Urban Hardened All-area System

C3533 External One the Inheritance of Karma

C3533 External One the Inheritance of Karma

3New World, Calendar 101021, New Year's Eve.    


Bluestar, Yan Country, Bailu City.    


It was the turn of the year, and the Bailu City was filled with a festive atmosphere at night.    


People gathered in the streets and alleys, making fun of each other. They waited for the dawn to arrive in all kinds of ways.    


In this year, the people of the Bluestar had made progress in different aspects.    


Due to their good relationship with the Meteorite Clan of the World Plane, they had obtained the support of the most powerful ancient artifact technology in the entire Holy Region this year.    


The birth of the first giant ancient artifact spaceship that the people of the Bluestar had built on their own had made all the people of the Bluestar excited and excited.    


Although it still couldn't compare to the other Saint realm planets that could easily make giant ancient artifacts, it was enough for the people of Bluestar to feel proud.    


Because this was a masterpiece of an ancient artifact that had been created independently under the limited resources of Bluestar!    


However, compared to the major breakthroughs in technology, their cultivation was slightly lacking.    


Even though the Medicine Master, the Glazed Light Buddha Lord, had returned the Buddhist Dharma back to the Heaven and Earth, allowing the Bluestar to become the mainstream cultivation system in the Saint Domain - the birthplace of Buddhist cultivation.    


However, due to the planet being too small, the lack of resources, the lack of aura, and other natural reasons, the Bluestar was unable to become a magnate of the cultivation world in all aspects.    


On the other hand, after receiving the Buddhism culture spread by the Bluestar, the planets with good conditions gradually surpassed the Bluestar in terms of progress.    


Not only that, some of the cultivators on certain planets even looked down on the Bluestar because of this, thinking that the people of the Bluestar were not suitable for cultivation.    


There were even those who wanted to change the history of Buddha cultivation and take over the revised Buddhist system as their own.    


If it wasn't for the Gu Realm's help, criticizing such shameless behavior righteously, perhaps they might really have been stolen by those clowns with ulterior motives.    


However, no matter what, the cultivation culture of the Bluestar was still progressing in a good direction.    


In particular, the Yan Country had heard that a young genius had stepped into the Saint realm with an invincible appearance.    


Countless geniuses had been defeated by him during his journey to the starry sky.    


For a moment, the Saint realm was shaken. Everyone was wondering if this was a sign of the rise of the Bluestar's cultivation world.    


What was strange was that the detailed information about that young genius seemed to be hidden by a mysterious force, making it impossible for outsiders to know.    


They only vaguely knew that the young man came from the Yan Country of the Bluestar.    




"Right! Right! Right!    


Alright, It's almost time to land!"    


In front of a snack bar in the Seaside Food Street of Bailu City, a young man in work clothes was holding a walkie-talkie and directing something.    


What was under his command was a motorcycle flying in the sky.    


The motorcycle looked cool and cool, with eagle-like parts on both sides of its body.    


The two exhaust pipes that extended backward shot out bright lasers, causing the two motorcycles to hover in midair.    


However, in this era, such a gorgeous motorbike was just a cargo motorbike.    


The person sitting on it was not the ghost fire youth, but a middle-aged man who was wearing the same uniform as the youth on the ground.    


Behind the middle-aged man, on the tail of the motorcycle, stood a square metal box.    


There was a faint cold aura coming from the side of the box.    


This box was one of the representative products of modern technology cultivation. It was called [Portable Ice Air Box].    


As the name suggested, it was a metal box made using technological methods. It was a convenient box that could be frozen when combined with the aura of the ice attribute.    


Because of this, this kind of convenient ice box was widely used for long-distance food transportation and preservation.    


Especially in this era where interstellar travel was a common occurrence, this kind of product was even more needed.    


It seemed that the two men from the No. 1 High School were preparing to unload the goods.    


Under the command of the young man, the flying motorcycle landed on an empty space not far from the snack bar.    


