Planned Love



0"The child has been around for 16 weeks, and everything is normal. I still can't find anything." Sheng Yun replied.    


He kept his hand on mine, tight and tight. I could tell from his voice that he was very afraid of his grandfather.    


The person standing behind his grandfather should be his parents, right? His father, however, looked small, lethargic, and a little sickly, with no trace of his grandfather or his bearing. His mother was red-faced and rich, but her eyes were full of hostility when she looked at me.    


No wonder his grandfather went past his father and chose him as his successor. His father did indeed look weak, not strong enough to carry the burden.    


"Height, weight, and looks are all above average. What about education?" His grandfather looked me up and down, then gave me an evaluation.    


The tone was casual, giving me the feeling that I was pork on a chopping block.    


"Graduated from a key university in the country. I've checked and found out that he graduated as a top student. He receives a scholarship every year." Sheng Yun's answer surprised me.    


Unexpectedly, he had even investigated on this.    


"Mm …" His grandfather nodded slightly. His expression was not particularly satisfied, but he also did not dislike him. He asked again, "Where's your family background?"    


"My parents went into business early on and died early because of the accident. The current Xu's Group was something that belonged to her parents in the early days. " Sheng Yun replied respectfully, but his hand was still tightly holding onto my hand.    


"Orphan …" His grandfather looked at me again and frowned slightly.    


When I heard this, I couldn't take it anymore. I got rid of Sheng Yun's hand and looked at his grandfather: "Sheng Dong, I have something to say."    


He probably didn't expect me to say anything, so he gave me a surprised look and nodded, indicating that I could speak.    


Sheng Yun gave me a warning look, which I didn't mind. I looked at his grandfather and said, "Sorry, I haven't considered having this child."    


The moment I said this, the people behind the old man sighed.    


At this time, Sheng Yun's mother said in an extremely sharp tone, "What do you mean by that? Since the start, only our family has been able to recognize this child's bloodline, so it's not up to you to consider whether or not you'll give birth to it. Moreover, it might not even be a seed of Sheng Family. "    


"Let her talk." The old man signaled her not to speak, then looked at me and said flatly, "If you have any conditions, just say them."    


"There are no conditions. I just don't like it when someone imposes his will on me. The child in my own womb, I'll decide for myself. " I looked at him fearlessly.    


The old man's gaze immediately became colder. He coldly replied, "You overestimate yourself!"    


"Grandfather, it's unavoidable that she's emotional since she's pregnant. I'll calm her down. If there's nothing else, I'll take her back to bed first. " Sheng Yun hurriedly said when he saw this.    


I wasn't sure if he was trying to excuse me.    


"Wait!" The old man gave a low growl and looked at me. "So you don't want this child?"    


"Yes." I looked at him and said yes.    


"You don't regret it?" He looked at me and asked, "Do you know how many women push their way through the door of our Sheng Family to the point of wanting to enter?    


"I didn't think that the child's arrival was an accident." I straightened up and said in a tone that was neither servile nor overbearing.    


"Yun!" The old man's tone turned even more sullen. "What happened?"    


"Grandfather, I will take care of this matter. You don't have to worry about it." Sheng Yun hurriedly replied and then prepared to pull me along to leave.    


"If it's not your child in her womb, you'll take full responsibility for it! The heir was a big matter for the entire family, and it was also the old man's sore point for a long time. Sheng Yun! You'd better not make this old man angry! " At this time, his mother opened her mouth again. Her tone was very aggressive, not towards me, but towards Sheng Yun.    


"Mother, I understand." Sheng Yun concealed his sullen mood and casually replied.    


I'm a little curious, why is it that the woman who killed Sheng Yun's mother that year is still safe and sound? Furthermore, Sheng Yun doesn't dare to be disrespectful to her.    


Could it be that there was some sort of secret behind this?    


"This kind of woman has an improper path, bringing in Sheng Family would only bring shame to the sect. "Your cousin has graduated from Yale University. Regardless of her looks or education, everything matches yours. I really don't understand why you have to choose such an unorthodox method!" Sheng Yun's mother said in dissatisfaction.    


Hearing this, I suddenly understood why Sheng Yun was so anxious to be public and why he took me into his house in such a hurry. He resolutely decided to let me have this child.    


So, it was a forced marriage. Coincidentally, the child was able to make it in time.    


"Let's wait until this child is born." The old man spoke again, and then said in a tone that was neither light nor heavy, "Blame yourself for being childless."    


Perhaps it was that sentence that stabbed at his mother's sore spot. His mother's gaze was like a knife, looking at me and also at Sheng Yun.    


