The Super Universe Leveling Game

C24 Female Archer

C24 Female Archer

2"Are you a miner? You can join our Mining Association. We have good treatment, high benefits, and abundant resources. "    


"Our exorcism family is the best. We will provide food and accommodation, plus commission. We don't have to worry about food and clothing."    


You all have poor food. You live in the basement, and you still have the nerve to show off? You should join us, the Mining Guild. We are free to move around, and we won't sign any contracts."    


Many players gathered on both sides of the road leading to giant basin. They were chatting. Dongfang Qingyu and the others thought they were waiting for someone, but when they got closer, they realized that they were recruiting people.    


This kind of situation was very common in Novice Village. Generally speaking, it was not good to take the initiative to recruit people. A truly famous and powerful organization did not need this kind of situation. Usually, it was players who took the initiative to request to join them. After that, they would consider for a few days before deciding whether to agree or not.    


However, the exorcism family, Mining Association, and Mining Guild. Their names were so mighty and domineering, yet they still needed to recruit people in such a way. This was really funny.    


The players who came with Dongfang Qingyu and a few others immediately got in touch with them. They understood the situation. Some players went straight over. Some were hesitant. Dongfang Qingyu observed carefully. Other than the exorcism family, Ore Association, and Mining Guild, there were also the Drilling Wind Mercenary, the Underground Walking Studio, and the gold diggers. There were about two to three people in each organization, and two of them were responsible for receiving the players. One was responsible for receiving the players. They had a clear division of labor. These people were not of high levels, level 2. Level 3. This was why they were sent out to do odd jobs. The real experts should all be in the mining area.    


Dongfang Qingyu didn't have a good impression of the exorcism family, and he wasn't interested in the other organizations either. The people of the exorcism family probably didn't know that their members had been killed by him. When they saw him, they didn't find anything unusual about him.    


After getting rid of these people, Dongfang Qingyu entered the mining area. It was very noisy here. A wave of hot air rushed towards him. It wasn't because of the high temperature, but because of the high workload.    


At this time, he understood that when he left, those people had malicious looks in their eyes. Although the mining area was large, it was basically occupied by six organizations. Six organizations, at least a few hundred people, at most a few thousand people. Apart from that, there were also some organizations that were not large in size. Within a hundred people, with the organization as the unit, the entire mining area was occupied. Although they did not completely occupy the mine. But most of the places with a high mining rate were occupied by them.    


When Dongfang Qingyu came here, he was told that this was the territory of the exorcism family. ___ chased him away. He walked to another place, and that was the territory of the Ore Association. He walked to another place and saw the sign of the Mining Guild. He walked further and further away, but he still couldn't find a good place. During this time, he also saw some miners from the Independent Man who didn't belong to any organization. They were mining in places that weren't occupied by the organization. But the output was low. He also tried to mine in a few places with no one around. After half an hour of mining, he had no choice but to give up.    


He had been mining for almost three months now, and he could tell the mining rate in different locations.    


The basin was over a hundred meters wide, and the deepest part was about two hundred meters. When he looked at it from above, he could feel that there were people below. Only when he truly walked did he realize that the basin was shockingly large. Although there were many players, there were many places that were empty. Poverty mines, remote areas, precipitous areas... There were also places in Monster Area where there were basically no miners, or there were also very few miners.    


Dongfang Qingyu observed along the way that those good places that had been occupied by the organization... The mining rate was also not satisfactory. In ten minutes, he had only mined five or six ores. If this continued, he would get more than thirty ores an hour, and he would get about 130 ores a morning. This kind of output made it very difficult for him not to feel hungry.    


So the owner did not dig this mine, but opened it to the public.    


At the same time, he understood why the miners wanted to form an organization. In order to dig out more ores, they had to gather together. It was very difficult to gain anything by just relying on one person to mine here alone.    


Out of habit, Dongfang Qingyu walked towards a remote place and took a few turns. The sound of mining faded. When there was no one around, he stopped and turned around to stand quietly. A few seconds later, the sound of light footsteps could be heard, and a player's figure appeared. She suddenly saw a person in front of her and cried out in shock. She immediately covered her mouth with her hand.    


Her voice was pleasant to the ear and delicate.    


