Planned Love



0I put down the book in my hands and turned to look coldly at the door. I saw Huang Xiaoxiang rushing in with a murderous look on her face.    2


"You actually dare to come here? It seems that you've truly forgotten what you've done to me here." I said coldly when I met her eyes.    


"Slut!" I tell you! "Even if you get this house, you won't be able to live in peace!" Huang Xiaoxiang pointed at me with her hands on her hips and scolded, "I knew you would ruin my heart today. I should have killed you back then! Save yourself the trouble! Today, this old lady will fight it out with you! "    


"Aunt, aren't you afraid of being punished by the heavens for saying such words in this house?" I was trembling with anger. "I think you know very well whether my parents were in a car accident or a human disaster. After so many years of squandering, don't tell me that you guys aren't worried about your conscience? Luckily, my parents helped me carry you guys back then. If it wasn't for my parents, you might still be farming in that small mountain village! How can there be ingrate like you in this world? "    


"What a sharp tongued fox spirit!" Now that you hooked up with Sheng Yun, you must be serious, right? Do you really think I'm afraid of you? " She rushed in front of me, and I hid behind the sofa to prevent her from making a move against me.    


"Back then, it was you that caused me to miscarry so I couldn't have more children. All these years, I've only taken advantage of those foxes outside!" Today, I will let you have a taste of my past! If I can't kill you that day, I don't believe that you will be safe and sound today! I want to see, without the seed in your stomach, who will help you?! " She looked as if she wished she could swallow me alive.    


"You better not do anything reckless or you won't regret it." I hid behind the sofa and watched her approach. I circled the sofa as hard as I could, trying to keep her away from me.    


However, looking at her crazy appearance, it seemed like she wanted to come with me today.    


Didn't Sheng Yun go out to answer the phone? Why hasn't he come for so long? I began to worry.    


If I didn't have this child in my womb, I wouldn't be afraid of her at all. But now that I'm pregnant, what's wrong with the baby in my belly... At this point, I suddenly realized that I was not completely oblivious to this child, I had already started to care about TA's existence.    


"What do I regret? "I don't have time to be happy. First, I'll get rid of your child. Then, I'll get rid of that bitch Ren Yingying. Then, I won't have to suffer such humiliation anymore!" Huang Xiaoxiang narrowed her eyes. The sight of her terrified me.    


"Huang Xiaoxiang, look at you now. You are dark, ugly, and vicious. No wonder Xu Changsheng was raised a fox spirit outside. No wonder your son refused to listen to you. You deserve it!" You deserve it! You said that you weren't afraid of retribution, but retribution still came … Huang Xiaoxiang, you're already very scared, aren't you? "I'm already old, and my husband doesn't care about you anymore. My son won't listen to you anymore. Look at your ugly appearance. If I were you, I wouldn't even have the face to live in this world." I tried to goad her, to stall for time, and to move as far as I could toward the door, hoping to take the opportunity to get out.    


"What did you say?" You little cousin, one more time! See, I won't tear your mouth apart! " She was so angry that she threw herself at me.    


Taking advantage of this, I ran for my life towards the door, and just as I thought I was running for my life, I ran into a man's soft arms!    


I was pleasantly surprised. Before I could even raise my head to look at him, he had already spoken. "If I didn't experience Auntie's grace today, I really wouldn't have known that Auntie would have such a side to her."    


"Ah..." "Yun, why are you here?" Huang Xiaoxiang stuttered the moment she saw Sheng Yun.    


"Why is Auntie here? Do you want to help Shubei's new family? " Sheng Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at Huang Xiaoxiang. Then, with a wave of his hand, he pulled me into his embrace and looked at Huang Xiaoxiang arrogantly.    


I felt relieved and replied along with Sheng Yun, "That's right, since aunt is so enthusiastic, why don't you help me clean the house from top to bottom. "Aunt, you should be happy, right?"    


"You wish!" Huang Xiaoxiang was so angry that her neck became thick and she almost vomited blood.    


"Auntie didn't come over to help. What did she come here for?" Sheng Yun's tone was very casual. As he spoke, he gently stroked my belly and then said with a smile, "Just now, I wanted to hear that someone wanted to kill my child. I want to see if she has the guts! "    


When Sheng Yun said this, he glanced sideways at Huang Xiaoxiang. Perhaps it was because Sheng Yun's gaze was too terrifying, but Huang Xiaoxiang was so scared that she staggered two steps and quickly waved her hands, "You must have heard wrong. No one said that. How could it be?"    


