Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



1"Tianyi, Tianyi, what happened to you?"    1


As Zhao Tianyi continued to receive memories that did not belong to him, that shocking scene scared him so much that his face turned as white as paper.    


And it was also because of this that when Zhao Zixiong saw the originally ruddy Zhao Tianyi's pale face, he immediately shouted and asked this.    


As for the shocked and fearful Zhao Tianyi, after he was awoken by Zhao Zixiong's loud shout, his eyes were still filled with fear.    


"Tianyi, what happened? Where are you feeling uncomfortable? Quickly tell daddy." When Zhao Tianyi stood there in a daze, Zhao Zixiong became even more worried.    


One must know that the Ma Shujie who had been bedeviled was already dead, so Zhao Zixiong was extremely worried that Zhao Tianyi would suddenly die too.    




But just as Zhao Zixiong was asking nonstop, Zhao Tianyi did not answer him. Instead, under everyone's astonished gazes, he directly knelt in front of Ye Xiu.    


"What are you doing?"    


With regards to Zhao Tianyi suddenly kneeling, even Ye Xiu had not expected this, it was clear that he did not understand what the other party's intention was.    


"Save me, save the entire Tiantang City!" Zhao Tianyi, who was kneeling in front of Ye Xiu, immediately kowtowed and begged for help.    


"Save you? Save the entire Tiantang City? "    


With regards to Zhao Tianyi's request, Ye Xiu was even more confused.    


"Could it be ?"    


Of course, after Ye Xiu pondered for a while, he seemed to have understood something. The reason why Zhao Tianyi lost his composure this way was probably because of the big devil's memories.    


"Tell me the truth, do you know something that you shouldn't have known?" Ye Xiu asked.    


Hearing this, Zhao Tianyi looked at Ye Xiu with a hint of surprise. It was obvious that he was shocked that Ye Xiu seemed to know something.    


Of course, after being shocked, Zhao Tianyi immediately nodded his head towards Ye Xiu to confirm.    


Because in the memories that did not belong to him, only Ye Xiu could save him, or even the entire Tiantang City.    


"Zhao Tianyi, then tell me everything that you know. Only then will I know whether or not I can help you." Ye Xiu asked.    


"This ?"    


After Zhao Tianyi heard this, a look of hesitation appeared in his eyes, because there were a lot of people present. There were some things that, if spread out, would cause a huge commotion.    


"Tianyi, at this time, are you still hiding this from us? "Speak." Seeing Zhao Tianyi's hesitant face, Zhao Zixiong hurriedly asked.    


"Speak. If something really big happens, your father and the others will find out sooner or later. So, rather than waiting for something to happen, it's better to know first. Your father and the others at the very front can mentally prepare themselves." Ye Xiu said.    




Zhao Tianyi nodded his head lightly, then took a deep breath: "To the north of Tiantang City, at a place where the sun cannot reach, lies the remains of many Demon Soldiers, but those remains are not actually dead. They are slowly recovering, and only you can destroy them."    




When Zhao Tianyi looked at Ye Xiu, his eyes revealed a sense of curiosity. Why was he the only one who could eliminate all these so-called Demon Soldiers?    


Ye Xiu didn't really understand what Demon Soldiers were, but they should be those kind of people who became bewitched. Although they were dead now, they did not actually die.    


Once these magicians were revived, the first thing they would encounter would definitely be their Tiantang City.    


Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that these magicians hadn't truly recovered, it was the best time to take care of them, as well as the easiest time to do so.    


However, Ye Xiu did not understand one thing, his own cultivation was limited, why couldn't Zhao Tianyi order him to eliminate these demon soldiers, and why couldn't others?    


"Master, when the big devil took over Zhao Tianyi's body, do you remember that guy saying something when the necklace appeared." While Ye Xiu was still curious, Ye Long asked.    


After hearing Ye Long's words, Ye Xiu began to recall his own memories, and in the next second, he clearly remembered those three words.    


"Exorcist, because you are an exorcist, only the exorcist can truly exterminate these magicians." Just as Ye Xiu thought of those three words, Zhao Tianyi answered.    


Similarly, the three words Zhao Tianyi said were exactly the same as the one Ye Xiu remembered.    




When Zhao Zixiong and the others heard this name, their eyes revealed shock. This was because they were shocked at Ye Xiu, and at the same time, at the word 'exorcist'.    


However, Ye Xiu didn't know anything about the exorcist. He was obviously a member of the Blood God Clan, so how could he gain the identity of an exorcist?    


"No, that's not right. That devil only said that he was an Exorcist when he saw the necklace, that means whoever has the necklace is the real Exorcist, could it be that Sha Ya is an Exorcist?" Ye Xiu was shocked.    


Because Ye Xiu knew that he was not the real owner of this necklace, he was definitely not the so called Exorcist.    