The bright laser beams on both sides of the exhaust pipe slowly dimmed, indicating that the motorcycle's operation had stopped.    


"Damn it, the Primordial beef is really getting harder and harder to buy now. I spent a lot of effort just to buy five hundred kilograms of beefs on Beast Luo Star.    


Beast Star and those bastards are getting more and more difficult to deal with.    


They almost dragged me to celebrate New Year in outer space!"    


As the middle-aged man complained, he called the young man over to help unload the goods.    


"Beast Star? Is it a planet in the Southern Wasteland?    


I heard that there was a race called the Star Demon Clan in that Star Field before, but for some unknown reason, they disappeared overnight, leaving behind a lot of barren planets.    


Later on, some criminals wanted by the Holy Region fled there and gradually developed their own forces... "    


The young man helped unload the goods, and at the same time, he looked like he was thinking about something.    


Then, he smiled and comforted her: "Thank you for your hard work. You actually want to deal with the offender's descendants."    


"Sigh, who said that the Primordial Bulls are about to go extinct? Only the genetic bulls that have been produced are left.    


Only a small portion of the Primordial Bulls exist on the primitive planet of the Southern Wasteland.    


" The key is the specialty of our shop - Supreme Beef Noodle Soups need Primordial beefs. ... ""    


After the two of them unpacked the box, the middle-aged man opened it and took a look at the frozen medicinal beefs inside. He sighed and lit a cigarette, then conveniently threw a cigarette to the young man beside him.    


Two streaks of gray smoke rolled up along the breeze, disappearing bit by bit into the night sky.    


"Hu -"    


The middle-aged man lazily leaned against the chest and let out a long puff of smoke.    


He pointed at the sea with the cigarette in his hand. "Are you going to relax there with me later?"    


As he spoke, the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile that all men understood.    


The place the middle-aged man was pointing at was the East Sea on the east side of Bailu City.    


More than a hundred thousand years ago, the East Sea was just an ocean.    


However, along with the development of the era, the entire East Sea had been developed into a brand new appearance.    


Under the night sky, tall buildings spiraled above the sea like steel dragons, converging into a huge city on the sea that spanned across the sea.    


Five-colored lights flowed between the steel city and the sea. It reflected a strange and colorful night scene.    


The gorgeous electronic fireworks kept rushing up into the sky tonight, covering the sky with layers of colors, but they didn't make any noise.    


It was as if there was a mysterious force that concealed all the noise.    


Occasionally, there were patrols formed by aerial motorcycles patrolling the sky around the city on the sea.    


That was not a cargo motorbike that the middle-aged man rode, but a combat motorbike that was comparable to the armored vehicles of the old era.    


It was also a standard equipment for the city guards on the sea.    


As for the modern city that spanned across the East China Sea, it had a vintage name - [Nightless City].    


It was rumored to have an ancient background and the most advanced technology of the Bluestar as well as the best enjoyment experience. It was an extremely luxurious city.    


It was a top-class money-selling cave that 99% of the people of the Bluestar did not have the confidence to enter.    


Compared to the colorful Nightless City, the Food Street that looked at each other across the sea was much quieter.    


Especially the restaurant that the two of them were in, the restaurant called Midnight Snack Restaurant, was even more deserted tonight.    


The half-open door faintly emitted warm yellow lights.    


From time to time, one could hear a loud and vigorous voice shouting something while cursing.    


"[Chief Lee] What's going on?"    


The middle-aged man glanced coldly at the direction of the shop and said in a weird tone.    


Then, he turned his head to look in the direction of Nightless City once again with a look of yearning on his face. "I wonder if I'll ever have the chance to become a permanent resident of Nightless City in this lifetime..."    


Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he nudged the young man with his elbow, "Hey, you haven't returned to me yet.    


Later, you're going to play with me in the Nightless City?"    


When the young man heard the middle-aged man's words, he fixed his gaze on Nightless City for a long time. Then, he shook his head and said, "Nightless City is not a place where ordinary people like us can stay.    