"It would be best if I heard wrong, but … If anything happens to the child in Shubei's womb, I will definitely get even with that person immediately. "At that time, I won't care about the Buddhist Sangha, I will make her live a life worse than death." Sheng Yun said fiercely.    


When he said this, he suddenly tightened his grip on my hand. I sensed that he was really angry.    


"Yun, you're right. Auntie just came to see if there's anything I can help with. Auntie loved cleaning when I was at home. Auntie will help with the cleaning now …" Huang Xiaoxiang was shocked by Sheng Yun's words. She was so scared that even her tone changed and her attitude changed drastically.    


"Alright, then I'll be troubling Auntie. We're not going anywhere. We'll just wait here for Auntie to finish her sweep. Auntie, if you need any help, just call us. " Sheng Yun smiled faintly and then walked over while hugging me. He brought me to sit on the leather sofa in the villa.    


Huang Xiaoxiang was familiar with the place, so she found a broom very quickly. She started cleaning the broom without stopping and even smiled while sweeping: "Yun, don't say anything to your uncle. Your uncle doesn't know I'm here." "Don't let this affect the business between you and your uncle."    


"Don't worry, Auntie. You can sweep slowly." Sheng Yun said politely, but the smile on his face was very playful.    


The sofa was already mottled. Sheng Yun led me to sit for a while, then we were smeared by the dust that Huang Xiaoxiang cleaned up. We sat on the stone steps at the entrance, and Sheng Yun kept looking back to see if Huang Xiaoxiang was lazy. When he saw her waving the broom in the mansion with her tight skirt, Sheng Yun asked me with a smile that wasn't a smile, "Did you get over your anger?"    


"Not yet. It's still far from what I want." I pointed to the pomegranate tree in the yard and said, "That tree was planted by my father the year I was born. Every year after that, there would be pomegranate flowers and a lot of pomegranates. Since the year of my family's accident, the tree has not bloomed. Every year, when the pomegranate blooms, I would secretly come here to see this tree, but I never see a flower blooming every year. "    


"I once found her under a pomegranate tree …" Sheng Yun said meaningfully.    


"Who?" I asked, suddenly thinking of his own mother.    


"Nothing." Sheng Yun's expression instantly turned cold. He walked in front of the pomegranate tree and touched the pomegranate branches and the tender shoots on it. His brows were deeply furrowed, as if he was immersed in painful memories.    


After a long moment, he turned to me and said, "Are you afraid to live here alone?"    


"No, don't worry." "No," I said.    


"The two of them will be patrolling the house. If you're afraid, contact them at any time." Sheng Yun said.    


I knew that he was doing it for the safety of me and my child, so I didn't reject him.    


The dust in the room was very heavy. Sheng Yun didn't want Huang Xiaoxiang to be able to clean it for her, so he quickly called the professional cleaners to come in and clean it. As for Huang Xiaoxiang, she walked out with a broomstick full of dust.    


"Yun, I... I'm tired, I have high blood pressure, and I'm dizzy. " Huang Xiaoxiang pleaded for mercy.    


"Auntie, I have troubled you. I'll send someone to watch over this place from now on. If auntie has nothing to do, you'd better not come over here. Otherwise, if you're missing an arm or a leg, it's really hard for me to explain it to Uncle and Tianyi. " Sheng Yun still spoke politely.    


It was the first time I had seen someone speak so gently of a threat.    


"Don't worry, Yun. Auntie will promise not to wander around here in the future." Huang Xiaoxiang wiped her sweat with her dirty hands, then put the broom aside and pitifully asked, "Yun, can I go now?"    


"Auntie, if you're tired then go back first. Say hi to uncle and me for me." I will definitely not tell them about what happened today, so you can rest assured. " Sheng Yun said with a smile and then waved to Huang Xiaoxiang.    


Huang Xiaoxiang got into her car as if she was escaping, turned around and ran away. I guessed that she wouldn't be able to find fault with someone who bullies the weak and fears the strong for a while, and couldn't help but feel relieved.    


I didn't expect that she, who was always domineering and ruthless, would actually be treated to the point of wholeheartedly admitting it. This made me very surprised. Even if the Xu family's business relied on the care of Golden Age, she wasn't afraid that Sheng Yun would become like this, right?    


Thinking about this, I turned to Sheng Yun and asked, "Does she have something up her sleeve? Otherwise, with her personality, she wouldn't be afraid of you, a junior. "    


"Of course there's a clue." Sheng Yun said confidently. Then, he suddenly raised my chin and said, "Let's go. I'll bring you to a place."    




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