As for why the necklace killed the big devil, it was probably because the other party's demonic Qi had alarmed the necklace, so it had nothing to do with Ye Xiu.    


"Tianyi, what did you say? He's an exorcist? "Are you sure?" Zhao Zixiong hurriedly asked.    


"Dad, if he isn't an Exorcist, then why did he exterminate the Great Devil that was in charge of my body? And although that devil disappeared, his memories are still in my head, so there can't be any mistake." Zhao Tianyi replied.    


When they saw that Zhao Tianyi did not seem to be joking around, they saw that Zhao Zixiong and the other six Clan Chiefs were all focused on him.    


Being stared at by the seven clan leaders all of a sudden, Ye Xiu felt uncomfortable all over.    


"Fellow clan leaders, I am not some Exorcist. That great demon probably saw that necklace and thought I was an Exorcist, but that necklace isn't mine." Ye Xiu explained.    


"Great Devil, Exorcist!"    


But's explanation did not seem to bother the rest of the seven, who looked at each other and nodded their heads at the same time.    


Although the seven of them didn't say anything, they all seemed to agree on something at that moment.    


"You guys wait here. We'll be right back."    


In the next second, Zhao Zixiong said a few words to Zhao Tianyi and the rest, and then the seven clan leaders left at the same time.    


Of course, their Luo Family s were just around the corner, so after the seven of them left, the first to return was Luo Lie.    


"Dad, what's in this box?" When Luo Hui saw Luo Lie returning from his own house, he couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.    


Because after leaving his home, Luo Lie had an Brocade Box in his hands. Although this Brocade Box was not very big, the other party was carefully protecting it.    


"This is something that our Luo Family has protected for generations. As for what is inside, even Father does not know." Luo Lie shook his head as he looked at the Brocade Box in his hands.    


Ever since Luo Lie had inherited the Brocade Box from his father, he had wanted to open it ten million times. However, his father had sternly told him that he could not open it until the right time, or else a calamity would befall his Luo Family.    


It was just this sentence that made Luo Lie resist the impulse to open it.    


"Dad, then why did you take it out?" Luo Hui asked curiously.    


Since even his own father did not know of the inside of the Brocade Box, why did he need to take it out at this time?    


Also, since his father came home to retrieve this item, the other clan leaders wouldn't have gone back to retrieve this as well, right?    


Just like this, after everyone had waited for a while, the six other patriarchs who had left earlier returned one after another. At the same time, every single one of them returned with an identical Brocade Box in their hands.    


"This ?"    


When Luo Hui, Ke Yao and the others saw seven identical Brocade Box s appear in their father's hands, the doubt in their eyes grew even stronger.    


At the same time, they were even more curious about the things inside the Brocade Box. Just what was it that could make the seven families protect it together?    


"Seven Clan Chiefs, what are you all doing? What is this Brocade Box? Why are you all going back to get it?" Ye Xiu asked curiously.    


"Young man, we don't know what's inside the Brocade Box, but when we took the Brocade Box from our father's hands, my father told me personally when the Devil and the Evil Exorcist would appear together, he asked for the Brocade Box to be handed over to the Evil Exorcist." Zhao Zixiong replied.    


"That's right, that's what my father told me." Luo Lie also nodded.    


Not only had the Zhao Family s and Luo Family s heard this, but the other five families as well.    


And it was because of this that the seven clan leaders revealed an expression of shock when Zhao Tianyi said the words "Exorcist".    


Because the demons had already appeared, and now another exorcist had appeared. It seemed that it was time to call out the Brocade Box that had always been protecting them.    


In fact, after so many years, every clan head was very curious to know what exactly their guardian was. Why did they have to wait for the appearance of the Devil and the Exorcist?    


Before Zhao Tianyi had gone crazy, the various clan leaders had never believed that there was a devil in this world. Even if there was, it would only be a legend.    


But now, the devil had appeared. This meant that there were times when the legend wasn't fake.    


"Young man, you are an exorcist, so we will leave these seven Brocade Box in your hands. I hope you can completely eliminate the demons from this world." After Zhao Zixiong said this, he placed the Brocade Box in his hand in front of Ye Xiu.    


And after that, the other six clan leaders also neatly placed the Brocade Box in front of Ye Xiu.    


Looking at the Brocade Box, Ye Xiu was at a loss of what to do, because he was not a Exorcist, so even if the Brocade Box had any treasures, he would not be able to use them.    


"Seven Clan Chiefs, I am really not some Exorcist, how about this, you guys first put away this Brocade Box, it is something you have guarded for generations, I think the treasures here are definitely priceless, if lost, I cannot afford it, Also, let's get down to business first, let Zhao Tianyi take us to the place where the demons appeared, then we can think of a way to exterminate those Demon Soldiers." Ye Xiu said.    


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