I heard that even ordinary cultivators are unable to gain a foothold in it.    


Perhaps only cultivators in the [Ancient Qi Martial] realm can..."    


Oh! Don't talk about this! We, the brutes, don't understand!" The middle-aged man impatiently interrupted the young man. He widened his eyes and said, "One last time, will you follow me to Nightless City?"    


This time, the young man shook his head without thinking and said, "Today is New Year's Eve. After moving the goods, I'm going back to have a reunion meal with my family."    


As he spoke, the young man's lips couldn't help but curve into a warm smile.    


"Tch! Disappointing!"    


The middle-aged man didn't say anything else. He just looked in the direction of Nightless City and smoked his cigarette.    


During this process, the voice of the [Chief Manager Li] in the shop became louder and more anxious.    


The middle-aged man was in a bad mood, so he could not help but complain in a low voice, "I really don't understand. How can a lousy snack shop have the confidence to take the Supreme Beef Noodle Soup? This kind of name... ..." "    


"You don't know anything about it." The young man shook his cigarette and said with a smile, "The Midnight Snack Restaurant that we work for has a great background."    


"Tch! The entire Food Street belongs to this shabby shop. What kind of background can it have?" The middle-aged man complained, "If it wasn't for the fact that we need a buyer here and laozi just happened to be short of money, I wouldn't have come to such a stupid place to apply."    


The young man shook his head and looked at the face of Midnight Snack Restaurant not far away. His tone gradually became ethereal. "Actually, I came to this shop to apply because I happened to know the history of this shop."    


"History? Hahahaha!" The middle-aged man laughed so hard that the cigarette in his mouth was shaking. He pointed his little finger at the Midnight Snack Restaurant behind him. "This crappy shop?    




Little brother, are you trying to make me laugh?"    


The young man continued to shake his head, but the way he looked at the Midnight Snack Restaurant became distant," Once upon a time, I thought the same as you.    


However, you never thought that an ordinary restaurant could stand tall in this busy street. "    


The middle-aged man's smoking hand paused for a moment and the corner of his mouth twitched. "Because the business is too bad, I don't care about my peers at all."    


"The Midnight Snack Restaurant's business isn't bad." The young man's eyes were filled with mystery. He lowered his voice and said, "According to my observations, there aren't many customers coming to this shop, but most of them are exuding a powerful aura.    


There are even some customers who can't breathe with just one look. ..." "    


Are you crazy trying to be a cultivator? His mouth was full of nonsense." The middle-aged man rolled his eyes.    


"Maybe." The young man shrugged his shoulders, "But let's not talk about me for now. I have personally verified the history and background of the Midnight Snack Restaurant. I assure you that it is true."    


He extended his hand to the middle-aged man, signalling for him to give him another cigarette. Then, in the latter's white eyes, he spoke slowly, "According to my investigation, the history of the Midnight Snack Restaurant can even be traced back to the first year of the Sacred Night Calendar over a hundred thousand years ago..."    


"What?! Are you saying that the Midnight Snack Restaurant is an old shop that has existed for more than a hundred thousand years?!    


Little brother, do you really not have a fever in your head?" The middle-aged man looked at the young man as if he was looking at a fool.    


"Don't worry, let me finish." The young man was annoyed by the interruption, but he still continued patiently, "According to my investigation, the Midnight Snack Restaurant was opened by a university professor named Ye.    


It was said that the night professor was kind. Because he pitied the poor lives of the fishermen and the Zhuang couple, he gave his restaurant to the Zhuang couple.    


The Zhuang couple, who suddenly got the snack bar, didn't dare to neglect him. They worked hard and passed down the Midnight Snack Restaurant from generation to generation.    


After more than a hundred thousand years, the descendants of the Zhuang Family gradually became rich thanks to the income of the Midnight Snack Restaurant.    