However, after having interacted with his family for a short period of time, I was able to understand the complex nature of this family. It was obvious that his father had no right to speak, that this old man was a grown man, and that his mother was a domineering person.    


No matter how strong the old man was, he was already too old to speak properly. Even if he did try his best to help Sheng Yun, as long as he left, his mother and his three sisters who were overseas would find ways to get into trouble.    


"That must be because this woman is carrying a son. Otherwise, you, old man, would still end up empty-handed." his mother snapped back.    


"How dare you!" The old man was enraged and his body was on the verge of collapsing. The butler hurried to support him.    


"Yun, you have to work hard." "Go, go. I'm also tired. Everyone can leave now." The old man was visibly out of strength, and began to cough violently, shaking his hand a little, not even having the strength to argue with his mother.    


I looked at Sheng Yun in silence. In this magnificent and lifeless crowd, I suddenly felt the heaviness on his body.    


He didn't say anything as he led me out of the villa. When he regained his breath, he let out a long breath and pulled me straight into the car.    


"Aren't you eating here, young master?" the driver asked respectfully.    


"No, there's a trap tonight." Sheng Yun answered.    


I chuckled and said disdainfully, "So it's only using me. Why did you pretend to be so sincere when you were in America before?"    


Love, love, truths and lies, true and false, mixed in with the interests and desires, really people mixed feelings, do not know the so-called.    


"The situation is real, and the usage is also real." He looked at me and said rather helplessly, "Most of the time, I can't help myself."    


"What if I insist on not wanting this child?" I asked coldly. Suddenly, my belly moved magically.    


This... Was it movement of the fetus?    


In that instant, all the blood in my body froze. He'd never experienced such a feeling before.    


"Shubei, we're already at this stage. There's no retreat for either of us." He looked at me meaningfully. "If you help me, I'll help you."    


"I don't need your help." My expression froze as I subconsciously said.    


"I'm not an idiot. I know that the injuries on your body are not as simple as suicide." he said suddenly.    


"You know everything?" I was surprised.    


This man, when was he really in love, and when was he acting? I couldn't tell at all.    


He smiled and looked at me with deep eyes and said, "I'm helping me, and I'm helping you. Without me, do you think your revenge would still be possible? "    


So it turned out that nothing could escape his eyes.    


Indeed, Huang Xiaoxiang and Xu Tianyi wanted to kill me. Even if I managed to escape this time, there would still be a next time. The only reason they dared to do that is because their Xu Family s are strong and I am just a nobody.    


But now, the situation was very different.    


Sheng Yun announced my relationship with him to the outside world. Although he doesn't promise to marry me, I understand that as long as I want to fight for it, it's not like there isn't a chance.    


Thinking of this, I finally understood Sheng Yun's full intention for doing this. He wasn't as selfish as I thought he was. He was doing it for himself and for my safety.    


It's just that he's used to sneering. He won't tell me all of his thoughts. I could not guess his people, could not guess his feelings, and could only guess a little of his intentions from his words and actions.    


When I understood this, and looked at him again, my eyes became complicated.    


"Do you know how it feels to me to see you so many times?" he asked suddenly, looking at me.    


I shook my head.    


It's like seeing a stubborn little chicken flopping around in the water with all its might. It clearly has wings, yet it can't fly, and it clearly has two claws that can't float freely in the water like a duckling. It clearly knows that it's safer on the shore, but it likes to be brave and indulge in the water. His metaphor was vivid, but it made me feel something was wrong.    


But I admit it, and I have no power to refute it. No matter how hard I try, I know that right now, I'm still very weak.    


"Sometimes, a person's power is too limited, and a single person is nothing more than the courage of a man. People need to learn how to borrow strength. I understood that at the age of 17. " he said slowly, a flash of pain in his eyes.    


I suddenly thought of what Shang Yang said, he had lost contact with the Sheng Family before, and wandered around outside for more than a year. In the end, he finally understood, that was why he had the so called success in the eyes of the common people when he returned to the Sheng Family to wholeheartedly study.    


"Chickens can neither fly nor swim. If they want to soar in the sky, they need to put their hands on the eagle's shoulders. If they want to blend into the sea, they need to find a giant ship to sail on. Now that the eagle has spread its wings and the giant ship is willing to carry you forward, you insist on drowning yourself to death with a plop in the water. Do you think you're stupid? " he asked, turning to me with a hint of amusement in his eyes.    


"You are the chicken! Your whole family is made up of chickens! " I finally got the gist of what he was saying, and I roared and punched him in the chest with my fist.    


He grabbed my hand and pushed me down on the extra long Lincoln seat.    




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