Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C603 Is She Pregnant

C603 Is She Pregnant

4Fenng Siqi guessed and said, "Could it be that she is pregnant?"    


Her words woke up everyone present. Old Master Fenng was even more delighted.    


"Yes, could it be that you are pregnant? Counting the time, the two of you have been married for such a long time."    


Fenng Moye hurriedly bent down and asked Chung Rann, "Wife, I remember that you came on the 15th of last month's period. It is already the 20th of this month. Are you here?"    


Chung Rann's heart skipped a beat. "I don't think so."    


Everyone's faces lit up.    


Old Master Fenng was so happy that he almost could not close his mouth. "There's no need to say that. He must be pregnant."    


Chung Rann did not dare to be sure, because she was afraid that she would disappoint them.    


"Not necessarily. Maybe my stomach is not feeling well."    


Fenng Yanfei hurriedly got up and looked even more agitated than Chung Rann.    


"How about I go and buy a test paper for sister-in-law."    


Duan Youlin could not help but look at her, "You also know this."    


"Doesn't everyone know this? Have you never eaten pork before? Have you never seen a pig run before?"    


She was an adult, after all, and it wasn't to the extent that she didn't understand this.    


Duan Youlin was afraid that Fenng Yanfei would not be safe if she went out alone at night, so he also got up.    


"I will accompany you."    


"Okay, okay."    


The two of them left quickly. It was not far from the pharmacy. They were about ten minutes away.    


Duan Youlin was naturally happy. After all, he could still talk to her more.    


The two of them walked along the flowerbed. The dim light above their heads pulled them to their elders. In the quiet night, they could vaguely hear the sounds of insects and birds by the grass.    


Fenng Yanfei seemed to be in an especially high mood.    


"If sister-in-law can really get pregnant, that would be great. The two of them are so good-looking. The child they gave birth to will definitely be beautiful."    


Duan Youlin suddenly turned his head and asked her, "Do you like boys or girls?"    


"Girls. If it is a girl, I will definitely let her live freely like me. She will not be restrained."    


Fenng Yanfei said longingly. After all, she was from a wealthy family. Many things could not be controlled. It was only because her grandfather did not ask them to, that they could live freely.    


She had seen many young ladies from wealthy families. They looked bright and beautiful on the surface, but in fact, they lived very sadly every day.    


She did not want her daughter to be like this in the future. Her only wish was that her daughter would be able to live a peaceful and happy life.    


Duan Youlin nodded repeatedly. "What a coincidence. I think so too."    


Fenng Yanfei cast a sidelong glance at Duan Youlin. "What does this have to do with me? You like you, I like me."    


Duan Youlin was not pushed back by her few words. He reached out and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.    


"You are going to marry me in the future. You did not give birth to my child. Don't tell me you want to give birth to someone else's child?"    


"I haven't agreed yet." Fenng Yanfei really did not expect that this person would be so overbearing.    


Duan Youlin did not fall for her tricks. "If you don't agree, I will tell Old Master Fenng later and ask him to marry you to me."    


"Alright, don't say such useless things here. Hurry up and buy the pregnancy test kit for sister-in-law."    


Fenng Yanfei dragged Duan Youlin towards the pharmacy in front of them.    


As soon as the two of them entered, the salesperson came over to ask them.    


"May I ask what you want to buy?"    


"I want to buy a pregnancy test kit."    


Fenng Yanfei was not deeply involved in this matter and it was very normal for her to think about buying a pregnancy test kit. She also did not pay much attention to the people beside her.    


However, she and Duan Youlin were young. Both of them looked like they were in their early twenties. In addition, the two of them were also very good-looking, so they attracted the attention of others.    


When the salesperson heard that Fenng Yanfei was here to buy the pregnancy test kit, he immediately showed sympathy to her.    


"Little girl was really careless. Remember to protect yourself when you are outside. Especially girls. Even if the boys nowadays were that impulsive, they still had to take care of the little girl's body a little. At such a young age... if she were to get pregnant and have an abortion, it would have a huge impact on her."    


When Fenng Yanfei heard their words, she knew that they had misunderstood her.    