About a few years ago, this generation of descendants of the Zhuang Family gave the Midnight Snack Restaurant to a couple, which is our current boss.    


"Hiss -"    


The middle-aged man beside him suddenly cried out in pain.    


It turned out that he was stunned when he heard this. He only reacted when the scalding ash fell onto his hand.    


"Y-you brat, are you telling the truth?" The middle-aged man's eyes widened as he asked.    


"Think about it carefully. What's the surname of our current owner?" The young man reminded.    


"Nonsense. His surname is Ye. Didn't everyone call him Brother Yexiao?" As the middle-aged man spoke, he suddenly reacted.    


His eyes widened. "Wait! Ye? Professor Ye?"    


"That's right." The young man nodded," According to rumors, the reason why the descendants of the Zhuang Family are so generous with the gift is because the gift is given by the same surname as the night professor who helped their ancestor, the Zhuang Family couple, more than a hundred thousand years ago. "    


"Wait a minute!" The middle-aged man seemed to have suddenly thought of something. He pointed in the direction of Nightless City and anxiously asked, "The descendant of the Zhuang Family that you are talking about, could it be the famous rich and powerful family of Nightless City, the Zhuang Family?"    


The young man did not say anything, only silently nodded his head.    


His reaction made the middle-aged man so shocked that the smoke in his hand almost flew away. "According to what you said, the Zhuang Family relied on the words of the Midnight Snack Restaurant to rise up. Why would they willingly hand over this treasure gathering pot to someone else?    


Just because the current owner and that Professor Ye share the same surname, this kind of strange reason?"    


"Actually, I don't understand this question either, so I've been secretly investigating." The young man frowned and looked at the Midnight Snack Restaurant. He muttered to himself, "But whenever I feel like I'm about to get close to the truth, I feel like a pair of eyes are secretly staring at me, telling me not to cross the line.    


It's like a ferocious beast lurking in the dark. Every single time, it dispelled the courage for me to continue investigating. ..." "    


"Therefore, I guess that behind this seemingly ordinary restaurant, there must be an extremely powerful force protecting it in the dark.    


" Moreover, that is a terrifying existence that you and I don't even dare to imagine! "    


The young man said with a serious expression.    


The middle-aged man seemed to want to ask something, but just as he opened his mouth, he saw a figure rushing out from the corner of his eye.    


He immediately pursed his lips and stopped talking.    


"Goo, goo, goo... He mumbled: "Chief Lee is here..."    


The one who came out of the Midnight Snack Restaurant in a hurry was a young man with a medium build and a slightly pale complexion.    


At this moment, his expression was anxious as he kept looking into the distance, as if he was in a hurry to meet someone.    


It seemed like this person was the [Chief Steward Li] that the middle-aged man spoke of.    


When he saw [Chief Li], After that, the middle-aged man continued to smoke his own cigarette.    


He raised his head as if he did not see General Manager Li.    


Only the young man quickly extinguished his cigarette and faced [General Manager Li]. "Brother Li, where are you in such a hurry to go?"    


"Eh? Elder Zheng, Lil 'Lin?"    


[Chief Li] Only then did he notice the two people in the shadows beside the box. They stopped in their tracks.    


Looking at the way he addressed them, Elder Zheng was the middle-aged man. Then, Xiao Lin naturally addressed the young man.    


"Why are the two of you still here?" [Chief Li] With a displeased expression, he said, "Don't dawdle. Hurry up and transport the goods to the warehouse, then go home for dinner.    


Otherwise, when Hong comes back and sees it, he will definitely reprimand me for treating the employees harshly!"    


As he spoke, he looked anxiously at his watch. "Oh no! I don't want to waste time with you guys anymore. I have to hurry and welcome Hong and the others!"    


After saying this, he rushed off into the distance.    


"Bah! He only knows how to show off!" [Chief Li] After he left, Elder Zheng spat on the ground unhappily.    


