situation of the root and then sniffed it.    


"It really is very similar to a ginseng. Is this a real ginseng?" Ye Xiu muttered.    


"Master, what is a ginseng? How come I've never heard of this name before?" Ye Long asked curiously.    


Although Ye Xiu had only mumbled it out, Ye Long had still heard it clearly.    


As for why he said that, it was completely because Ye Long had never heard of this strange name before.    


Ginseng? What kind of ginseng could humans have? Could it be that these plants were transformed from humans?    


Before this, Ye Long had only heard of Profound Beast transforming into a human or a plant transformation, but he had never heard of a human transforming into a plant.    


"Ye Long, ginseng is an extremely expensive medicine, if you consume it, your body will benefit greatly, but this ginseng in front of you that is similar to what I said, is not certain if it is real or not." Ye Xiu said.    


With that said, Ye Xiu hesitated for a moment with the ginseng in his hand, and then without hesitation, he took a bite.    


"Ye Xiu, you are..."    


When the three Leng Yue girls and even Ye Tian had seen Ye Xiu's actions, their eyes filled with shock.    


To dare to eat something like this without even knowing what it was... What if it was poisoned? It would be too late to regret.    


However, just as Leng Yue and the others were about to make Ye Xiu vomit, the latter's expression changed.    


Of course, it wasn't a terrifying expression, but a sort of pleasant surprise.    


Because Ye Xiu's expression was extremely joyful and joyful, the three women of Leng Yue's group did not make any sound to stop him, and only watched curiously from the side.    


"Don't just stand there. Eat them one by one." After Ye Xiu swallowed the food in his mouth, he said to Leng Yue, the three girls, and Ye Tian.    


"Ah, we also want to eat?"    


When the Leng Yue three girls heard this, the surprise in their eyes became even more intense, because they did not know what it was.    


Even these things were pulled out of the soil, so some of them still had some leftover dirt on their whiskers.    


However, even with the soil, Ye Xiu was still enjoying his meal. The more he ate, the faster he ate, and before long, he ate all the plants that were as thick as an arm.    


"Why aren't you eating?"    


When Ye Xiu finished eating, and found that Leng Yue and the other two girls had not started to move, he could not help but ask.    


"Ye Xiu, what exactly is this thing? Can you tell me?" Leng Yue asked curiously.    


"I call this thing ginseng. It's a very expensive medicine, and eating it is good for the body." Ye Xiu replied.    




Just as he finished speaking, Ye Xiu felt a power sprouting out from his body, and in the next second, his face started to turn slightly red.    


"You guys eat first, I'll go to the side to train. After you finish eating, you can all go train as well." Ye Xiu reminded.    


With that said, Ye Xiu directly walked to the side and started to meditate.    


When the three girls saw Ye Xiu walk to the side and start cultivating, they looked at each other, then used their hands to clean up the soil on the plants before gently taking a small bite.    


The taste was slightly bitter, but not bad, so after swallowing a breath, Leng Yue and the other two girls continued to eat their second bites.    


Compared to the elegant way they were eating, Ye Tian had naturally wolfed down the plants in his hand.    




Not long after Ye Tian had finished eating, he suddenly felt like his body was burning.    


If it wasn't for Ye Xiu's reminder, Ye Tian Xie would have thought that he had something to do.    


So, even if his body felt a burning sensation, Ye Tian was not worried. He quickly ran to the side and started cultivating.    


When Leng Yue and the other two saw that Ye Tian had also run over to cultivate, they became even more curious about the plant in their hands.    


In the next second, the three ladies no longer cared about their appearance as they devoured the plants in their hands.    


"This ?"    


Less than a minute later, the three women felt a wave of heat surge out from their bodies.    


This feeling was somewhat uncomfortable, but at the same time, it also caused them to feel extremely shocked.    


"Hurry up and cultivate!"    


Leng Yue warned them, and then the three girls went to find a place to start training.    


Just like this, when Ye Xiu, the three others, and the beast were cultivating, the entire Nine Profound Exquisite Pagoda was naturally abnormally quiet.    


Of course, with the continuous cultivation of the few people, powerful Profound Power s continued to surge out from their bodies.    


Not long later, Ye Xiu and the others' Profound Power s filled the space.    


As for why the Profound Power would leak out from his body, it was because the amount of Profound Power was too large, causing his body to be unable to absorb them in a short period of time.    


His body could not consume and absorb anything. If he were to continue accumulating the energy within his body, something would definitely happen to him. Hence, his body automatically expelled these Profound Power s from his body.    


"Several days later ?"    


When the originally cultivating Ye Xiu slowly opened his eyes, his face revealed a comfortable expression.    


"Master, congratulations, congratulations, your cultivation has successfully broken through from the Peak Profound Mansion Stage to the Early Period of Profound Earth Stage." The moment that Ye Xiu woke up, he congratulated him in pleasant surprise.    


Actually, Ye Long had already been extremely shocked when he made his breakthrough, because the Profound Power's energy waves emitted from Ye Xiu's body was too strong.    


And it was precisely because of this wave of Profound Power that allowed Ye Xiu to once again ascend from the Peak Profound Mansion Stage to reach another level in such a short amount of time.    


One must know that for ordinary experts, not even one out of a hundred Peak Profound Mansion Stage Expert would be able to smoothly reach the realm of Early Period of Profound Earth Stage.    


But now, Ye Xiu had only used a short amount of time to cultivate from the Middle Period of Profound Void Stage to the Early Period of Profound Earth Stage, so this kind of cultivation speed was definitely considered a rare existence in the entire Profound Sky Continent.    


"Master, this whatever ginseng really has such great cultivating effects? "Then why is it that no one eats these things?" Ye Long asked curiously.    


"This might be because they don't even know what a ginseng is!" Ye Xiu chuckled.    




Just as Ye Xiu and Ye Long were chatting, an imposing aura suddenly came from not too far away.    


"Early Period of Profound Mansion Stage!"    


And when Ye Xiu saw this woman who had successfully broken through, a hint of gratification appeared on his face.    


That's right, with the help of the ginseng, Ouyang Qianxue smoothly stepped from the Profound Void Stage to the Early Period of Profound Mansion Stage.    


Especially when one's Profound Void Stage reaches the level of Profound Mansion Stage; this is not something an ordinary Profound Pill can achieve.    


After a successful breakthrough, Ouyang Qianxue's eyes also opened. Perhaps she already felt that the energy in her body was not enough to continue breaking through, which was why she withdrew herself from cultivation.    


"This is ?"    


When Ouyang Qianxue felt the fluctuations of her powerful Profound Power, her eyes immediately revealed shock.    


Although Ouyang Qianxue had some hope in her heart, she never thought that she would actually break through to the Early Period of Profound Mansion Stage realm.    


Originally, Ouyang Qianxue felt inferior due to her low cultivation, but now that her cultivation had increased to such a level, the feeling of inferiority in her heart had decreased by a lot.    


"Sister Xue, congratulations!"    


Just then, Ye Xiu's voice sounded out, following that, he smiled and walked towards Ouyang Qianxue.    


"Ye Xiu, thank you!"    


Seeing Ye Xiu coming over, Ouyang Qianxue unhesitatingly hugged him, and then, kissed his lips a few times consecutively. Every time she kissed him, she would say "thank you".    


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