"Why are you following me?" Dongfang Qingyu stared coldly at the person who came. It was female player, dressed in grey cloth. Her figure was very good. The light color made her look beautiful. Her long eyelashes trembled. She was wearing low-quality straw shoes. The bamboo bow on her back, according to Dongfang Qingyu's understanding, this kind of bow was usually made of white board equipment.    


This was an archer, and a very weak archer. This was Dongfang Qingyu's first judgment.    


"I didn't follow you." The archer stammered.    


"From the moment we entered the mine, I found you" Dongfang Qingyu exposed her without hesitation.    


The archer's face immediately turned red.    


"Who sent you?" Dongfang Qingyu's gaze was like a blade as he stared at the archer, observing every expression on her face.    


"No one sent me." The archer panicked and said what he wanted to say, "I have something to talk to you about."    


"What is it?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"Mining." Archer said.    


"Do we know each other?" Dongfang Qingyu asked curiously. Perhaps it was because she was a beauty, but he didn't really hate her.    


"I don't know you." The archer was a little embarrassed and said, "You are a miner of Independent Man, that's why I am looking for you."    


"There are also many miners of Independent Man in the mining area." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"I think you are more reliable." The archer said in a low voice.    


"I don't even think I'm reliable" Dongfang Qingyu laughed. "I don't have time. If you have anything to say, just say it."    


"I really want you to mine. I know a place with ore." The archer saw that Dongfang Qingyu did not believe him and was somewhat anxious.    


"If there are ores, are you not going to mine?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"I'm a herbalist, I don't know how to mine." The archer said anxiously, "Trust me, there really are ores. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come looking for you."    


"How are you sure there are ores?" Dongfang Qingyu stared at the archer. As a Beginner miner, he knew very well how difficult it was to explore. It was impossible for the herbalist to know about this. After all, it was not easy for a senior miner to discover ores.    


The archer suddenly shut his mouth, and a troubled expression appeared on his face, "This is my secret, I can't tell you, but please believe me. I can give you my contact information in real life, if I want to harm you... You can cause me trouble "    


"No need, I'll go with you. Where is it? " For some reason, Dongfang Qingyu felt that the archer was telling the truth, so he could not refuse.    


" There's still some distance. " The archer was overjoyed. Her smile was like a blooming flower, incomparably beautiful.    


"There's one more thing." Dongfang Qingyu said, "If there are no ores there, we will have nothing to do with each other from now on. But if there are ores there, how will the ores that are mined be distributed?"    


"Half each." The archer hesitated.    


"You only gave me the information, that's not even enough for half of the contribution" Dongfang Qingyu asked back.    


"There's a Level-7 Rock Monster there. I'll be in charge of luring him away, or else you won't be able to mine." The archer said in a low voice.    


"Do you know? With your information, I can find the place you mentioned" Dongfang Qingyu said.    


The archer's face turned pale. What Dongfang Qingyu said might be true. Although the basin was huge, there were only a dozen or so places with Rock Monster. There were only three places where Rock Monster could reach the seventh grade. He could find it in a short amount of time. She looked at Dongfang Qingyu anxiously. She suddenly realized that she no longer had any advantages.    


"Half each. Lead the way." Dongfang Qingyu said lightly. The archer was level 5, and he was level 6. The archer said she was responsible for luring the monsters away, this was a joke. But for some reason, seeing the helpless and uneasy look on the archer's face, for some reason, her heart softened.    


"You agreed!" The archer's worry turned into joy.    


Just as the two of them left, in a corner, a Hedgehog Monster suddenly decayed at an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a pile of bones. Dongfang Qingyu sighed in his heart. It would be fine if he wasted 50 Magic. He also wasted the corpse of a Hamster Monster. If he went there and didn't find any ores, he would have suffered a great loss.    


It was indeed a bit far. The ravine was deep and the height was uneven. It took a lot of effort to walk. In addition to the twists and turns, it took him at least half an hour to walk five or six miles. The archer slowed down and walked another ten or so meters. After making a turn, he stopped.    


"We're here?" Dongfang Qingyu suddenly noticed the expression of surprise on the archer's face.    


"We're here." The archer said anxiously, "There are three Rock Monster. The last time I came, there was only one."    


Dongfang Qingyu walked to the archer's side and looked inside. It was an abandoned mine, about the size of a basketball court. It was big, small, and shaped like a gourd. The lighting was very good. Three monsters made of rock were walking around, randomly smashing rocks. It seemed to treat throwing rocks as a form of entertainment.    


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