He continued nagging, "I don't know what kind of backdoor he used to get this guy to become an employee supervisor. Does he really think that he's the Chief of Internal Affairs?    


When I was out in the world, this guy was still wearing diapers!    


He actually dared to teach me a lesson. He really doesn't know what's good for him!"    


"Don't say that, CEO Li! ... Brother Li usually treats us quite well.    


" If he really dares to treat us harshly, his family won't forgive him. " Lil 'Lin patted Elder Zheng's shoulder and comforted him.    


"I'm not saying that he treats us harshly, but he's just unhappy about being trampled on by someone younger than him." Elder Zheng muttered.    


"Forget it. It's such a good day today. Let's not talk about these annoying things." Elder Zheng waved his hand at the smoke in front of him and inadvertently asked, "Right. Who did the guy say he was going to pick up?    


"He seems to be someone called Hong. Xiao Lin was halfway through his sentence when his voice suddenly trembled. "Could it be the legendary young master?"    


"The legendary Young Master! "The legendary Young Master?" Elder Zheng was slightly stunned.    


Because I've never seen Young Master since I came to this shop.    


I've only heard of his name. His surname is Ye Minghong.    


" According to the other employees in the shop, Young Master seemed to have gone out to school a long time ago.    




"But what?" Elder Zheng did not think much of it and asked perfunctorily.    


"But from some clues, it is very likely that Young Master is a cultivator!    


Furthermore, he is not an ordinary cultivator!    


I even suspect that the mysterious background of the Midnight Snack Restaurant is related to the young master!" Xiao Lin said with certainty.    


"Tch! You're starting to fall ill again." When Elder Zheng heard the word 'cultivator', he immediately waved his hand in disinterest, "Don't fall ill. Hurry up and move the goods into the warehouse with me, then hurry to Nightless City..."    


"No!" Xiao Lin's sudden increase in voice startled Elder Zheng.    


"It's rare to see Young Master's true colors. I definitely can't miss this opportunity!" Xiao Lin looked at Elder Zheng with a serious expression. "We can move any time we want, but this is probably the only chance Young Master has. We definitely can't miss it!"    


"You're crazy. If you want to see him, go see him yourself." Elder Zheng rolled his eyes.    


"Hehe, you can see him even if you don't want to." Xiao Lin suddenly laughed.    


Just as Elder Zheng was puzzled, he noticed that Xiao Lin was looking at the beach not far away.    


He saw a group of people slowly walking over from the beach under the light.    


The person leading the group was [Chief Li].    


Among the others, there was also Elder Zheng and Lil 'Lin who looked familiar.    


They were the boss of the Midnight Snack Restaurant, Ye Xiao, who was known as Brother Yexiao, and Ye Xiao's wife, the boss lady of the Midnight Snack Restaurant, Ann Xiaoying, who worked together with Ye Xiao.    


She was a strong woman who could make all the employees in the shop quiet out in fear.    


Holding their arms, a beautiful girl dressed like a college student walked in the middle.    


Elder Zheng and Xiao Lin had met this person a few times. They all knew that she was Ye Xiao and Ann Xiaoying's daughter. Her name was Ye Zhinuo.    


As for the other people, Elder Zheng and Xiao Lin The one I don't know.    


However, the two of them could tell at a glance that those people exuded an extraordinary aura. It was as if they weren't from the same world.    


However, with so many people, they were unable to conceal the radiance of the youth in the crowd.    


They saw that the youth had black hair and black eyes. His face was clear and handsome.    


His pair of calm eyes seemed to contain the stars of the universe, causing people to be unable to resist falling into them.    


Every frown and smile, every action and action seemed to be natural and graceful like an immortal.    


He was handsome, ethereal and otherworldly, like the legendary Divine Emperor and Son, a noble and proud son of heaven.    


He was calm and dignified, and his majesty carried an unfathomable depth.    


In short, his entire body exuded a strange aura that couldn't be described with words.    