"It is not like that. You have misunderstood. This pregnancy test stick is not..."    


"Even if she is really pregnant, I will not let her have an abortion. I will let her give birth to this child."    


When the salesperson heard this, he even praised him.    


"Young man, that's more like it. A man should be responsible."    


The salesperson gave the pregnancy test kit to Fenng Yanfei and also told her a lot.    


Fenng Yanfei tried to explain again and again but was stopped by Duan Youlin. The two of them bought the pregnancy test kit and left the pharmacy.    


After they went out, Fenng Yanfei asked, "Why didn't you let me explain to them clearly?"    


Duan Youlin said, "Do you think they seemed to listen to other people's explanation? If you explain at this time, it will only get messier and messier. It would be better to not say anything. Anyway, it has nothing to do with them who is pregnant. Whether or not they give birth to this child has nothing to do with them. "    


Fenng Yanfei thought about it and seemed to have thought of something.    


"You are right. What can I explain to these unrelated people? Let's go back first. Big Brother must be waiting at home. This is an important moment that can decide whether he can be a father or not. "    


"Okay, let's go."    


After the two of them went back, Fenng Yanfei hurriedly passed the pregnancy test stick to Chung Rann.    


"Sister-in-law, quickly go. We are all waiting for you downstairs."    


"Yes." Chung Rann was not very averse to pregnancy, but she was not very happy either. She just felt that if she had this child, it would be a good thing for them. After all, this was the crystallization of their love. "    


Although she had never thought about it before, if it really happened, she would not be very averse to it.    


Everyone was waiting downstairs. This was the time to decide whether the Fenng family would be able to get more people.    


Old Master Fenng was almost smiling from ear to ear. He hurriedly instructed Tian Jing.    


"Quickly go and find a master to take a look. Let's choose a nice name when the time comes."    


Tian Jing couldn't help but laugh. "Master, it's too early. We haven't even confirmed if she's pregnant and is in a hurry to give her name?"    


"She will definitely be pregnant. She must be pregnant."    


Old Master Fenng seemed to be praying, afraid that this hope would be missed.    


A few minutes later, Chung Rann came down from upstairs. Fenng Moye hurriedly went up, his eyes full of expectation.    


"Wife, how is it?"    


Chung Rann, on the other hand, looked calm. "Yes, I am pregnant."    


"Pregnant, pregnant. Sister-in-law is really pregnant."    


"Sister is pregnant. Then I'm not going to be an uncle."    


"Then I'm going to be a great-grandfather. I can finally carry a great-grandson."    


Old Master Fenng almost couldn't close his mouth from laughing.    


Tian Jing was also happy. "Yes, yes, you are going to hug a great-grandson. That's good."    


The atmosphere in the living room became happier because Chung Rann was pregnant.    


Fenng Moye knew Chung Rann was pregnant and immediately became alert.    


"In that case, you have to be careful. Wife, leave everything else in the company to me in the future. You don't have to be busy anymore."    


It sounded like he wanted her to focus on waiting for delivery in the future.    


Old Master Fenng seemed to have thought of something again and said to Fenng Moye.    


"Also, you will accompany Rann to the hospital tomorrow. Her current condition should also need to go to the hospital for a detailed check-up."    


"I know, Grandfather. I will accompany Rann tomorrow. Don't worry."    


Old Master Fenng sighed. "It's a pity. If Changdong did not do something wrong, you would at least have someone to accompany you in your current situation. It is better than having someone busy."    


Everyone knew very well that Old Master Fenng started to feel sad again. After all, Fenng Changdong was also a member of Fenng family. How could he not feel upset?    


Fenng Yanfei did not want to see Old Master Fenng disappointed, so she went up to comfort him.    


"Grandfather, you can't be blamed, and you can't blame anyone else. It was his own decision. What does it have to do with us? When he wanted to harm you, he didn't think that you were his grandfather."    


Old Master Fenng was very clear about this, so he waved his hand.    


"Fine, fine. This is their own choice. Let's sit down and eat. Tian Jing, ask the kitchen to make some light food. Now that Young Madam is pregnant, she doesn't want to eat those greasy food."    


Tian Jing nodded. "I'll go right now."    


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