Looking at the way he chatted and laughed with Ye Xiao and the others at the side, Could it be the legendary Shaodong family, Ye Hong?    


Perhaps it was because the young man's appearance was too outstanding that even Elder Zheng and Xiao Lin could see through him.    


Only when a group of people walked in front of them did they suddenly wake up.    


When they came back to their senses, they noticed that Chief Li was staring at them.    


"We, we will move the goods now!"    


Elder Zheng and Xiao Lin panicked on the spot. They hurriedly prepared to move the portable ice tank.    


Oh my god! What am I doing?    


He was slacking off in front of his boss!    


According to the agreement, he could fire both of them.    


Even someone as proud as Elder Zheng was unwilling to lose his job on New Year's Eve.    


"Don't move."    


A pleasant and clear voice suddenly came from the crowd. It was the young man who was particularly eye-catching.    


He looked over with a smile on his face. "Who is still working on New Year's Eve?    


Hurry up and put down the work in your hands. Let's go back and celebrate the New Year's Eve. "    


After saying this, the young man also looked at [Chief Li] with a smile. : "Big Brother Fatty, I know there must be a reason behind this.    


However, according to the rules of the Midnight Snack Restaurant, no one was allowed to work on New Year's Eve.    


It's the same for you. There's no need for you to welcome me. Muya is still waiting for you to go back and celebrate the New Year. "     1


"Yes, yes, yes. [Chief Li] He kept nodding in agreement.    


It was winter, but sweat kept flowing down his face.    


"Did you both hear that? Hurry up and put down the work in your hands and go back to spend time with your family!    


Don't worry, the salary will be paid!"    


[Chief Li] He turned around and shouted at Elder Zheng and Lil 'Lin. As he shouted, he kept winking at the two of them. There was a pleading look in his eyes.    




Elder Zheng and Lil' Lin had the same thought at the same time.    


The young man looked young, and when he spoke, he had a warm smile on his face. However, just a few words had made [Chief Li]. Scared like this, It could be seen that Chief Li... How scared he was of the young man.    


Regarding the young man's identity, the two of them had basically confirmed it in their hearts.    


"No, there's no need. We'll only leave after moving the goods into the warehouse."    


In front of this young man, for some reason, Xiao Lin became extremely nervous.    


"Yes, yes, this is our job."    


Elder Zheng also hurriedly said.    


His tone was as stuttering as Xiao Lin's.    


"Thank you for your hard work."    


The young man smiled and didn't say anything else. He led a group of people towards Midnight Snack Restaurant.    


When only Zheng and Xiao Lin were left outside, they were still in a daze, as if they were still immersed in the young man's strange aura.    


"This is bad. No matter how hard I talk, I'm still trembling. ..." " Elder Zheng scratched his head in confusion.    


"Quick! Hurry and move the goods!"    


Xiao Lin urged Elder Zheng to move the goods. He looked in the direction of the shop with excitement in his eyes.    








Ever since his soul had awakened in the Saint domain and fused with the body of this time and space, Ye Hong had planned to return to the Bluestar to take a look.    


He wanted to see what was different about the Bluestar in this new world compared to what he remembered.    


The people who came back with him naturally went to visit his family in the Saint domain.    


What was interesting was that in this brand new time and space, their family still had a shop called the Midnight Snack Restaurant.    


Moreover, this shop was the Midnight Snack Restaurant that Ye Hong opened in the Bailu City of the Ancient Bluestar when he traveled through time and returned to the past.    


Before he went to the ruins at the bottom of the sea, Ye Hong had transferred the snack restaurant to the Zhuang couple, Zhuang Zhuang and her husband.    


After walking around for a while, In the past hundred thousand years, the descendants of the Zhuang family made a fortune by relying on the recipes left behind by the Midnight Snack Restaurant and Ye Hong.    


Moreover, under the secret care of Li Zhouzhou, Li Tang Tang and the others, generations after generations passed down until now.    


Until a few years ago, the descendants of the Zhuang Family transferred the Midnight Snack Restaurant to Ye Hong's parents in this time and space.    


Coincidentally, the Midnight Snack Restaurant also gathered assistant Murong Tingmeng, staff supervisor Lee Dafa, kitchen chef Pu Yunyue, and others.    


Furthermore, the reason they joined the Midnight Snack Restaurant was almost the same as the other time and space.    


Ye Hong believed that even if he didn't transfer the shop to the Zhuang couple and didn't even open the shop, there would be other channels for this shop to appear in the next one hundred thousand years. There would also be other reasons for gathering those familiar faces.    


Perhaps this was the karma of time and space that Li Shi had once mentioned.    


Under the karma of time and space, the space-time line continued to develop towards the familiar memories of Ye Hong. It only removed the existence of the Star Demon Race on its own.    


"I miss it so much..."    


Ye Hong, who had entered the shop, reached out his hand to stroke the tables and chairs in the shop and murmured softly.    


The decoration style of the shop was almost the same as the Midnight Snack Restaurant in another time and space.    


Regarding this, Ye Hong could only sigh again at the power of the karma of time and space.    


"Brother, you haven't come back for a few years. Of course you miss everything in the shop." Ye Zhinuo grinned from the side.    


Ye Hong just smiled and didn't say anything.    


He was the only one who knew that he missed not only this Midnight Snack Restaurant, but also that unknown, time-space, and soul memory of the Midnight Snack Restaurant.    


"Alright, let's not talk so much.    


Today is New Year's Eve, we haven't prepared the New Year's Eve dinner yet.    


Child's mother, come and help me prepare."    


Ye Xiao said as he was about to bring Ann Xiaoying back to the kitchen.    


However, Ye Hong stopped him. "Dad, Mom, you guys can rest today. Leave the New Year's Eve dinner to me."    


Seeing the confident and calm smile on Ye Hong's face, Ye Xiao was stunned for a moment. Then, he deliberately put on a stern face and said, "brat, you are looking down on my cooking skills just because your cooking skills are better than mine, aren't you?"    


Ann Xiaoying looked at Ye Hong worriedly. "Hong, you have just been discharged from the hospital not long ago. You should stop working on these things."    


"Don't worry. I'm fine." Ye Hong comforted her with a smile and winked at Ye Zhinuo, who was covering her mouth and laughing.    


Ye Zhinuo understood and pulled Ye Xiao and Ann Xiaoying to the side to rest.    


"You guys should also sit down and rest well. It has been tough on the way." Ye Hong said to the group of people who had come with him in the shop.    


These people were all sent to him by Li Zhouzhou. They were the guards who had escorted him back to the Bluestar from the Holy Region.    


With Ye Hong's strength, he really couldn't think of anyone in the Holy Region who could threaten his safety.    


However, Li Zhouzhou, who was worried, insisted on sending this group of people to guard Ye Hong.    


Coincidentally, Ye Hong's family wanted to return to the Bluestar to celebrate the new year, so they brought them back along the way.    


"I will obey Senior Ye's orders!"    


The group of guards agreed in unison and went to the side to rest.    


Ye Hong didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw their respectful attitudes.    


Ordinary people might think that Ye Hong was only a cultivation genius, but the guards by Li Zhouzhou's side were different.    


With their identities, they could already vaguely understand the tip of Ye Hong's identity.    


That was why when they first met Ye Hong, they respectfully called him "Night Saint.    


Because they knew that the current unified calendar of the world, "Sacred Night Calendar," had something to do with Ye Hong.    


If it wasn't for the fact that Ye Hong didn't like Zhang Yang and forced them to change their minds, this title would have followed them all the way to the Bluestar.    


Just as Ye Hong shook his head and was about to head to the kitchen to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner, he saw Lee Dafa running in with a large group of employees.    


Their faces were full of panic and their footsteps were messy. From time to time, they looked in the direction of the restaurant.    


"Something, something big has happened!"    


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